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  • My favorite part about summer mornings is that I can snooze my alarm Good morning vlog and welcome back today.


  • I'm really going back to my roots.


  • I'm doing one of the first videos I've ever done on my channel, which is my morning routine.


  • Hey guys, so if you couldn't tell by the title I'm doing a morning routine.


  • I really hope you guys like this video and thanks for watching However, this is not gonna be a school morning routine where I wake up really early get my stuff done This is a realistic summer morning routine and to be honest I have been sleeping in so late ever since I've been home in Minnesota as much as I would like to say I wake up at 6 every morning in the summer.


  • I Don't I think it's especially because I did just get out of school So I'm used to having to wake up early and have all these things going on And I've just been really enjoying the freedom and ability to sleep in a little too much Of course, I'm just starting out my morning with a little bit of skincare I usually do my skincare over there in that mirror.


  • The lighting is too good over here to pass up I wake up to the sound of birds.


  • I feel very at peace when I'm home I feel grounded.


  • So even though my summer mornings are a lot more relaxed I do still have kind of a general gist of a routine that I like to do So yeah, this is gonna be my relaxed chill summer morning routine.


  • You guys can hang out with me.


  • Also, do you guys like my new pajamas?


  • I've been a big breakfast girl recently and you might be like Sydney.


  • What does that even mean?


  • I've been enjoying kind of making more elaborate breakfasts, especially when I was in college I feel like I would just be running out the door so I would grab something to go that was easy So I've been doing my peace and quiet at home and I've been kind of trying out some new fun breakfasts this morning I woke up craving Pancakes, so obviously that's exactly what I'm gonna make but I don't want to do the box pancakes I want to actually make them from scratch.


  • I'm not the best cook.


  • We know this so let's just hope for the best So this is LG's stand by me.


  • It's essentially like a crossover between a TV and a tablet My favorite way to use this is by airplane and I just have a giant phone screen on the stand by me My family's also obsessed with this like I just never know where it is because they're always using it I'm using this so I can make a certain pancake My mom's also been using it a ton for recipes because it's just so nice to have it blown up when you're Trying to make something if I wanted to look up the recipe online I can just type in pancake Recipe and you can just select it this way too.


  • This is actually the exact recipe that I was looking at earlier Oh my god, I hope mine look like this Don't get your hopes up This is also so nice because you can move it so easily since there's wheels on the bottom of it So I can just roll it with me wherever I go.


  • You can also easily change the layout to this So I made it horizontal or I can swift it back to vertical Oh Okay, I forgot I had this it's one of those healthy immune system shot things there's ginger and turmeric in this two of my least favorite things Like honestly, I'd rather take a regular shot.


  • Oh My god You Since I'm the only one eating this I decided to half the recipe and I feel like this is usually Where things go wrong for me in cooking even though it should be simple math Okay, not bad I Am so proud of myself.


  • Well, actually, let me not speak too soon.


  • It looks good Good morning Pancakes without syrup would truly be criminal taste test I Actually, not bad.


  • I will say there's a strong egg presence in this Potentially because it asked for a whole egg and I was only supposed to do half an egg since I have the recipe besides that It's pretty good You guys would be so proud of me I've been on my workout grind recently I've worked out pretty consistently past two weeks.


  • I don't know if it's because I'm home from college I just don't have as much to do but I've been liking to watch YouTube videos I really like Alexis Redd workout videos.


  • Also using my standby me This is the butt workout that I've been doing like so much the past couple weeks all you have to do to connect it wirelessly is tap your device against this logo right here and It automatically will stream on the standby me You Me and Ashton Ashton's my brother, by the way, you didn't know we're taking the dogs on a walk since we have two dogs It's easier if we both do it.


  • Otherwise we get yanked around.


  • It's just one of us doing it.


  • Say hi so What's new with you It is so hot already.


  • I think it's 90 degrees.


  • Is it 90?


  • Whoa, you know that we're siblings when we both wear socks or sandals how I Just got a body shower because I felt Gross I also love my new jewelry.

    二人とも靴下やサンダルを履いている時点で、私たちが兄弟であることがわかるわ。 キモいと思って、ボディシャワーを浴びたばかりなの。

  • Do you guys like it?


  • It's a little set I got but I'm just gonna do my makeup quickly for today I don't like to do a lot of makeup, especially in the summer just because I feel like I sweat it all off Anyways, my makeup rituals these days Consist of sitting in front of my mirror and watching a Vogue makeup video while I do my own makeup It makes doing my makeup so much more fun I love Madison beer as you guys know I feel like it just kind of makes it feel like you've company when you're doing your makeup Like you're getting ready with a girlfriend.


  • And of course, I'm using my stand by me because it's portable I can bring it everywhere and it lasts on a three-hour charge.


  • So I Okay, you guys my makeup is done it's very light today, but yeah, that's gonna be all for today's video I am gonna actually start my day now and make sure to check out stand by me I'll link it down below for you guys, but I love you, and I'll see you next Sunday.


  • Bye guys You


My favorite part about summer mornings is that I can snooze my alarm Good morning vlog and welcome back today.


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