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  • Welcome to this Phrasal Verbs master class.

  • Today you're going to learn over 200  phrasal verbs that will help you sound  

  • fluent, sound natural, and sound  professional in English, of course.

  • I'm Jennifer from JForrest

  • English.

  • Now let's get started.

  • This is a long lesson, but don't  worry because it's divided into  

  • individual sections where you'll  learn a group of 10 phrasal verbs,  

  • then you'll complete a quiz, and then  you'll move on to the next group.

  • So let's get started with your first.

  • Group.

  • Number one to come around  to an opinion or an idea,  

  • and this means to change your opinion  or to see a new point of view.

  • Now notice the sentence structure.

  • Because we have two prepositions around and  two, and then after two we need something.

  • We need a noun, an opinion, or an idea.

  • For example, I came around to the new job  after I heard about the benefits package.

  • So remember, this means you changed your  opinion so previously you didn't want.

  • The new job.

  • But now you've come around to itso you've changed your opinion.

  • Now you want the new job because you  heard about the benefits package.

  • We commonly use this without the preposition 2  

  • and without specifying the something when  the something has already been mentioned.

  • For example, at first I didn't want to move  to Boston, but I came around after I visited.

  • So notice I didn't say I came around to something  

  • because the something had already  been mentioned, so I came around.

  • To.

  • The idea after I visited #2 to  get across a point or a message,  

  • and this is when you clearly and effectively  communicate a point or a message.

  • For example, make sure you.

  • Get.

  • Across that, the project is over budgetso if you're having a meeting with a client  

  • and your boss has this very particular  message or idea, the project is over.

  • Budget.

  • And your boss wants you to communicate  that in a clear, effective way.

  • Your boss wants to make sure you get that across.

  • Now we also use this when you're talking,  

  • You're talking, you're talking, and the  ideas aren't really coming out very well.

  • And after a while you stop and you say what  I'm trying to get across is and then you.

  • State your.

  • Point what I'm trying to get  across is the project is.

  • Over.

  • Budget #3 to show.

  • Off.

  • This is when you deliberately display your skills  or abilities in a way to impress other people.

  • Now, this is frequently used in the negative.

  • Don't show off, don't show off.

  • But there's definitely a time and  a place when you want to show off.

  • For example, when you're going to a job interview,  

  • you shouldn't be modest, You should  show off your skills and abilities.

  • You should talk about all your  awards, your accomplishments,  

  • your degrees, the compliments you've received.

  • You want to show off all of your  experience to the interviewer,  

  • so an interview is the perfect time to show off.

  • Also, if you're going for your IELTS exam,  

  • you don't want to be modest with your  knowledge of the English language.

  • You want to show off your abilities  by using a range of grammatical  

  • structures and a range of phrasal  verbs and idioms and expressions.

  • You want to show off to the  interviewer, #4 to count on.

  • Now this is exactly the same  as to rely on or to depend on.

  • So you have three different phrasal verbs  all with on that mean the exact same thing.

  • And this is of course when you trust someone  

  • or something to completespecific task or objective.

  • For example, I can always  count on Selma to stay late.

  • So you can trust Selma to complete the specific  task or objective which is to stay late.

  • And remember you could replace this with rely on I  

  • can always rely on Selma or depend  on I can always depend on Selma.

  • Now we frequently use this in a question response.

  • For example, can I count on you?

  • Can I count on you to close the deal?

  • And then you can reply back and say absolutely  you can count on me #5 to come between now.

  • This is when something disturbsrelationship and that relationship  

  • can be a professional relationship, a social  relationship, romantic family relationship.

  • It can be any kind of relationship.

  • For example, Jacob and Marcus were best  friends until Sylvie came between them.

  • So that's the image you could have.

  • They were close, Jacob and Marcus, but then  Sylvie came between them and now they're divided.

  • Sylvie disturbed their relationship.

  • Now it's very common for a girl orguy to come between a relationship,  

  • but it doesn't have to be a person.

  • It could be that Jacob and Marcus were very  close, but the promotion came between them,  

  • the new job came between themtheir family came between them,  

  • their politics came between themtheir religion came between them.

  • It could be anything between them.

  • Money.

  • Is a good one as well.

  • That comes between people in relationships.

  • And remember you can use this in any type of  

  • relationship number six to put  up with something or someone.

  • And notice this is a 2 preposition phrasal.

  • Verb.

  • Put up.

  • With.

  • Put up with and.

  • We use this to say that you tolerate bad  behavior or unwanted behavior to put up with.

  • For example, I don't know how you put up with.

  • Your.

  • Boss, I don't know how you tolerate.

  • Your.

  • Boss.

  • Now of course we can be more specific and  specify the action that the boss does.

  • I don't know how you put up with your  boss's constant criticism, for example,  

  • or your boss's distasteful jokes, for example.

  • I don't know how you tolerate.

  • It.

  • Now we commonly use this to say I'm not going.

  • To.

  • Put up with and then the behavior.

  • I'm not going to put up with your constant  criticism any longer #7 to bounce back.

  • Now to bounce back.

  • This is when you recover or recuperate.

  • Now you can use this when you recover from  a negative situation in a business context,  

  • like for example a bad sales quarter  or a bad product launch for example.

  • But it can also be when you recover  or recuperate from an illness,  

  • so you can use it in both those situations.

  • For example, in a workplace  situation, you could say,  

  • I don't know how we'll bounce  back from our loss in Q2.

  • So I don't know how we'll recover.

  • And then you could havediscussion how can we bounce back.

  • Does anyone have any ideas on how we can bounce  

  • back now in terms of recovering  or recuperating from an illness?

  • You could say it took me a while  to bounce back after my surgery,  

  • so it took me a while to  recover recuperate #8 to act up.

  • This means to behave badly or strangely.

  • This is very commonly used with  parents describing the actions of  

  • their young children or even their older children.

  • My son keeps acting up, behaving badly, but  we can also use this with devices and objects.

  • For example, my computer keeps  acting up, behaving strangely.

  • My computer keeps acting up.

  • I hope it doesn't break #9  to make it up to someone.

  • This is quite a long one, so pay attention to  this sentence structure to make it up to someone.

  • Now we use this when you try  to compensate for a wrongdoing.

  • For example, let's say it's your best  friend's birthday and you can't go.

  • For whatever.

  • Reason so this.

  • Is the.

  • Wrongdoing Not going to your  best friend's birthday party.

  • Now, if you want to compensate  for that wrongdoing, you could  

  • say I'm so sorry I can't make your birthday party.

  • I promise I'll make it up to you.

  • I'll make it up to you by taking  you out for a nice dinner.

  • I'll make it up to you by  going to the movies with you.

  • I'll make it up to you by buying  you a really nice present.

  • So those are the ways you're going to compensate.

  • Now you might be wondering  what is this it the make it up.

  • To someone.

  • We use it with it because what  you're trying to compensate for  

  • has already been explained, so  you don't have to say it again.

  • Now you can use this in a business context.

  • Let's say you went over budget on a client's  project and you might say to your team,  

  • how are we going to make it up to the client?

  • How are we going to compensate for our wrongdoing?

  • The wrongdoing is you went over budget.

  • And then maybe someone would  suggest we can make it up to  

  • them by offering a discount or offeringfree product, offering an extra service.

  • So those are how you're going to compensate for  the wrongdoing to make it up to someone #10.

  • To barge.

  • In when you barge in, you enter  a place a location unexpectedly,  

  • and you interrupt whatever's taking place.

  • For example, I was in my office  working and this kid just.

  • Barged.

  • In and handed me his CV, but later I hired him.

  • So by saying the kid barged in, it implies that  he didn't have an appointment he wasn't expected.

  • He just.

  • Barged in unexpectedly and he  interrupted whatever I was working on.

  • But in this case it was successful because.

  • He got the job.

  • So now you have the first group.

  • So let's complete your quiz.

  • Here are the questions for the quiz.

  • You need to complete each sentence  using the correct phrasal verb.

  • So go ahead and hit pause  now and complete the quiz.

  • Here are the correct answers.

  • Go ahead and hit pause and see how well you did.

  • So make sure you share your score in the comments.

  • And now let's continue with  your second group of phrasal.

  • Verbs.

  • Number one to abide by.

  • This is more of a formal phrasal verb because  

  • it's used when you accept or  follow a rule or regulation.

  • So we use it mainly with government rulescourt rules, even business rules as well.

  • For example, as a tourist, you have to abide  by the rules of the country you're visiting.

  • So if you see a sign that says no  parking, you have to abide by that rule.

  • You have to follow that rule.

  • Now remember, we also use  this to say you simply accept.

  • You accept, but then you follow it.

  • For example, let's say you go to court because  

  • of a dispute and the court  doesn't rule in your favor.

  • You still have to abide by that decision.

  • You have to accept it and then follow it.

  • So this is a more formal.

  • Phrasal verb, but.

  • It's.

  • Very useful because we all have to abide by  many different rules, regulations, and policies.

  • #2 to dawn on This is an excellent phrasal  verb to add to your daily vocabulary.

  • To dawn on is when you finally  realize or understand something.

  • For example, one day it just dawned  on me that I need to change careers.

  • So one day I just realized  I need to change careers.

  • So you can absolutely say realize we're just  

  • using the phrasal verb dawn  on and it's extremely common.

  • Now notice the sentence structure here.

  • It dawned on me something dawns on someone.

  • So the IT is the realization it dawns  on me that I need to change careers.

  • So just keep that in mind because the  sentence structure is commonly used  

  • with it dawns on and then someone #3 to pull off.

  • This is also a must know phrasal verb.

  • When you pull something off, you're able to do  something that is difficult or unlikely to do.

  • For example, let's say you're a wedding planner  and a couple comes to you and tells you they want  

  • to have this huge 300 person wedding in three  weeks and they want you to plan everything.

  • That's really difficult.

  • And it might even be unlikely that you're able  to plan a 300 person wedding in three weeks.

  • So you could say I don't  know if I can pull that off,  

  • I don't know if I can do that  because it's very difficult.

  • I don't know if I can pull that off the  that being planning the 300 person wedding.

  • Now let's say you do successfully plan the  wedding after you could say I can't believe I.

  • Pulled.

  • That off, I can't believe I.

  • Pulled.

  • Off planning a 300 person wedding  in only three weeks #4 to.

  • Back out of.

  • This is an excellent business phrasal verb.

  • It's used when you fail to  keep a commitment or a promise.

  • Now in a business context, A commitment could  be something you agree to or arrange to.

  • It can be formal and you have a contract in place,  

  • or it could be more informal and  you just agree to it verbally.

  • So if you don't keep that  commitment, then you back out of it.

  • For example, I can't believe the  client backed out at the last minute.

  • Now notice here I just said backed out.

  • I didn't use the of.

  • We only use the of when you  specify the noun, the something.

  • I can't believe the client  backed out of the agreement,  

  • the project, the plan, the proposal  at the last minute #5 to clam up.

  • This is an excellent phrasal verb for all  of you or anyone that does public speaking,  

  • because when you clam up, you're unable to  speak, usually because of fear or nervousness.

  • But this can also be used if you simply.

  • Refuse.

  • To.

  • Speak for whatever.

  • Reason.

  • For example, I always clam  up when I'm public speaking.

  • When I'm public speaking, I become  unable to get the words out.

  • You clam up now.

  • My advice to you is if you feel like you're  going to clam up, just take a deep breath.

  • Number six, to Mull over.

  • When you Mull something over, you think about  it, or you consider it, and the something  

  • you're mulling over is simply an idea, an idea,  a proposal, a suggestion, and you Mull it over.

  • You think about it, You consider it.

  • So let's say you're in a meeting and a client  

  • or colleague suggests a new tool to  use and you need to think about it.

  • So you could say give me a few days to Mull it  over and I'll get back to you to Mull it over.

  • the IT being using the tool, purchasing the tool,  

  • whatever you're going to do, give  me a few days to Mull it over.

  • Now you can also specify the noun,  

  • and you can say I need to Mull the deal  over before I commit #7 to pan out.

  • This is an extremely common phrasal verb.

  • To pan out simply talks about  how a situation develops.

  • For example, I'm not sure  how this merger will pan out.

  • So the.

  • Situation here.

  • Is the merger and we're talking aboutwell, how's the merger going to go?

  • How's it going to develop?

  • Will it be positive, Will it be negative?

  • Will there be challenges or difficultiesbenefits, That's how the situation develops.

  • So here I'm saying, I'm not sure, I'm  not sure how the merger will pan out.

  • Now let's say the merger has  some difficulties or challenges.

  • You could say the merger didn't pan out.

  • Didn't develop the merger.

  • Didn't pan out as we had expected #8 to ramble on.

  • This is an excellent one for all you public  speakers, because when you ramble on you.

  • Talk.

  • At length without getting to the point.

  • So let's say I rambled on for 5 minutes  trying to explain the definition of ramble on,  

  • and at the end you didn't understand  it at all and you're confused.

  • You're a little annoyed  because I wasted your time.

  • I rambled on.

  • So this is used as a negative and it's  used when you're communicating an idea.

  • So we generally use this as a complaint.

  • The speaker rambled on for  20 minutes #9 to nod off.

  • This is when you fall asleepbut it's when you fall asleep,  

  • usually for a very short period of time  and usually when you're not supposed to.

  • So this isn't when you go to  bed at the end of the night.

  • OK, so let's say you're in a meeting at  work and your colleague is rambling on,  

  • and the topic is very boring.

  • And you?

  • Start doing this.

  • That is nodding off and this motion  of your head, what I'm doing.

  • This is the verb.

  • To.

  • Nod.

  • Nod your head.

  • So when you fall asleep, what do you do?

  • You nod your head.

  • So that's where this.

  • Phrasal.

  • Verb to nod off comes from.

  • And remember, we use this  for short periods of time,  

  • usually when you're not supposed to fall  asleep, for example, when you're driving.

  • So I might say I always listen to  loud music when I'm driving at night,  

  • so I don't nod off and number.

  • 10I.

  • Love this phrasal verb to luck.

  • Out.

  • When you luck out, you're very  lucky in a specific situation.

  • So let's say there's this major sale  on the new iPhone model and they're  

  • selling for 50% off and you go to the  store and you get the very last one.

  • You could say, I can't believe I lucked  out and got the new iPhone for 50% off.

  • You lucked out.

  • You were very lucky in this specific situation.

  • Or let's say you're driving during rush  hour and you're going to an appointment.

  • And.

  • You get a parking spot right in front  of the office in rush hour downtown.

  • You can say I can't believe I lucked out  and got such an amazing parking spot.

  • Or if you're telling that story to a friend,  

  • I got this parking spot right in front of  the building downtown during rush hour.

  • They could say, wow, you really lucked out.

  • You really lucked out by  getting that parking spot.

  • Are you ready for your next quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause and complete the quiz.

  • Now here are the answers.

  • Hit pause and compare your  answers to the correct answers.

  • So how'd you do?

  • Share your score and let's continue on  with your next group of phrasal verbs.

  • Number one to rip off.

  • We use this when someone is selling something  or buying something and the buyer feels that  

  • the price is too high compared to  the value of whatever they're buying.

  • For example, I can't believe I paid $200 for that.

  • She ripped me off.

  • Now notice the sentence structure.

  • You rip someone off.

  • She ripped me off.

  • Another example, She told everyone thatripped her off, but it was a fair price.

  • So just because someone claims you  ripped them off, it doesn't necessarily?

  • Mean It's true.

  • #2 To wear out.

  • We use this when something is damaged or weakened  because of age, it's old, or because of use.

  • You've used it a lot.

  • For example, I wore out my  tennis shoes last summer.

  • If someone said that to me, I would assume  they played a lot of tennis last summer.

  • They played so much tennis that they wore out.

  • Their.

  • Shoes.

  • They became damaged from use  from continually playing tennis.

  • We also use this in an  adjective form to be worn out.

  • So it would be very common to say I need to  buy new tennis shoes because mine are worn out.

  • So of course are because shoes is plural and  we need the plural form of the verb to be mine.

  • My tennis shoes are worn out, so both  forms are very common #3 to draw up.

  • We use this when you need to prepare paperwork,  

  • and generally that paperwork is for  a contract, an agreement, a proposal,  

  • generally something that two people need  to sign or agree on to make it official.

  • For example, I asked my lawyer to draw up.

  • The.

  • Papers.

  • Whenever you're dealing with a lawyer, the.

  • Papers are going to be.

  • Official so this is a perfect  time to use to draw up.

  • Or you could say we're waiting for our  bank to draw up the mortgage agreement,  

  • so that's another very official  document that you need to sign.

  • And you can use the phrasal  verb to draw up #4 to burn out.

  • This is a phrasal verb that has gotten a lot of  attention recently, especially with the pandemic.

  • Because to burn out.

  • This is when you feel exhausted, mentally  or physically, from prolonged stress.

  • Stress of work, stress of a situation  like a pandemic, stress of a family,  

  • situation like a divorce or an illnesssomething like that, but a prolonged period.

  • You can be stressed out for a day, but  when you burn out, it means you've had  

  • that stress for a long period of time, several  weeks, several months, even several years.

  • For example, I burned out at my last job,  

  • so perhaps I was working so much that I went  through this period of prolonged stress.

  • I burned out another example.

  • I burned out after caring for my aging parents.

  • So caregivers often experience burnout.

  • So you can use this in a work situation or you  can use it in a personal situation as well.

  • #5 to look up to someone.

  • So notice we have two prepositions.

  • Look up two and then someone.

  • We use this when you admire  someone or you respect someone.

  • So I could say I looked up to him like a father.

  • So of course I admire and respect my father and  I'm comparing the situation to someone else.

  • I looked up to him.

  • I admired him like a father.

  • Another example, I really look up to my boss.

  • So you admire your boss or you respect your boss.

  • You hold your boss in high regard.

  • So you can use this in a work situation.

  • You can look up to people.

  • And you can use this in a social  situation, a family situation.

  • You can have many different people in your  life that you look up to for different reasons.

  • Number six, to step up.

  • Now, that's the phrase is a verb, but we most  commonly use it in the expression to step it up.

  • Notice that it it's very important  to step it up, to step it up.

  • This simply means to work harder or to try harder.

  • Now you can say we need to step it up  if we're going to meet the deadline.

  • So you have this deadlineyou need to work harder.

  • So it's the same as saying we need to work  harder if we're going to meet the deadline.

  • Step it up now, what is this it in the expression?

  • Well, the IT would represent.

  • Work.

  • Or effort.

  • We need to step up our work.

  • We need to step up our effort.

  • Step it up.

  • I encourage you to use it that way.

  • Step it up because you'll  sound like a native speaker.

  • We have a really common expression with this.

  • Step it up and then you add the two.

  • Words.

  • A notch.

  • Step it up a notch.

  • If you look at a dial, A  notch is 1 move on the dial,  

  • so it represents a little bit, A small amount.

  • Step it up a notch.

  • It's just like saying step it up a little bit.

