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  • If you bought one Bitcoin in 2019 at $4,000, it'd be worth over $70,000 right now, a 1,700% return.


  • That's a new record high.


  • Sound familiar? In 2021, that same investment would have been worth $58,000.


  • But just six months laterCrypto king to criminal suspects.


  • It's not just big companies, but real people losing a lot of money.


  • You'd have lost $40,000.


  • The crypto market's capitalization fell from $2.9 trillion to $798 billion. But there are two differences between then and now that could change how long this run lasts and who's affected.

    暗号市場の資本金は2兆9000億ドルから7980億ドルに減少した。 しかし、当時と今とでは2つの違いがあり、この状況がいつまで続くのか、そして誰が影響を受けるのかを変える可能性がある。

  • First, let's look into where the money going into this surge is coming from.


  • In 2024, inflation has largely settled compared to before.


  • Consumers are still spending, and breakthroughs in AI are helping to drive a market rally.


  • The Dow even passed $40,000 for the first time ever in May.


  • All of this means investors have more cash on hand to bet on riskier assets, creating the right environment for a run on crypto.


  • And they're actually making money.


  • These markets have life.


  • These markets go up. Unlike 2024, the 2021 crypto rally took place during a different type of market rally, beginning here.

    これらの市場は上昇する。 2024年とは異なり、2021年のクリプトラリーは、ここから始まる異なるタイプの相場上昇中に起こった。

  • When COVID hit, markets plummeted.


  • So the Federal Reserve stepped in, spending trillions of dollars to reverse this drop.


  • And the Treasury sent Americans stimulus checks to keep the economy churning.


  • We got the stimulus checks and a lot of retail investors put it into the crypto market.


  • It's sort of a reflection of a lot of money sloshing around in the markets.


  • And they found their way into these speculative corners of the markets.


  • That's why crypto went up so much during the pandemic era. Then that influx stopped.

    だから、暗号はパンデミック時代に大きく上昇した。 その後、その流入は止まった。

  • In 2022, inflation became a real problem.


  • The Federal Reserve said it was going to raise interest rates to tame price pressures.


  • All of a sudden, all kinds of risky assets and crypto went down.


  • Then immediately things started breaking. While crypto is still considered risky today, some say that current underlying market conditions could keep the rally going a bit longer.

    その後、すぐに事態は打開され始めた。 暗号は現在でもリスクが高いと考えられているが、現在の市場の基礎的な状況は、もう少し上昇を続ける可能性があると言う人もいる。

  • A lot of crypto bulls believe that there is no limit in terms of where Bitcoin can go.


  • Some have put out really aggressive price targets of more than a million.


  • And the way retail investors are placing their bets differently factors into those price targets. This year, regulators approved a new, easier way to invest in crypto.

    そして、個人投資家の賭け方は、その目標価格に影響を与える。 今年、規制当局は暗号への投資をより簡単にする新しい方法を承認した。

  • Spot Bitcoin ETFs.


  • They allow investors to buy into a fund, the F part of ETF, that then buys Bitcoins.


  • And since ETFs are available in most major brokerage accounts, investing in Bitcoins has become easier.


  • So you can open your trading app and then just buy Bitcoin alongside your other assets.


  • They're run by Wall Street giants like Fidelity and BlackRock, who take on the responsibility of safeguarding customers' Bitcoin holdings against hacking and other cybersecurity risks. There were a lot of expectations for these Bitcoin ETFs to open the gateway for retail investors.

    これらのETFは、フィデリティやブラックロックといったウォール街の大手によって運営されており、ハッキングやその他のサイバーセキュリティリスクから顧客のビットコイン保有を保護する責任を負っている。 これらのビットコインETFは、個人投資家への門戸を開くものとして多くの期待が寄せられていた。

  • That sort of translated into higher price for Bitcoin.


  • Because the more money you put into these funds, the asset managers would then go out and buy Bitcoin.


  • So it becomes sort of a circular trend where the more investors want to buy Bitcoin, the more the price of Bitcoin goes up.


  • In the last rally, most investors still had to trade on crypto exchanges.


  • Many put their money into new, unregulated exchanges like FTX, which collapsed when investors tried to withdraw their money en masse.


  • The collapse of FTX has sent shockwaves across the cryptocurrency industry.


  • FTX didn't have enough money to cover the transactions, partly because executives had used customer deposits for personal spending and other illegal activities.


  • It really kind of tainted the reputation of the crypto industry, and Bitcoin started falling rapidly to as low as $16,000 towards the end of 2022. But with these high-profile bad actors flushed out and Wall Street on the crypto bandwagon, the cryptocurrency market now has investors who were skeptical before pushing the market cap to $2.6 trillion.

    ビットコインは2022年末には16,000ドルまで急落した。 しかし、これらの有名な悪役が一掃され、ウォール街が暗号のバンドワゴンに乗ったことで、暗号通貨市場は今や、以前は懐疑的だった投資家たちが時価総額を2.6兆ドルに押し上げるまでになった。

  • It kind of brought this sense of comfort for investors who are familiar with these Wall Street brands and know that the asset they invested in is in a more regulated vehicle. But crypto's main attraction is still its promise of high risks and high rewards.

    このようなウォール街のブランドに慣れ親しみ、投資した資産がより規制されたビークルにあることを知っている投資家にとっては、一種の安心感がもたらされた。 しかし、暗号の最大の魅力は、ハイリスクとハイリターンが約束されていることだ。

  • A lot of crypto skeptics believe that even though Bitcoin is going up now, it's bound to repeat its previous trajectory of going down or maybe even going to zero.


If you bought one Bitcoin in 2019 at $4,000, it'd be worth over $70,000 right now, a 1,700% return.


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