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Emotional maturity is a state few of us ever reach - or at least not for very long. But it may help
us to try to lay out what some of the ingredients are so that we have an idea what we might aim for:
If we were to grow into emotionally mature people, this is some of what
we would have learnt how to be: - We would understand the key role
of self-understanding in helping us to grow into more reliable and predictable partners,
parents, friends and colleagues. Our greatest ambition would be to reach
a heightened understanding of our own minds. - We would constantly be aware of not being able
to complete more than a fraction of this elevated goal and would hence be deeply cautious in all
our assertions and conclusions. ‘Sorry’, ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’ would be some of our favourite words.
- We would recognise what unfaithful allies our conscious minds are for the project of
self-discovery; how much of us wants to know ourselves and how very much more doesn’t want to
in the least. We would be humbled by the strength of our inclinations to distraction and denial.
- We would properly realise that we were going to die and would put this terrifying thought to
use on a daily basis to nudge us towards greater appreciation, authenticity and focus. It would
help us to say, at points, and at last, ‘no.’ - We would realise, with considerable dark humour,
that we were fools. We are idiots now, we were idiots then and we will be idiots tomorrow.
There are few other options for a human being. - We would shed our pride; we would realise
how much we constantly misunderstand - and never more so than when we begin
to have faith in our competence and sanity. - We would acknowledge the influence of the body
on the mind. We may sink into existential despair not because there is anything objectively tragic
at hand, but because we are in urgent need of an orange juice or missed out on an hour of sleep.
- We would respect the art of diplomacy and the importance of politeness;
we would acknowledge the surprising thought that other people may be just as easily hurt as we are.
- We would learn, painfully, to use language to give those around us an indication of what
is at play within us. We wouldn't hold it against them that they didn't understand
things we had never bothered to teach them. - We would realise how much others long for
warmth and reassurance and would be less inhibited about offering those two very serious categories
of gifts: cosiness and sweetness. - We would acknowledge that it was
impossible to be friends with, or liked by, everyone. Attempting to please universally
ultimately only leads to offending many; we would know how to disappoint frankly
and quickly to avoid drawn-out appeasement. - We would feel more carefree at the idea of being
strange. Public opinion would matter less, because we would have seen enough of the shallowness and
reflex moralism of crowds. This would be our one life, we would know; and we would have the courage
to be oddballs where we needed to be. - We would take our own boredom as a
guide. Everyone else might declare it a brilliant
book or an extraordinary play. We might toss it aside or walk out.
This is some of what we might think and feel if we ever became those paragons
of true intelligence: emotionally mature people.