  • So that's just a common expression.

  • You need to step it up a notch  if you want to meet the deadline.

  • So you can use it with a notch.

  • It's very common.

  • Or you you can use it without #7 to hone in on.

  • This is another two preposition phrasal verb.

  • We have hone in on, hone in on something and this  

  • means to really focus on something to put  all your attention on something specific.

  • For example, if we want to get more customers, we  should really hone in on small business owners.

  • So maybe right now you're not being very  specific and you're looking at all customers,  

  • but you want to hone in on one specific segment  of the population, small business owners.

  • So you're going to focus on themYou're going to hone in on them.

  • Another example for the presentation, we  should really hone in on South America.

  • So maybe you're a global company and  you have branches all over the world.

  • But for this specific presentation,  

  • you're going to hone in on one specific  part of the world, South America #8.

  • This is a must know phrasal verb to bring up.

  • And this is when you begindiscussion on a specific topic.

  • For example, if you're in a staff meeting, it  would be very common for the boss or whoever  

  • is leading the meeting to say before we end the  meeting, does anyone have anything to bring up?

  • Does anyone have a specific  topic they want to discuss?

  • Does anyone have anything to bring up?

  • Or after the meeting you  might tell another colleague?

  • I didn't have a chance to bring  up the marketing proposal,  

  • so you didn't have a chance to discuss this  specific topic, the marketing proposal.

  • Maybe you ran out of time #9 to talk  into and the sentence structure is  

  • to talk someone into something, and this  means to convince someone to do something.

  • For example, she talked me into helping her move.

  • She convinced me to help her move.

  • So when someone uses this, oh, she  talked me into helping her move.

  • It gives you the impression that the person didn't  really want to do the activity, but somebody.

  • Convinced them.

  • But please, I really need your help.

  • I'll buy pizza.

  • Or maybe you could say my team talked me into  bringing up the bonus at the staff meeting.

  • So notice I use bring up discuss  a specific topic, the bonus.

  • My team talked me into bringing up the bonus  now, because maybe discussing the bonus is  

  • a little bit of a sensitive issue and nobody  wants to do it, but your team convinced you.

  • Lucky you.

  • So they talked you into.

  • It.

  • And #10 to stick around, this  is a must use phrasal verb.

  • You can use it in a social  setting or a professional setting.

  • To stick around means to stay in  a location for a period of time.

  • So let's say you're at this  beautiful park with a friend,  

  • and after an hour or so your friend has to leave  and they say, do you want to share an Uber?

  • And you say, no, I'm going to  stick around a little bit longer.

  • So you're going to stay in a specific  location, the park, for a period of time.

  • It's unknown how long you'll stay.

  • That doesn't really matter.

  • It's just the fact you're going to stay.

  • I'm going to stick around a little bit longer.

  • It's such a beautiful day.

  • I'm going to stick around now.

  • You can also use this in the negative.

  • I can't stick around very  long because I have a meeting.

  • Although it's a beautiful day,  I can't stick around very long.

  • I have a meeting to get back.

  • To.

  • Are you ready for your next quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause now.

  • Complete the quiz and whenever you're  ready, hit play and I'll share the answers.

  • So go ahead and hit pause.

  • Now here are the answers.

  • So hit pause, review the answers, and whenever  you're ready, hit play and come back to the video.

  • So of course, share your score  and let's continue on number one,  

  • to take up this means to occupy or to fill.

  • Now we use this specifically  with two different nouns.

  • You can take up time and you can take up  space, and they're both very commonly used.

  • For example, I could say this  meeting took up my whole morning,  

  • so it occupied or filled the amount of time.

  • Now we can also use this with space.

  • For example, I need a new couch because  my couch takes up too much space S It  

  • occupies or fills space S Remember, you  can use this with both time and space,  

  • and they're both very commonly used #2 to branch.

  • Out.

  • Now this means to expand and we use  this specifically in a business context.

  • So let's say you're in a meeting and you're  discussing how to increase your profits.

  • You might suggest branching out into new markets.

  • So if you only sell in North  America, you can branch out,  

  • expand and sell in Europe or  in Asia, Africa for example.

  • We need to branch out into new markets #3.

  • This is a fun one to jot down.

  • Now you would probably understand  this from context in the meeting.

  • I jotted down a few notes.

  • I jot it down a few notes, so it's  the exact same thing as write down.

  • I wrote down a few notesbut it's very commonly used.

  • So someone might ask you, maybe your  boss or a colleague even might say,  

  • hey, can you jot this down?

  • And then they might give you a number ordate or a location and you write it down.

  • Now, of course, not many people  use pen and paper anymore.

  • More, right?

  • We take electronic notes.

  • But if your colleague asks you to jot something  down, you can absolutely take out your phone  

  • and make a note in your phone, jot it down  in your phone, write it down in your phone.

  • So this still applies even though we don't  really use pen and paper much #4 to carry out  

  • this means to perform or to conduct, and we  use this specifically in a business context.

  • For example, next week we're carrying  out our our customer surveys,  

  • our student surveys, We're  carrying out our surveys.

  • We're conducting them, We're performing them.

  • So I'm just going to do the survey.

  • That's the simplest.

  • Way to say it, next week we're doing the surveys.

  • We're.

  • Carrying out the surveys #5.

  • This is an important one, so make sure you  jot it down #5 to keep up with something.

  • This means to make sufficient progress on.

  • Let's say that you have this many ordersand it's your job to fulfill those orders.

  • If you fulfill this many, you've kept up with  the orders, you've made sufficient progress.

  • But if you fulfill this many, or this many,  

  • or this many, or anything less than the  total number of orders, then you haven't.

  • Kept up with the.

  • Orders you haven't made sufficient progress on.

  • Now, of course, you can use this  with many things other than orders.

  • You can use it with your studiesyour reading list, your chores,  

  • your performance reportsyour filing, your scheduling.

  • You can use it with many, many, many other tasks.

  • Number six, to fill out or to fill in a form.

  • Now this is one that confuseslot of students and they ask me.

  • Do I fill out a?

  • Form.

  • Do I fill in the form?

  • What's the difference?

  • The reality is there is no difference  specifically when we're talking about a form.

  • Now when you have to fill out an.

  • Application.

  • You could also fill in an application.

  • Fill out your passport renewal.

  • You can fill in your passport  renewal in this specific context.

  • There's no difference.

  • #7 to drop in.

  • This is a great phrasal verb because you can use  it both in a business context or a social context.

  • Now, to drop in simply means to visit.

  • So if you're talking to a friend and  you're planning to visit that friend,  

  • you can say how about I drop in Saturday morning?

  • How about I visit Saturday morning?

  • Now in a business context, you might haveclient that wants to drop in that wants to visit.

  • Or you might drop in on a client just to say  hello and to keep that relationship going.

  • So you can use this in both a social  and a business context #8 to push back.

  • This means to delay or postpone in  the context of a scheduled event.

  • So a scheduled event like a meeting.

  • Let's say the meeting was scheduled for  Monday, but everyone is really busy on Monday.

  • Well then push the meeting back until Wednesday.

  • Postpone it until Wednesday.

  • Now you can use this in a social context.

  • So you might be planning your wedding anniversary  and it's your 10 year wedding anniversary and the  

  • actual date is March 30th, but everyone is busy so  you might push it back until the middle of April.

  • So more people can attend.

  • Well, everyone's busy, so let's push back the  party until next week, until two weeks from now.

  • So you can push back a scheduled event, which  means to delay or postpone #9 to call off.

  • Now this means to cancel a scheduled event.

  • So remember in our last one to  push back you delay or postpone.

  • But the other alternative is simply to cancel it.

  • But generally when you call  something off it's because.

  • There.

  • Were some problems or issues associated with it,  

  • but the problem or issue could be a scheduling  conflict and just people couldn't attend.

  • So let's say you were planning  a conference for the summer,  

  • but nobody registered because  everyone's really busy in the summer.

  • So you might discuss it with your team  and say let's call off the conference.

  • Attendance is too low, so let's call it off.

  • Let's cancel it now.

  • You can also use this in a social context.

  • You might.

  • Call off.

  • Your wedding.

  • But if you cancelled your weddingthen most likely there was a problem.

  • An issue.

  • A.

  • Big one, right?

  • So in that context, in a social eventmost people will wonder what happened.

  • Why did they call off their wedding?

  • Why did they call off their anniversary?

  • They're going to assume that something is wrong.

  • And #10 to sort out.

  • This means to organize or to.

  • Fix if there's a.

  • Problem.

  • For example, I need to sort out my travel plansso it could mean I just need to organize them.

  • So I need to decide when I'm going to travel,  

  • what airline I'm going to usewhat hotel I'm going to use.

  • I need to sort out my travel plans,  

  • but I can also use it if there's some  sort of problem and I need to fix it.

  • For example, my flight was cancelledso I need to sort out my travel plans.

  • I need to fix this problem with  my plans So to sort something out,  

  • you can organize it or you can  fix it if there's a problem.

  • Are you ready for your next quiz?

  • So here are the questions.

  • Hit pause and complete the quiz now.

  • So.

  • Here are the answers.

  • So now let's review your  final group of phrasal verbs.

  • Number one, to tune out.

  • This is a very useful phrasal verb because  it's used to say you stop listening to someone,  

  • You stop paying attention to them because you  don't like what they're saying, basically.

  • So you tune someone out.

  • This is something that kids do all  the time with their parents, right?

  • If your parent is giving you advice and you  don't want to hear it, you just tune them out.

  • So your parent is talking but  you're just not really listening.

  • So you might say, I always tune out my  mom when she gives me relationship advice.

  • Now, this can also happen a lot inworkplace situation, let's say the.

  • Co worker that sits.

  • Beside you is just a very negative  person and complaints a lot.

  • You might just simply tune them  out so you stop listening to them  

  • because you don't want to hear all  that negativity and complaining.

  • So you just tune them out.

  • They're talking, but you're  not listening #2 to tick off.

  • This is a useful one because it means  to annoy, to anger, or to irritate.

  • Now we use this in two very  specific sentence structures.

  • It ticks someone.

  • Off.

  • It ticks me off when my coworker doesn't help.

  • So it ticks someone off, and  then you explain the situation.

  • That causes the anger, the  frustration, or the irritation.

  • Now the other sentence structure is just  to say someone or something ticks me off.

  • John really ticks me off.

  • He's so negative.

  • John really irritates mefrustrates me, annoys me.

  • John really ticks me off.

  • He's so negative, but I just.

  • Tune.

  • Him out.

  • Number three, to talk up and you  talk someone or something up.

  • And that means you speak in a way that makes that  someone or something sound really, beneficial,  

  • really positive, really amazingmaybe even more so than the reality.

  • So let's say you're in sales and you're trying  to sell this piece of software to a company.

  • Well, you're going to talk up that software.

  • You're going to talk about that software in a way  

  • that really highlights all  of its positive features.

  • And you probably won't  mention any negative features.

  • You're going to talk it up, Or let's say that your  

  • really close friend applied  for a job in your company.

  • Well, you're probably going  to talk up your friend.

  • You're going to speak about your friend  very enthusiastically, very positively,  

  • because you want your friend to get the job.

  • You're going to talk up your friend #4?

  • To.

  • Pile up.

  • This means simply to increase in amount  and we generally use this with work.

  • So in general you could say  work is really piling up.

  • Work is increasing in amount.

  • You can use this with specific work.

  • So you might say my expense reports are  piling up, or even with household chores.

  • You might say the laundry is piling  up, The Dirty dishes are piling up.

  • They're increasing in amount #5  to mope around, to mope around.

  • This is when someone moves from one location to  another, but they do it in a very unhappy way.

  • A lazy way.

  • A disappointed way.

  • And it's generally because something is wrong.

  • Something specific is wrong.

  • So maybe they just lost their job or  they just broke up with their girlfriend.

  • So they mope around the house all day.

  • They go from the couch to the  kitchen, back to the couch,  

  • but they look really upset and lazy and no  energy, so this isn't really a positive thing.

  • We generally say stop moping around.

  • You need to stop moping around  and start looking for a job.

  • If that's the reason why you're moping around  because you lost your job, stop moping around and.

  • Look.

  • For a job.

  • Number six, to loosen up.

  • This is a great one.

  • It means to be more relaxedmore comfortable or less serious.

  • So you might say she was very shy at first,  

  • but then she loosened up so she  became more relaxed, more comfortable.

  • Now we often use this as advice to  someone if someone is just being too.

  • Serious.

  • You might say loosen up, loosen up.

  • It's similar to saying relaxlittle, relax a little, loosen up.

  • You need to loosen up.

  • Oh, just loosen up #7 to kick off.

  • This is a great one because when you  kick something off it means you start.

  • We use this in the context of a sports event,  a meeting, a conference or even a party.

  • So some sort of event with people.

  • So when?

  • Sports is very.

  • Common to say the game the match kicks  off at and then you say the time the  

  • match kicks off at 3, the game kicks off  at 7 and that's just when the game starts.

  • Now, you could also say, let's kick  off the meeting by and then you can  

  • explain how you're going to start the meeting.

  • Let's kick off the meeting  by introducing the new CFO,  

  • or let's kick off the meeting  by sharing the good news #8.

  • This is a fun one to horse around.

  • Horse around you behave in a silly or noisy way.

  • So basically what children do all the time.

  • They horse around, but you might say the kids were  horsing around and they broke my favorite vase.

  • Now, although this is commonly used in children,  

  • it can of course be used for  adults as well, because adults act.

  • In.

  • Silly and noisy ways all the time, right?

  • Even in workplace context.

  • So you might be talking about how your  team is constantly horsing around,  

  • and as a bonus you can also say goof around.

  • It's an alternative, but  they're both very commonly used,  

  • so horse around or goof around #9 to get by.

  • This is when you have just enough money  to live on, but not very much extra,  

  • so you can basically pay all  your bills, and that's about.

  • It.

  • So you might say, sense our twins were  born, it's been more difficult to get by.

  • You have two new babies in the house.

  • Well, first, congratulations.

  • But of course, that's very expensive.

  • So now you only have enough money  to pay your bills to buy the food,  

  • buy the diapers, buy the groceriespay your mortgage, things like that.

  • We're getting by, We're getting by.

  • You're just surviving.

  • So if someone knows you're going  through a tough time financially,  

  • maybe you lost your job and  they ask you, how's it going?

  • Is everything OK?

  • You could say, well, I'm getting by, I'm getting  by, which lets them know you're surviving.

  • You have enough to pay all your core  expenses, and finally #10 to flip out.

  • Now this can mean to become very excited, but it  can also mean to become very angry or agitated.

  • So with when you have a very strong emotionbut that emotion can be positive excitement  

  • or it can be negative anger and it  will be obvious based on context.

  • So if you just won a competition  or a prize or the lottery,  

  • you might flip out and become very, very excited.

  • Right?

  • The sports.

  • Team.

  • Flipped out when they won the gold  medal or the team flipped out when  

  • they lost the game, the team became very angry.

  • So you can use it in both situations and  for this expression you can also say.

  • Freak out.

  • Freak out.

  • Flip out.

  • They mean the same.

  • And again, positive excitement or negative anger.

  • Are you ready for your final quiz?

  • So here are the questions of course.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you  need, and when you're ready,  

  • hit play and I'll share the answers  so you can go ahead and hit pause.

  • Now here are the answers.

  • Go ahead and hit pause and figure out how you.

  • Did.

  • Amazing job.

  • You already have 50 common  phrasal verbs in your vocabulary.

  • Let's keep going with the next group.

  • And remember, you'll learn a group of 10.

  • You'll complete a quiz, and then  you'll move on to the next group.

  • Number one to ache 4.

  • To ache 4.

  • This is a very nice romantic phrasal verb.

  • Now, we really use this in the  context of a romantic relationship,  

  • so make sure use that appropriately.

  • And to ache for something or someone is when you  really, really want that something or someone.

  • For example, he was lonely and aching for love.

  • So this is perhaps a little  more of a poetic phrasal verb.

  • You will.

  • Probably hear it.

  • In novels, stories, moviesTV, he was aching for love.

  • So maybe you won't use that in your.

  • Vocabulary, but you'll likely hear it.

  • In romance movies or romance novels now you  may be more likely to use ache or someone.

  • Let's say your husband is overseas on a business  trip and he'll be gone for two or three weeks.

  • You might say I'm aching for my husband.

  • So if you're talking to your friends or family,  

  • even your colleagues, you could sayoh, I'm really aching for my husband.

  • He's been gone for two  weeks already #2 to beef up.

  • This is a fun one.

  • When you beef something up, you  make it stronger or more important.

  • Now, we do use this in the context  of bodybuilders, and they can beef  

  • themselves up, become more muscular, So  you can use that in a fitness context.

  • But we also use this in more ofbusiness context, perhaps surprisingly,  

  • because you might say, I  need to beef up my resume.

  • I need to make my resume stronger, or,  

  • more important, I need to beef  up my communication skills.

  • For.

  • Example #3 to make up and in  this context we're talking  

  • about to make up with someone, with someone.

  • To make up with someone is when you forgive  someone after an argument or a dispute.

  • In a family context, young  kids argue a lot, right?

  • And.

  • Older kids, too.

  • But you might say to your son, your daughteryou need to make up with your sister.

  • You need to make up with your brother.

  • You need to make take up with your cousin orfriend and you list a specific person, which means  

  • you need to forgive that person, stop being angry  at that person, stop fighting with that person.

  • So we definitely use this insocial context of family context,  

  • but you can absolutely use  this in a professional context.

  • Co workers fight as well.

  • There are disagreements in companies.

  • So you say to 1 coworker Sallyyou need to make up with Mark.

  • You work on the same team.

  • You have to get along.

  • You need to make up with each other.

  • #4 to nail down this is when you understand the  

  • exact details of something or you  get a firm decision on something.

  • So let's say you're planning a conference and  you have a general idea of the conference.

  • It will take place in summer.

  • It will be on this general topic or  theme, but when are the exact dates?

  • What specific topics?

  • Who?

  • Specifically, will be the keynote speaker.

  • Who specifically will be presenting?

  • Who will you hire to cater the conference?

  • You need to nail down those details, so you need  to either understand the exact details or you need  

  • to make a firm decision on who's going to cater  when the conference will exactly take place.

  • So that's a very useful phrase, a verb,  

  • and you can use it in a business  context or a social context.

  • #5 to open up.

  • When you open up to someone, you talk very  freely about your feelings or your emotions,  

  • things that make you quite vulnerable, things  you probably don't share with everybody.

  • For example, after years, she  finally opened up about his death.

  • So for many years there was this tragic deathperhaps, and she didn't really talk about it.

  • She didn't talk about her  feelings about the death.

  • But then, after years, she opened up.

  • She started talking freely about  how she felt, the circumstances,  

  • how she's dealing with it, those types of  things, her inner feelings and emotions.

  • Now notice I didn't use to someone.

  • I could say she opened up.

  • To.

  • Her family.

