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Canva, one of the most popular entry level design services out there, just bought Affinity.
And I did not have this on my 2024 bingo card.
Hello, my name is Brad. I review tech for creative professionals, and I was genuinely surprised by this move.
But the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense. So let's dive into the details. What is it? What happened? What does it mean?
If you're not familiar with Affinity, they have three programs that are very similar to what Adobe offers.
Affinity をご存じない方のために、アドビとよく似た3つのプログラムをご紹介します。
They have one which is Affinity Photo, similar to Photoshop, Affinity Designer, which is kind of a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator.
Affinity Photo はフォトショップに似ていますし、 Affinity Designer はフォトショップとイラストレーターを組み合わせたようなものです。
It's kind of a design slash illustration program.
それはデザイン / イラストレーションプログラムのようなものです。
And there's their latest program, which is Affinity Publisher, which is like InDesign.
そして、最新のプログラムは、InDesign のような Affinity Publisher です。
First of all, the amount of money that Canva spent to buy Serif slash Affinity, Serif is the company that owns Affinity, has not been disclosed.
まず第一に、CanvaがSerif/ Affinity(Affinityを所有する会社)を買収するために費やした金額は明らかにされていません。
But Bloomberg is reporting that it's in the hundreds of millions of pounds range.
しかし、Bloomberg によると、その金額は数億ポンドの範囲になると報じられています。
I didn't realize how popular Canva was. They have 170 million users.
Canva がこんなに人気だとは知らなかったです。1億7,000万人のユーザーがいるそうです。
Now, Affinity has about 3 million users, which sounds about right, but these are very different programs.
Affinity には約 300 万人のユーザーがいます。これは妥当な数字のようですが、これらは非常に異なるプログラムです。
Seeing as how Canva is an entry-level service that has like a free tier. So anybody can join and use their design services there. And then if you want all the bells and whistles, you join, it's about $120 a year for their base level price tier.
Canva は無料レベルの初心者向けサービスです。 だから、誰でも参加してそこでデザインサービスを利用することができます。そして、すべての機能を利用したい場合は、基本料金プランで約年 120 ドルです。
Whereas Affinity's pricing is very different. It's a one-time purchase. You can buy it on an app-by-app basis. I just bought the entire suite. So now I can use it on a Mac, a PC, an iPad, wherever they port it to.
And when I first heard the news, I tweeted out, I don't know what to think about this because at the moment, I really didn't.
A couple of things have settled down since yesterday when this was originally announced that have clarified a lot of things.
Many of the concern comments that I saw over on Twitter were all about, "Oh no, this is probably going to go to the subscription route."
"Oh no, they're probably going to pump this thing full of AI."
Today, this morning, they released an announcement, Affinity did, just kind of talking about what to expect going forward.
今朝、Affinity から発表がありました。今後の展開についてです。
Here's the page. This is called the Canva Affinity Pledge.
これがそのページです。これは Canva Affinity Pledge と呼ばれています。
So they've made four pledges here. The first one is fair pricing, perpetual licenses will always be offered, and we will always price Affinity fairly and affordably.
ここでは 4 つの誓いを立てています。まず1つ目は、公正な価格設定、永久ライセンスの提供、そして Affinity を常に公正でお求めやすい価格で提供することです。
Number two, this is really good news here and makes a ton of sense. Accelerating Affinity. Affinity is here to stay. It will remain the highest-quality pro design suite, and we will now accelerate the rollout of new features.
2つ目は、これは本当に良いニュースであり、非常に理にかなっています。Affinity の加速、Affinity はここにとどまります。最高品質のプロデザインスイートのままであり、新機能の展開を加速します。
Number three, accessibility for all. Affinity Suite will soon be made available without charge to schools and registered nonprofits.
3つ目は、すべての人にアクセスしやすくすることです。Affinity Suite は、近く学校や登録された非営利団体に無料で提供される予定です。
Brilliant move.
Number four, community-led. We are committed to shaping Affinity's future, guided by your ideas and feedback.
4つ目は地域主導です。Affinity の未来を切り開くため、皆様のアイデアやご意見をお聞かせくださいって。
So this is great news. The very first thing that popped into my mind is that they were going to be changing the price structure.
So the fact that they're really committing themselves right now to this perpetual license that you can get really makes a lot of sense. It makes a ton of sense for a couple reasons.
The main reason Affinity gained traction, especially over the last decade or so, was not just the quality of their software, which is very high, but also the fact that they were competing directly against Adobe after Adobe had moved to their Creative Cloud subscription plan.
Affinity が支持された主な理由は、特にここ10年ほどの間に、彼らのソフトウェアの品質が非常に高いということだけでなく、Adobe が Creative Cloud のサブスクリプションプランに移行した後、Adobe と直接競合していたという事実もありました。
So a huge amount of the appeal that drove people to thesee products in the first place was that pricing structure.
Now, it doesn't say anything that they won't offer some kind of subscription beside that, it just says they will be offering those licenses. I wouldn't be surprised to see them roll this into Canva at some point in the future.
そのため、このような価格体系が人々を惹きつける大きな要因となっています。私は、彼らが将来のある時点でこれを Canva に展開するのを見ても驚きません。
If you think about Canva's user base, when people start using it, they're like, "Oh, I need to put together a flyer or an email or just some kind of little design to put on social media."
