字幕表 動画を再生する
WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪
♪ Hey, wow... ♪
♪ Here's how ♪
♪ Come and read ♪
♪ Between the lions ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Come on ♪
♪ Come in ♪
♪ Begin ♪
♪ The world awaits ♪
WOMAN: ♪ Between the lions ♪
♪ Between the covers of a book ♪
♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪
♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Behind the door ♪
♪ Become, explore ♪
♪ Come in between the lions ♪
♪ Begin between the lions ♪
♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
You're not trying, you're not trying!
Get down, Lionel!
( both grunting )
CLEO: I want to bring my sheepskin nightie.
Uh-huh... hmm...
Oh, and I don't want to forget
my meat-flavored fluoride toothpaste and my toothbrush.
Don't forget the cubs' books.
Always travel with your favorite books, I say.
( sighs )
What's wrong?
Theo, don't sneak up on me like that.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to, I...
Hey! I can't sneak up on you even when I try to!
So how could I sneak up on you
when I'm not even sneaking?
BOTH: That's strange.
Must be because I'm so excited
about taking the cubs to my pride's reunion
to meet my family
that I'm not paying attention.
Oh, it won't be the same without you there.
I'll miss you, too, my sweet carnivore.
( sighs )
But someone has to stay behind
and take care of the library.
Aw, you'll be having too much fun
to even notice I'm not there.
Well, look.
it's all here in your pride's newsletter, Proud Pride.
"Come to the big reunion at Club Veldt."
( reading )
Oh! Look at all these great activities for you and the cubs!
There's the Sneaking- Through-the-Bushes-
without-Being-Seen Competition.
How you doing?
( monkeys scream )
( monkeys panting )
Oh, yes, excellent sneaking, yes.
( panting ): Breathtaking-- literally!
The judges gave that sneak very high scores!
Nine out of ten, nine out of ten...
How you doing?
( monkeys screaming )
Oh, you're good.
( chuckling ): You should win that.
You're very sneaky.
Thank you, love.
( chuckling )
Ooh, and look at this!
It's the Long-Distance Team Smell Competition.
This is for the Long-Distance Team Smell Championships.
The smellers are right beside me
and the smellee is one-half mile away.
It's time to uncover the smellee.
Ready... set... smell!
( sniffing )
( sniffing )
( timer dings )
Smells like a peanut, dude.
Yeah, definitely.
Like, that is a peanut.
are absolutely right!
( lions cheering )
Three seconds-- unbelievable!
( chuckling )
Oh, you're sure to win that, too.
Nobody smells like you do.
Oh, flattery!
Oh, just the truth now.
Ooh, and there's
the Neatly-Swat-a-Fly- with-Your-Tail Competition.
Rocky, you got to remember
to keep your eye on the tail!
But, coach, the sun was in my eyes!
Oh! Sucker punch!
You'll definitely win the gold on that one!
"Please join us in honoring our dear teacher, Jean Creaky."
Oh, Teacher Creaky was a really terrific teacher.
That's what it says here: "A really terrific teacher."
Everything I know about hunting and reading and being a lioness
I learned from Teacher Creaky.
"She's in a league of her own," it says here.
Boy, it really does sound
like a real treat that can't be beat.
Oh, I'm eager to see Teacher Creaky.
Oh, yeah.
She means a lot to me.
When I was a little cub
I wrote down everything she ever taught me in my journal
so I'd always have it.
( cubs shout )
Pounce on Mommy!
Pounce on Mommy!
( cubs laughing )
Oh, Mommy, we can't wait to get on the airplane
and go visit your pride!
We are...
THEO: Eager...
Hey, hey, wait a minute!
Ow! Ow! Ow... ow.
Hey, that's the first time
we were ever able to pounce on Mom!
Oh, she let us.
She's just playing, right?
No, no, I'm not, Leona.
I couldn't hear or smell or tell you were sneaking up on me.
( phone rings )
I'll get it.
Get what?
Didn't you hear the phone, Mama?
No... uh-oh!
( sneezes )
( both groan )
Oh, no.
I must have the I-can't-hear-or-smell-
or-tell-if-someone's- sneaking-up-on-me flu.
I'll call you back.
Oh, Theo!
I'm not going to be able to go on this trip!
( both groan )
( sneezes )
( both moan )
Excuse me.
Oh, oh, Theo!
Actually, it's velvet.
Oh! And now Martha Reader and the Vowelles heat it up
with the "e" sound
made by the letters E-A in "meat."
( Martha singing repeated long "e" sound to pop tune )
( Vowelles respond rhythmically with long "e" sound )
( applause and cheering )
And now Clay Pigeon describes what's inside a clean peach.
Uh, uh...
peach meat!
It's not meat!
It's fruit!
Fruit is not made of meat!
Yeah, but fruit doesn't have the... uh, uh, uh...
"E" sound in it?
Oh, please!
( music begins playing )
( yawning )
MAN: ♪ Way up north, a young seal had a dream ♪
♪ As he swam down his little ice stream ♪
♪ "If I take the S-T and replace it with C ♪
♪ I could turn all this ice to ice cream." ♪
( slurps )
( barking )
( imitating percussion )
Ea... t.