  • About.

  • His death.

  • So you have about and then the specific  topic and two and the specific people.

  • You'll commonly hear people say, I've never  opened up to anybody like this before.

  • If someone says that to you, they're basically  saying they feel very comfortable around you.

  • They feel like they can share  their inner thoughts, feelings,  

  • emotions, and that's a very positive thing.

  • It shows you have a very close relationshipnumber six, to slip into something.

  • Now this is when you quickly  put on a piece of clothing.

  • So this is a very specific phrasal verb.

  • It's only used with clothing.

  • Now, for example, this shirt  is quite pretty, isn't it?

  • But let's be honest, it's not  the most comfortable shirt.

  • So after I'm done recording this video,  I'm going to slip into a T-shirt.

  • I'm going to put on a T-shirt or.

  • If it's.

  • First thing in the morning and you're in your  house coat, but then you hear your doorbell.

  • You might quickly slip into  some sweatpants and answer.

  • The door.

  • So it's simply another way to sayput on #7, to stand by something.

  • When you stand by something, it's used to show  that you still support or believe something.

  • So I might say we stand by our opinion  that interest rates need to increase.

  • So that's my opinion, That's my belief  interest rates need to increase.

  • I stand by that.

  • I still support that.

  • I still believe that.

  • So you'll hear this a lot from people in  power, politicians, executives in business.

  • They'll have an opinion, havebelief, and then they'll state,  

  • I stand by that to let you know they  still believe that specific opinion.

  • You stand by that, And if so.

  • Why I stand by that?

  • Yes, I stand by that.

  • And the reason simply is.

  • Now we also use this with stand by someone.

  • When you stand by someone, it  means that you support someone,  

  • usually when something negative has happened.

  • So let's say that your Co worker was  accused of stealing from the company,  

  • but you know your Co worker didn't do it.

  • You might say I I stand by her, I stand by her,  

  • which means you're going to support her in this  difficult time #8 to wind down, to wind down.

  • This is an excellent phrasal verb because it  means to relax after a busy or stressful day.

  • So you might say I always read at  the end of the day to wind down.

  • To help me wind down.

  • I always read at the end of the day.

  • Or I go for a walk after work to wind down.

  • So it just means to relax.

  • But it's another way of saying it,  

  • and it implies that you were very busy or  stressed out to wind down #9 to zone out.

  • This is when you stop paying  attention for a short period of time.

  • Now we've all done this, especially when we were  

  • kids in school and your teachers  talking and you just zone out.

  • Now generally people zone out because they  don't have interest in a particular topic.

  • For example, whenever people  talk about sports, I zone out.

  • I just stop listening and I start thinking  about something else in my own head,  

  • and I'm not listening to the  conversation about sports.

  • I zone out, I stop paying attention,  

  • but then when the conversation  changes, I'll pay attention again.

  • So it's always for that short  period of time #10 to turn in.

  • This is a very useful phrasal verb  because it simply means to go to bed.

  • It's another way of saying to  go to bed, and it's very common.

  • So of course you can say I'm tired, I'm going  to bed, but you can also say I'm tired, I'm  

  • going to turn in, I'm going to turn in, and it's  extremely commonly used, so I suggest you use it.

  • You can use it as a suggestion.

  • Hey, it's getting late and you  have that job interview tomorrow.

  • You should turn in.

  • You should go to bed.

  • Or you can use it in question form as well.

  • What time did you turn in?

  • What time did you go to bed?

  • Are you ready for your first quiz?

  • So here are the questions of course.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you  need, and when you're ready,  

  • hit play and I'll share the answers  so you can go ahead and hit pause.

  • Now here are the answers.

  • Go ahead and hit pause and figure out how you did.

  • How did you do on the quiz?

  • Make sure you share your  score in the comments below.

  • And let's continue on with the next  group of phrasal verb, phrasal verb #1.

  • To act on this simply means  to take action, so to act.

  • But you act on specific information, adviceor recommendations that you've received.

  • For example, the manager acted on the findings.

  • Of the report.

  • So of course in this report there's  lots of information and advice.

  • And if you act on that information, the  manager acted on the findings of the  

  • report or in a meeting you might suggest to your  coworkers, we need to act on the recommendations.

  • We need to take action outside  of the workplace, you might say.

  • We need to act on the advice  from our financial analysts.

  • So they gave you some advice.

  • You need to act on it #2  to bargain 4 to bargain 4.

  • This is when you expect something to happen,  

  • but that something is usually negative, so  you expect something negative to happen.

  • Now notice the sentence structure here.

  • Because we most commonly use this  phrasal verb in in the negative form.

  • We hadn't bargained for such a high  interest rate, so it's saying we didn't.

  • Expect.

  • Or you could say we hadn't bargained  for so many people at the conference.

  • So this is a great expression that you can use,  

  • but I recommend using it in the  negative number three to opt in.

  • When you opt into something, it means  you become a member of something.

  • So if you're a new employee at the company,  

  • they might have certain things that are  membership based, such as the pension plan,  

  • the healthcare plan or other insurance  plans, maybe even some committees.

  • And if you want to bemember, you need to opt in.

  • For example, as a new employee, you  need to opt into the insurance plan.

  • Now the opposite of IN is out, so if you  don't want to be a member, you can opt out.

  • So for example, new employees are  automatically added to the insurance policy.

  • If you don't want to bemember, you need to opt out.

  • You need to opt.

  • Out.

  • #4 to play down.

  • This is a great phrasal verb.

  • It means to make something seem less  important or less serious than it really is.

  • For example, the government tried to play  down the scandal, so they had the scandal,  

  • and they want to make it seem  less important or less serious.

  • They try to play it down.

  • Or I could say the documentary  played down his divorce.

  • So there's this documentary on this person who got  divorced and they're trying to make it seem less  

  • serious or less important than it really was in  reality, and that's what you need to keep in mind.

  • In reality, the situation was more seriousbut the documentary played it down.

  • It wasn't that big of a deal #5  to drop out when you drop out.

  • This is specifically used when you quit a course  or you quit an entire program, a school program.

  • So if you're pursuing a degree  and you quit, then you drop.

  • Out.

  • Now, interestingly, Bill Gates dropped  out of college to start Microsoft,  

  • and we know how successful that was.

  • So although it might seem negative  that you drop out, you quit.

  • Maybe not always the case.

  • Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebookalso dropped out of college to start Facebook.

  • I'm not encouraging you to.

  • Drop out.

  • But it's not always a negative, and you  can also use this for a specific course.

  • For example, I think I'm  going to drop out a calculus.

  • It's too difficult.

  • I'm going to.

  • Quit.

  • Calculus number six to cut back.

  • This is when you spend less, you do  less, or you use less of something.

  • This is very commonly used  by governments or companies.

  • The government has announced plans to  cut back on defense spending by 10%.

  • Now notice I said on if you specify  the something defense spending,  

  • you need to use the preposition on cut  back on cut back on defense spending.

  • I could also just say the government  announced plans to cut back.

  • In that sense, it's just.

  • Reduce reduce.

  • Spending spend less and then you have to clarify.

  • We'll cut back on what now?

  • We frequently use this as advice to someone.

  • Let's say you told me, Jennifer,  I drink 10 sodas a day.

  • I would say, whoa, you should cut back.

  • You should consume less.

  • That's too much soda.

  • You should cut back.

  • #7 to sit in on this isgreat business phrasal verb.

  • It's used specifically in the context ofmeeting, and when you sit in on a meeting,  

  • it means you attend a meeting, but you  only attend that meeting as an observer.

  • So you're not going to participateyou're not going to present, you're  

  • not going to ask questions, you're  just going to attend as an observer.

  • So if there's a really interesting meeting  at work, but you're not directly related  

  • to the subject matter, you might ask  the organizer, Is it OK if I sit in  

  • on the meeting today And which means  you're just going to attend to listen,  

  • to receive the informationyou're not going to participate.

  • Or if you're planning a sales meeting, you might  

  • say it would be useful to have someone  from accounting sit in on the meeting.

  • So someone from accounting is just going  to be there to absorb the information,  

  • but you don't expect them to  participate or present anything.

  • So, very useful phrasal verb in a business context  #8 this is a fun one to whip up, to whip up.

  • This is very specific because it's used with  food and it's used when you make food quickly.

  • So you make yourself breakfast, lunchdinner, a snack, it doesn't matter.

  • You make any type of foodbut you do it really quickly.

  • So you might say, Oh no, I'm running late.

  • I need to whip up my breakfast.

  • I need to make my breakfast really quickly.

  • Or let's say you have some guests  come come over unexpectedly,  

  • and you want to serve them something  you might say to your husband.

  • Give me a few minutes to whip up some appetizers.

  • I'm going to make some appetizers really quickly,  

  • so it's a great phrasal verb that you can  add to your daily vocabulary #9 to dress up.

  • I love this phrasal verb.

  • To dress up is when you wear more professional or  formal clothing, usually for a specific occasion.

  • So if you're going out for a nice dinner,  

  • maybe it's someone's birthday or  an anniversary, you would dress up.

  • You would wear more formal or professional  clothing than you normally would.

  • Or let's say you have some really important  yes, coming into your office, some VIP guests.

  • Well, you might dress up.

  • If you normally wear just a T-shirt, well,  

  • you might put on a dress shirtmaybe even a suit with a tie.

  • Or if.

  • You're going to a wedding?

  • Of course.

  • That's a great opportunity to dress  up, to wear more formal clothing.

  • Now, we often use this in question form.

  • If you're invited to a dinner or a partyyou might ask do I need to dress up?

  • Do I need to wear more formal clothing?

  • And they can reply back and say no, It's informal.

  • There's no need to dress up and  #10 to get at to get at something.

  • When someone is getting at something, they're  trying to explain or express something specific.

  • We commonly use this in question form.

  • Let's say your coworker is talking  to you and they're talking about  

  • a meeting that you have, but  you're not really sure what.

  • They're.

  • Trying to express to you what  they're trying to explain,  

  • you could say I'm not sure what you're getting at.

  • I'm not sure what you mean.

  • I'm not sure what you're trying to explain.

  • I'm not sure what you're getting at.

  • Now.

  • We also use this when we're  trying to explain something  

  • and the explanation isn't going too well.

  • And then we can say what I'm trying  to get at is we need to cut back.

  • What I'm trying to get AT is.

  • And then you state what you meanwhat you're trying to explain.

  • Are you ready for your second quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit, pause.

  • Take as much time as you need.

  • And when you're ready, you can  hit play and see the answers.

  • Here are the answers.

  • Hit pause and you can compare your answers to  see how well you did awesome job with that quiz.

  • Share your score and let's keep going #1 to bear  

  • on this means to be connected  to or related to, for example.

  • I don't see how that  information bears on this case.

  • So I don't see how that information is  connected to or related to this case.

  • I don't see how it bears on this case.

  • Now we can also mean to bear  on to mean influence or affect.

  • For example, our relationship  didn't bear on my decision.

  • So maybe you have a personal relationship  with a contractor, and you interviewed many  

  • contractors and you chose the one you have  a personal relationship with, but you want  

  • people to know that personal relationship didn't  impact or affect it didn't bear on my decision.

  • This is a more professional  or formal phrasal verb.

  • You'll hear it a lot in the news, in reportsand you can use it a lot in a business context.

  • #2 to care for something.

  • When you care for somethingnot someone something,  

  • it means that you like you have  a preference for that something.

  • But we commonly use this in the negative.

  • So I could say I don't care for chocolate  cake, I don't care for chocolate cake.

  • It's just another way of saying  I don't like chocolate cake.

  • I don't have a preference for chocolate  cake, I don't care for chocolate cake.

  • So it's another way.

  • If somebody offers you something,  

  • you could decline it and simply sayoh, I don't care for chocolate cake.

  • Or if your.

  • Coworkers are discussing the latest reality TV  

  • show and they want to know  what you think about it.

  • You could say I don't care for reality TV, it's  just letting them know you don't really like it.

  • It's not your personal preference #3 to perk up.

  • To perk up means to feel betterhappier, or more energized.

  • So think of first thing in  the morning when you wake up.

  • You're still pretty sleepy, right?

  • And what do a lot of people do?

  • They drink coffee, so you  could say coffee perks me up,  

  • coffee makes me more energized  or going for a walk perks me up.

  • We also use this when someone isn't feeling  well because they're sick or because something  

  • negative happened, like they lost their job and  you might go over with some flowers with some.

  • Chocolates or just?

  • With yourself to try to helpPerk up that other person,  

  • to help make them feel betterhappier, more energized.

  • So you might say, well, the flowers perked her  up, perked her up, the flowers perked her up.

  • The flowers made her feel better, happiermore energized, #4 to sift through.

  • This is a great phrasal verb.

  • We use this when you have large amounts of  information, perhaps a lot of paperwork or files,  

  • books, and you need to examine that information  to determine what's useful, what's important.

  • For example, after Giuliano  quit, I had to sift through.

  • All.

  • His files.

  • So he has all these files, a lot of  information, and you have to examine  

  • all of them to determine what you can delete  and what's important and you need to keep.

  • Or at home, maybe you're going  through your grandmother's photo  

  • albums and she has 20-30 different photo albums.

  • So you might ask your brother, can you help me  sift through these photo albums So you're going to  

  • examine them to determine what pictures you want  to keep and what pictures you want to get rid of.

  • Maybe you don't know who's in that photoor the quality is really bad #5 to wrap up.

  • This is another way way of  saying to end to finish,  

  • but is very commonly used  especially in a business context.

  • So if you're in a meeting and you're  coming to the end of the meeting,  

  • you could simply say, all right everyonelet's wrap up, Let's wrap up for today.

  • Now we commonly add it, let's wrap  it up, let's wrap it up for today.

  • It's getting late, let's wrap it up.

  • The IT is the meeting, the meeting, the  conference, the event, whatever you're in  

  • that you want to finish or end or you could  say how should we wrap up the conference?

  • How should we finish or end the conference?

  • You want to do it in a memorable way, right?

  • How should we wrap up the conference?

  • And then you can have a discussion  on that number six to flip through.

  • When you flip through a book, a report,  

  • a magazine, it means you go  through it really quickly.

  • So usually because you want to getgeneral idea of what that book is about.

  • Or because you're.

  • Looking for very specific information.

  • So if you have this report that's 130 pagesbut you're looking for a very specific piece  

  • of information, you can just quickly flip through  do it to find that specific part of the report.

  • Or you can do this when you're waiting  for a friend to arrive, waiting for a bus.

  • You might flip through a magazine, just  look through it, but you're not really  

  • reading anything, you're just flipping through it.

  • You're going through it quickly #7 to draw out.

  • When you Draw Something out, you make it  a lot longer than necessary or needed,  

  • so it's usually used in a more negative context.

  • For example, he really drew.

  • Out.

  • His speech.

  • He made the speech a lot longer than it  needed to be, or that it should have been.

  • So it's more of a negative.

  • It's criticizing the speech.

  • Or you could say they really  drew out the ending of the movie.

  • So maybe you were enjoying the moviebut then the end was just really long,  

  • way longer than it needed to be.

  • And you're wondering, when  is this movie going to end?

  • They really drew out the end  of the movie #8 to fall behind.

  • This is a great phrasal verb for bothprofessional context and a personal context.

  • When you fall behind, it means you make  less progress than wanted or needed.

  • Let's say you.

  • Were.

  • Off sick from work.

  • For.

  • Over a week, well, you're  definitely going to fall behind.

  • You're going to make less progress than  needed because you have a deadline,  

  • or than just you simply wanted to make  because you were gone for an entire week.

  • So often we can fall behind because we're  sick, or there's a competing deadline or  

  • competing project or something  going on in your personal life.

  • But it could also simply be because we didn't work  hard enough or fast enough and we fell behind.

  • So in a school context, if you don't spend  enough time reading or doing your homework,  

  • your exercises, you might fall behind.

  • And if you fall behind, you might have to ask  

  • your professor for an extension onspecific assignment #9 to get around.

  • This is when you move from place to  place within a specific location.

  • So let's say the location is your  city and I'm visiting your city.

  • I could ask you what's the best way.

  • To.

  • Get around.

  • What's the best method of  transportation to go from place?

  • To.

  • Place within your city.

  • So what would you say?

  • What's the best way to get around in your city?

  • And then you can say, oh Jenniferyou can easily get around on foot,  

  • which means you can walk from location to  location because your city is very small.

  • Or you might say you definitely  need a car to get around.

  • Maybe your city is.

  • Quite large and spaced outand it's not possible to walk,  

  • so you need a car to get aroundto go from place to place.

  • So this is an extremely useful  phrasal verb when you're a tourist,  

  • because you should absolutely know how to  get around in the city you're visiting.

  • And finally #10 to put off.

  • When you put something off, it  means you delay it or postpone it.

  • Now, you could put off a meeting.

  • You could delay or postponemeeting for a specific reason.

  • You might say, let's put off  the meeting until next week.

  • So let's delay the meeting until next week.

  • A lot of times people will put off things that  are unpleasant, things they don't want to do.

  • For example, I've been putting  off asking my boss for a raise.

  • I've been putting off asking my boss for a raise.

  • So notice the jaron verb.

  • I've been putting off asking.

  • I've been putting off cleaning my closet.

  • I've been putting off buying new  tires, so you need that jaron verb.

  • And why are you delaying at postponing?

  • Because it's uncomfortable, Unpleasant.

  • Are you ready for your?

  • 3rd quiz.

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you need and when you're  ready you can hit play and see the answers.

  • Here are the answers.

  • Hit pause and you can compare your  answers to see how well you did.

  • You are doing so awesome.

  • Let's.

  • Keep going.

  • Share your score and let's get going #1 to aim at.

  • And you aim at a target.

  • And when you aim at a target, this  means to intend to achieve that target.

  • So you just try, you try to achieve that target.

  • For example, they're aiming  at reducing their cost by 10%.

  • So what's the target in this sentence?

  • Reducing their cost by 10%.

  • That entire clause is the target.

  • Now notice we have a gerund verb.

  • So you can absolutely have a gerund verb.

  • You can aim at doing something, so a gerund verb.

  • You can also use a noun.

  • For example, his slingshot was  aimed at his neighbor's garage.

  • So the target in this example  is the neighbor's garage,  

  • and his slingshot was aimed at because that's  the target he's attempting to achieve #2.

  • This is a great one to shrug off.

  • When you shrug something off, you disregard it.

  • You don't consider it important.

  • So I could say his insult, an insult is  something negative you say to another person.

  • His insult was aimed at meto use our first phrasal verb.

  • His insult was aimed at me.

  • But I shrugged it off.

  • I said, Nah, I don't care.

  • I'm not going to let it bother me.

  • I'm not going to let it hurt me.

  • It's not important.

  • I'm going to disregard it.

  • I'm going to shrug it off.

  • Now notice what I'm doing with my  shoulders, because this is the verb shrug.

  • You can shrug your shouldersand we generally do that.

  • When we want to say meh, whatever.

