字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Nuclear war would forever split human history. Into anything that 核戦争は人類史を永遠に分断する happened before and the post-war apocalypse. 核戦争以前と 戦後に訪れる終末の世界とに In the worst case, mass fires consume everything within tens of thousands of square kilometers, 最悪の場合 巨大な炎が数万km2にわたり 全てを焼き尽くし killing hundreds of millions within hours. But the worst part comes 数億人を1時間で殺す after that - nuclear war could trigger a nuclear winter that might kill billions, だが最悪なのはその後だ maybe even completely collapsing our civilization. How does it work and what would it look like? 核戦争は「核の冬」を引き起こして 数十億人を殺し Fire Causes Winter 人間文明を 完全に崩壊させるかも When a nuclear weapon is detonated, a bubble of gas hotter than the sun is forced into existence, 核の冬はどのように生じ 何をもたらすのか so hot that everything within kilometers immediately begins to burn. The terror bubble 【炎が冬を連れてくる】 expands rapidly, filling the sky over its target, creating a devastating shockwave that causes most 核兵器が爆発すると 太陽よりも高温な泡が発生する of the immediate destruction. Basically you break a lot of stuff and set it on fire – and 数キロ以内の全てが ただちに燃えるほどの熱さだ in the worst case this turns into a firestorm that consumes everything and everyone on the ground. 恐怖の泡は急速に拡大して 上空を埋め尽くし Right after the explosion a gigantic mushroom cloud rises over the destruction like a demon 直接的な被害の大半は 破壊的な衝撃派で生じる throning over its perverse work, but in the following hours a far more deadly 基本は大量の破壊と着火なのだ cloud forms. The fire burning cities, forests or fields, heats up so much air これは最悪の場合 地上の生物と物質の全てを焼き尽くす that it creates its own micro climate and wind system. Hot air and hot smoke rise, 爆発直後 巨大なキノコ雲が立ち上る pulling in fresh air from the surroundings, and fresh oxygen stoking the flames even more. 人類のご乱心を 悪魔があざ笑うように This creates an updraft and forms a colossal pyrocumulonimbus cloud だが数時間でさらに致命的な 雲が形成される that carries the soot and aerosols from the flames high into the stratosphere. 都市や森林 野原を焼き払われ 空気が過熱し 独自の微気象が形成される Under normal conditions, the soot rising from a big fire is quickly washed out by rain. 熱い空気と煙が昇り 周囲の新鮮な空気を引き込み But a pyrocumulonimbus cloud can reach altitudes well above the height 新たな酸素が炎を勢いづかせる where rain clouds form. Once above the tropopause, 上昇気流が発生し 巨大な火災積乱雲が作られ there is simply no weather to remove soot from the atmosphere, so it can stay aloft for years. 火災によるススやエアロゾルは 成層圏にまで達する If this happens to a single city, it's a tragedy, but a fairly local one. But in a full scale 通常ならススは 雨ですぐに洗い落とされるが nuclear war, warring nations following the cold logic of mutually assured destruction, could use 火災積乱雲は雨雲が作られるよりも 高くに到達しうる hundreds or even thousands of nuclear weapons all at once, creating hundreds of fire storms, sending 対流圏界面を超えると もはや大気から取り除けず up to 150 million tons of soot, a cube the size of a skyscraper, directly into the stratosphere. 数年間 上空に留まりうる In the next few days and weeks the soot begins to blanket the earth at high altitudes, 一つの都市なら悲劇だが absorbing light high above the ground and preventing sunlight from reaching かなり局地的だ the surface . This is not like science fiction where the sky turns dark and the sun disappears. だが本格的な核戦争では 相互確証破壊の冷徹な論理に従い Winter is what happens when just a little less sunlight hits the ground – and now suddenly a 一度に数百発 あるいは数千発が発射され lot less sunlight gets through. Yesterday the world was normal. Today nuclear winter begins. 