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  • The TOEIC listening test has four parts.

    TOEIC のリスニングテストには 4 つの部分があります。

  • As in the reading section, each part gets a little bit more challenging as you progress.


  • So make sure that you start strong and focused.


  • Let's start with listening part one, photographs.


  • Before we look at the instructions and the task, be sure to hit that subscribe button and be the first to know about brand new TOEIC videos.

    指示とタスクを見る前に、チャンネル登録ボタンを押して、新しい TOEIC 動画の最新情報をいち早く知りましょう。

  • All right, let's get right into it.


  • First, you're going to see a picture like this one here.


  • The main thing you'll do is think about what you see.


  • In this case, we have a woman sitting at a desk.


  • So ask yourself, "Where is she? What is she doing? How does she feel?"


  • Don't worry about trying to anticipate what is happening exactly, or trying to get the answer perfectly correct.


  • You just want to get your brain moving and engaged.


  • Don't wait for the correct answers.


  • Next, you're going to hear four answer options.

    次に、4 つの答えの選択肢を聞きます。

  • In this case, you won't see them, you'll only hear them.


  • Before we listen, here are a few things to note.


  • First of all, the sentences will be fairly simple.


  • They'll often use the present continuous tense.


  • "The boy is sleeping." "They are playing."

    「少年は眠っている」 「遊んでいる」

  • Also, some of the questions will require you to make some inferences.


  • This means it won't always be very obvious.


  • Imagine you see a little girl playing video games and the mother is standing behind her with an unhappy look on her face.


  • An easy version might be "The girl is playing video games."

    簡単なバージョンでは、「その女の子はビデオゲームをしています 」となります。

  • But a harder one might be "The mother is losing her patience."

    でも、もっと難しいのは、「母親が我慢の限界にきている 」かもしれません。

  • This is why it's important to ask yourself those questions.


  • "Who are they? What are they doing? Where are they? And how do they feel?"


  • Okay, so let's go back to our photo and we'll hear the four answer options.

    では、写真に戻って 4 つの答えを聞いてみましょう。

  • Sadly, you won't see them. It is a listening test after all.


  • Let's listen together. Pick the answer you think is correct.


  • Look at the picture.


  • A. The woman is cleaning the office.

    A. その女性はオフィスを掃除しています。

  • B. The woman is having lunch.

    B. その女性は昼食をとっています。

  • C. The woman is taking a break.

    C. 女性は休憩中です。

  • D. The woman is cleaning her glasses.

    D. その女性は眼鏡を磨いています。

  • How did you go? Let's have another listen.


  • In the test, you will only hear it once.


  • But, anytime you struggle with one of these questions, don't feel bad if you have to listen again.


  • It's good practice and it will improve your listening.


  • Look at the picture.


  • A. The woman is cleaning the office.

    A. この女性はオフィスを掃除しています。

  • B. The woman is having lunch.

    B. その女性は昼食をとっています。

  • C. The woman is taking a break.

    C. 女性は休憩中です。

  • D. The woman is cleaning her glasses.

    D. その女性は眼鏡を磨いています。

  • Great. So the answer is C.

    素晴らしいですね。答えは C です。

  • Now, keep in mind there's minimal method to this one.


  • Either you hear it or you don't.


  • But let's take a look at the answer options so that we can better understand this test.


  • A and B. So definitely not cleaning the office and definitely not having lunch. There is no food.

    A と B です。つまり、オフィスの掃除は絶対にしないし、昼食も食べないでしょう。食べ物もないから。

  • For C and D. C is a maybe. She's clearly stopped doing whatever it is she's doing.

    C と D は...C は可能性あり。C は多分ね、彼女は明らかに何もしていません。

  • But D. The woman is cleaning her glasses.

    でも D は「眼鏡を磨いています」。

  • Well, not quite. She's taken her glasses off, but she doesn't seem to be cleaning them.


  • So I'll go with C. She stopped working, so she's taking a break.

    それでは、C にします。彼女は仕事をやめて、休憩を取っています。

  • Now, keep in mind, if you're able to understand me now, then you should be able to understand the language used in this part of the test.


  • If you want to strengthen your listening skills, be sure to build strong listening habits.


The TOEIC listening test has four parts.

TOEIC のリスニングテストには 4 つの部分があります。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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