  • We tend to shrug our shoulders.

  • So that's where this expression comes from.

  • #3 to egg on.

  • That's right, to egg on.

  • This is a fun one.

  • When you egg someone on, you  encourage them to do something,  

  • but that something isn't in their best interest.

  • For example, let's say a student  is arguing with their teacher.

  • Now that probably isn't in the students  best interest to argue with the teacher,  

  • but if the other students are sayingyeah, keep going, you're doing great.

  • They're.

  • Egging him on.

  • They're egging that student on.

  • They're encouraging that student to keep arguingeven though arguing isn't in his best interest.

  • Or let's say you're considering  doing something a little risky,  

  • like jumping off a high Cliff when  you don't know what's beneath you  

  • and maybe you're not really serious  about it, but the crowd eggs you on.

  • Oh, do it.

  • You can do it.

  • You should do it.

  • They're encouraging you, even though  it can have a really negative outcome.

  • The crowd egged them on to jump off the Cliff.

  • Now, most likely you won't use this in your  everyday vocabulary, but you'll commonly  

  • hear this on TV, in movies, or when you're  reading, so I wanted to share it with you.

  • You so you're not confused when you see this  

  • egg on and you have no idea  what they're talking about.

  • Now you do #4 to turn down.

  • When you turn something down, it  means you reject that something.

  • And we use this in the context  of an offer or an invitation.

  • For example, they offered her  the job, but she turned it down.

  • She said no to the job.

  • So.

  • Of course you can say she  rejected, but it's very common.

  • More common to say, she turned it down so  you can turn down something like a job offer.

  • You can also turn down an invitation from someone  

  • else, a social invitation orromantic invitation, for example.

  • I asked Marissa out, but she turned me down.

  • When you ask someone out, it means you invite  them to dinner or a coffee for romantic purposes.

  • I asked Marissa out.

  • But she turned me down.

  • She rejected my offer #5 to zoom  in or the opposite to zoom out.

  • If there are any photographers here, you already  know what this means because when you zoom in,  

  • the object becomes closer and when you  zoom out, the object becomes farther away.

  • And I'm sharing this with you because  everyone is meeting on video conference now.

  • When you're having a video conference,  

  • you have a camera that's focusing on you and  it's really important you have the correct zoom.

  • You don't want to be too close.

  • If you're too close to the  camera, you need to zoom out.

  • If you're too far, you need to zoom in.

  • So you might ask a colleague.

  • Hey, I can't see you very well.

  • Can you zoom in?

  • Or a colleague might tell  you your pictures all blurry.

  • You need to zoom out.

  • So now you know what that  means for your next video.

  • Call number six to wiggle out of.

  • This is a great one.

  • When you wiggle out of somethingyou avoid a situation, a task,  

  • a or a responsibility that you don't really  want to do, and you avoid it in a cunning way.

  • So let's say that tomorrow you're  supposed to clean out the garage,  

  • and you don't really want tobut your wife or your husband,  

  • your sister, your brother, whoever  wants you to clean out the garage.

  • Now, tomorrow, when you're supposed to clean  out that garage, maybe you get an urgent phone  

  • call just at the right moment, and you  have to go to work and finish something.

  • But you planned that phone call.

  • You planned that phone call to take place  right as you needed to clean the garage.

  • So you did that in a cunning  way, so you try to wiggle.

  • Out of.

  • Cleaning the garage.

  • So basically when you're asked to do  something and then you try to avoid  

  • it by creating a scenario where  you have another responsibility.

  • Or maybe a friend asks you to move, but you  tell them, oh, you have a back injury, so you  

  • hurt your back and now you can't help them moveso you try to wiggle out of it #7 to hold up.

  • This is a must know phrasal  verb because we use it when  

  • you're delayed, and you're delayed  specifically while you're traveling.

  • This could be traveling on a flight or  a train, so a more long distance travel.

  • But it can also just be traveling from  

  • your office to another boardroom  or from your house to the car.

  • So it can be a very short distance  travel or a more longer travel as well.

  • For example, my kids always hold  me up when I'm trying to leave.

  • So you're trying to leave  the house and then your kids.

  • Mom, mom, I need this.

  • Help me find that.

  • Do this for me.

  • And they delay you.

  • They delay you when you're trying to leave.

  • You're trying to travel.

  • My kids always hold me up.

  • Now, we commonly use this in the passive form.

  • So you might have an appointment that  you're trying to get to and you're late.

  • And when you get to that appointment and you can  say, sorry, I'm late, I was held up to be held up.

  • I was held up by my kids.

  • Oh, I was held up #8 to hit it off.

  • This is a great one.

  • When you hit it off, it means you  have a very positive relationship  

  • with someone right from the first time.

  • You meet.

  • Them.

  • So let's say you have a new.

  • Coworker.

  • And and the first conversation you haveyou realize you have a lot in common.

  • You really like the person.

  • They're nice.

  • They're funny.

  • They like you.

  • The conversations going really well.

  • You can say wow we really hit it off, hit  it off that it is just our relationship.

  • We hit our relationship off but we always use it.

  • We really hit it off.

  • Now notice how I also said we we almost  always use this expression with the subject.

  • We my Co worker and I or we  my Co worker and I hit it off.

  • I would not say I hit it off with my Co worker.

  • That sounds unnatural.

  • We say we hit it off #9 to get through.

  • When you get through somethingit simply means you finish it.

  • But that something is is usually a chore or an  unpleasant task, something that isn't enjoyable.

  • For example, I have 10 reports I need  to get through by the end of the day.

  • I have 10 reports I need to  finish by the end of the day.

  • But when I use the phrasal verb get through,  

  • it implies there's going to  be some effort, some struggle.

  • I don't really enjoy the task #10 to freshen up.

  • When you freshen up, you  quickly improve your appearance.

  • So before you go into a meeting or to  a social event, you can freshen up.

  • You can go into the bathroom  and you can brush your hair.

  • You can put on fresh lipstick.

  • You can check your makeup.

  • Now, if you're a guy, maybe you put on  deodorant or Cologne, things like that.

  • So you quickly improve your appearance.

  • You freshen up.

  • So let's say you're going out for a nice dinner.

  • You might say, oh, just give  me 5 minutes to freshen up.

  • Are you ready for your 4th quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you need, and when  you're ready, hit play to see the answers.

  • Here are your answers, so hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you  need to review the answers.

  • This is your.

  • Last.

  • Group of phrasal verbs.

  • Let's get.

  • Started.

  • To.

  • Take off this is used when a.

  • Flight leaves.

  • The ground.

  • For example, tomorrow my flight takes off at  7:00 AM or what time did your flight take off?

  • So this is another way of simply  saying, what time did your flight leave?

  • Now, we also use this phrasal verb to  talk about a person leaving a location.

  • So you might be at a party and it's getting late,  

  • you have an early meeting and  you say thanks for the party.

  • I'm going to take off, I'm going to leave.

  • Or someone might ask you, what  time did you take off last night?

  • What time did you leave?

  • Now take off is also used to  remove an item of clothing.

  • So at night, before you get into your  pajamas, you take off your clothes.

  • Right before you get into the  shower, you take off your clothes.

  • I can also take off my  makeup, which means to remove.

  • Or if it's really hot in the room, you might say,  

  • oh, it's so hot in here, I  need to take off my sweater.

  • Or when you.

  • You come into the house and it's cold out.

  • You take off your jacket, you take off your shoes,  

  • you take off your hat, you take off  your gloves, take off your sunglasses.

  • So you can take off an item of clothing,  

  • but you can also take off accessories  like rings, makeup, glasses as well.

  • Take off can also mean to become successful.

  • For example, after I improved my English  speaking skills, my career really took off.

  • My career became successful.

  • My career took off.

  • Or I could say overnight my YouTube channel  took off, My YouTube channel became successful.

  • So many different phrasal verbs would  take off, but they're all commonly used.

  • So make sure you learn all these  individual meanings to take after someone.

  • When you take after someone, you resemble  them in either personality or appearance,  

  • and this is most commonly  used with family members.

  • For example, it's very common for a son to take  after his dad, which means he looks like him.

  • They look very similar.

  • But you might also say Julie is so funnyshe really takes after Uncle Frank.

  • So maybe Uncle Frank is really funny.

  • He's always telling these hilarious jokes.

  • And then Julie is also really  funny, She takes after Uncle Frank.

  • So you can use this with personality  or appearance to take apart.

  • When you take something apart, you  disassemble it so it goes from being  

  • whole one complete item, and then you  disassemble it into individual parts.

  • So if your car isn't working, you might take apart  

  • the motor or take apart the engine to  try to figure out what the problem is.

  • You might also take apart a desk or  take apart a bed when you're getting  

  • rid of it when you're removing it from  your home, because it's easier to move  

  • when it's in individual parts rather  than one big structure to take back.

  • When you take something back, it means that you  return a purchased item to the store for a refund.

  • So let's say you boughtpair of shoes at the store.

  • You come home and you realize they don't fit  very well, or you just don't really like them.

  • Well, you can take them back.

  • So you go to the store, you return the  shoes, and you get your money back.

  • Now, we only use this when you  physically go to the store,  

  • So with online purchases, we actually  don't use the phrasal verb take back.

  • So if you.

  • Order something from Amazon and you  don't like it and you want a refund.

  • We simply say I returned the shoes I bought from  Amazon or I sent back I sent back the shoes.

  • So just keep that in mind.

  • We only use take back when you  physically go to the store.

  • You can also take someone back, which means  you reunite a previous romantic relationship.

  • So let's say that Rob and Julie werecouple last year, but then they broke up.

  • They ended their relationshipbut then Rob, he begs.

  • Julie, please take me back.

  • Please accept me again as your romantic partner.

  • Please take me back.

  • But Julie's friend might say, don't take Rob back.

  • Why would you take Rob back?

  • You shouldn't take Rob back to take on.

  • When you take on a project or a task, it simply  means that you accept that project or task.

  • For example, your boss might ask.

  • The team.

  • Who has time to take this on?

  • Who has time to take on this  new project or this new client?

  • And you might say, I can  take it on, I can take it on.

  • So you accept that responsibility for that job.

  • You can also take overresponsibility, a project,  

  • a task, which means that you assume  responsibility from another person.

  • So let's say Julie took on the project, but then  Julie decided to go on a three-week vacation.

  • So your boss might ask you to take over.

  • So the responsibility goes from Julie to you.

  • Hey Maria, can you take over this  project while Julie's on vacation?

  • Or it can be.

  • Can you just take over this project so it can be  permanent, it becomes your project permanently, or  

  • it can just be a temporary situation while someone  is sick or on vacation to take someone out.

  • When you take someone out, it means  you invite them for an activity,  

  • such as having a meal together or going to the  movies together, but you pay for that activity.

  • For example, let's say it's your birthday.

  • Well, your husband, your best friendyour mother, your sister might.

  • Take you out.

  • For dinner, which means they invite you  for dinner and they also pay for dinner.

  • That's the important part.

  • Or they might take you out for a nice night at  the movies, and you go to the movies together.

  • Or maybe to the amusement park  so you can do other activities.

  • But it's mainly used with meals.

  • So maybe your friend sayswhy would you take Rob back?

  • Why would you take Rob back?

  • He didn't even take you out for your birthday.

  • He didn't invite you?

  • Out.

  • For dinner and then pay for that meal.

  • You can take up a new hobby or activity.

  • Which means you.

  • Start that new hobby or activity.

  • You could tell your friends  I decided to take up karate,  

  • which means you decided to start karate  lessons as a new hobby or activity.

  • Or your friend might say, I  didn't know you took up dancing.

  • I didn't know you started  dancing as a hobby or activity.

  • Are you ready?

  • For your final quiz, here are the questions.

  • So go ahead and hit pause.

  • Complete the quiz.

  • Take as much time as you need, and when  you're ready, hit play to see the answers.

  • Here are the answers, so hit, pause and  review these answers to see how well you did.

  • Congratulations, you now have 100 phrasal verbs  in your vocabulary, but you're not done yet.

  • Feel free to take a break, but we're going to  move on and learn 30 more common phrasal verbs.

  • Remember, you'll learn a group  of 10, you'll complete a quiz,  

  • and you'll move on to the next group.

  • Let's get started to run one out of something.

  • This is when you use all of something  and therefore have none left.

  • We commonly use this with  food items, for example milk.

  • We ran out of milk.

  • This means you have no milk  left because you used it all.

  • Now notice ran.

  • That's the past simple of the verb run.

  • The conjugations are run, ran, run.

  • You can also say we've run  out of milk in the present  

  • perfect because it's a past action  with a connection to the present.

  • In a business context you might  say we're running out of time.

  • So here notice in the present continuous we're  running out of and then the something is time.

  • It means you're in the process  of having no time left.

  • So if the meeting ends at 11:00 and right now  it's 10:50, you can say we're running out of time.

  • We need to end the meeting in 10 minutes.

  • You can also use this with ideas.

  • We're running out of ideas or patience.

  • I'm running out of patience,  

  • which means I'm in the process of  having no patience left to bring up.

  • This means to raise a topic for conversation  or to raise a child, for example.

  • He brought up an interesting point at the meetingwhich means he raised an interesting point.

  • He shared an interesting point.

  • He brought up an interesting point at the meeting.

  • Here, brought is the past simple of bring Now.

  • Remember, this also means to raise a child.

  • When you raise a child, it  means you care for and nurture.

  • Nurture a child from the time that child  is an infant until that child is an adult.

  • That is, to raise a child.

  • For example, she's bringing  up three children on her own.

  • So this means she's raising three children on  her own to look after someone or something.

  • This means to care for someone or  something for a period of time.

  • So generally we don't use this if you're  caring for someone or something permanently.

  • Like when you bring up a child, you're  caring for that child permanently.

  • But if you're looking after a child,  

  • it sounds like you're doing it  temporarily for a period of time.

  • For example, my son's 16, so he looks after  his younger brothers while I'm at work.

  • So my son who is 16, cares  for his younger brothers,  

  • but he's not bringing them up because  he's not doing that permanently.

  • He's caring for them for a period  of time, the time while I'm at work,  

  • so maybe 2 hours a day between after  school and when I get home from work.

  • My oldest child, who's 16, cares for my  younger children, his younger brothers.

  • We also use this with things to care for things.

  • For example, can you look after  my plans while I'm on vacation?

  • If someone asks you to look after  something for a period of time while  

  • they're on vacation or while they're  traveling, they're asking you to.

  • Care.

  • For it.

  • So that's a lot of responsibility for you.

  • You better not kill my plans  to take off this means.

  • To.

  • Remove something commonly  from your body or to leave  

  • in the sense of removing something from your body.

  • When someone comes to your house, you might say  please take off your shoes before coming in.

  • So you want to keep your floors nice and clean,  

  • so you ask them to take off their shoes to  remove their shoes now in the sense of to leave.

  • We commonly use this with flights.

  • For example, my flight was supposed to  take off at noon, but it was delayed.

  • So if my flight's delayed,  

  • it means it's now taking off later  than scheduled, later than expected.

  • And when your flight takes offthat's when your flight leaves.

  • It leaves the ground.

  • It leaves the airport.

  • So you can use this one every single  time you're traveling and daily to  

  • talk about removing something  from your body to turn on.

  • I'm sure you know this one, but just to make sure,  

  • this means to activatedevice to turn on a device.

  • This is something that I ask Siri to do daily.

  • And you might ask Siri or Alexa or  whoever your personal assistant is,  

  • Hey Siri, turn on the lights.

  • Or you might say, can you  turn on the air conditioning?

  • It's really hot in here, so think of all  the different devices you have in your home,  

  • in your office, and even on you everywhere you go.

  • And you can use turn on to mean activate.

  • And if turn on means to activatewell then what's the opposite?

  • What's the phrasal verb for?

  • To deactivate a device?

  • Of course it's turn off.

  • Turn off a device.

  • Deactivate a device again.

  • Something you can ask your  personal assistant to do.

  • Hey Siri, turn off the music.

  • And this is also something that parents have to  remind their children to do quite frequently.

  • For example, make sure you turn  off the lights before you leave.

  • Get up.

  • This is one you can of course use every  single day, because when you get up,  

  • it means you wake up in the morning.

  • For example, I get up at 5:50  AM every day except Sundays.

  • On Sundays I get up at 7:00 AM.

  • So I sleep in on Sundays and oh I.

  • Enjoy.

  • That what about you?

  • What time do you get up?

  • Share that in the comments we also use get out  to mean to rise from a lying or sitting position.

  • So let's say you work in an office that  has some really comfortable couches and  

  • you might just be relaxing and lying on the couch.

  • But then your Co worker says quick  get up, Rob's coming and rob.

  • Is.

  • Your boss.

  • And you don't want your boss to  see you just lying on this couch  

  • when you should be at your desk working, right?

  • So in this context, it doesn't mean  that you were sleeping on the couch.

  • It simply means you were inlying or even a sitting position.

  • So we talked about how take off is used  to remove something from your body.

  • So if you're hot, you can take off your sweater.

  • But what if you're?

  • Cold.

  • What's the phrasal verb to  add something to your body?

  • Do you know if to put on?

  • To put on is.

  • To.

  • Wear clothing or accessories so you  can think of them as adding them to.

  • Your.

  • Body.

  • To put on also means to apply something  like makeup or sunscreen to put on.

  • For example, you could say  to a friend it's chili out.

  • You should put on a sweater.

  • Chili means a little cold, so maybe your friend is  going out in a T-shirt, but you say it's chilio.

  • You should put on a sweater to give up.

  • Hopefully a phrasal verb that isn't  in your vocabulary to give up,  

  • because this is used when you  stop trying to do something.

  • For example, don't give up just  because you made a few mistakes.

  • That's part of the learning process.

  • I'm sure some days you feel  like giving up learning English,  

  • which would mean stop learning  English but don't give up.

  • However, there are some things you should give up,  

  • like a bad habit, and give up is  also used when you stop a bad habit.

  • For example, you should give up smoking, which  means you should stop smoking permanently,  

  • Stop smoking, so you should quit smoking.

  • You should give up smoking permanentlystop smoking, quit smoking.

  • But you shouldn't give up learning  English just because you make a  

  • mistake or just because it's taking  a little longer than you expected.

  • Don't give up to look for.

  • When you look for someone or something, you  simply try to find to locate someone or something.

  • For example, I looked for you at  the conference, but it was busy.

  • This means I tried to find someone,  a friend, a coworker, someone I know.

  • I tried to find someone at a conference.

  • I looked for her or him, but I didn't find that  

  • person because there were too  many people at the conference.

  • The conference was busy, of course.

  • We use this with everyday objects like our keys,  

  • our phone, our purse, even  something simple like a pen.

  • Can you help me look for my keys?

  • This is another way of sayingcan you help me find my keys?

  • Can you help me locate my keys  because I don't know where they are?

  • Can you help me look for my keys?

