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  • Energy is pretty amazing! So amazing that as a species we use around 15 terawatts at any given moment!

  • That’s equivalent to 15 trillion watts. Consider this average light bulb which consumes roughly 100 watts.

  • One single terawatt could power 10 billion of them at the same time.

  • Of the world’s energy, the US consumes about 25% , while Google alone accounts for roughly 0.013%.

  • This is enough energy to continuously power 200,000 homes.

  • Food also contains energy, which is measured in calories or joules. 1 Food Calorie is equal to roughly 4200 Joules of energy.

  • So how long would you have to plug yourself into a wall to get a days worth of food energy?

  • If we take a standard daily diet for a male of around 2500 Food Calories,

  • we find that our bodies need around 10,000,000 Joules of energy each day.

  • Take something like your laptop, which charges at about 50 Joules per second,

  • and it would take roughly 55 hours to charge yourself.

  • On the other hand, if we charged at the energy input of a microwave which is roughly 1,500 Joules per second, it would only take 1.9 hours!

  • Even more amazing is the fact that this much energy would cost roughly 33 cents in North America.

  • 33 cents for your daily intake of energy! It’s too bad we can’t just plug in.

  • But if you took all that energy, how big of an explosion could it make?

  • Well, 1 Food Calorie is conveniently equal to 1 gram of the explosive TNT. So if you eat 2,500 food calories in a day,

  • youre looking at the equivalent of about 44 WW2 hand grenades.

  • That’s a pretty big explosion!

  • But it should be no surprise that energy can cause damage; after all weve all experienced an electric shock.

  • But how much electricity does it take to actually kill a human?

  • Surprisingly little.

  • 7 milliamps, for as little as 3 seconds, to be exact.

  • This is equivalent to a AAA battery straight to the heart.

  • You see, electricity actually kills by interrupting the heart rhythm.

  • But our body has built in protection, like your skin, so it doesn’t go straight to your heart.

  • However with something like lightning, all bets are off.

  • In fact, a lightning bolt can hit over 1 billion volts!

  • The reason some people survive lightning strikes is based on the path it takes through their body.

  • If the heart goes untouched, you can come out alive.

  • Which shows you just how awesome and powerful nature really is.

  • What may surprise you more is that every minute, enough sunlight reaches the earth’s surface to satisfy the world’s energy demands for an entire year.

  • That’s right, roughly 174 petawatts of energy hits the earth from the sun!

  • Of course the biggest challenge is finding efficient ways to properly harness this solar power.

  • And all this energy and heat are a major contributing factor to the creation of wind

  • sometimes so powerful that we see things like hurricanes. But not only can wind turbines take advantage of the wind to create power,

  • scientists have shown how they can, in high enough concentrations, help prevent hurricanes.

  • Simply put, wind turbines remove some energy from the wind to generate power.

  • And simulations have shown that, hypothetically,

  • if you put enough wind turbines together in an at risk region,

  • major wind disasters could be minimized substantially.

  • But apart from this, is wind energy actually worth it? Click here to check out our AsapTHOUGHT video

  • where we explore how exactly wind turbines work, how much energy they actually produce,

  • and the crazy new technologies that will change our future. I mean, could the whole world be powered by wind?

  • We went to the GE Global Research Centre in Germany, a leader in wind energy, to find out.

  • There’s a link to it in the description below.

  • And subscribe for more weekly science videos!

Energy is pretty amazing! So amazing that as a species we use around 15 terawatts at any given moment!


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あなたの心を吹き飛ばすための驚くべきエネルギーの事実 (Amazing Energy Facts To Blow Your Mind)

  • 5771 511
    朱朱 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日