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  • Was it a sell the new sort of thing or was it disappointing the features that they announced with so much expectation around A.I.


  • I think there were a lot of expectations. I think that Apple met the expectations. I think that Wall Street had put a lot of pressure on Apple to deliver a suite of new features. And Apple did just that. There's nothing here that leapfrogs the competition.


  • There's nowhere here where Apple now can claim that it is the best. Right. Typically when Apple is this late to the party it comes in with the best outfit. That didn't happen this time around. Right. It came in with a me too set of initiatives here for

    今のアップルが最高だと主張できるところはどこにもありません。そう。通常、アップルがこのように遅れてパーティーに参加する場合、最高の衣装で登場します。今回はそうはなりませんでした。そう。その取り組みは「Me too」と似たような一連の構想とともにAI分野に導入されましたが、

  • A.I. differentiated by really deep integration and a focus on features that it believes consumers can use on a day to day basis. But there is nothing here that's a breakthrough. When open A.I. showed off chat GPT for the first time that was a breakthrough in terms of the core technologies. Same thing with some of Microsoft's recent A.I. announcements. Same thing with meta and Google A.I. announcements. Apple is a more simplified approach. And so I think it's a combination of nothing earth shattering here. Nothing particularly groundbreaking. Combined with the sell the news given that this had been the expectation for some time. Expectations that Apple itself set.


  • It was a keynote of almost two hours and yet when it came to the partnership with open A.I. we didn't get much. Why.


  • Well the opening a partnership is one component of the overall A.I. story. Right. As we've talked about several times there are three components here to the A.I. strategy. There's an on device large language model that powers things like summarizing notifications prioritizing information proactively presenting information to the user. There's the cloud based LLM which uses the cloud on the edge so to speak to provide additional data in terms of processing text summarizing articles and such. And open


  • A.I. is the third prong and or the third leg of the stool. And they're providing the functionality for a chat bot. So there wasn't a whole lot more to say. Right. Apple doesn't want to sort of overtake or let open A.I. overtake its own A.I. tools.


  • Right. It's one piece of the puzzle. What about privacy. Because securing customer data was a major theme of the presentation. And yet when it came to Elon Musk we kept hearing from him taking hits at Apple in terms of security saying that he would ban Apple devices from his companies if open A.I. is A.I. software is integrated.


  • You know I just think this is the fact of where we are right now in terms of consumer devices. Open A.I.'s artificial intelligence technology and feature set is so advanced that it's becoming ubiquitous. You see it powering some of the underlying models from


  • Microsoft from Google. I mean you name it. Right. So this is just par for the course. Elon is going to end up having to ban every phone from coming into his offices. If this continues I chalk this up as just him wanting some attention on this big day for


  • Apple. Don't forget Elon was a core player in the early innings of open A.I. and had a falling out with some of the other players at the company. And so you know maybe he feels a little left out.


Was it a sell the new sort of thing or was it disappointing the features that they announced with so much expectation around A.I.


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