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  • Disagreeing with someone is not always comfortable.


  • So, I think we should hire Amy to do our PR.


  • And... - What?

    それで... - 何?

  • No. - I'm sorry. Why not?


  • Because it's a terrible idea.


  • Okay.


  • [Polite phrases to use when you disagree with someone]


  • Disagreeing with someone is not always comfortable.


  • First of all, because we don't want to make people upset.


  • And second, because we don't always know what the right way to do it is.


  • In some cultures, simply saying no, no, no, and then saying something else is enough and acceptable.


  • But in other cultures, in American culture, for example, it is less acceptable and might be considered as impolite.


  • So, in this video, I'm going to share with you some phrases and sentences that you can use when you disagree with someone,


  • so it can anchor you and help you communicate your opinion and your thoughts confidently and clearly.


  • So, the first phrase you can use is, "I hear what you're saying, but I see it differently."

    最初のフレーズはこれです。「I hear what you're saying, but I see it different way.」(言っていることはわかっていますが、私は違った見方をしています。)

  • So, the first thing that you're going to say is, "I hear what you're saying," which means I hear you.

    つまり、まず最初に言うべきは 、「I hear what you're saying.」つまり、あなたの言っていることは聞いていますよ、ということですね。

  • I understand your point of view.


  • And then there is a but. "But I think differently."

    そして、「but 」があります。「でも私は違う考えを持っています。」

  • So, you're acknowledging them, but also you're setting up your argument that is going to be different than theirs.


  • Let's practice it together.


  • "I hear what you're saying."


  • You can even reduce it together.


  • What's your, what's your, what's your.

    What's your、 what's your、what's your。

  • "I hear what you're saying, but I see it differently."


  • And then you can say, "Let me explain," or "I'll tell you what I mean," and then state your opinion.


  • Another phrase is, "I don't entirely agree, but I see where you're coming from."

    また、「I don't entirely agree, but I see where you're coming from.(完全には同意できませんが、言いたいことはわかります。」という言い方もあります。

  • So again, acknowledging what they say.


  • Now, of course, use it when you do agree with some of the things that the other person said.


  • Okay, you don't need to lie, but it's a really good segue or transition from acknowledging what they said and now saying what I have to say.


  • "I don't entirely agree."


  • That means I'm, I partly agree.


  • "I don't entirely agree, but I see where you're coming from."


  • You can also just say, "I see where you're coming from, but here's what I think," right?

    「I see where you're coming from, but here's what I think.(言いたいことはわかりますけど、こう思います」って言うこともできるでしょう。

  • But this phrase, "I see where you're coming from," is a good way to acknowledge the other person's thoughts or opinions.

    しかし、この 「I see where you're coming from」というフレーズは、相手の考えや意見を認める良い方法です。

  • Another phrase that you can use is, "What if we approached it from a different angle?"

    また、「What if we approached it from a different angle?(別の角度から考えたらどうでしょう?)」というフレーズも使えます。

  • "What if we approached it from a different angle?"


  • You can also say, "What if we tackled it from a different angle?"


  • So here you're not referring or commenting on their idea.


  • You're just suggesting a new way to think about it.


  • "What if we approached it from a different angle?"


  • There's something innovative about it, and it might be less offensive to the other person.


  • It's probably better than, "No, it's a terrible idea. What were you thinking?"


  • Another phrase, "I agree with a general idea, but I do have some reservations about..."

    別の言い方をすると、「I agree with a general idea, but I do have some reservations about...(一般的な考えには賛成ですが、いくつか懸念があって)」

  • "I do agree with the general idea," right?


  • So again, you're acknowledging some of what they said.


  • Or, "I agree with the general idea, but I have some reservations."


  • So, I agree with the general idea, but I have some reservations that I'd like to share with you right now.


  • Okay, so that's another great idea to disagree, but really to share what you don't like about their idea, but that way you're saying it in a way that it is easy for people to hear.


  • Because when you disagree with someone right away, no, that's a bad idea, they shut down and they're not going to be open to your idea.


  • When you partly agree and you tell them what you think is the issue with their idea, they're more likely to hear it, for the most part.


  • Now, another way to disagree with someone is, "I could be wrong, but my understanding is that blah, blah, blah."

    もう1つ反対意見を言うとき使えるフレーズは、「I could be wrong, but my understanding is that...(間違っているかもしれませんが、私の理解ではこうです)」 。

  • "I could be wrong."


  • So, you're not positioning yourself as the authority, but then you're saying something that might reject or negate what the other person said.


  • "I could be wrong, but my understanding is that we don't own a property in the South."


  • "I could be wrong, but my understanding is that we don't have the budget to promote it on Facebook."


  • Okay?


  • You can also say, "I might be missing something, but my understanding is that..." right?

    「I might be missing something, but my understanding is that...(何か見落としているかもしれませんが、私の理解では...)」と言うこともできます。

  • I could be wrong or I might be missing something.


  • I'm taking it on me.


  • It's me. I'm the problem here.


  • I just didn't see the whole picture.


  • While probably you know what things are like and you have the big picture, but you are, it's a humble way to disagree.


  • Okay?


  • So, "I could be wrong" or "I might be missing something, but..."


  • And hey, maybe you are missing something and then they would tell you what you are wrong and they are right.


  • But either way, these phrases, especially if you memorize them and practice them, would be very, very helpful whenever you need to disagree with someone and share a different opinion than the other person.


  • All right, that's it.


  • If you have other phrases or sentences that you think are useful, share them in the comments below.


  • In the meantime, thank you so much for being here.


  • If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing and subscribing, especially shared with all those people who don't really know how to politely disagree with someone.


  • I think they might find it helpful.


  • And either way, subscribe to my channel to get updates about any new video that I release.


Disagreeing with someone is not always comfortable.


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