何百もの火災嵐によるススは1.5億トンにのぼり 集めれば一辺500mの立方体ができる Winter Causes Hunger 成層圏に直接到達する How bad nuclear winter would be is still an active area of research. It all hinges on one thing: 数日から数週で ススは高くから地球を覆い始め How much stuff will burn really hot? How many firestorms would be caused by the heat of the 太陽光を地表より高くで吸収し 地表への到達を妨げる explosions? This depends on many factors, from the materials a city is made of, to the time of SFのように空が暗くなったり 太陽が消えたりはしない the year, if a forest is nearby and so on. So just keep in mind we are working with some assumptions. 冬になるのは地表に届く太陽光が少し減るからだが それが唐突に激減するのだ Here is the good news: Nuclear winter is not permanent, and definitely no new ice age. 昨日まで世界は正常だった The effects on the climate only last as long as the soot remains in the atmosphere, 今日 「核の冬」が始まる which is at most a decade or so until it clears out and temperatures normalize. 【冬は飢餓をもたらす】 The bad news is that this causes almost immediate climate change within a few 核の冬がどれほど深刻かは いまだに活発な研究分野だ weeks – it disrupts our climate system faster than any living being can adapt to. 深刻さのカギを握るのは 業火に包まれる物質の量だ In this new climate our seasons are suddenly all wrong. Winters are much longer, summers 核爆発で どれだけの火災嵐が生じるか shorter and colder – or gone altogether. This also means less evaporation over the oceans, これには多くの要因が関わる 都市の物質量 被弾する時期 森林の近さなどだ which means less rain and maybe large scale droughts. This is bad because our food eats the sun. だから複数の仮定がある点にはご留意を Without good summers and enough rain, growing seasons shrink or even collapse. いいニュースがある The majority of humanity lives in an area called the midlatitudes, 核の冬は永続せず 新たな氷河期を迎えることもない a strip of land that has the ideal temperature for our species – not just because it's not 気候が変わるのは 大気にススが残る間だけで too hot or cold, it's also where the plants we eat grow best. The vast majority of the food せいぜい10年で ススは消えて元通りになる we eat stems from a few highly efficient crops, that are mostly produced in a few 悪いニュースは たった数週で気候が変動してしまうことだ very agriculturally productive regions, like the US Great Plains or Ukraine. From these 気候システムの急変に 生物の適応は追いつかない bread and rice baskets of the world, they get traded and shipped around the world. 新たな気候では 季節が狂ってしまう In the worst case of a full scale nuclear war the temperatures in the midlatitudes 冬が長くなり 夏は短く寒くなるか 存在しなくなる will probably stay below freezing for several years. Nothing at all can grow 海面からの蒸発が減り under these conditions and the world's breadbaskets would suddenly turn empty. 降雨が減少して 大規模な干ばつもあり得る If food production crashes, the world's food producers would very likely ramp up prices or 作物は太陽が主食なので 厳しい事態だ even stop selling food to other countries – if they're still able to farm their fields at all. 暑い夏と十分な降水なしでは 生育期間が縮むか 育ち切らない It's easy to calculate how many people can be alive on earth – you take all the calories we 人類の大半は 中緯度地域に住んでおり can produce and divide them by what the average person needs to survive. If you この一帯の気温は 人類に理想的だ have more people than calories, then within a few weeks you don't anymore. Humanity has only a few 暑すぎたり寒すぎたりしないし 作物の生育にも最適だ weeks' supply of crops and food, not enough to survive this drastic drop in production. 