Ea... t.
And now some names with the letters E-A
that sound like "e".
What a treat.
( rapping ): ♪ Meet Jean, Jean's teacher, Mrs. Beacon ♪
♪ Dean and Dean's twin brother, Deacon ♪
♪ Reade and Peaches, Treat and Keaton ♪
♪ Wheatley, Chesapeake and Eaton ♪
♪ Bea and Weaver, Fleas, Bea's beagle ♪
♪ Beaky, Beaky's Weaver's eagle ♪
♪ Beavis, Heath and Neal and Deavon ♪
♪ Deana, Deary, Teal and Cleavon. ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's your name? ♪
♪ What's your name? What's your name? ♪
♪ What's your name? ♪
♪ Enjoy your little moment of fame! ♪
♪ Here's Peabody and Deack O'Neal ♪
♪ Squeaky, he's Peabody's seal ♪
♪ In all these names you've heard today ♪
♪ You'll find the "e" sound of E-A. ♪
( Cleo coughing )
( groaning )
( blows nose loudly )
Oh... oh...
( sniffs loudly )
( blues tune begins playing )
♪ I'll tell you why I've been feelin' so weary... ♪
( sneezes )
♪ Can't clear my ears, and my eyes are real bleary ♪
♪ What shall I do? ♪
♪ I fear it's true ♪
♪ I got the I-can't-hear- or-smell-or-tell-
♪ If-someone's-sneakin'-up-on-me flu. ♪
( sneezes )
Excuse me.
♪ Yeah, bein' sick sure ain't easy... ♪
( honks )
♪ Life's pretty ick when you're queasy. ♪
( coughs )
♪ Feel pretty low ♪
♪ Just a shadow of old Cleo ♪
♪ Must be the I-can't-hear- or-smell-or-tell- ♪
♪ If-someone's-sneakin'-up... ♪
♪ It's clear it's the I-can't- hear-or-smell-or-tell- ♪
♪ If-someone's-sneakin'-up... ♪
♪ Oh, dear, it's the I-can't-hear-or-smell-or-tell- ♪
♪ If-someone's-sneakin'-up-on-me flu! ♪
( coughing )
( Cleo blowing nose )
Whoa, Mom!
If your pride has a Nose Blowing League
they're really going to need you!
Oh, yeah, Mom, you just got to go!
( speaking indistinctly )
Ah, what did she say?
I don't know.
Here, I'll read the print on screen.
Oh, yeah, good idea.
( reading )
Oh, thanks a lot, Lionel!
LIONEL: It's all right.
( moaning )
Oh, Mom, this is really, really bad.
Isn't there something
we can do for you, Mom?
No, Leona.
The last time I had this flu, I wasn't much older than you.
My teacher, Teacher Jean Creaky, cured me.
If only I could remember how she did it.
That's it!
Oh! I don't have to remember how she did it because I...
Oh, oh, get up off the ground, cubs.
You're getting all dirty.
Oh, because I wrote everything down
that she taught me in my journal!
( cries out )
Oh, Theo, don't sneak up on me like that!
Oh, I didn't; I was coming from over here.
Oh, never mind.
Listen, the cure for this flu
is in my old childhood journal.
Hey, that's great!
All we have to do is read it!
Oh, cubs, get off the ground.
You're getting all dirty.
Well, tell Mom to stop knocking us over.
Let's see, where did I put that journal?
Oh, no problem, I'll just sniff it out.
( sniffling )
Sniff it, Mom.
Honey, maybe I should
track that one down for you.
I can help, too.
I can trap it down, too, Ma.
No, that's not it.
( sniffling )
Oh, let me see, I think I've got it.
Oh, no...
Let's see.
Uh... no.
Flu or no flu, I can still track!
Here it is, ta-dah!
Mama, uh... that's a ham sandwich.
Oh, I lost that last Thursday.
I can't track anything with this flu.
If I can't find that journal, I can't cure it.
And if I can't cure it
we can't go.
Oh, now...
don't worry, honey
we got three good noses here.
BOTH: Yeah!
( all sniffing )
Yeah, okay, now, Lionel, you go that way
Leona, sweetheart, you go that way
Theo, I go this way
and, Cleo... you relax.
We'll sniff out that journal.
( moaning softly )
Is mustard supposed to be crunchy?
( honks )
( Cleo coughing )
And now The Word Doctor with Dr. Ruth Wordheimer.
Here's Dr. Ruth.
( knock at door )
Something tells me
it's time for another "long word freak-out."
Ooh, ooh, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Ruth, I'm freaking out!
I was reading the sports section of the paper
and it said that my favorite team is...
You got to help me.
It's too long.
I can't read it!
Please, please!
Okay, but first, calm down.
Take a deep breath.
( inhales )
Now, start on the left
and read one part of the word at a time.
Now put them together.
"Un... de... feat... ed."
"Undefeat... ed."
Very good!
Yeah, but, um... what does "undefeated" mean?
It means that your team has never lost.
Oh, we're undefeated!
Thank you, Dr. Ruth.