  • So these are the 10 phrasal verbs that  you absolutely must know to understand  

  • native speakers and to sound fluent  and natural and advanced in English.

  • They were pretty.

  • Simple, right?

  • Most likely, you knew most of them, but  let's see how well you know them with a quiz.

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you need, and when  you're ready, hit play to see the answers.

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • Let's find out.

  • Here are the answers.

  • Review them as long as you need, and  when you're ready, hit play to continue.

  • So how'd you do with that quiz?

  • Share your score in the comments.

  • Practice with your favorite phrasal verb from that  

  • section and let's move on and learn the  next set of 10 phrasal verbs to act out.

  • Did this when you perform or explain  something using actions and gestures.

  • For example, right now I'm acting out.

  • It's raining.

  • Using my actions and my gestures, I'm teaching  you this one because when you don't speak a  

  • language fluently, often we act out what we  mean to help the other person understand.

  • For example, I couldn't think of the  word for sunrise, so I acted it out.

  • How you're going to act out sunrise?

  • I'm not as.

  • Sure you can try though.

  • Another example.

  • I'm not sure what you mean.

  • Could you try acting it out?

  • This could be a smart way for you to understand  what someone else is saying #2 to belt out.

  • I love this one because it means to sing loudly.

  • For example, the crowd belted out  the national anthem before the game.

  • So the crowd sang the national anthem loudly.

  • They belted it out.

  • And here's another example that is true for me.

  • I love driving alone becausecan belt out my favorite songs.

  • I can sing those songs very loudly  #3 to catch up with someone.

  • This is a must know phrasal verb.

  • This is when you meet someone after a period  of time to find out what they've been doing.

  • So let's say you and your friend  haven't seen each other for one month.

  • Well, you don't know what your friend  has been doing for that one month.

  • So you could text your friend  and say we need to catch up.

  • Are you free tomorrow?

  • This is a very common way that two native  speakers will arrange a social gathering.

  • You could also simply say let's catch up soon and  this means let's meet soon so I can find out what.

  • You've.

  • Been doing and you can find out what  I've been doing since the last time  

  • we saw each other #4 to grind away at something.

  • This is when you work on some something  for a long time or with a lot of effort.

  • For example, I had to grind  away at my taxes all weekend.

  • So this means I worked on my taxes, but because  I said grind away at, you know, it took me a  

  • long time and a lot of effort, you could also  say I've been grinding away at this report.

  • All week.

  • But it's still not done.

  • So you've spent a lot of time on this report.

  • You've put in a lot of effortbut it's still not done.

  • You've been grinding away at it.

  • #5 To naw at this means to  trouble, worry, or annoy someone.

  • First of all, notice that silent G naw naw.

  • It starts with a an N sound not to naw.

  • For example.

  • His text message has been gnawing at me all day,  

  • so his text message has been troubling  me, worrying me or annoying me.

  • You don't exactly know which one it is, but  based on context and based on my emotion,  

  • my facial emotion, you would know his text  message has been gnawing at me all day.

  • Or let's say you were in a meeting and  your coworker said something negative  

  • about you in front of everyone  and it's been bothering you.

  • Well, your friend could say don't  let his comment gnaw at you.

  • Don't let his comment bother you or annoy you.

  • Number six, to pull oneself together.

  • This means to become calm or to  regain control of your emotions.

  • Calm down, calm down, calm down.

  • So let's say your coworker made that  angry or rude or mean comment towards  

  • you in front of everyone else  and you became very emotional.

  • You became very upset or  very agitated or very angry.

  • Even your friend could say pull  yourself together to let you know  

  • you need to regain control of your emotions  because you're being too upset, too angry.

  • We also commonly use this in the  imperative pull yourself together.

  • So notice with the imperative you start  with the base verb pull yourself together.

  • You need to pull yourself together.

  • Both of those are very common.

  • And then an hour later, your friend could  say, hey, I was calling you, where were you?

  • And you could say, oh, I went forwalk alone, to pull myself together,  

  • to regain control of my emotions and  simply to become calm, #7 to rack up  

  • this means to acquire a lot of somethingand that something is generally negative.

  • For example, I racked up a lot of  parking tickets while I was on vacation.

  • So maybe you're in a new city and you're not  familiar with the parking rules and regulations,  

  • so you racked up a lot of parking tickets.

  • Parking tickets are, of course, negative.

  • Or you could say when I was a student,  I racked up a lot of student debt.

  • Again, student debt is of course  a negative and you racked it up.

  • You acquired it.

  • #8 To rub off on this is when a quality  or a characteristic is passed from one  

  • person to another person, for example, her  passion and enthusiasm rubbed off on me.

  • So this means my friend was being very  passionate and enthusiastic and because of  

  • that I became very passionate and enthusiasticso her passion and enthusiasm rubbed off on me.

  • But we also use this with negative  qualities and characteristics.

  • For example, don't let Frank's  anxiety rub off on you.

  • So Frank is always anxious, and he's sharing  his anxieties in public with his team.

  • If you're not careful, his anxieties could rub  off on you, which means you will become anxious  

  • simply because Frank is anxious and you're  in the same room as Frank #9 to slip up.

  • This means to make a careless error or mistake.

  • For example, I can't believe I slipped  up and told her about her surprise party.

  • So there was a surprise party  being planned for this person,  

  • and because it's a surprise, you're  not supposed to let the person know.

  • But I slipped up and I told her about the party.

  • I made a mistake and it was a careless mistake.

  • I should have known better.

  • Another example, you purchased  1000 units instead of 100 units.

  • That was a real slip up.

  • What do you notice here?

  • A slip up here is being used as the  noun form to simply mean a mistake,  

  • a careless mistake, and finally #10 to talk down.

  • This is when you try to make  something sound less important,  

  • less important than it really is in reality.

  • For example, the CEO tried to  talk down the recent layoffs.

  • Layoffs is when you to fire people fromcompany because there is no longer work for them.

  • So that sounds like the  company could be in trouble.

  • But if you try to talk down the recent layoffs,  

  • it means you try to make them sound less  severe, less important than they really are.

  • Or remember when I accidentally ordered  1000 units instead of 100 units?

  • Well, I could say I tried to talk down my slip up.

  • Remember here slip up is being used as the  noun form of the phrasal verb to slip up.

  • And it means a careless mistake.

  • I tried to talk down my slip  up, my careless mistake.

  • So I tried to make my mistake the factordered 10 times as many units as needed.

  • I tried to make that sound like  not a big deal, not a big mistake.

  • I tried to talk down my slip up and now you have  the top 10 phrasal verbs added to your vocabulary.

  • So Are you ready for your quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit, pause, take as much time as you need, and  when you're ready, hit play to see the answers.

  • How did you do with that?

  • Quiz.

  • Well, let's find out.

  • Here are the answers.

  • Hit, pause, and take as much  time as you need to review them.

  • So how'd you do with that quiz again?

  • Share your score.

  • Practice your favorite phrasal verbs, and  we have one more set of 10 phrasal verbs.

  • Let's do it to dish out.

  • This simply means to criticize.

  • So when you criticize someone or somethingyou say something negative about.

  • It.

  • For example, she.

  • Really.

  • Dished it out to Tom at the meeting.

  • She really criticized Tom at the meeting.

  • Now notice, I said.

  • Dished it.

  • Out.

  • What's the IT?

  • the IT represents the criticism she dished  out the criticism she dished it out to Tom.

  • And we always use this expression with  criticism, so you don't need to specify that it.

  • I'm sharing this phrasal verb with you because  we have a very common in expression in English.

  • You can dish it out, but you can't take it.

  • You can dish it out, which means  you freely give criticism to others,  

  • but you can't take it, Which means  if somebody tries to criticize you,  

  • you do not accept that you  become very upset or very angry.

  • So if someone is being very  critical, you might say,  

  • well, you can dish it out, but can you take it?

  • Can you receive the criticism that you're giving?

  • It's a way to remind someone that  maybe you shouldn't criticize others.

  • You can dish it out, but you can't  take it #2 to muddle through.

  • This is when you do or achieve something  accidentally without a specific plan.

  • For example, I muddled through making the cake.

  • So maybe I had no idea how to make this cake.

  • I didn't know the procedure.

  • I didn't feel prepared.

  • I muddled through making the cakebut it was actually quite delicious.

  • So sometimes when you muddle through something the  

  • result isn't very positive because  you don't actually have a plan.

  • Other times it can.

  • Be positive.

  • In the end, #3 to nerd out.

  • Oh, I love this one when you nerd.

  • Out.

  • On something, it means you discuss  it in great detail, greater detail.

  • Than the average.

  • Person would normally do.

  • For example, I can nerd out  on sentence structure all day.

  • I can discuss sentence structure, English  sentence structure all day, but my friends who  

  • are native English speakers have no interest  in discussing English sentence structure.

  • To them, that is boring.

  • But to me as an English teacher, and  most likely to you as an English learner,  

  • we can nerd out on the English language all day.

  • I can also nerd out on plants.

  • Talking about plants, different  types of plants, looking at plants.

  • I really love plants as wellbut the average person probably  

  • doesn't want to discuss it  in as much detail as I do.

  • What about you?

  • What's something that you could nerd out on?

  • Nerd out on this specific topic.

  • All day.

  • Share that in the comments, #4 to stick around.

  • This is a very common phrasal verb and it simply  means to remain in a place for a period of time.

  • Let's say you just finished dinner with  a friend at a restaurant and you drove,  

  • but your friend took the bus.

  • So you can just get in your car and leave.

  • But your friend has to wait until the bus comes.

  • So you could say, oh don't worry,  I'll stick around until the bus comes.

  • I'll stay with you at this specific location, the  restaurant or the bus stop, until the bus comes.

  • Or let's say you're in the  mall and it's raining outside.

  • You might say, well, let's just  stick around until it stops raining.

  • So let's stay at this specific  location until it stops raining.

  • You'll absolutely use this in your  daily speech and hear native speakers,  

  • using this one all the time #5 to wash up.

  • This simply means to clean your hands, to  wash wash your hands and or to wash your face.

  • So before dinner you could sayoh, I just need to wash up.

  • And most likely you're going to wash your hands.

  • And I commonly say this in the  evening before I watch a movie.

  • I could say to my husband, oh just give meminutes to wash up before we start the movie.

  • And for me it's to wash my face because I love  taking off my makeup before I watch a movie.

  • It's a lot more comfortable.

  • So women might use the wash up  for our face more frequently,  

  • so it can be for both hands, hands  and face number six to lock up.

  • This is when you securely close your windows and  doors or entrances to your house or building.

  • So it's another way of simply saying lock.

  • For example, make sure you lock up before  bed, and in that case it's in your home.

  • And that's of course good advice.

  • But if you work in a building,  

  • someone is likely responsible for  locking up at the end of the work day.

  • So one person might be responsible for  making sure that all the entrances to  

  • that building are securely closed or locked.

  • So for example, Sally is responsible  for locking up #7 to Yammer on.

  • This is when you talk  continuously in an annoying way.

  • For example, I ran into Kate at the mall and  she yammered on for hours and I missed my bus.

  • So I ran into Kate.

  • I saw Kate, but I wasn't expecting to see her.

  • I saw her accidentally.

  • I ran into Kate at the mall and  she yammered on oh hi Jennifer,  

  • I'd love to tell you about my vacation.

  • And then 10 minutes later, she's  still talking about her vacation  

  • and she doesn't realize that I'm not  that interested in her vacation or  

  • I'm just busy and need to leave  to Yammer on #8 to mouse off.

  • When you mouse off to someone, you speak to that  person in a disrespectful way or in an angry way.

  • So this is something that kidsespecially teenagers, do to their parents.

  • And when I was a teenager, if I moused  off to my parents, I would be grounded.

  • When you're grounded, this means that  certain privileges are taken away from you.

  • So.

  • If you're grounded, maybe you can't go to the  movies with your friends, you can't use the car,  

  • you can't use the computer privileges  you would normally have in the house.

  • You're grounded.

  • You're grounded.

  • And as adults, we also don't want to mouse off  to certain people like our boss or an authority  

  • figure like a police officer is definitely  not a good idea to mouse off #9 to Max out.

  • When you Max something out, it means  you take that something to a limit.

  • For example, I maxed out my  credit cards on vacation.

  • So your credit card has a limitmaybe $10,000 if you maxed out that.

  • Credit card.

  • It means that you spent $10,000, the maximum  amount, the limit of that credit card.

  • Likely not the best idea.

  • Then finally #10 to load up on.

  • When you load up on something, it means  you consume a lot of that something,  

  • or you purchase a lot of that  something for a specific purpose.

  • So let's say you're an athlete right beforerace or a competition, you might load up on carbs.

  • Carbs are carbohydrates, energy for your body.

  • So you want to consume a lot of carbs.

  • Jim loaded up on carbs before the rate.

  • Or you could say we loaded up on  toilet paper because it was on sale.

  • So we purchased a large amount of  toilet paper because it was on sale.

  • Now you have the top 10 phrasal  verbs added to your vocabulary.

  • Are you ready for your quiz?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit, pause.

  • Take as much time as you need, and when  you're ready to see the answers, hit play.

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • Well, let's find out.

  • Here are.

  • The answers hit, pause and take as  much time as you need to review them,  

  • and when you're ready, hit play.

  • You are doing such a great job.

  • Now we're going to focus on the verb get,  

  • and you're going to learn 40 common  phrasal verbs with the verb get.

  • And there'll be a quiz at the end.

  • Let's get started right now.

  • To get ahead, this means to progressso to make progress towards something.

  • And we most commonly use this incareer setting or academic setting.

  • For example, if you want to get  ahead, you need fluent English.

  • Would you agree with that?

  • Put that in the comments.

  • If you want to get ahead, you need fluent English.

  • Now notice how I didn't specify get ahead in.

  • What if you want to get ahead at work  in your career, so don't forget that.

  • But you can also just say if you want to get ahead  to get along with most students, know this one.

  • Do you know this one?

  • When you get along with someone, it means you  have a good relationship with that person.

  • I really get along with my bossbut we commonly use this in the.

  • Negative.

  • I don't get along with my boss, so you can  use it in both the positive or the negative.

  • So which describes you I get.

  • Along with my boss.

  • I.

  • Don't get along with my boss to get away.

  • This means to escape, so you  can use this in two contexts.

  • The criminal got away, so that  means he escaped the robber.

  • Got.

  • Away.

  • He stole my car and he got away.

  • He escaped.

  • But we also use this more in the sense  of to escape from your your daily life,  

  • the difficulties of your daily life.

  • I.

  • Really need to.

  • Get away work has been so busy  I don't get along with my boss.

  • I need to get away.

  • Another common phrasal verb with get  away is to get away with something,  

  • and that something is negative.

  • For example, she got away with the crime.

  • This means she wasn't punished for the crime, so  she did something wrong, but she got away with it.

  • She got away with stealing the car.

  • Notice that verb ING with stealing  the car to get off lately.

  • This is when you are punished for something,  

  • but you're punished less  severely than you anticipated.

  • So maybe you forgot to submit a report  at work, but you got off lightly.

  • Your boss didn't fire you, but they  did remove you from the account.

  • So you were punished, but you were  punished less severely than you expected.

  • We also use this more in a criminal context.

  • She stole the car, but she got off lightly,  

  • so maybe she didn't go to prison, she only  had to do community service to get back.

  • This is used to say that you return  to your original starting point.

  • So let's say you're at home, but then you go  to the store and then you return back home.

  • So now you can say I got back at 7:00.

  • What time did you get back?

  • Now you can specify the place.

  • What time did you get back home?

  • Back to the office?

  • Oh, I got back around 7:00.

  • We commonly use this with your vacations.

  • What time did you get back  from your trip to Italy?

  • Oh, I got back on Tuesday.

  • You returned home from Italy.

  • There's also the phrasal verb to get  back to some someone, you might say.

  • Oh.

  • I.

  • Really need to get back to John.

  • When you get back to someone it  means you respond to that person.

  • So if I say I need to get back to John, it means  that John contacted me but I have not replied.

  • So maybe he asked me a question and  I have not answered his question.

  • I need to get back to John.

  • Or you, John might say, when  are you going to get back to me?

  • When are you going to respond to my question?

  • When you get back into something,  

  • it means you continue doing something  that you stopped for a period of time.

  • So let's say you decided to learn how  to play guitar or piano and you play  

  • guitar every week for months and months  and and then you stop playing guitar.

  • You get very busy at work, but  then work is no longer busy.

  • So you say, oh, I need to get back into guitar.

  • I need to get back into my guitar lessons.

  • So maybe you could use this  with your language lessons.

  • I need to get back into my English language class.

  • Are you enjoying this lesson on phrasal?

  • Verbs.

  • You are probably a little bit confused  as well because there are just so many  

  • phrasal verbs in English, and if you want  to become very confident with phrasal verbs,  

  • then I want to tell you about  the Finely Fluent Academy.

  • This is my premium training program where  we study native English speakers on TV,  

  • movies, YouTube and the news so you can  learn the most common phrasal verbs,  

  • idioms and expressions very quickly and easily.

  • Plus you'll have.

  • Me as your personal coach so you can look in  

  • the description to learn more  about becoming a member today.

  • Now let's continue on with our next get  phrasal verb to get back at someone.

  • This is used for revenge.

  • So if you didn't get back to John, which  means you didn't reply to John and you  

  • didn't answer his question, maybe  John will try to get back at you.

  • He'll try to get revenge on you.

  • So maybe he'll tell everyone  that you're not very helpful  

  • and that's how he gets back at you  to get behind someone or something.

  • This is when you support someone or something.

  • So let's say your company has a new policy  on their dress code and you like the policy.

  • You can say I can really get behind that policy.

  • You support that policy to get by.

  • This is when you have just  enough resources to survive.

  • We most commonly use this with financial  resources, so you might say with inflation.

  • I can barely get by.

  • So it means you can pay your billspay your mortgage, buy groceries,  

  • but just enough at the end of the month you have.

  • One or two?

  • Dollars.

  • Left.

  • In your account I'm getting by.

  • To get into.

  • Trouble I'm.

  • Sure you do this.

  • All the time.

  • When you get into trouble, it just means  you enter that situation where you're  

  • doing something you're not supposed  to be doing, which is the trouble.

  • So kids get into.

  • Trouble all the time.

  • That's why you don't leave your kids at  home without an adult to supervise them,  

  • because they're going to get.

  • Into trouble.

  • They're going to right on all the  walls with crayon or eat all the.

  • Cookies in the.

  • Fridge, They're going to get into trouble.

  • To get on this is when you board,  

  • which means to enter certain vesselscertain methods of transportation.

  • So you can get on a plane,  a train, a boat, or a bus.

  • I got on the plane, You entered the  plane, you boarded the plane to get  

  • on is also used as an expression to say  that someone is old or has become very.

  • Old.

  • So you might say, my grandma is getting on.

  • Which means my grandma is now quite old.

  • She's become very old.

  • My grandma's getting on, so she  has difficulty getting on a plane.