Canva のユーザーベースを考えると、人々がそれを使い始めると、「ああ、チラシやメール、またはソーシャルメディアに載せるためのデザインを作る必要がある」と思うでしょう。
And then they get used to using the program and it becomes really easy to kind of put together nice looking things that just look a little bit more professional than when you might put together a Microsoft Word or something.
そして、プログラムの使い方に慣れてくると、Microsoft Word か何かでまとめるよりも、ちょっとプロっぽく見えるような、見栄えのいいものをまとめるのが本当に簡単になるんです。
You use it more and more and realize, "Okay, I need those other features. This is worth my investment. I'm going to pay the $120 a year."
You upgrade. Now you're a pro-Canva user. You get better and better at it. Maybe you use the tools more and more and you need something more professional level, now they have that path to take you there.
And so I wouldn't be surprised if at some point down the road, there's a third tier like Canva Pro where they're able to incorporate you or just kind of take those users and kind of maneuver them into the Affinity Suite.
ある時点で Canva Pro のような第 3 の層ができ、そのユーザーを Affinity Suite に取り込むことができるようになったとしても、私は驚きません。
I also wouldn't be surprised if we saw a lot of sharing of features here.
Number two is they said that they wanted to accelerate the development of Affinity. That is really, really good.
2つ目は、彼らが Affinity の開発を加速させたいと述べていることです。それは本当にとても良いことです。
There were also some concerns from people on Twitter who just kind of mentioned this means they're probably going to push hard into AI the way Canva has, and that is probably true.
ツイッターでは、Canva が AI に力を入れるだろうという意見もあり、これはおそらく真実でしょう。
Affinity serves a lot of different areas, right?
Affinity は様々な分野にサービスを提供していますよね?
So you have photographers, you have designers, you have illustrators.
And as an illustrator myself, every time I say the word AI, I throw up a little bit of my mouth, but to a lot of other constituencies, designers and that sort of thing, it's not such a bad word.
イラストレーターである私は、AI という言葉を口にするたびに少し吐き気を催しますが、デザイナーなど他の多くの人々にとっては、それほど悪い言葉ではありません。
In fact, just searching Affinity and AI, you're going to see a lot of forum posts asking, "Hey, when are you going to be incorporating a lot of the AI features like Photoshop has over the last year or two?"
実際、Affinity と AI を検索すると、Photoshop のような AI 機能をいつ組み込む予定ですか?という質問が多くのフォーラム投稿で見られるでしょう。
And Affinity has pretty much said, "No, we're not planning any of that. None of that is on the roadmap now."
Affinity は「そのような計画はありません。そのようなものは今のロードマップにはありません。」って言うんでしょう。
I think now a lot of those features probably are. That's just a guess. It's just speculation. But this is based on how Canva has tried to incorporate a lot of different AI tools into their app already.
Number three, I think is really, really smart, and that is making it free for like nonprofits and educational institutions.
This is just smart because if people are learning to use your tool when they go out into the workplace and the professional environment, that's what they're going to know and that's what they're going to want to use.
It just makes a ton of sense to offer it for free for people who are learning.
This is consistent with how Canva has operated for a while.
これは Canva のこれまでの運営方法と一致していますね。
They've been free for schools and nonprofits and getting people kind of into their ecosystem early and trained up on that stuff just makes sense.
このように、Canva は、そのようなエコシステムに早くから参加し、トレーニングを受けてもらうことで、学校や非営利団体に無料で提供してきました。
So I'm really glad that they released this pledge. It makes a lot of sense. It puts a lot of concerns off to the side for a lot of people, and I think will help Affinity continue to grow and get better.
And I have been curious as to what they're up to.
If you look at their layout of everything they've done in the last, I don't know, eight to ten years, they released Affinity Photo on the Mac, then they released Affinity Designer for the Mac.
この8年から10年の間に彼らが行ったすべてのレイアウトを見ると、彼らは Mac 上で Affinity Photo をリリースし、次に Mac 用の Affinity Designer をリリースしました。
I may have mixed those two up.
But then they released them for Windows, and then they created some really innovative versions for the iPad.
しかし、その後 Windows 用をリリースし、iPad 用には本当に革新的なバージョンを作りました。
And then they came up with Affinity Publisher, and then they released that on the iPad as well.
そして Affinity Publisher を開発し、iPad にもリリースしました。
So if you look at their roadmap over the last several years, they've been really, really busy.
Just in the last, I think it was about a year and a half ago, they released version two of all of their software across all of the apps at once.
So we haven't heard a ton from them in the last year and a half. So I have been curious, what's next? Are they going to make a new app? Are they just going to continue iterating?
So it should be exciting, especially with the idea of accelerating the development. What are they going to do? What are we going to have?
Also, we're seeing Canva really take on Adobe head-on, which yay.
また、Canva が Adobe に真っ向勝負を挑むのも楽しみですね。
I use Adobe software. I like Adobe software. Nothing against Adobe, but also, Adobe really does need some stiff competition out there to keep them on their toes. It's always a good thing.
Adobe のソフトを使っていて、Adobe のソフトは好きです。Adobe を悪く言うつもりはありませんが、Adobe には厳しい競争が必要なんです。それは常に良いことでしょう。
But what do you think about this acquisition? Let me know down below in the comments. Thank you all for watching, and I'll talk to you in a couple of days.