You're welcome.
Ooh, I'm unbeatable.
And now once again, it's time for the adventures of:
( Spud typing and reading )
SPUD: "Pooch"?
That's not right.
That shouldn't be O-O, "oo".
It should be E-A, sounds like long E, "peach."
The creak, creak of the neon sign outside our window
was about to drive us crazy, and...
It was pea soup.
Suddenly we saw the guy we were looking for.
We'd heard this sneak was as nutty as a fruitcake.
As a matter of fact...
he was a fruitcake.
I decided on the direct approach--
that was a mistake.
The guy freaked and went bananas...
( laughing maniacally )
and gave me the slip.
Uh, Precious...
( music begins playing )
MAN: ♪ When two vowels go walking ♪
♪ The first one does the talking ♪
♪ In "boat" you hear the "o" and not the "a" ♪
♪ In "meat" you hear the "e" ♪
♪ The "a" sits quietly ♪
♪ The second vowel you see but you don't say. ♪
♪ Just the two of us together ♪
♪ In "train" and "pail" and "rain" ♪
♪ The "a" speaks up; the "i" does not. ♪
♪ Shh! Let me explain. ♪
♪ When two vowels go walking ♪
♪ The first one does the talking. ♪
MAN: ♪ In "brain" you hear the "a" but not the "i" ♪
♪ In "soap" the "o" is clear ♪
♪ The "a" you'll never hear ♪
♪ In "say" you say the "a" but not the "y". ♪
♪ Isn't it neat? ♪
♪ It can't be beat. ♪
♪ It's such a dream ♪
♪ Don't mean to boast ♪
♪ But here's a toast ♪
♪ We're quite a team. ♪
MAN: ♪ When two vowels go walking ♪
♪ The first one does the talking ♪
♪ I'm sorry, number two; it's such a shame ♪
♪ Although it gives you pain ♪
♪ The rule is very plain ♪
♪ When two vowels walk, the first one says its name. ♪
MAN: ♪ Yes, when two vowels walk, the first one says its name. ♪
( weeping )
( speaking gibberish )
( spits )
( music playing )
( panting )
( sighs )
( sniffs )
( groans )
( sniffling )
Oh, no...
( sneezing )
Mama, Mama, is this your journal?
Oh, yes, it is, Leona.
You found it.
Hey, good work, Leona!
Oh, I would have found it, too
if you had sent me
in the right direction.
Come on, Lionel, admit it.
I just smell better than you.
That's because I learned it
from the best tracker in the world, my mama.
And that's because
I learned from Teacher Creaky
the neatest teacher in the whole world.
Now, let's see...
See if we can find it in here.
Yeah, oh, boy.
Oh, found it!
Ooh, read it, read it!
( Cleo reading )
Good one, Richard.
Hey, Dad, is that you
that Mom's reading about?
Uh, um... maybe.
I... I... don't remember so much.
( screams, then laughs )
Did you see what I did to her?
( gasps )
( clears throat )
Oh, please don't go.
Look, I'm sorry I made you fall in the...
( yells )
( groans )
( snickering )
Mommy, did you really do that to Daddy?
Is that how you two met?
Oh, oh, the cure for the flu isn't here.
I don't need to read all this.
No, no, no, keep looking.
Oh, found it.
"August first, today I had the I-can't-hear-or-smell-
or-tell-if-someone's- sneaking-up-on-me flu.
Yeah, Mom, that's it.
Lucky we had this battery-operated
electric banana leaf blanket in the basement.
( inhaling )
Breathe steam...
( slurping )
Mmm, meat ice cream!
BOTH: Yummy!
( counting )
( meows )
( laughs )
Oh, honey.
Oh, yeah.
I'm spending far too much time
on the ground today.
( others laughing )
Cleo, you ducked!
You could hear her pouncing!
Yes, and I smelled her, too.
Mom's cured.
All thanks to that journal.
Boy, I sure am glad you wrote it all down.
Well, I sure am glad
I had a teacher like Teacher Creaky.
I'll get it.
( phone ringing )
Teacher Creaky!
Oh, yes, I'll be there.
Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing you, too.
Come on, cubs, let's finish packing!
Club Veldt, here we come!
( cheering )
You pack, I'll clean up here.
Thanks, love.
Oh, I love a happy ending.
( chuckling )
Oh... oh...
Cleo, honey, sweetheart...
Well, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
And there's five pounds worth of cure in here.
Oh, yeah!
( slurping )
Barnaby Busterfield III says two more words
with the "ea" sound.
( clears throat )
Hmm... oh...
Thank you, yes, thank you.
There are games and stories at the Between the Lions Web site:
pbskids.org, or America Online keyword: PBS Kids.
♪ And that's why he's called... ♪
"Cliff... Hanger."
Help a friend get wild about reading.
It's cool!
Way cool.
"When last we left Cliff... "
♪ ♪ ♪
[Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation]
CHORUS: ♪ Between the lions... ♪
♪ Between the lions... ♪
WOMAN: ♪ Come in between the lions ♪
♪ Begin between the lions ♪
♪ Be here between the lions! ♪