  • Now what's the opposite of on?

  • I'm on the plane, I got on the plane.

  • So now I need to get off the plane.

  • And remember, you only get off  certain methods of transportation.

  • Planes, trains, boats and buses.

  • This is my stop.

  • I need to get off the bus, get off the train for  vehicles, cars, vans or trucks you get in and get.

  • Out of.

  • I got in my car, I got out of my  car so don't confuse those two.

  • We also use get in when you enterroom in a building or enter a house  

  • or a location so this is very common at work.

  • A Co worker could ask you  oh what time did you get in?

  • They mean what time did you enter the office.

  • So you can also use it to mean what  time did you start your work day.

  • Because when you enter the office  building, technically you've started work.

  • So what time did you get in?

  • Is another way of saying  what time did you start work.

  • Now in this case, although  the opposite of in is out,  

  • we have an expression to get offwhich means to end work for the day.

  • So someone could ask you, ohwhat time do you get off today?

  • What time do you usually get off?

  • What time are you getting off tomorrow?

  • This means what time do you finish?

  • Work.

  • Do you end?

  • Work just for the day to get out is  also used as an expression of disbelief.

  • So let's say your friend  tells you I won the lottery.

  • Get out.

  • Get out.

  • Get out of.

  • Here, get out of town.

  • So you can add get out of here.

  • Or less commonly but still  common, get out of town.

  • It's just to show that I can't believe it.

  • What?

  • Get out, get out.

  • So if your friend says something very shocking  or surprising, I'm moving to Antarctica.

  • Get out.

  • Get out of.

  • Town Why?

  • Why are you doing that?

  • When you get out of something  or get out of doing something,  

  • it means you avoid doing something unpleasant.

  • So I could say I need to get out of cleaning  the garage because that's unpleasant and I.

  • Don't want to?

  • Do it to get together.

  • This is when people organize socially.

  • They join each other socially.

  • So I might ask, what time are  we getting together tonight?

  • So what time are we going to meet each  other, join each other and have dinner?

  • Have a cup of coffee?

  • Go.

  • For a walk.

  • Do something social now.

  • If you specify the noun you  need with what time are you  

  • getting together with your friends tonight?

  • You probably know this one to get up What time?

  • Do you get?

  • Up.

  • This is when you leave your bed in the  morning, first thing in the morning.

  • So what time do you wake up?

  • This is when you open your eyes, but then  get up is when you actually leave your bed.

  • So I wake up at 6:00 AM, but  I don't get up until 6:30.

  • But how about this one?

  • Get up to what did you get up up to last night?

  • This is a common way of simply  asking what someone did.

  • Oh, what did you get up to last night?

  • Oh, not much.

  • I watched a movie.

  • We also used this one though to imply  that someone is doing something wrong.

  • My kids are always getting up to no.

  • Good.

  • This is the same.

  • Thing as getting.

  • Into trouble, but in a general contextoh, what did you get up to last night?

  • It's What did you do?

  • Last night.

  • To get across.

  • This is to.

  • Communicate your ideas successfully.

  • So as a non-native speaker you might sayhave a hard time getting my ideas across.

  • I have a hard time communicating  successfully and if you have a hard  

  • time getting your ideas across, someone  might ask you what are you getting at?

  • What are you getting at?

  • This is another way of saying what  are you trying to communicate what.

  • Do you mean?

  • So if you're trying to explain something  but the other person doesn't understand,  

  • they can say what are you getting at.

  • Now, to get at can also mean to successfully reach  something, or find something or obtain something.

  • So let's say I have a shelf and I have a hat onvery high shelf I might say I can't get at my hat.

  • I can't reach my hat.

  • To get rid of this is when you throw away  so permanently remove unwanted items.

  • So remember I said I wanted to get out of cleaning  

  • my garage because there's so  many things I need to get?

  • Rid of.

  • There's so many unwanted things in my  garage that I want to permanently remove.

  • So maybe once a year you can go through  your entire house and get rid of things.

  • Get rid of unwanted things To  get wound up about something  

  • is when you get really angry  about something, so let's say.

  • Your.

  • Father doesn't like politics in general,  

  • so every time he sees something in the  news about politicians, he gets wound up.

  • He gets really angry, but you might say.

  • To your dad.

  • Get.

  • Over.

  • It get over.

  • It.

  • To get over something is when you tell  someone they shouldn't have strong feelings  

  • towards something else, and those strong  feelings are usually negative feelings.

  • So if your dad gets really wound up about  politics, you can say, oh, just get over it.

  • It's not a big deal.

  • You can, of course, get over someone.

  • Do you know this one?

  • When you get over someone, it means you no  longer have romantic feelings for that person.

  • So after my divorce, it took me  years to get over my husband.

  • It took me years to stop having  romantic feelings towards my husband.

  • Now someone could say.

  • Get.

  • Over it.

  • Stop being upset about the situation  that you're no longer with your husband.

  • But that might be a little.

  • Insensitive.

  • You can also get over an illness, which  means you recover from an illness.

  • It took me weeks to get over my cold.

  • It took me weeks to recover from  my cold to get around this is.

  • How you?

  • Travel within an area.

  • So if you're a tourist, you might Google What's  the best way to get around New York City?

  • And of course, it's not by car.

  • You don't want to get around by car  because the traffic is terrible,  

  • so walking is the best way to get around.

  • Or taking the subway is the best  way to get around New York City.

  • When you get around to  something or to doing something,  

  • it means you finally do something  after not doing it for a long.

  • Of time.

  • So let's say I was trying to get out of cleaning  

  • the garage because I didn't really want  to get rid of all that unwanted stuff.

  • But I finally got around to cleaning the garage.

  • So I finally cleaned the garage  after a long time of not cleaning.

  • The garage.

  • To get it together is when you  take control of your life or your.

  • Emotions.

  • So let's say your friend is really upset  because she broke up with her husband  

  • and and she has not gotten over him and you  want to tell your friend to just get over it,  

  • but instead you tell your friendget it together, get it together.

  • You need to take control of your  emotions because your friend is crying.

  • All.

  • The time or she's really upset.

  • She's really Moody, angrynot pleasant to be around.

  • And you tell your friend  you need to get it together,  

  • which is a little bit of tough  love, but sometimes it's necessary.

  • There are many phrasal verbs with get  through that have different meanings.

  • When you get through something, it means you  endure or deal with a difficult situation.

  • It was really difficult for me to get  through my father's death, so my father died.

  • Obviously that's a difficult situation.

  • Hopefully you don't say get over it  because that would be very insensitive,  

  • but I had a hard time getting  through my father's death.

  • So you can use this in a personal situation.

  • You can use it in a work situation as well.

  • I don't get along with my boss, so I have  a hard time getting through our meetings.

  • I have a hard time dealing with our meetings  because I don't get along with my boss.

  • When you get through something, it can also mean  

  • that you successfully finished something  that was very difficult or time consuming.

  • I finally got through the report.

  • So you finished it, but it took you a really.

  • Long time.

  • It was difficult when you get.

  • Through.

  • To someone, it means that you successfully contact  

  • them after numerous attempts  of trying to contact them.

  • So let's say I needed to get back to John.

  • I needed to respond to John, but every  time I called John, I got his voicemail.

  • I could say I'm having a hard  time getting through to John,  

  • so I can't get back to John  because I can't get through to him.

  • But we also used to get through  to someone when you're able to  

  • communicate something to someone in  a way that they, they understand it.

  • So I told my friend that she shouldn't quit her  

  • job and I explained all the reasons  why and I finally got through to her.

  • So I finally made her understand  why she shouldn't quit her job.

  • Your head is probably spinning  right now with all of.

  • These.

  • Phrasal verbs with get, but all you need is some  practice, practice, practice, and repetition.

  • So let's do that right now with a quiz so you  have a chance to review and practice these.

  • Get phrasal verbs.

  • None.

  • You already have at least 150  phrasal verbs in your vocabulary.

  • I've.

  • Already.

  • Lost count so.

  • Let's.

  • Keep going.

  • This is your final section, and because you're  so advanced with phrasal verbs, I'm going to.

  • Quiz you.

  • 1st.

  • So you're going to complete  a quiz, and then don't worry,  

  • I'll explain all the phrasal verbs in detailand then you'll complete that same quiz again.

  • And I promise your score will greatly improve  from from the first quiz to the second quiz.

  • So let's do that now.

  • Question 1, the phrasal verb used to  invite someone on a romantic date, is now.

  • I'm only going to give you 3 seconds  for each question, so hit pause,  

  • take as much time as you need, and when  you're ready, hit play to see the answer the.

  • Phrasal verb.

  • Is.

  • To ask out question.

  • Two, if you like a genre of musicyou can say I'm really country music.

  • I'm really into country music.

  • Remember, I'm going to explain  every single phrasal verb in detail,  

  • so don't worry if this test is difficult #3.

  • If a movie made you sad, you can  say that movie really Me Down.

  • That movie really brought me down #4.

  • If you think someone should  be happier, you can say cheer.

  • Cheer up, cheer up #5 Do you have time  to the dry cleaning on your way home?

  • Do you have time to pick up number?

  • 6.

  • You see that box?

  • Can you at the post office?

  • Can you drop it off #7?

  • We ended up at home.

  • We ended up staying at home #8,  

  • which phrasal verb is used to reject  someone or something to turn down #9.

  • When you complete a form, you can  use both fill in and fill out.

  • This is true #10 How did you that Maria was fired?

  • How did you find out?

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • Was it easy or difficult?

  • Share your score in the comments and now I'll  

  • explain every phrasal verb in  detail with example sentences.

  • Number one to ask someone out.

  • Now pay attention to the sentence structure  because notice here I'm using someone.

  • You only ask someone outyou don't ask something out.

  • And here's the reason why.

  • When you ask someone out, it's to invite them on  a romantic evening together, also known as a date.

  • So to ask someone out, you invite them on a date.

  • A date is a romantic evening spent with someone.

  • Of course it doesn't have to be an evening,  

  • it could be a morning coffee date  or an afternoon date as well.

  • But I just said evening because most  of the time it is in the evening.

  • So let me give you an example sentence.

  • Why hasn't Jim asked Maria out yet?

  • He's obviously into her.

  • So notice here, why hasn't Jim asked Maria out?

  • Ask someone out or someone is Maria.

  • Now of course you need the  subject who's doing the action.

  • So Jim is inviting Maria on a date.

  • A date is always romantic.

  • Right Now, Maria could say no.

  • And we're going to talk about that  later on in one of our phrasal verbs.

  • So let me give you that example again.

  • Why hasn't Jim asked Maria out yet?

  • He's obviously into her now.

  • You might be wonderingJennifer, what does that mean?

  • He's obviously into her.

  • Well, that's our next phrasal verb.

  • To be into someone.

  • To be into someone.

  • Now here I'll point out that  you can also be into something.

  • But first, let's talk about to be into someone.

  • When you're into someone, I'm sure  you notice based on the context,  

  • but it means to like someone romantically.

  • Now, the context is really important because I'm  going to give you a musician who I'm really into.

  • I'm really into Jack Johnson.

  • Now when I say that, oh, I'm  really into Jack Johnson.

  • I don't like Jack Johnson romanticallyalthough he is pretty cute I guess,  

  • but I don't like him romanticallybut I really like his music.

  • So if you use into someone, it  depends on the context, but there is.

  • This.

  • Meaning of liking.

  • And for the most part, that liking is romantic.

  • So if I said Jim is into Mariahe likes her romantically.

  • But if I'm talking about being  into a celebrity or a musician,  

  • an actor, it's possible that I just like  them, but not necessarily romantically.

  • So keep that in mind.

  • Now remember I said you  could also be into something.

  • Now in this case, we're talking about liking  something and it's usually an activity or a hobby.

  • So I was really into Jack Johnson when I was  really into playing ukulele and playing guitar.

  • Jack Johnson is an amazing musician.

  • He plays guitar and he plays ukulele,  

  • so I was really into him and mainly whenwas into playing ukulele and playing guitar.

  • Those are two activities I don't really do  much anymore simply because I don't have time.

  • It isn't a priority for me to do those  activities right now, at this stage in my life.

  • Although one day I would definitely like  

  • to do them again now so you could  talk about any hobby or activity.

  • Oh, I'm really into going hiking.

  • I'm really into playing video games.

  • So we use this with hobbies and activities, mainly  our next phrasal verb, to bring someone down.

  • To bring someone down is to make someone unhappy.

  • But there's that transition, because that  person was happy, and then something happened  

  • to bring them down, and now they're not happy, or  they're at least less happy than they were before.

  • So I could say that movie really brought me down.

  • Now notice.

  • Here the my subject is.

  • The.

  • Movie.

  • The movie brought me down.

  • I could also use a person.

  • My boss brought me down, so something  or someone can bring someone down.

  • That movie brought me down, so I was happy.

  • And then I watched the movie and  now I'm not happy or I'm less happy,  

  • probably because the movie  was very sad or depressing.

  • Something like that, #4 to cheer up.

  • So you can think of this as the opposite.

  • To cheer someone up is to make them happier.

  • Now we commonly use this in the imperative.

  • Cheer up.

  • Cheer up, Julie.

  • Cheer up.

  • Don't be sad.

  • Cheer up.

  • So we commonly use this in the imperativebut you can use it in other ways.

  • For example, I could say I took my  friend out to lunch to cheer her up.

  • To cheer her up.

  • So that's the the reason why  I wanted to make her happier.

  • To cheer her up #5 to pick  someone or something up.

  • This is one of the most common phrasal verbs.

  • You probably know it, but did you  know you can also pick something up?

  • You pick someone up and  you also pick something up.

  • And that's when you take an object orperson from one location to another location.

  • So of course you might know it  in the sense of I pick my kids  

  • up after school or I pick my  husband up after work, right?

  • That's probably how you know it.

  • But you can use it with a something.

  • Maybe your husband could call you  and say, oh hey, can you pick milk?

  • Up.

  • On your way home, can you pick milk up?

  • So you're going to go to a location,  

  • the store, get milk and take it  to another location, your home.

  • Can you pick milk up on your way home?

  • It's very common to get a call from someone and  they ask you, oh, hey, can you pick this up?

  • Can you pick this up on your way home?

  • And that something is a grocery  item or something for your home.

  • So now you know how to use it  with a someone and a something.

  • And what's the opposite of to pick someone up?

  • Well, it's to drop someone off.

  • And you can also drop something off.

  • When you drop someone or something off, it's to  leave someone or something at a specific location.

  • So of course you could saydrop my husband off at work.

  • I dropped my friend off at.

  • The.

  • Airport.

  • Now you might also ask someone can you  drop this letter off on your way to work?

  • So they take the letter and they leave  it somewhere in a different location,  

  • the post office or a mailbox.

  • Can you drop this letter off on your way to work?

  • #7 to end up, to end up is  a very useful phrasal verb.

  • We use it to say that you eventually do  something or eventually decide something.

  • So you might say I ended up asking Julie out.

  • I ended up asking Julie out.

  • Who is our first example.

  • I can't remember.

  • Oh, it wasn't Julie.

  • It was Jim and Maria.

  • So let me give that again.

  • Jim ended up asking Maria out.

  • So remember before I said why  hasn't Jim asked Maria out yet?

  • So now remember to end up, that's  to eventually do something.

  • So after a period of time.

  • So Jim ended up asking Maria  out, but she turned him down.

  • Remember, I said at the beginning.

  • I'm going to teach.

  • You a phrasal.

  • Verb.

  • If Maria, I was going to say Julie again.

  • If Maria says no, wellthat's to turn someone down.

  • That's our next phrasal  verb, to turn someone down.

  • Now, you can also turn something down.

  • Can you think of something  that you might say no to?

  • Hmm, about a job offer.

  • Something like that.

  • So to turn.

  • Someone down to turn something down  is when you receive an invitation  

  • or a proposal to do something  and you say no, you decline.

  • You refuse, You reject.

  • You.

  • Say no.

  • So Maria turned Jim down.

  • Now you might also saywas turned down for the job.

  • I was turned down.

  • Now you could turn that into an active sentence.

  • They turned me down.

  • I was turned down by the company.

  • They turned me down South.

  • In this specific phrasal verb, it  is commonly used in the passive,  

  • so I would get comfortable with the passive, but  you can use it in the active of course as well.

  • #9 to fill in or to fill.

  • Out.

  • Forms.

  • OK, so notice here I gave you 2 prepositions.

  • I know students get confused.

  • What's the difference  between fill in and fill out?

  • There is no difference.

  • So specifically with forms, that's the  only time that there is no difference.

  • When you're entering information into  a form, you're filling in that form.

  • You're also filling out that form.

  • It doesn't matter which preposition you use.

  • And honestly, I use both of them interchangeablyso I just change between fill in, fill out.

  • I use both, and you can too.

  • So if you go to an officethey might say after you.

  • Fill.

  • In this form or after you fill out  this form, drop it off at reception.

  • Notice.

  • Drop it off at reception.

  • So take it to reception and leave it there.

  • Drop it off at reception.

  • Our final phrasal verb to find out, To  find out is when you understand something,  

  • you learn something or you discover something.

  • So maybe going back to our character Jim.

  • So maybe Jim could say, how did you  find out that Maria turned me down?

  • So maybe Jim is a little embarrassed  He thought this was just a secret.

  • Nobody knew.

  • But then a friend tried to cheer him up.

  • Because he.

  • Knew Maria turned him down.

  • After he asked her out.

  • Noticed all our phrasal verbs so Jim could say  How did you find out that Maria turned me down?

  • So how did you discover this?

  • How did you learn this?

  • How did you find this out?

  • And we use this when you want  to get information as well.

  • So I might say I need to find out  when the store closes because I  

  • have a package I need to drop off  but I don't know when they close.

  • I need to find that out.

  • So learn or discover that specific information.

  • So now that you understand all  of these phrasal verbs, how?

  • About we do the.

  • Quiz from the beginning again,  

  • and then you can compare your score  from the first time to the second time.

  • So let's do that same quiz now.

  • Question 1.

  • The phrasal verb used to invite  someone on a romantic date is.

  • The phrasal verb is to.

  • Ask out.

  • Question two.

  • If you like a genre of music, you  can say I'm really country music.

  • I'm really into country music #3.

  • If a movie made you sad, you can say that movie.

  • Really Me Down?

  • That movie really brought me down #4 If you think  someone should be happier, you can say cheer.

  • Cheer up, cheer up #5.

  • Do you have time to the dry  cleaning on your way home?

  • Do you have time to pick up number six?

  • You see that box?

  • Can you at the post office?

  • Can you drop it off #7?

  • We end it up at home.

  • We ended up staying at home #8,  

  • which phrasal verb is used to reject  someone or something to turn down #9.

  • When you complete a form, you can  use both fill in and fill out.

  • This is true #10.

  • How did you that Maria was fired?

  • How did you find out?

  • Question one.

  • Please bear me.

  • While I look up.

  • Your file.

  • Please bear with me.

