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  • So I forgot to say this before we started,

  • but it's important as prerequisites to know about the system design concepts we

  • have talked about in this entire series.

  • Stop looking at this diagram because you know,

  • you're not gonna understand until we actually start discussing about it.

  • And each of these concepts that we are gonna discuss now can be, you know,

  • broken down and gone deeper into.

  • So all those concepts will require prior knowledge that that is going to be

  • given to you through the videos that I made earlier, and also, of course,

  • through lots of links on the internet. So you, it's your choice.

  • Just make sure that you have your basics and fundamentals clear before you

  • actually jump into actually designing a system. Okay, let's start. Hi everyone.

  • We are finally here. We are finally talking about Tinder,

  • and we are talking about its architecture.

  • So let's say you enter the interview room, you meet the interviewer,

  • and you sit down. So you're asked to design Tinder. Now, in my experience,

  • I've seen that most candidates get really, really into the game. They,

  • they start thinking about what services are they going to use,

  • what kind of databases are they going to use? Take, but, you know,

  • my suggestion to you would be to take a step back and think of this system

  • in a very logical, calm way. So,

  • if you have been inventing such a kind of an app what's going to come up in your

  • mind is, what kind of features will I provide this person?

  • And with those features,

  • what can happen is you can actually think about how your system evolves.

  • Two approaches that you can have for this,

  • for starting off with this is to start with the ER diagram,

  • which we are taught often enough in colleges that,

  • you know think about how the data is gonna be modeled,

  • and then think about how your services are gonna consume them. Finally,

  • think about what the clients will be doing to actually call the services.

  • So that kind of, that kind of thinking is a little too constrained.

  • It's also too abstract because you're thinking about how to model your data

  • without thinking about what do your users need.

  • The second approach is to go from the front to back. That is,

  • think about what your users need as features.

  • Think about how your services are going to actually be broken down so that you

  • can fulfill these features.

  • And then think about their individual data you know,

  • requirements per service. So in that way, your system is far more flexible.

  • It's also a lot easier to start off with the system immediately with,

  • with feature development. Per feature development.

  • So the features that we are picking up in Tinder are storing profiles.

  • Alright? So you won't just write this down. First of all,

  • what you could say or what you could ask your interviewer is,

  • so you are definitely gonna be storing profiles, right?

  • So that's an obvious question, but best to get it outta the way.

  • In that profile,

  • there are going to be images that's really important for any dating site.

  • So one thing to remember here is that images will

  • be stored in the profile. A follow-up question can be,

  • so how many images per user do you want? That could be five.

  • So I'll just note that down. Five images

  • per user. Is there something else we wanna think about?

  • Images? No, we can move to the next feature that might come up,

  • which is how are we going to

  • recommend matches Yeah, to look into that. But if you think of this in a,

  • in a storyline, what happens is you go to any dating site you make a profile,

  • and that's how you think about storing profiles.

  • You start accepting or rejecting people based on your

  • preferences. So that would be recommendation system.

  • That would be some sort of recommending matches. Yeah. in that case,

  • what are the questions you can think of? How many active users do you have? Is,

  • is a good question to ask. So,

  • number of active users.

  • Is there something else you wanna ask? Maybe are there,

  • are there certain countries where there's too much population stuff?

  • But don't get into too much details. Again, if you're,

  • if you're running behind too many questions per feature that also shows that

  • you're getting into too much detail per feature. So keep it fluffy,

  • keep keep it flying in the air. Even now then you have the third feature,

  • which is the best one, which is when you match with someone.

  • So if you match with someone, you need to note that down. And you need to,

  • you need to do something between the two people.

  • So one of the things you wanna do is you wanna note down matches in which case

  • the number of active users is kind of enough.

  • You can take a percentage of that as the number of matches you'll have per day.

  • That's going to be an assumption.

  • I'm gonna assume that typical Indian match rates are going

  • to come up here,

  • which is for every swipe you have a 0.1 percentage of matching with someone,

  • right? So the number of matches you'll have per person is going to be

  • 0.1%.

