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  • ​​​ ​Sometimes it's too hard to—​ ​​

    ​​​ ​こういうのはね…​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​*Achoo!*​ ​​

    ​​​ ​くしゅん!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​*Achoo↑*​ ​​

    ​​​ ​くちゅん!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​That was too cute!​ ​​

    ​​​ ​可愛すぎ…!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​*Achoo!*​ ​​

    ​​​ ​くしゅっ​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​*Achoo!*​ ​​

    ​​​ ​くしゅん!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Oh gosh.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​やべ​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​That's such an adorable sneeze!​ ​​

    ​​​ ​今のくしゃみ可愛すぎんか?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nooo!​ ​​

    ​​​ ​やめろー!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Tasukaru.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​たすかる​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Tasukaru.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​たすかる​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Tasukaru!​ ​​

    ​​​ ​たすかる!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No!​ ​​

    ​​​ ​やめい!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​You're welcome, chat.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​ファンサでございます​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Are you okay? Are—​ ​​

    ​​​ ​大丈夫?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Uh, are—​ ​​

    ​​​ ​えっと…​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Do you have, like, allergies or something?​ ​​

    ​​​ ​アレルギーとか?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​It's, it's just allergies, yeah.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​うん、ただのアレルギー​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Yeah okay. Aww...​ ​​

    ​​​ ​あー…​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Get some, get some...​ ​​

    ​​​ ​後でゆっくり​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Get some rest after.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​休んでね​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Okay?​ ​​

    ​​​ ​ね?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Yeah, I'm good...​ ​​

    ​​​ ​ん、だいじょぶ​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​And you can also color the gloves here.​ ​​

    ​​​ ​じゃあ次は手袋を塗りましょう​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​​​ ​​

​​​ ​Sometimes it's too hard to—​ ​​

​​​ ​こういうのはね…​ ​​


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