  • While I look up your file, Question 2,  

  • the phrasal verb to attend to means  to attend to means to work on #3.

  • Why are you so angry?

  • You need to cool.

  • You need to cool down #4.

  • The phrasal verb for repair is.

  • The phrasal verb for repair is fix up #5.

  • The phrasal verb for.

  • To.

  • Discuss something so you can reach an agreement  is to hash out to hash out number six.

  • If someone is being too seriousyou can tell them to lighten up.

  • Lighten up.

  • You're being too serious.

  • Lighten up, #7.

  • After years of studying Englishmy hard work has finally paid.

  • My hard work has finally paid off.

  • #8 We shouldn't rule out a graphic designer.

  • We shouldn't rule out hiring a graphic designer.

  • #9 My boss for being late again, my  boss chewed me out for being late again.

  • And #10 let's give everyone a few  minutes too before we begin to settle in.

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • With an easy Difficult.

  • Share your score.

  • In the comments below, and now I'm going to  explain every single phrasal verb in detail.

  • So let's do that.

  • Now to bear with someone.

  • This is a very common phrasal verb.

  • It has a simple meaning.

  • It means to be patient with someone.

  • So we use this a lot with.

  • Customer service representatives or any time  someone is providing you with a service,  

  • now it's very common when that person is  providing you with that service to say,  

  • please bear with me, please  bear with me, Please be patient.

  • So notice our verb tense.

  • That's in the imperative, the imperative.

  • So we're starting with the base verb.

  • Now if you use this verb and  other verb tenses, it's an E.

  • Regular.

  • Verb The past simple is bore, and the  past participle is any idea it's born.

  • That's right, born with an  optional E for spelling,  

  • but pronunciation is exactly the same in the past.

  • Simple.

  • You could say I bore with him for 20 minutes,  

  • I was patient with him for 20 minutes, and  in the past participle you can use this.

  • In the present Perfect, you might say.

  • I've born with you for 20 minutes.

  • Our next.

  • Phrasal verb is.

  • To attend to now, notice we're using the  verb attend, and I could say last night I  

  • attended the party, but that's notphrasal verb, that's just a regular.

  • Verb.

  • Because I don't havepreposition, I attended the party.

  • I went to the party.

  • But if we use the phrasal verb  attend to, the meaning is different.

  • I could say I attended to the.

  • Party.

  • Now, in this case, this means that I worked on or  I paid attention to the party, so how could you?

  • Work.

  • On a party, Well, you could  work on organizing a party.

  • So organizing all the details, sending  out the invitations, buying the food,  

  • cleaning the apartment, getting the decorations.

  • I attended to the party.

  • So pay attention because the verb attends and the.

  • Phasal verb.

  • Attend to have different meanings our next.

  • Phrasal.

  • Verb.

  • To cool down.

  • To cool down.

  • We use this when someone is really angryupset or frustrated and you want them to.

  • Relax.

  • You can say cool down, cool down.

  • So let's say a client has been sending youlot of emails and you're feeling really angry,  

  • irritated, annoyed, frustrated with that client.

  • But before you call that clientyou should definitely cool down.

  • You need to take a minute.

  • And.

  • Relax.

  • Because you.

  • Don't want to call that client when  you're angry and frustrated and annoyed.

  • You need to cool down.

  • Relax.

  • Chill.

  • Our next?

  • Phrasal verb to fix something up.

  • When you fix something up, it means you repair  it or you change it in order to improve it.

  • Now, in this case, when you change  it, it's not necessarily broken.

  • It could be that it's functioningbut you want to improve it,  

  • so you make some changes to it, you fix it up.

  • So for example, I could say Sally loves  fixing up old cars, cars in her free time,  

  • fixing up old cars so she repairs them.

  • But it could also mean that she just changes them.

  • Maybe the car is working perfectly,  

  • but she changes it, she changes the  color, or she adds something to it.

  • She fixes it up.

  • Now this is a very common  phrasal verb around the house,  

  • because there's always something to fix up right?

  • To change, to repair, to improve.

  • Our next phrasal verb to.

  • Hash something out.

  • When you have something out, it means you talk  about something specific with other people,  

  • and you do that because you want to get agreement.

  • You want to get agreement on the details.

  • So you can use this when  you're planning a conference,  

  • planning a party, planningproject, any kind of event.

  • And of course, with a project or  conference, there are many details.

  • The date, the time, Who's doing what.

  • So you need to hash out those details.

  • You need to talk about them to get agreement.

  • OK, we agreed to the time of the conference.

  • We hashed it out.

  • We hashed out the time of the conference.

  • Our next phrasal verb to lighten up.

  • Now remember, I already taught you to cool  down, and that's when you're really angry,  

  • frustrated, annoyed, and you want to relax.

  • Well, when you tell someone to lighten  up, you also want them to relax.

  • But they're not angry, frustrated, or annoyed.

  • They're just being.

  • Too.

  • Serious.

  • That's it.

  • They're being too serious.

  • They don't have a sense of humor.

  • So maybe you were joking around  with a Co worker and they took it  

  • too seriously and you just wanted  to have some fun and joke around.

  • But they're too serious.

  • So you might say, lighten up, lighten  up, laugh a little, smile a little.

  • You're too serious.

  • So someone who's always like this, you knowthey're not smiling, they're not laughing.

  • They're just always very serious.

  • You might want to tell that person  to lighten up, smile, relax, laugh.

  • But just remember it isn't the same as cool down.

  • Because cool down, you're angry and annoyed.

  • Lighten up.

  • You're too serious.

  • That's the difference between the two.

  • Our next phrasal verb, to pay off.

  • Now, when something pays off, it means  that you see the benefit of the something.

  • So let's say you spent the last month at home  

  • studying for a big exam and you  took the exam and you passed.

  • You got a really high mark.

  • You can say all my studying paid off.

  • So remember, something pays off.

  • All my studying paid off.

  • I now see the benefits of all the studying I did.

  • So we use this a lot for any kind  of work or effort that you put in.

  • Now it can be mental.

  • Work.

  • For studying for your jobbut it can also be physical.

  • Work.

  • As well.

  • So all your dieting, your exercisingpaid off because now you lost weight.

  • You're stronger.

  • You see the benefit of all your work.

  • So we can use this with both mental  work and physical work our next.

  • Phrasal verb.

  • To rule.

  • Out we use.

  • This when something prevents  something else from happening.

  • So a classic example, we have  COVID and we have traveling.

  • Now COVID is preventing  traveling from happening, right?

  • So we can say COVID ruled out traveling, right?

  • Kovid prevented traveling.

  • Kovid ruled out traveling.

  • Our next phrasal verb?

  • To chew.

  • Someone.

  • Out.

  • To chew someone out.

  • This is when you tell someone  that they've done something wrong,  

  • but you tell them angrily so you don't tell them.

  • Calm, calmly.

  • You know you made a mistake.

  • You shouldn't have done that.

  • No, you're angry, so you might yell a little.

  • You might use language that you normally wouldn't.

  • You're angry somebody did something  wrong and you tell them so.

  • Maybe your boss chewed you out because  you were late for an important meeting.

  • So your boss was not calm.

  • Your boss was angry.

  • Why were you late?

  • You shouldn't have been late.

  • Why haven't I fired you yet?

  • He chews.

  • You out?

  • Or maybe you're on a sports  team and your coach chewed  

  • you out because you missed an important practice.

  • Now if somebody.

  • Chews.

  • You out and they're really angry.

  • What phrasal verb goes with that  phrasal verb that we've already learned?

  • Cool down, right?

  • Because if somebody's angry.

  • Why were you late?

  • You can say cool down, cool downrelax, and then you can explain.

  • Why you were late?

  • Our final phrasal.

  • Verb.

  • To settle in, when you settle in, it means  you get comfortable in a new environment,  

  • and that new environment is  generally a new house, a new.

  • School.

  • A new workplace.

  • And of course, at the beginning you're not  comfortable just because everything is new, right?

  • But then you need some time to settle in.

  • So settle in just means to get  comfortable in a new environment.

  • So let's say you move to a new city and a few  

  • weeks later a friend could ask  you, oh, have you settled in?

  • Have you settled in?

  • So they're just asking you, do you  feel comfortable in your new city?

  • And then you might reply back and say, yeah,  I've settled in, or no, I haven't settled in yet.

  • Now that you know how to use all of these phrasal  verbs, how about we do the exact same quiz from  

  • the very beginning and you can compare your  score from the first time to this time.

  • So let's do that quiz again.

  • Now question one, please bear me.

  • While I look up.

  • Your file.

  • Please bear with me.

  • While I look.

  • Up your file Question 2.

  • The phrasal verb to attend to means  to attend, to means to work on number.

  • 3.

  • Why are you so angry?

  • You need to cool.

  • You need to cool down #4.

  • The phrasal verb for repair is.

  • The.

  • Phrasal verb for repair is fix up #5.

  • The phrasal verb for.

  • To.

  • Discuss something so you can reach.

  • An agreement is to hash out.

  • To hash out Number six.

  • If someone is being too seriousyou can tell them to lighten up.

  • Lighten up.

  • You're being too serious.

  • Lighten up, #7.

  • After years of studying Englishmy hard work has finally paid.

  • My hard work has finally paid off #8 We  shouldn't rule out a graphic designer.

  • We shouldn't rule out hiring a graphic designer.

  • #9 My boss for being late again.

  • My boss chewed me out for  being late again and #10.

  • Let's give everyone a few minutes too  before we begin to settle in question 1.

  • The phrasal verb used when you gradually  introduce a new rule, policy, or law is.

  • The phrasal verb is to phase in question two.

  • If you want to reserve a specific time  in your calendar, you can block it.

  • You can block it off.

  • Question three, When the fire alarm  went off everyone of the building,  

  • everyone cleared out of the building.

  • Question 4:00.

  • We'll have to air conditioning this summer.

  • We'll have to do without question 5.

  • If someone is removed from a position  against their will, they are.

  • They are forced out of that position.

  • Number six, the phrasal verb used when information  

  • becomes clear in one's mind  is to sink in Question 7.

  • The government had to a lot of  companies during the pandemic.

  • The government had to bail out Question 8.

  • Oh no, I think I behind my phone.

  • I think I left behind my phone.

  • Question nine.

  • You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity.

  • Miss out on and question 10.

  • The phrasal verb for arrive is show up.

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • Was it easy or was it difficult?

  • Now I'll explain every phrasal verb in detail  with the definition and example sentence as well.

  • To.

  • Phase something in.

  • When you phase something in, it means  that you introduce something new,  

  • but you introduce it gradually, which  means little by little and general.

  • What we're introducing is a new law, a new  rule, a new regulation or a new policy.

  • So let's say that your company has a new  policy and they're introducing a dress code.

  • A dress code will tell you what  you can and cannot wear to work.

  • Now, let's say they announce the new dress code,  

  • but they say we're phasing in the new  dress code over the next two months.

  • Now, why would they want to  introduce it little by little?

  • Well, maybe it's because they  want to give you time to prepare.

  • You might have to go out and  buy new clothing, for example.

  • So you might have to save money to do that  and get comfortable doing that as well.

  • So maybe the first week they introduce the new.

  • Shirts.

  • That they want you to wear and then.

  • The next week.

  • It's the new shoes, and the  following week it's the new pants.

  • And little by little, they phase in the new dress.

  • Code.

  • #2 to block.

  • Off.

  • Now, the thing about phrasal verbs is they're  always used in a very specific context.

  • So in this context, a block off we're talking  

  • specifically about time in your  calendar or on your schedule.

  • So you're blocking off time.

  • So what does that mean?

  • It means that you reserve that time forspecific task or activity and you reserve  

  • that time so no one else can schedule  a meeting with you or no one else can  

  • assign you a task during those specific  blocks of time because you block them off.

  • So let's say you're preparing for the IELTS, and  you might block off Monday, Wednesday, Friday from  

  • 7:00 to 9:00 in your calendar, and that is the  time you're going to spend studying for IELTS.

  • Or if you have an important deadline at  work, you might block off the entire day.

  • So you might block off Monday and just focus  on that task so you can meet the deadline.

  • So this is probably something you do every  single day anyway for time management purposes.

  • And now you know how to explain that  naturally in English #3, to clear out.

  • And again, remember, phrasal verbs  are used in a very specific context.

  • And in this context, we're talking  about clearing out of a location  

  • like a restaurant or even a conferencean office, a mall, any location that has.

  • A lot of.

  • People in it generally, and when  people clear out of a location,  

  • it means they simply leave the locationbut that location then becomes empty.

  • So the majority or all of  the people leave a location.

  • That's when you clear.

  • Out of a.

  • Location.

  • So let's say you go to lunch atrestaurant around 1:30 and it's.

  • Really busy.

  • You get the last available table  and you're eating your lunch.

  • You're talking to your Co  worker and then around 2:00?

  • 30 you look.

  • Around and you notice.

  • That you're the.

  • Only table left in the restaurant.

  • And remember, the restaurant was full when you  got there, so you could turn to your Co worker  

  • and say, wow, it really cleared weird outwhich means everybody left the restaurant #4.

  • To do.

  • Without something, this is a really  useful one because it's a fact of life.

  • You're going to have to do without certain  things at certain times in your life.

  • So when you do without something, it  means you manage despite the lack of,  

  • and it's the lack of the  something that you do without.

  • So let me give you an example.

  • Maybe finances are a little tight.

  • You didn't get that bonus you were hoping for.

  • So you might say we'll have to do without  a cleaner for the next few months.

  • Do without a cleaner.

  • So a cleaner is someone who cleans your house.

  • A house cleaner.

  • Now, previously a lot of people call this a maid.

  • I know many people in certain  countries still call it a maid.

  • In North America, it's considered outdated  

  • and even a little politically  incorrect to call someone a maid.

  • We now call them house cleaners.

  • So just so you know, it's  more politically correct.

  • To use house.

  • Cleaner.

  • So you have to manage manage your  day-to-day manage your house.

  • Despite the lack of a house cleaner,  

  • we have to do without a house cleaner  because I didn't get the bonus.

  • So you can use this in a personal  context like I just gave you,  

  • or you can use this in a work context as well.

  • Maybe your assistant quit and you're  having trouble finding a new assistant.

  • So you might say, well, I guess I'll have to  do without an assistant for the next month,  

  • which means you have to manage all your work  without an assistant, do without something.

  • It's a very useful phrasal verb  because we all have to do without  

  • certain things at certain points in our life.

  • Our next phrasal verb to force out.

  • This is a very useful business phrasal verb.

  • You're going to hear it in the  media newspapers all the time.

  • When someone is forced out, it means that  they are asked to leave their position,  

  • but it wasn't their decision to do so.

  • Notice the sentence structure I used.

  • I put this in the passive to be forced.

  • Out.

  • For example, the CEO was  forced out after the scandal.

  • So there's a scandal, obviously.

  • It didn't look.

  • Good for the CEO.

  • So the company wanted him to leave.

  • The CEO himself did not want to leave,  

  • but the company wanted him to  leave, so the CEO was forced out.

  • Now if you use it in the active sentenceyou'd be talking about who forced out the CEO.

  • So you might say the board of directors  forced the CEO out after the scandal.

  • So you can absolutely use this in the active,  

  • but it's very commonly used in the passiveour next phrasal verb #6, to sink in.

  • When something sinks in, it  becomes clear in your mind,  

  • and the something that's sinking  in is information, news, and event.

  • For example, it took him a while  before his mother's death sunk in.

  • So his mother died, But that fact, that  event didn't sink in for some time.

  • It didn't become clear, So he didn't process it.

  • He didn't fully understand it.

  • He didn't fully accept it asfact, as a reality for some time.

  • So the event, his mother's death didn't sink in.

  • So we do use this a lot for tragic events,  

  • but we can also use this with  difficult or complicated information.

  • For example, let's say your coworker is  explaining a new accounting software,  

  • and it's pretty technical.

  • So your coworker is explaining it, explaining it,  

  • explaining it quite quickly, and you might  say, give me a minute to let that sink.

  • In.

  • So that is the information, the information your  

  • coworker was just explaining, and  for that the information to sink in.

  • It means for you to fully  understand it, to fully process it.

  • So we can use it for tragic events, but we  can also use this for complicated information.

  • #7 to bail out.

  • This is another must know business phrasal verb,  

  • but you can also use it in  your personal life as well.

  • When you bail someone out, it means  that you rescue them and you rescue  

  • them from a financially difficult situation.

  • So remember that CEO that was  forced out in our previous example?

  • Well, maybe he had a sister that bailed him out.

  • His.

  • Sister bailed him out, which means  his sister helped him financially,  

  • so maybe she gave him a place to stay because  he couldn't afford his rent, She gave him food  

  • because he couldn't afford groceries, and she  gave him money because he didn't have any.

  • His sister bailed him out.

  • So we can use it in a personal context, but  this is commonly used in a business context  

  • in the sense of the government bailing out  companies because they're about to go bankrupt.

  • And why would the government do that?

  • Well, because that company  is important for the economy.

  • For example, in the US, the company Chrysler,  

  • which is an automobile company, they've been  bailed out by the government multiple times.

  • Chrysler as a company has almost  gone bankrupt multiple times,  

  • and the government has come  in and bailed the company out.

  • They bailed Chrysler out number  eight to leave something behind.

  • This is a very useful one  in your everyday vocabulary.

  • When you leave something behind, it simply means  that you forget something at a specific location.

  • So we do this all the time, right?

  • We go to a restaurant, a cafewe put our phone on the counter.

  • We get our.

  • Coffee.

  • And we go, and Oh no, I left my phone behind.

  • I think I left my phone behind at the cafe.

  • So it's just the same as sayingthink I forgot my phone at the cafe.

  • You can use this with any object  you can leave behind your keys,  

  • your sweater, your jacket, your  computer, whatever you want.

  • So this is a very useful one.

  • So what about you?

  • Have you ever left something important behind?

  • Maybe you left your cell phone behind, or your  laptop behind, or important family photos behind.

  • Have you ever left something behind?

  • Let us know in the comments  #9 to miss out on something.

  • To miss out on something.

  • And this is when you miss an important opportunity  or an experience that shouldn't have been missed.

  • So let's.

  • Say that you.

  • Work for Tesla and Elon Musk was making an.

  • Appearance at your office.

  • That day.

  • And you were going to get to meet Elon Musk.

  • But your bus was late and you didn't get to work  on time and you didn't get to meet Elon Musk.

  • You, my friend, just missed out  on an opportunity of a lifetime.

  • You missed out on meeting Elon Musk.

  • So you could say.

  • I can't believe I missed out.

  • You can just end it there.

  • I can't believe I missed out.

  • If you want to continue, you can say I can't  believe I missed out on meeting Elon Musk.

  • And finally #10 to show up.

  • If show up has a very simple definitionit means to appear or arrive.

  • Native speakers don't really use appear  or arrive, we use show up, for example.

  • What time did you show up?

  • To the party.

