字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi, ladies.
>>> こんにちは、お嬢さんたち。
We all know that feeling when a man you love betrays you. - Yep.
という感覚は誰もが知っている。愛した男があなたを裏切る。 >> はい。
I know. That's right.
>> その通りだ。
Been through it a million times, but we don't get mad.
>> 何度も経験したでも、怒ったりはしない。
We get even.
>> 仕返しだ。
♪ He's playing with my heart, baby he's no good, so I took my lipstick, wrote my name on his hood.♪
彼は私の心を弄んでいる彼はダメだ。 口紅をつけ、私の名前を書いた。 フード
♪ Mess with me, Imma mess you up, so I took my keys to his Chevy pickup♪
♪ mess with me, imma mess youそれで、鍵を彼のところに持って行ったんだ チェビー・ピックアップ
♪ My man left and didn't treat me kind, y'all can mess with his truck, I will destroy his mind ♪
♪ my man left and didn't treat私は親切だ。 トラック、彼の心を破壊する
♪ Break into his house, keep replacing his shoes with the same set of shoes but half a size bigger♪
♪ break into his house, keepに履き替えた。 同じ靴を履いているが、半分のサイズ SIZE BIGGER
♪ Every other week so it's got the boy thinking...♪
隔週だから少年はこう考えている 違うのか、それとも縮んでいるのか
♪Are these different or am I shrinking?♪
You did what now?
>> 何をしたんだ?
♪ You had a whole ass meal, but you left me for a snack, you better mark my words. I'm gonna get that boy back♪
♪ you had whole ass meal butおやつのために私を置いていった そのつもりだ あの子を取り戻せ
♪ He's got a new chick and he thinks she rocks, but I'll get him back with my breakup bod♪
♪ He's got a new chick and he彼女はロックだと思う。 ♪ He back with my breakup bod ♪
♪ I'm in his parents' house painted just like their wall, whispering "get out" in the middle of the night♪
♪ I'm in his parents' house彼らの壁と同じように塗られた、 小声で真ん中から降りろ オブ・ザ・ナイト
Get out.
>> 出て行け。
They're telling me to get out!
>> を手に入れろと言っているアウト!
They keep saying it!
Who? Who is saying that?
>> 誰が?誰がそんなことを言っているんだ?
The walls!
>> 壁
I'm moving in with you.
♪ You had a whole-ass meal, but you left me for a snack, you better mark my words. I'm gonna get that boy back♪
♪ you had whole ass meal butおやつのために私を置いていった そのつもりだ あの子を取り戻せ
♪ Good luck finding a new botty call with your crazy ass mom still talking about the walls♪
♪ good luck find new bootyイカレた母親と電話する 壁を語る
♪Not sure we're all on the same page as each other♪
♪I was more thinking to get beat up by my brother♪
♪ Oh, I got a brother too, but he taught me better ♪
♪ oh, I got a brother too, but彼が教えてくれた
♪ I'm ex-CIA and I go by the shredder, if you date my sis, you better adore her 'cuz she knows my tricks of psychological torture♪
♪ I'm ex-cia and I go by the ♪シュレッダー、僕の妹とデートするならね、 彼女を慕った方がいい。 私の心理トリックを知っている 拷問
♪ Like switching his sudoku with the one that can't be solved, plucking out his hair so he thinks he's going bold♪
♪ like switching his sudoku with ♪解決できないもの 毛を抜いている。 "thinks he's going bald
♪ And here's my favorite, you won't regret this, date him as a new chick in prosthetics♪
♪ and here's my favorite, youとして彼とデートすれば、後悔することはないだろう。 "新型義足が登場
♪ Make him fall in love then six months in, act like you only speak Romanian ♪
♪ make him fall in love then six数カ月は、自分だけのように振る舞う "ルーマニア語を話せ
Why are you talking like this?
>> なぜそんなことを言うこれ?
[Speaking in non-English language] What do you mean?
The Romanian girl has the eyes of the walls!
>> ルーマニアの少女は壁の目!
Stop talking about the walls!
>> 壁の話はやめてくれ!>>
[Speaking in a non-English language] Seriously, stop talking about the walls!
♪ Why's my new girl not speaking English, I just tried to pay my taxes, but they say I don't exist♪
♪ Why's my new girl not speak英語ですが、今、お金を払おうとしたところです。 税金はかからないと言われたが EXIST ♪
♪When Jenny left me, man, I really missed her, she thought I was cheating, I was just texting my sister♪
♪ when jenny left me, man i本当に会いたかった。 でも、私はただ "妹にメール
Oh, that was your sister?
>> 妹さんですか?
>> アッ!
♪ I had a whole-ass meal, wouldn't leave her for a snack, that wild wall woman gave my mom a heart attack♪
私はケツ丸出しの食事をした、おやつを食べるために彼女を置いていくことはないだろう、 あのワイルドな壁の女が母にくれた 心臓発作
I knew it!
>> やっぱりね!
The walls, they're alive!
♪ Mark my words, Imma get the boy back♪
♪ mark my words, imma get theボーイ・バック