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Good morning, happy Thursday. Starting the vlog on a beautiful - I mean just stunning Thursday
morning. Just had a little bit of coffee, trying to journal again, read a bit of a book and now
we are walking over to the CGV to check out Chimera, the Chimera? A little morning movie and yeah
it's just wonderful. It was like crazy weather yesterday, like a summer rain but really cold
but just like the amount of rain was very intense so today everything is just fresh and clean and
I'm just so...anyway. Got to get our ticket and then I'll see you after the movie.
Hi welcome back to home - weird angle just because I am cleaning up my closet. I still
haven't like actually organized it properly. There are just kind of piles, some of my winter clothes
are still out, so I'm kind of just doing that. Let me see, let me try and put you - is that better? Yeah
that's better. Okay but I'm having one of those summertime dilemmas where I have no reason to be
outside and I have indoor things that I need to do, but it's just so beautiful out that I'm upset
that I have to be inside, but here I am. The movie, Chimera, La Chimera - visually stunning, the only issue is
as I think I'm going to say in the subtitles of this video - I knew some of it was going to be in
Italian, I was mentally prepared for that. I was like got it, I can read subtitles. I've seen French
films with Korean subtitles, before I've seen Spanish language films etc. I was like got
this, it's fine. Uh uh. They probably said a total of maybe 20 words in English. The main actor Josh
what's his name really surprised me - he speaks Italian! Or at least he does in the film. So,
visually stunning and I felt like I was following it for the most part but I could tell that even
though I was technically understanding maybe like 75% of the words, I wasn't understanding the real
message and then it just kind of popped into my head that I could leave the theater. I had just
been talking to Nathan about a film where I was - I was in New York, I used to go to the IFC Center
like every Saturday to see a film and I remember one time a man just got up and left. He was like
oh God and he just left the theater and I was like that is so powerful and we should be able
to like, even if a film is good, if it's just not the right time...this was also, the movie was like
eight bucks I think. I've been talking to a couple a couple of my friends are like much
more involved in the arts than I am and I kind of talk to them about how I feel especially at
museums, a kind of pressure of like a pressure to stand in front of a piece for a certain amount
of time you know? To like try and understand it and then I get fatigue halfway through. Like you
can't, there's no shame in like if something isn't clicking with you, just walk past it. And a lot of
my friends who are artists are like yeah that's, that's like if you don't connect with something
just move past it, don't force yourself to get it. And so I was just kind of thinking about
that as I was slowly more and more spacing out and then I couldn't get that thought out of my
head so I continued to space out and the story took a turn and then I checked the clock and I
still had like an hour and 20 minutes left of the film. I had been - it was like a two and a half hour
maybe even more film so I had given it my best shot, I had watched more than half of it
and I left. There were only two other people in theater. Yeah I never, I don't normally do that
so that was like an interesting, an interesting thing for me. But I left the theater - I had been
kind of in the movie for long enough that it just, the sounds, everything sounded more
crisp. Like there was someone went right when I came out of the theater, someone walking behind
me was wearing boots and just like I was paying so much attention to the like clip clop of their
feet and I felt like colors were more vivid. I just really love film because every time I leave
the theater it takes me a while to revert back to real life and I think that having the kind of
mind of whatever film I had just watched helps me look at the world in a slightly different way for
however long it lasts. So that was quite fun. Again I recommend the film but it's an Italian
so find the subtitles that work for you. But anyway now I'm going to finish this project and then I'm
going to actually work on a book thing so I will catch you probably in the evening. I will catch you
later okay, so welcome to the video if I haven't said that already and see you in a bit!
Hello, checking in. Saturday. Hormonal acne. Puppy on the roof next to me barking.
Lots going on. Update - what has happened since I last talked to you? This week is a week of seeing
friends and just doing little things around the house. We're inching towards having our house fully
set up. Yesterday I met up with Susan, we just walked around, she came to see my
house - my first house guest! Very exciting. And this morning I installed - guys, rest in peace to morning
person Cari. I'm nervous, tonight's going to be our first night sleeping with them - I installed
blackout curtains. Like we had dark gray curtains at our old place and they were pretty thick but
these are like actually blackout curtains. Kurt really needs darkness to sleep so we'll see
but yeah they're these little gray guys in the corner. They have like many many many layers
and it is pitch black in here so I'll let you know how that goes. And then what else? We just
kind of enjoyed the weather honestly it's really nice out today so we just kind of walked around,
got lunch, we're working on a project for Kurt's company so I was doing some filming for that. So
far so good in terms of the breeze. I closed the windows just for like noise sake but when we have
all these windows open, the breeze - I was laying here, literally right here reading my book and
it was just like oh, stunning. So very pleased. It's like 27/28 degrees today. We're doing good.
Probably going to go out to dinner in a little bit and going to take maybe a
night walk. This month's cycle sucked so my body and my skin and everything just has been
really unhappy. I've been so lethargic and just unable to do basic things like going for a walk
so I think I'm, I think I'm okay now and so I'm going to go for a walk tonight hopefully. And
so yeah the beginning of this video I feel like was a little rocky just because I just couldn't
function and sometimes life's like that, so it's okay. And I'm working on a book video where
I think I mentioned this maybe even last week - I feel like I've been working on this forever - but
I'm reading books that you guys recommended that you think I would rate five stars. Lots of hits, a
couple almost hits, I wouldn't say misses but like almost hits. Currently reading one that is kind of
based on Celtic mythology so that's been a lot of fun. Going to finish that hopefully before dinner.
I'm kind of filming for that as well. Anything else? Monday we're cutting some of this off. It's just
too long. I mean it looks okay I guess on camera but in terms of of like living with it, my hair is
really thick. This is also like just how it - I air dry my hair so I really love the waviness of it,
I like right here, right now, I like how it looks. Walking around in summer? No.