  • I would never say what time did you?

  • Arrive.

  • To the.

  • Party.

  • I wouldn't say that that sounds unnatural.

  • Outdated.

  • Too formal.

  • I would say what time did you show up?

  • What time did you show up to the party?

  • What time did you show up last night?

  • Now let's say you got to work  late one day and your boss is  

  • standing at your desk as you're walking  to your desk and you're 45 minutes late  

  • and your boss might look at you and  say, oh how nice of you to finally.

  • Show up.

  • That's obviously sarcastic, but  this happens a lot if you get to a.

  • Party.

  • Really late.

  • Or even if you're just having dinner at  home with your your husband or your wife.

  • But dinner is normally at 7:00  and you don't get home till 7:30.

  • And your husband or your wife has been waiting  and waiting and waiting when you get home,  

  • they might say, oh, how nice  of you to finally show up.

  • So we use this a lot insarcastic way when someone  

  • is late, but we also use it just  to talk about getting somewhere.

  • Oh, I showed up at and then you say the time.

  • So now that you feel more comfortable with  these phrasal verbs, how about we do the  

  • exact same quiz again and you can compare your  score from the first time to the second time.

  • So let's do that quiz again.

  • Now question 1, the phrasal verb used when you  gradually introduce a new rule, policy, or law is.

  • The phrasal verb is to phase in question two.

  • If you want to reserve a specific time  in your calendar, you can block it.

  • You can block it off.

  • Question three, When the fire alarm  went off everyone of the building,  

  • everyone cleared out of the building.

  • Question 4:00.

  • We'll have to air conditioning this summer.

  • We'll have to do without question 5.

  • If someone is removed from a position  against their will, they are.

  • They are forced out of that position number six.

  • The phrasal verb used when information becomes  clear in one's mind is to sink in Question 7.

  • The government had to a lot of  companies during the pandemic.

  • The government had to bail out Question 8.

  • Oh no, I think I behind my phone.

  • I think I left behind my phone.

  • Question nine.

  • You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity.

  • Miss out on and question 10.

  • The phrasal verb for arrive is show up.

  • Question one, I used to play video games  every day, but eventually I grew out of it.

  • Question two.

  • Do you know why?

  • Sarah of the meeting.

  • Earlier today.

  • Walked.

  • Out of the meeting question three.

  • Can you add mustard to the shopping list?

  • I just I just used it up.

  • Question 4.

  • You should.

  • Your.

  • Old books to your community store.

  • You should give away question 5.

  • The bridge is because there was an accident.

  • The bridge is blocked off.

  • Question six, my boss said we can  with canceling the contract, we can.

  • Go ahead.

  • Question seven, my company using  cell phones during work hours.

  • My company frowns on question eight.

  • I'm sorry I at you during the meeting  I overreacted last out question 9.

  • Can you help me this error sort out question 10?

  • The presentation was really longso I for a bit, so I wandered off.

  • So how did you do with that quiz?

  • Was it easy or was it difficult?

  • Well, now I'm going to explain  every phrasal verb in detail.

  • Number one, to block off.

  • This is when you obstruct an exit  to prevent people from leaving.

  • This is a very common phrasal verbbecause on your daily commute to work,  

  • you may have to take a detourwhich means take an alternative.

  • Route because your regular exit is blocked off.

  • So let's say you get to work 15 minutes late.

  • You can say sorry I'm lateMain Street was blocked off  

  • and most likely that street or exit is  blocked off because of construction.

  • It's also possible that there was an  accident, or perhaps there's something  

  • like a parade or a protest that's preventing  people from using that exit #2 to lash out.

  • When you lash out, it means.

  • You.

  • React angrily.

  • You react with very strong negative emotion,  

  • so this phrasal verb is negativeand it's used in a negative way.

  • So you might say she lashed out when  I suggested a different approach.

  • So you shared an opinion and the person  reacted very negatively, very angrily.

  • They lashed out.

  • Now, for this phrasal verb, it's  very common to say at someone.

  • She lashed out at me whensuggested a different approach.

  • The at someone is optional.

  • You don't need to do it, but it  can be very useful to specify who.

  • So if you want to specify the person,  

  • then we use at someone she lashed  out at gym, she lashed out at us.

  • It could be the entire group she  lashed out at the client and then  

  • you can explain the reason why she lashed  out at the client because the payment.

  • Was late.

  • #3 to walk out.

  • When you walk out, it means  you leave a place angrily.

  • So we have another phrasal verb with angrily.

  • You leave a place angrily.

  • So let's say you're meeting with your  boss to discuss your performance.

  • Now, maybe you were expecting a 20% raise.

  • A raise is a pay increase, a 20% pay increase.

  • But your boss only offered you.

  • 2.

  • Percent, you might say.

  • After my boss offered Me 2%, I walked out.

  • So you left the room, You  left the office, the meeting.

  • But you didn't just leaveYou left angrily, angrily.

  • That's the key here.

  • So combining our last phrasal  verb to lash out to react angrily,  

  • we can say after she lashed out at  me, I walked out #4 to sort out.

  • This means to resolve a problem.

  • Now we can use this withbusiness professional problem.

  • For example, let's say your payment processor  isn't working and you can't accept payments.

  • You might say we need to sort this out ASAP.

  • We need to resolve this problem ASAP.

  • Or who can we call to sort this out?

  • So you can absolutely use this in a professional  

  • business context when there's  a problem we commonly use.

  • This with.

  • Personal issues with relationship issues  when you have a problem with another person.

  • So let's say you and your sister haven't  spoken in months because of a disagreement.

  • Maybe your sister?

  • Lashed.

  • Out at you.

  • And then you walked out of her birthday  party and you haven't spoken since.

  • Well, someone might suggest  some ways you can sort it out.

  • You need to sort it out with your sister.

  • You need to resolve the problem, and in  this case the problem is a personal problem.

  • So this is a great phrasal  verb to use for a business  

  • context and a personal context #5 to use up.

  • This is when you finish or consume  100% of something, so all of something.

  • And that's very important because  I could say I used the olive oil,  

  • so I consumed the olive oil, but whenjust say use, it doesn't tell you how much.

  • How much olive oil did I use?

  • I used the olive oil, but if I say I used up the  

  • olive oil then you knowused 100% of the olive oil.

  • So there is none left for you or for  someone else, and you have to get.

  • More.

  • So I could say I used all the olive oil.

  • When I say all the olive oil, all means 100%.

  • So that is exactly the same as I used up  the olive oil number six to wander off.

  • This is when you leave a place  when you're not supposed to,  

  • or you leave a place without telling other people.

  • Now, this is commonly used with children.

  • So a mother might say, I have to watch my  daughter like a hawk or she'll wander off.

  • So little kids, they might not stay in a roomthey might wander off and go into another room.

  • But of course that can be dangerous  if nobody is watching that child.

  • So this is commonly used with young  children, but we can also use it with adults.

  • So let's say you're on a museum tour and  you're in a foreign country on a museum tour.

  • Now you're supposed was to  stay with the museum tour.

  • You're not supposed to wander off and  just go look at other areas of the museum.

  • But you might say the.

  • Tour.

  • Was boring, so I wandered off #7 to grow out  of this is when you lose interest in something.

  • So to lose interest, you're no longer interested  

  • in something because because  you're older or more mature.

  • For example, a lot of young kids play  video games for hours and hours and hours.

  • But.

  • As an adult, you might grow out  of it, so you no longer do that.

  • You no longer play video games for hours  and hours and hours because you're older.

  • You're more mature #8 To go  ahead, this means to proceed.

  • This is a very.

  • Useful.

  • Phrasal verb.

  • We use it commonly to give someone  permission to do something.

  • So your coworker might ask you, is it OK if I send  the e-mail to the client and you can say sure,  

  • go ahead, go ahead, which means proceedproceed with sending the e-mail, go ahead.

  • Now you can just say go ahead.

  • Or you can specify what the action is.

  • You can say go ahead and send the e-mail  or go ahead with and we need a gerund go  

  • ahead with sending the e-mail and send  the e-mail with sending the e-mail.

  • So pay attention to that sentence structure #9  to give away this means to provide for free.

  • So this is a great phrasal verb for me.

  • I could say I give away my best tips and advice  

  • on how to become fluent right  here on this YouTube channel.

  • Now let's say you have a lot of items from  your kids, but your kids are grown up now,  

  • but you have a lot of their clothestheir toys, even furniture for your kids.

  • You might want to give that  away so you can provide it  

  • to another parent or someone else for free.

  • We gave away all our kids  clothes when they moved out.

  • So when you want to get rid of something in your  house, you can sell it or you can give it away.

  • Provide.

  • It for free.

  • And finally #10 to frown on this  means to disapprove of something.

  • So you might say my boss  disapproves of casual clothes,  

  • so you can say my boss frowns  on wearing casual clothes.

  • Notice our sentence structure frowns on wearing.

  • We need our jaron verb.

  • Now that you feel more comfortable  with these phrasal verbs,  

  • how about we do the exact same quiz again  so you can see how much you've improved?

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit, pause.

  • Take as much time as you  need, and when you're ready,  

  • hit play to see the answers, Here are the answers.

  • Hit pause.

  • Take as much time as you need, compare your  answers, and when you're ready, hit play.

  • Question one.

  • You're not going to paying $500.00.

  • For that, you're not going  to talk me into question two.

  • Mariah, This sales proposal YesterdayMariah drew up question three.

  • Good news because everyone, we met the  deadline because everyone stepped it up.

  • Question 4 If you keep skipping  breaks, you're going to, you're going.

  • To.

  • Burnout.

  • Question five.

  • That's a great point.

  • You should at the meeting, you should bring it up.

  • Question six Who do you the most in your family?

  • Who do you look up to?

  • Question 7 How long do we need to at the party?

  • How long do we need to stick around?

  • Question A Your tires.

  • Look really you should get new ones.

  • Your tires.

  • Look.

  • Really.

  • Worn out Question 9.

  • The seller tried to so we didn't buy it.

  • The seller tried to rip us off.

  • Question 10.

  • I noticed that this report our production costs.

  • This report honed in on how  did you do with the quiz.

  • Was it easy or difficult?

  • Share your score in the comments  and don't worry if it was hard,  

  • because now I'll explain  every phrasal verb in detail.

  • Number one to RIP.

  • Off.

  • We use this when someone is selling something  or buying something and the buyer feels that  

  • the price is too high compared to  the value of whatever they're buying.

  • For example, I can't believe.

  • I paid.

  • $200 for that.

  • She ripped me off.

  • Now notice the sentence structure.

  • You rip someone off.

  • She ripped me off.

  • Another example.

  • She told everyone that I ripped  her off, but it was a fair price.

  • So just because someone claims you  ripped them off, it doesn't necessarily?

  • Mean It's true.

  • #2 To wear out.

  • We use this when something is damaged or weakened  because of age, it's old, or because of use.

  • You've used it a lot.

  • For example, I wore out my  tennis shoes last summer.

  • If someone said that to me, I would assume  they played a lot of tennis last summer.

  • They played so much tennis that they wore out.

  • Their shoes.

  • They became damaged from use  from continually playing tennis.

  • We also use this in an  adjective form to be worn out.

  • So it would be very common to say I need to  buy new tennis shoes because mine are worn out.

  • So of course are because shoes is plural and  we need the plural form of the verb to be mine.

  • My tennis shoes are worn out, so both  forms are very common #3 to draw up.

  • We use this when you need to prepare paperworkand generally that paperwork is for a contract,  

  • an agreement, a proposal, generally something that  two people need to sign or agree on to make it.

  • Official.

  • For example, I asked my  lawyer to draw up the papers.

  • Whenever you're dealing with a lawyer, the papers.

  • Are going to be.

  • Official so this is a perfect time to use to draw.

  • Up.

  • Or you could say we're waiting for our  bank to draw up the mortgage agreement.

  • So that's another very official  document that you need to sign.

  • And you can use the phrasal verb to draw up #4.

  • To.

  • Burn out.

  • This is a phrasal verb that has gotten a lot of  attention recently, especially with the pandemic.

  • Because to burn out, this is  when and you feel exhausted,  

  • mentally or physically, from prolonged stress.

  • Stress of work, stress of a situation  like a pandemic, stress of a family,  

  • situation like a divorce or an illnesssomething like that, but a prolonged period.

  • You can be stressed out for a day, but  when you burn out, it means you've had  

  • that stress for a long period of time, several  weeks, several months, even several years.

  • For example, I burned out at my last job,  

  • so perhaps I was working so much that I went  through this period of prolonged stress.

  • I burned out.

  • Another example, I burned out  after caring for my aging parents.

  • So caregivers often experience burnout.

  • So you can use this in a work situation or you  can use it in a personal situation as well.

  • #5 to look up to someone.

  • So notice we have two prepositions.

  • Look up two and then someone.

  • We use this when you admire  someone or you respect someone.

  • So I could say I looked up to him like a father.

  • So of course I admire and respect my father and  I'm comparing the situation to someone else.

  • I looked up to him.

  • I admired him like a father.

  • Another example, I really look up to my boss.

  • So you admire your boss or you respect your boss.

  • You hold your boss in high regard.

  • So you can use this in a work situation.

  • You can look up to people.

  • And you can use this in a social  situation, a family situation.

  • You can have many different people in your  life that you look up to for different reasons.

  • Number six, to step up.

  • Now, that's the phrase is a verb, but we most  commonly use it in the expression to step it up.

  • Notice that it it's very important  to step it up to step it up.

  • This simply means to work harder or to try harder.

  • Now you can say we need to step it up  if we're going to meet the deadline.

  • So you have this deadlineyou need to work harder.

  • So it's the same as saying we need to work.

  • Harder.

  • If we're going to meet the  deadline, step it up Now.

  • What is this it in the expression?

  • Well, the IT would represent.

  • Work.

  • Or.

  • Effort.

  • We need to step up our work.

  • We need to step up our or effort.

  • Step it up.

  • I encourage you to use it that way.

  • Step it up because you'll  sound like a native speaker.

  • We have a really common expression with this.

  • Step it up and then you add the two.

  • Words.

  • A.

  • Notch Step it up a notch.

  • If you look at a dial, A notch is 1.

  • Move on the dial so it represents  a little bit, a small amount.

  • Step it up a notch.

  • It's just like saying step it up a little bit.

  • So that's just a common expression.

  • You need to step it up a notch  if you want to meet the deadline.

  • So you can use it with a notch.

  • It's very common.

  • Or you can use it without #7 to hone in on.

  • This is another two preposition phrasal verb.

  • We have hone in on hone in on something and  this means to really focus on something,  

  • to put all your attention on something specific.

  • For example, if we want to get more customers, we  should really hone in on small business owners.

  • So maybe right now you're not being very  specific and you're looking at all customers,  

  • but you want to hone in on one specific segment  of the population, small business owners.

  • So you're going to focus on them.

  • You're going to hone in on them.

  • Another example for the presentation, we  should really hone in on South America.

  • So maybe you're a global company and  you have branches all over the world.

  • But for this specific presentation,  

  • you're going to hone in on one specific  part of the world, South America.

  • Now.

  • Many native speakers, native  speakers, not students.

  • Many native speakers mistakenly say home in on.

  • We need to home in on and that's because  in pronunciation they're very similar.

  • Hone in, home in and hone.

  • What's that?

  • It's not really used very muchbut everybody knows the word home.

  • But this isn't correct.

  • The expression is not home in on.

  • The expression is hone in on.

  • So make sure you get that both in  pronunciation hone and in spelling as well.

  • And if you hear a native speaker say home in  on, they're incorrect #8 This is a must know  

  • phrasal verb to bring up, and this is when  you begin a discussion on a specific topic.

  • For example, if you're in a staff meeting, it  would be very common for the boss or whoever  

  • is leading the meeting to say before we end the  meeting, does anyone have anything to bring up?

  • Does anyone have a specific  topic they want to discuss?

  • Does anyone have anything to bring up?

  • Or after the meeting you  might tell another colleague?

  • I didn't have a chance to bring  up the marketing proposal,  

  • so you didn't have a chance to discuss this  specific topic, the marketing proposal.

  • Maybe you ran out of time #9 to talk  into and the sentence structure is  

  • to talk someone into something, and this  means to convince someone to do something.

  • For example, she talked me into helping her move.

  • She convinced me to help her move.

  • So when someone uses this, oh, she  talked me into helping her move.

  • It gives you the impression that the person.

  • Didn't really.

  • Want to do the activity but somebody.

  • Convinced them.

  • But please, I really need your help.

  • I'll buy pizza.

  • Or maybe you could say my team talked me into  bringing up the bonus at the staff meeting.

  • So notice I use bring up discuss  a specific topic, the bonus.

  • My team talked me into bringing up the bonus  now, because maybe discussing the bonus is  

  • a little bit of a sensitive issue and nobody  wants to do it, but your team convinced you.

  • Lucky you.

  • So they talked you into.

  • It.

  • And #10 to stick around, this  is a must use phrasal verb.

  • You can use it in a social  setting or a professional setting.

  • To stick around means to stay in  a location for a period of time.

  • So let's say you're at this  beautiful park with a friend,  

  • and after an hour or so your friend has to leave  and they say, do you want to share an Uber?

  • And you say, no, I'm going to  stick around a little bit longer.

  • So you're going to stay in a specific  location, the park, for a period of time.

  • It's unknown how long you'll stay.

  • That doesn't really matter.

  • It's just the fact you're going to stay.

  • I'm going to stick around a little bit longer.

  • It's such a beautiful day.

  • I'm going to stick around now.

  • You can also use this in the negative.

  • I can't stick around very  long because I have a meeting.

  • Although it's a beautiful day,  I can't stick around very long.

  • I have a meeting to get back.

  • To.

  • Now that you're more comfortable with these  phrasal verbs, let's do that same quiz again.

  • So here are the questions you need to choose  which phrasal verb best completes the sentence.

  • Here are the questions.

  • Hit pause.

  • Now complete the quiz and whenever you're  ready, hit play and I'll share the answers.

  • So go ahead and hit pause now.

  • Welcome back.

  • So how did you do on this quiz?

  • Let's find out.

  • Here are the answers.

  • So hit, pause, review the answers, and whenever  you're ready, hit play and come back to the video.

  • Congratulations, you did it.

  • You have at least 200, if not  more phrasal verbs added to  

  • your vocabulary to help you sound fluent  and professional and natural in English.

  • Congratulations, of course.

  • Make sure you like this video, share  with your friends and subscribe so  

  • you're notified every time I post a new lesson.

  • And as your reward, I have this free  speaking guide where I share 6 tips  

  • on how to speak English fluently and confidently.

  • You can click here to download it or  look for the link in the description.

  • And why don't you keep improving your  English with this lesson right now?

Welcome to this Phrasal Verbs master class.


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Learn 200 Phrasal Verbs | All The PHRASAL VERBS You Need TO GET FLUENT (with examples & quizzes)

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    sywu175 に公開 2024 年 03 月 19 日