  • So that's gonna be number of active users into 10 days to power minus three

  • matches. And the fourth one is, once you have matched with someone,

  • of course you need to chat with that person. So there's direct messaging,

  • which will be a feature of Tinder once you,

  • once you guys match, right? In direct messaging,

  • what kind of questions should you ask? Well, we'll get to that,

  • we'll get to that. For now, we have four features.

  • Avoid taking too many features because it's going to be an hour long interview

  • at most. And more often than not,

  • you are going to be getting into the details that the interview wants you to get

  • into.

  • Any ways you don't need to pull out more and more features just for the sake of

  • showing that you know, you can implement these. Okay?

  • So start with four or five features. Let's start with so profiles.

  • So storing profiles. In fact,

  • the previous video also talked about this designing Instagram. There,

  • there was a lot of jargon that a lot of you felt was there.

  • Storing images has only one important question in it, right?

  • And that is how are you gonna store images? So there's gonna be a lot of images.

  • As you can see, number of active users are large per user.

  • You have about five images,

  • which is still a constant factor of the number of active users. And

  • the,

  • the question of how are you going to store these images is something which has

  • been debated for a really long time in the whole technical field that we are in,

  • computer science. And that is whether you want to store the images as a file

  • or you want to store the images as a blob. Okay?

  • So blob is a binary large object,

  • And those of you don't know about this get back to your database classes because

  • this is something which is taught in, in engineering. There's also another one,

  • which is club character, large object. And that's entirely useless.

  • So ignore that. We are gonna be having the argument of file versus blob.

  • So images typically are large in size and you

  • can't store it as a vaca or something.

  • That's the reason why you have a binary large object,

  • which is specifically for large objects in databases. Now,

  • you might think that databases have definitely got a lot more to offer when it

  • comes to specialized storage compared to files,

  • but my argument is not really, not really,

  • because the only few extra guarantees that a database gives you are

  • mut ability, okay? You can easily mutate the rules in that,

  • in that database. Basically one data entry.

  • The second one is transaction guarantees.

  • So transaction guarantees. The third one is indexes.

  • Okay? So indexes are mainly to improve your search capabilities,

  • right? Let's start with mutability.

  • Are you ever going to be changing the image? You could, yes,

  • but why would you ever want to do that? Why not just create a separate file?

  • Because an update or an image is not gonna be just a few bits,

  • so it's gonna be the entire image, basically. Why not?

  • Why not store that in a separate file and get rid of mutability,

  • make it immutable.

  • So this is an unnecessary feature that the database is giving us.

  • The second thing is transaction properties. So transaction properties are,

  • again, not required by the by an image,

  • because you're not going to be doing an atomic operation on the image.

  • So you can get rid of this. There's another feature, actually,

  • I better note that down. So that'll be the fourth feature, which is required,

  • and that is access control.

  • So yeah, let's get to the third one again. Indexes.

  • Indexes are good for searching.

  • They allow your data to be sorted according to a particular field. Let us say,

  • you know, you have a profile table in that the name can be indexed.

  • So anyone who's searching for goov will find that entry quickly because it

  • binary searches on on the name. So for a, for a binary,

  • any large object,

  • that's useless because you're now going to be searching on the content of the

  • file. That's gonna be ones and zeros, right? So you can get rid of that.

  • And finally, access control. This is very important.

  • It's one of the arguments for databases using binary log objects,

  • but I would say that you can get the same access control mechanisms

  • using a file system, right?

  • It is a little tedious maybe, but setting up a file system,

  • a secure file system is almost as tedious as setting up a, a, a secure database.

  • So nearly equal. The good things about a file are that it's,

  • it's cheaper. That makes a big difference.

  • Storing files the, the other things about

  • files, which are good, are that they are, they're built for this.

  • They're built for, you know, storing a file and an image is a little file.

  • So that's, that's one good thing, but it's a little abstract. Instead,

  • they're also faster in a way because they're storing

  • large objects separately.