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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • Hi, everyone. I'm Mark.


  • Now, in TOEIC speaking, you have to read a short text out loud.

    さて、TOEIC のスピーキングでは、短い文章を声に出して読まなければなりません。

  • It doesn't sound too hard, does it?


  • But you'd be surprised that lots of students make mistakes in this task.


  • In this video, I'll tell you about two key things you need to remember when doing read aloud in TOEIC speaking.

    この動画では、TOEIC のスピーキングで音読をする際に覚えておくべき 2 つのポイントについてお話します。

  • Before we begin, don't forget to hit that subscribe button for the latest TOEIC videos.

    その前に、最新の TOEIC 動画を登録するボタンをお忘れなく。

  • Now, in the read aloud task of TOEIC speaking, you'll have 45 seconds to prepare to read and then 45 seconds to read a short text out loud.

    では、TOEIC スピーキングの音読タスクでは、45 秒で読む準備をし、45 秒で短い文章を声に出して読みます。

  • It doesn't sound too hard, right?


  • But one issue that a lot of people have is flat delivery.


  • Let's have a closer look at a sample task.


  • And if you want, pause the video and read it out loud first.


  • "I'd like to thank you all for coming along today to hear our talk on fat and sugar in the diet.


  • Our speaker is well-known kidney doctor, Alan Fung.


  • He has been..."


  • That was really poor.


  • You'll notice here that my delivery was very flat, and a bit awkward with unnatural pauses.


  • I pronounced the words correctly, and that's important.


  • But you're not just scored on the pronunciation of the words, but the delivery as well.


  • How natural does it sound?


  • When practicing, if you have any problems with the pronunciation of specific words, do be sure to learn the correct pronunciation.


  • Generally, the words on test day won't be too difficult.


  • So the first thing we're going to look at is connected speech.


  • Let's look more closely at this first sentence.


  • Listen to this.


  • "I'd like to thank you all for coming along today to hear our talk on fat and sugar in the diet."


  • Notice how I've linked the words together into small chunks.


  • It's not "I'd like to thank you all."

    「I'd like to thank you all」ではありません。

  • It's "I'd like to thank you all."

    「I'd like to thank you all」 です。

  • The words are linked together.


  • This is one thing you will want to practice.


  • Now, let's look at sentence stress.


  • Sentence stress is adding emphasis or stress to certain words to enhance the meaning.


  • This will actually help you to do well on the entire TOEIC speaking test.

    これは実際に TOEIC のスピーキングテスト全体で良い結果を出すのに役立ちます。

  • The first way to approach sentence stress is stressing key words, words that carry the main meaning of the text.


  • Listen to the way I add stress to key words.


  • "I'd like to thank you all for coming along today to hear our talk on fat and sugar in the diet.


  • Our speaker is well-known kidney doctor Alan Fung.


  • He has been delivering lectures such as this for many years and he spends a lot of his time reading research papers.


  • One of his strengths is his ability to identify problems with research.


  • He looks at both what is included in the study and what is not included.


  • I'm sure you will learn a lot today. Please join me in welcoming Alan Fung."


  • So when you're practicing, you can use the preparation time to note key words.


  • Another technique is to stress repetitive words.


  • These are common words that appear a lot, not only in TOEIC speaking, but everyday English.

    TOEIC のスピーキングだけでなく、日常英語でもよく出てくる単語です。

  • By adding stress to some of these, you'll add more rhythm to your delivery.


  • Emphasis words such as really, very, and so.

    「really」「very」「so 」などの強調語。

  • Negative words such as not, isn't, or doesn't.


  • Connectors such as and, but, if, or then.


  • You can also add stress to lists like dogs, cats, and monkeys.


  • You can add stress when you make contrasts, dim or bright, fast and slow.


  • Reference words can also be stressed, this, that, or those.


  • And finally, emotional words, disgusting, awkward, or awful.


  • So let's try stressing repetitive words.


  • "I'd like to thank you all for coming along today to hear our talk on fat and sugar in the diet.


  • Our speaker is well-known kidney doctor Alan Fung.


  • He has been delivering lectures such as this for many years, and he spends a lot of time reading research papers.


  • One of his strengths is the ability to identify problems with research.


  • He looks both at what is included in the study and what is not included.


  • I'm sure you will learn a lot today. Please join me in welcoming Alan Fung."


  • In this reading, I stressed repetitive words, many, lot, well known.

    この朗読では、「many」「lot」「well known」という繰り返しの言葉を強調しました。

  • I stressed negative words like not and contrasts included and not included.

    「not」のような否定語を強調し、「included」と「not included」を対比させました。

  • My recommendation is that you practice right now.


  • Feel free to pause the video and try it yourself.


  • Keep in mind, there's no perfect way to do this.


  • But if you practice this regularly before test day, your delivery will be relaxed and natural.


  • You can stress some keywords and some repetitive words.


  • Remember, 45 seconds to prepare and then 45 seconds to deliver.


  • Practice.


  • All right, now I'm going to do this and I'm going to use stress on a mix of keywords and repetitive words.


  • Listen carefully.


  • "I'd like to thank you all for coming along today to hear our talk on fat and sugar in the diet.


  • Our speaker is well-known kidney doctor Alan Fung.


  • He has been delivering lectures such as this for many years, and he spends a lot of his time reading research papers.


  • One of his strengths is his ability to identify problems with research.


  • He looks at both what is included in the study and what is not included.


  • I'm sure you will learn a lot today. Please join me in welcoming Alan Fung."


  • Here's another one.


  • Now I want you to practice.


  • When you're done, I'll show you my model answer.


  • You now have 45 seconds to prepare.

    準備時間は 45 秒です。

  • Now, you have 45 seconds to read out loud.

    45 秒以内に朗読してください。

  • How did you go?


  • Which words did you add stress to?


  • Here's how I might do it.


  • "Let us help you to make your next advertising campaign a success.


  • Look at one of our most recent campaigns.


  • Here, you can see that Eskimo brand is promoted as a premium ice-cream through the use of beautiful, high definition shots of their vanilla, peppermint, and chocolate flavors.


  • And then with these images, you can see a craftsman creating fine handmade guitars.


  • The text tells us that extraordinary things are created through passion and expertise, but are born of simple beginnings.


  • Eskimo brand is thus associated with luxury, class and heritage."


  • So here you noticed using stress helped keep my rhythm.


  • I had good intonation, and there were good pauses, which added more emphasis.


  • Be sure to practice with a few of our activities.


  • And don't be afraid to come back and watch this video again after practicing a few times.


  • It might feel a little strange the first few times you try.


  • And the main thing to remember is there's no perfect way to do it.


  • Even if you just add stress to some of these words on test day, you're going to do well.


  • To summarize, remember to check pronunciation if you're not sure.


  • Practice linking words together effectively.


  • Add sentence stress to enhance your meaning.


  • And of course, practice and get feedback.


  • Well done.


Hi, everyone. I'm Mark.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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