食品の大半は 数種類の優秀な作物に由来し But the climate is not the only issue: modern industrialized agriculture is a complex affair アメリカのグレートプレーンズやウクライナのような 農業適地で生産される that relies on functioning supply chains to provide unthinkable amounts of industrially こうした供給源からの貿易や取引で パンや米が世界に行きわたる produced fertilizer and chemicals to kill weeds and vermin. Massive numbers of specialized modern 最悪のケースは 本格的な核戦争で machinery is plowing, sowing, harvesting and distributing. After a nuclear war, 中緯度地域の気温は 数年間にわたり氷点下だろう especially if the countries that produce the food were part of the nuclear exchange, there この条件下では何も育たず 世界のパンかごは空っぽになる may simply be no more fuel, fertilizer or machine parts, because there are no more oil refineries, 食糧生産が破綻すれば 世界の生産者は値上げをしたり ports and other essential infrastructure left, damaging global food production even more. 他国への販売を停止しそうだ Ok, so now that we set the stage, let's look まだ生産ができるならの話だが at what science says about the actual wars that could happen. 世界が養える人数は 簡単に計算できる Actual Nuclear War 生産しうる全カロリーを 1人あたりの必要カロリーで割ればいい Today there are two main conflicts that scientists think about when making calculations of nuclear 需要が供給を上回った場合 数週間で状況が改善される winter: a nuclear war between India and Pakistan and one between the US and Russia. 作物や食品の備蓄は 数週分に過ぎず The most likely smallish nuclear exchange would be fought today between India and Pakistan, この生産量の激減を 乗り切るには不十分だ with relatively low yield weapons. Even in a pretty mild nuclear war like this, だが問題は 気候だけではない the immediate explosions would kill around 27 million people, 現代の工業的農業は サプライチェーンに依存した複雑な営みで which is horrible enough. In just a few hours, more people would die than in all 想像を絶する量の化学肥料や 殺虫剤や除草剤が不可欠なのだ of World War 1. The ensuing fires would not cause a nuclear winter, 大量の近代農業機械が 耕起 播種 収穫 流通に必要だ but a mild 'nuclear autumn'. But even this would disrupt the climate, 特に食糧輸出国が 核戦争の当事者となった場合 and thereby global agriculture, enough to starve up to 250 million people worldwide. 燃料も肥料も機械の部品も 手に入らない Unfortunately India and Pakistan are in an arms race and have been increasing the number 石油精製所や港など 基盤的なインフラがないからで and power of warheads in their arsenal. The next stage of escalation would be war with hundreds of 世界的な食糧危機に拍車をかける nuclear weapons, the bombs and fires destroying many major population centers and killing over よし 前提は共有できたので 100 million people. A war on this scale would cause a nuclear winter that would damage global 実際にありえる戦争への 科学的な見解を agriculture enough to cut the available calories for humanity in half. The number of people 【実際の核戦争】 that starve to death would be as high as 2 billion. 現在 科学者が核の冬の計算対象とする 主な紛争は2つある One in four humans alive today. インド vs パキスタンと アメリカ vs ロシアだ The worst-case scenario is a full scale global war between NATO nations and Russia – or China, 想定される最も小規模な核戦争は インド vs パキスタンで which also continues to build its nuclear arsenal. In a war between a former, 核兵器の収率もやや低いだろう future and current superpower, thousands of nuclear weapons could be detonated. このようにかなり小規模な核戦争でも 2700万人が爆発直後に死ぬだろう In a scenario with around 4400 nuclear weapons, 360 million people would perish right away. We 充分に恐ろしいことだ have no other event to even compare the death and destruction to. It's like humanity dropping たった数時間で 第一次世界大戦以上の死者が出る an asteroid on itself. The nuclear winter that follows such an apocalyptic war would 続く火災は核の冬ではなく マイルドな”核の秋”を招くだろう tank human calorie production by as much as 90%. Not only would almost all of our それでも気候は乱され 国際的な農業生産は破綻し agriculture take an immediate and deadly hit, the climate would take at least a 2億5000万人が餓死するだろう decade to recover. Because a war like this would specifically hit the world regions that produce 残念ながらインドとパキスタンは軍拡競争中で 核兵器の数も威力も増している most of the food for humanity – recovery will be much, much harder than with other conflicts. さらにエスカレートすれば 数百発の核弾頭が行き交うだろう Within two years the global death toll from starvation could rise to about 5 billion. 