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  • If you've only been using traditional methods to practice your listening skills in English, there are probably a lot of words that you have not learned and you still do not understand.


  • And these are words that are used commonly by native English speakers in real life.


  • And when it comes to slang terms, even if you choose not to use them in your everyday life,


  • they are still very important to at least understand so that you're capable of communicating with English speakers who are of a different age bracket than yourself.


  • Today we're going to go over 10 slang terms in the English language that you may or may not have heard of.


  • The first term is the word "yeet."

    最初の言葉は "yeet "です。

  • Now, the word yeet is referring to throwing something or moving something with a strong amount of force or enthusiasm.

    この "yeet "という単語は、何かを投げたり、強い力で何かを動かしたりすることを意味します。

  • So for example, he yeeted the ball across the room.


  • So that means he would have thrown a ball across the room with a very strong amount of force or enthusiasm.


  • This is also commonly referring to moving your steering wheel in a car very forcefully in one direction.


  • A lot of slang words in English are making reference to pop culture and music.


  • So it is also important to immerse yourself in English culture if you are to understand what these words mean and where they were even referenced from.


  • The next word is "lit."

    次の単語は "lit" です。

  • Now, if something is lit, it just means that it's exciting or highly enjoyable.

    "lit" は「刺激的」「楽しい」という意味です。

  • So for example, the party last night was lit.


  • In some cases but less commonly, the word lit can be referring to somebody who is drunk.


  • So for example, he got too lit last night because he had too much to drink.


  • The next term is "flex."

    次の言葉は "flex" です。

  • Now, simply put, to flex just means to show off or boast about something.

    簡単に言うと、"flex" は何かを誇示する、自慢するという意味です。

  • So for example, he's always flexing his new sneakers.

    例えば、彼はいつも 新しいスニーカーを見せびらかしてる。

  • There are also many variations of the word flex.

    "flex" という言葉には様々なバリエーションがあります。

  • So for example, if someone is showing off in a subtle or indirect way, we would say that they are subtly flexing or what they did was a subtle flex.


  • The next slang term is the word salty.

    次のスラングは "salty"(塩辛い)という言葉です。

  • Now if somebody is salty, it simply just means that they're bitter or resentful about something.

    今、誰かが "salty"(塩辛い)としたら、それは単にその人が何かに対して恨み辛みを抱いているということです。

  • They could also be bitter or resentful about someone who is annoying them.


  • For example, she's salty because she lost the game.


  • The next slang term and a pretty common one would be the word "GOAT."

    次によく使われるスラングが "GOAT" です。

  • GOAT is simply just an acronym that is referring to the greatest of all time.

    "GOAT" は "greatest of all time"(史上最強)を意味する略語です。

  • For example, Michael Jordan is the GOAT of basketball.


  • The next slang term is the word "wack."

    次のスラングは "wack" です。

  • If something is wack, it just means that it's lame, weird, uncool, or disappointing.

    "wack" は、ダサい、変だ、カッコ悪い、期待はずれという意味です。

  • For example, that movie was wack. I fell asleep halfway through.


  • The next slang term is the word "clout."

    次のスラングは "clout" です。

  • Now in a nutshell, simply put, the word clout is just referring to having influence.


  • This is particularly referring to someone with influence on social media or someone who is popular.


  • For example, she gained clout after her video went viral.


  • The next slang term is "bad."

    次のスラングは "bad" です。

  • Now this one is a bit of an oxymoron because the term bad is actually being used in a positive context when it's used as a slang term.

    というのも、"bad" という言葉がスラングとして使われるとき、実はポジティブな文脈で使われているからです。

  • Bad as a slang term is referring to someone who is physically attractive, typically a female.

    スラングとしての "bad" は、肉体的に魅力的な人で、一般的には女性を指します。

  • For example, she's bad. I can't stop thinking about her.


  • The next slang term is the word "savage."

    次のスラングは "savage" です。

  • If somebody is savage, it means that they're fearless, bold, or ruthless.

    "savage" は、恐れを知らない、大胆な、冷酷な人のことです。

  • The word savage can also be used to describe things and not just people.

    "savage" という言葉は、人間だけでなく、物事に対しても使うことができます。

  • For example, she made a savage comeback during the argument.


  • Another slang term would be the word "facts."

    "facts" というスラングもあります。

  • If somebody says facts, it just means that they are acknowledging a true statement.

    もし誰かが "facts" と言うなら、それは彼らが事実を認めているということです。

  • For example, if you told me that it gets cold during the wintertime in the country of Canada, I would facts.

    例えば、カナダは冬になると寒くなると言われたら、私は "facts" と答えるでしょう。

  • And there you have it.


  • Those are 10 commonly used slang terms in the English language.


  • If you practice your listening skills on TikTok or Instagram Reels, and if you read a lot of the comments or scroll through a lot of content creators who are below the age of 30 years old,

    TikTok や Instagram Reels でリスニングの練習をしたり、コメントをたくさん読んだり、30歳以下のコンテンツクリエイターをたくさんスクロールしたりすれば、

  • you'll probably hear some of these statements used in their videos and in their content.


  • Do you know any other slang terms like these?


  • If so, leave a comment down below.


  • And if you'd like to test your level of English, I've created an English proficiency quiz just for you.


  • You can access it with the pinned comment below.


  • That's all for today, and I'll see you in the next video.


If you've only been using traditional methods to practice your listening skills in English, there are probably a lot of words that you have not learned and you still do not understand.


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