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  • It goes without saying that the diet of early humans was very different from your current ones.


  • Having to hunt and gather their food meant they ate what they could when they could.


  • Which sometimes resulted in long periods without much toeat.


  • Pizza bagels were much bigger back then, but also more vicious!


  • While I imagine they would be thrilled to live in today's world with tons of readily available foodfor most people, there may be some health benefits to restricting the time you spend eating.


  • Let's dive into that more, shall we?


  • Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin!

    こんにちは!Life Noggin へようこそ!

  • I'm not talking about extended fastingwhen you don't eat for multiple days attime and then… I don't know, go spearfishing?


  • Maybe that's only if you're Chris Hemsworth.


  • This video is about fasting for short periods of timealso known as intermittent fasting, and it can be done in a few different ways.


  • In time-restricted eating (TRE), you eat during a set window of time.


  • common example is when you eat for 8 hours during the day and fast for the remaining 16.

    よくある例としては、1 日のうち 8 時間は食事をして、残りの 16 時間は絶食するというものです。

  • There's also alternate day fasting (ADF), where you have days of eating and days of fasting.  


  • For instance, in the 5:2 method, you have two nonconsecutive days of fasting each week.  

    例えば、5:2 法では、毎週 2 日連続しない断食日があります。

  • These could include a 500-600 calorie mealor just drinks like water, tea, and coffee.

    このような場合、500〜600 キロカロリーの食事や、水、お茶、コーヒーなどの飲み物も含まれます。

  • In both cases, you go many hours without eating.  


  • This causes a lot of changes within your body, like its energy source.


  • After 10-16 hours, the energy provided from your food will run out and your body will start to break down its fat stores.

    10~16 時間後、食事から摂取したエネルギーが底をつき、脂肪の分解が始まります。

  • Which is why most people think of intermittent fasting as a diet.


  • However, while researchers have found that it's just as effective for losing weight as restricting your calories, it can do much more.


  • In your liver, fat is turned into ketone bodieswhich control the activity of many proteins and molecules that influence health and aging.


  • Researchers have also found that cells not only adapt but are improved by intermittent fastingwith increased antioxidant defensesDNA repair, protein quality controland autophagy - the process of breaking down and recycling old or damaged cells.

    また、研究者たちは、断続的な断食によって、細胞が適応するだけでなく、改善されることも発見しました。抗酸化防御、DNA 修復、タンパク質の品質管理、オートファジー(古い細胞や傷ついた細胞を分解してリサイクルするプロセス)が増加するのです。

  • In addition to weight loss, studies in humans have found that intermittent fasting can improve insulin resistance, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and inflammationall of which lead to better health.


  • And animal studies have shown that it can improve physical endurance and coordination, as well as cognitive abilities like memory and learning.


  • But it's really important to note that intermittent fasting isn't for everyone and can be super dangerous if you're under 18, have certain health conditions, are pregnant or breastfeedingor have a history of eating disorders.

    しかし、断食は誰にでもできるものではなく、18 歳未満や特定の健康状態にある人、妊娠中や授乳中の人、摂食障害の既往歴がある人には超危険であることに注意が必要です。

  • So, before you try any of these methods, you should talk to your physician.


  • This really isn't something you try without consulting a professional.


  • If your doctor does give you the green lightthey'll probably recommend you start with less restrictive methods before trying to go a full day or more without eating.


  • For the first monthyou may feel hungry, nauseous, irritable, or have difficulty concentrating as your body adjusts.

    最初の 1 ヶ月は、体が慣れるまで空腹感や吐き気、イライラ、集中力の低下などを感じるかもしれません。

  • But if you're interested in trying it out or want to learn more, check out the work by one of the pioneers of intermittent fasting, Valter Longo, a member of the Lifespan advisory board.


  • So, what is your favorite mealSomething you could eat every day and probably not get sick of


  • Let me know down below or tell me, what should I make a video on next!


  • We're taking suggestions for future episodes!


  • Do all the things that help this channel grow! Subscribe like and share! All the good stuff


  • Check out Lifespan, the team that powers life noggin, down in the description!

    この番組は、「Life noggin 」を支えるチーム 「Lifespan 」を紹介するものです!

  • Click here to watch this video we did on why your relationship with food is very complicated or click here to watch this video!


  • As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking.

    そしていつものように、Life Noggin のブロッコです。忘れずに、考え続けてくださいね。

It goes without saying that the diet of early humans was very different from your current ones.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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