It also weighs a lot. When I'm in bed and I like go to turn, I have to like move my
hair so we're getting, we're just getting a little trim - nothing drastic but yeah that - say
goodbye. So we're dealing with that on Monday and anything else? Tomorrow is Sunday, who knows what
we'll get up to. I'll see you then goodbye from me and my pimple, maybe it'll be gone by the next
time we talk. One can dream. I'll see you.
There's nothing wrong with acne! I'll see you guys in a bit.
Okay we are back happy with the length -
happy with the lightness. I asked him not to thin it too much this time. We're pleased.
I went to a new salon which is always scary and the guy was super nice who cut my hair but he
decided to start talking to me when he started blow drying my hair. And I don't know if this is
just I'm getting old or what but if there are like other noises around, it's kind of difficult for me
to hear someone who's talking to me - especially if they're like not facing me and they're speaking
Korean. So I just kept being like I can't hear you and I think he thought 'oh this girl doesn't
speak Korean' so I was like, okay okay. So that was stressful but he was nice, I
just couldn't hear him. So yeah the hair has been cut and now I actually do have - oh also this
has been like for every salon that I've been to I've had this experience, of them, the stylist
then asking you like 'oh what are you doing for the rest of the day, like what's the occasion?' because
especially at Gangnam, it's really common to go in to a salon to like just get a trim, a shampoo,
a blow dry - not even a haircut honestly, not even a trim - you can just get basically a wash and
then some styling to go out on a date or just to like look good if you have an event like seeing
friends. Literally it could be the tiniest little thing and so he was asking me like
oh you know, what are you doing for the rest of the day? And I was just like going home...
doing work on my couch. But I do actually have a lot of work to do for not YouTube things so
I would like to go out and do something fun today. We'll see if I get anything done.
And is that it? Summer can officially start now - I have shorter hair. It feels good. So okay I will
catch you...also Susan gave me, I have my own little rosemary plant, I have my other non-
killable whatever that is called by the TV but yeah our first house plants in the new house!
Why is this so sad?
Oh my god.
His eyes!
Hello from Mangwon. Good morning. We are hitting a coffee shop that's been on my list
for forever mainly because there's a dog and it's a beautiful day and why not. I've got a
book to read...shut up oh there's this really really puffy dog that's coming so I'll catch you at the cafe
Okay sorry anyway yeah, we're literally doing
nothing other than reading and writing and looking at dogs.
Hello, welcome back to Beans and Flour. I keep calling it
other things, I keep saying it's called like Beans and Friends,
or anyway, it's Beans and Flour. No one but me out here on the terrace, unbelievable. I am drinking
peppermint - it's like peppermint orange blossom white tea, iced. Incredible. I was thinking of taking
you to a different tea house that I went to with one of my friends last week but I just kind of
wanted to be outside so I definitely, I'll link it down below but I definitely recommend Magpie and
Tiger. They have one in Gangnam but this one is next to Seongsu station and stunning. If you want to
try a lot of different like traditional Korean teas, all but I think two of them are from
Korea. And gorgeous, it's up on like the fifth floor, kind of hidden. Just take the elevator, it looks
like a clothing store but take the elevator up to the fifth floor - stunning. I was there on
like a rainy day, really cool. But nothing quite beats a patio like this and it's just - there are
butterflies, my lilacs are totally gone so I'm very happy that I could enjoy them while I did.
But yeah I'm just finishing up a book, drinking my tea, I'm going to head home soon because I just got
a couple packages. I finally bought frames for my posters and I bought poster hanging materials
so I can finally get some artwork up on our walls. Yeah I had a very delicious spicy mayo salmon
bowl from Da Poke which is always delicious, and yeah just having a wonderful wonderful
day. What even is today? Tuesday. So I'll catch you guys at home with my posters.
Okay see you then!
Okay unclear where that will be hung. Ignore the ripples, just ignore them,
fixing that later. Too sleepy, fan is on, going to finish reading my book.
Okay, hello. It is obviously night time now and I'm just exporting my book video that
I've been working on for I feel like a month. That's finally done and I'm going going to wrap
up the video here. I'm meeting up with my friend Evelyn tomorrow and we're going to be kind
of running around so I don't think I'm going to be filming but yeah this was a kind of
interesting week. We're officially on our third week in this apartment, we've had three weekends
here so I feel like I'm finally settled in and like, understanding the neighborhood and I've got
a little bit of a routine setup. But I'm also finding that I'm trying to do as many things
like outdoor things as possible before summer comes so I'm - a huge part of me wants to stay
home but another part of me is like no we got to go, we got to do all these things.
I'm kind of at war with myself but that's okay and I still had a really lovely week and I'm
happy to have shared it with you. Next week I just book tickets to go on a little adventure
that might end in disaster. Literally might end with me stranded in the mountains. So if you're
interested in that kind of thing, it's going to turn into like a survival show. That will be
next week - thoughts and prayers are accepted but yeah so I will, I will catch you guys
next time. I feel like this was a very random week talking about me being able to walk out
of a film and then I don't even know what else I talk to you guys about in this video, my acne?
Whatever. Yeah I just thank thanks for sticking around always and I will catch you guys wherever
I end up next week. Yeah I'm about to start reading Blood Over Bright Haven. I have
heard great things so if I drop off the face of the Earth I'm either - Kurt's playing FIFA - I'm
either lost in a book or lost in the mountains. We'll see. I'm going to get ready for bed and
and I'll see you next Thursday okay? Lots of green in our future, if you ever find the footage.
Lots of mountains, lots of green that's what we're hoping for see you next week bye!