爆発と火災で主要な人口密集地の多くが破壊され 1億人以上が死亡する In mid latitude countries like Russia, China, Canada, the U.S. and much of Europe only a few この規模の戦争は核の冬を引き起こし 農業が受ける損害は percent of the population might survive. Humanity will never be the same again. 人類が得られるカロリーを 半減させる While nowhere is truly safe, some nations in the southern hemisphere may fare well enough 餓死者は20億人に達するだろう to endure, while the rest of the world collapses. All the nuclear weapon states are in the northern 現在の人口の4人に1人だ hemisphere. So a few countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina may be able to endure for 最悪のシナリオは NATO諸国とロシアとの間か a bunch of different reasons. Their nuclear winter would be milder, they have a lot of livestock that あるいは核を増やし続ける中国との 全面戦争だ would not be as affected as crops. So they would probably stop exporting food and focus on keeping 古今の超大国間の戦争では their own people alive – assuming they aren't invaded for their food by other starving nations. 数千発の核兵器が爆発しうる It's safe to say that the world would become extremely unpleasant for a long time and it's 4400発の核兵器を想定すると 3億6000万人がすぐに死亡する impossible to know how many people will have died when the nuclear winter ends. In the worst この規模の死と破壊は 人類史に前例が無い case human civilization could collapse and the survivors would be thrown back 人類が自ら小惑星を落とすようなものだ thousands of years, slowly trying to recover a world full of scars and graves. Eventually, このような終末的な戦争による核の冬は カロリー生産を90%も低下させるだろう when they've rebuilt civilization, would they ever build nuclear weapons again? 農業がただちに致命的な打撃を 受けるだけでなく We know for sure that we need to do anything we can to make sure nuclear 気候の回復にも10年はかかる war never happens. This video was supported by Open Philanthropy – if you want to know 特に食糧生産の大部分を担う地域が 影響を受けるため what YOU can do to reduce the risk for nuclear war you can either support expert 他の戦争よりも 復興ははるかに困難となる organizations or become a citizen expert yourself and learn more. We've compiled a list 2年以内に世界の餓死者は 50億人に達するだろう of further reading and expert recommendations in the infobox and our sources doc for you. ロシア 中国 カナダ アメリカ EUの大部分は 中緯度地域にあり Thank you so much for helping us clear out the kurzgesagt warehouse for our big move! 生き残れるのは数%だろう But watch out – sometimes creepy things are hiding behind those boxes. 人類はもう 元通りにはならない Wild DREAD appeares! What will you do? 本当に安全な場所はどこにもなく 南半球の数ヵ国は十分に耐えうるが Quick! Grab something from one of the boxes to defend yourself. 他の地域は崩壊するだろう You used AWE! It's very effective against DREAD! Look! You've unlocked some amazing deals! 核保有国はすべて北半球にあり Save up to 50% on awe-inspiring products in our biggest sale ever. オーストラリア ニュージーランド アルゼンチンなどは持ちこたえうる Some of our finest creations are eager to find a new home - like the Duck Plushie, 核の冬もマイルドだし 家畜は作物ほどの影響は受けないだろう our elaborately designed notebook series and a few of our very best infographic posters. だから食糧輸出を控え 自国民を生かそうとするだろう The birbs will be moving the last boxes to the new warehouse soon – so grab a notebook, 飢える他国から 侵略されなければ plushie, pin or poster before the moving sale ends – or before dread gets a hold of them. 世界はしばらく 極めて不快な場所になるはずだ The birbs really appreciate it! そして核の冬が終わるまでに どれだけ死ぬかもわからない
B1 中級 日本語 米 戦争 火災 人類 気候 作物 農業 核戦争の後には何が起こるか(What Happens AFTER Nuclear War?) 26 2 rrrz に公開 2024 年 04 月 16 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語