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So I was trying to find some correlation right on my habit tracker so you see In these these couple days I had all green for the day, right?
And that's pretty difficult for me nowadays, but I got Four I got four days in a row where I did all my habits right four days in a row But now right now i'm like kind of this morning.
I felt like shit.
I was kind of in a rut so And like i've been like lacking like you can see like the red.
I've been just totally fucking Doing nothing But what is the difference between those days?
Last week versus the days now that i'm in that i'm not keeping up with my habits.
I'm not doing the work anymore Like what happened?
so what I figured out right is so last week right I have I have a couple days open like free and so when I would wake up Right.
I I didn't know what to do Because it's like I have so much free time in the day now that I don't know what to do with myself And of course like oh, what do you mean?
Like you have work to do like you to make youtube videos you to read you have to learn you to Like work out later blah blah, but hold on, right?
The like the reason i'm saying this is because like It's so easy to just say that.
Oh like you have things to do but in the moment, right?
I didn't know what to do.
So instead of right if we were bored instead of Doing the things that are supposed to do we just indulge in things We like we go on youtube act like we're productive.
We scroll on our phone a little bit we just do things like little things like Scrolling on youtube and the reason that I got all green here was because whenever I felt bored Whenever I felt like I didn't have to do anything.
I just did nothing I literally sat there in my chair and did nothing I would just think I would just think about what to do like the whole time And I had I had the whole day really pretty much to myself I was just like what like what do I do?
And so what would happen then right as like I didn't really stimulate my brain I wasn't like scrolling on my phone or going on youtube.
What I would do then is like look around my room Oh, like I see a book now, right?
And then i'm like, all right, I might as well read right if I have nothing to do I might as well read see and this is where you start to like come down to your your baseline of like dopamine because Usually like when we're bored, we need to keep our mind occupied so we go and indulge in youtube or we go and indulge in our phone or just some just something stupid so If you ever feel like you have like free time And like you like you're not doing your habits It's like just try to be bored for as long as you can and eventually you'll start doing the habits that you really want to do because the reason that you don't want to do the work that you want to do is because You want to do something else because there's something else that you want to do, right?
Um, so like these past couple days like I read like a like a light novel, right?
Like it's like a story like a fiction book And what happened was I I would rather read that than do my habits and of course you could say like oh like why don't you have discipline like the reason I don't have discipline right is because I just didn't want to do it as simple as that I wanted to do something else so those types of things like the indulgences like youtube or like your video games or whatever you want, right you have to Just be bored be bored as much as you can and just have the willpower to resist those types of things It's better to sit down and be bored than to indulge in those instant gratification activities because let's think about it, right?
You're doping baselines like this, right?
And when you indulge it goes down when you indulge again, it goes down so you're basically gets lower and lower when you Take part in those instant gratification activities, but when you're bored, right your baselines like this But it just stays like that like you're not getting worse and worse and worse so when when you feel like you have nothing to do don't just indulge just sit there bored until you feel like you want to do something pretty much and it's like Like i've only been at this for like a little bit over a year.
It's still like i'm not like super consistent like like it i'm not i'm not doing bad this month, but it's just like I didn't I don't expect to get all green Like oh my I didn't I don't expect to like knock off every habit on my tracker for the month like i'm not there yet and I have to like kind of almost be humble and be like, okay, like i'm not gonna I know damn well that like i'm not gonna get every single thing green just because like i'm like I'm, almost like still a beginner.
I'm like only like one and a half years old or some shit like that in self-improvement so Knowing that I kind of humble myself.
I'm just like, okay I'm gonna take this day by day slowly and understand And try to like pick my brain and try to understand my triggers and what I do wrong So the main point is videos to tell you that you should just be bored instead of indulging in activities because That's that's what really got me to do all my habits It's just me being fucking bored Like I leave I put my phone on airplane mode and just put it in a drawer And now it's just like since it's in the drawer Like the pain of getting it and putting it on airplane mode.
It's just too much that I just don't even do it So I put that away.
Maybe I'd turn off my computer.
I mean it's on right now, but It doesn't matter Go and be bored and Just wait for your body and your mind to kind of align itself with the tasks that you want to do.
So With that continue your journey and keep moving forward