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  • Do conventional or organic growth  methods affect carrot quality?

  • Well, if you're an organic enthusiast,  

  • you're probably willing to pay more for  carrots that have been grown organically.

  • But for the rest of us, The scientists  have good news for you: all carrots,  

  • regardless of how they were  grown, are pretty much the same.

  • In a 2016 study published in "Food  Chemistry," researchers used specific  

  • methods and chemicals to take a close look  at carrots grown in three different ways:  

  • conventionally, organically, and  by individual growers (self-grown).

  • They paid attention to various elements like  sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and  

  • calcium (Ca), and even toxic metals  like arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg),  

  • to name just a few. They also looked at  nitrates and the dry matter in the carrots.

  • To break down the samples for analysis,  

  • they used certain chemicals like  deionized water, HNO3, and H2O2,  

  • ensuring that they could closely observe all these  different elements and compounds in the carrots.

  • The main take-away? Even with these detailed  analyses, it turns out that all carrots,  

  • no matter how they're grown, are  quite similar in terms of overall  

  • quality. The small differences they noticed  in certain elements didn't make a significant  

  • impact when they considered all of the  components together. The findings also  

  • revealed no alarming levels of toxic  metals in any of the growing methods.

Do conventional or organic growth  methods affect carrot quality?


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Is organic carrot actually better? Do conventional or organic growth methods affect carrot quality?

  • 58 0
    Jay に公開 2024 年 03 月 23 日