字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪ ♪ Hey, wow... ♪ ♪ Here's how ♪ ♪ Come and read ♪ ♪ Between the lions ♪ CHORUS: ♪ Come on ♪ ♪ Come in ♪ ♪ Begin ♪ ♪ The world awaits ♪ WOMAN: ♪ Between the lions ♪ ♪ Between the covers of a book ♪ ♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪ ♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪ CHORUS: ♪ Behind the door ♪ ♪ Become, explore ♪ ♪ Come in between the lions ♪ ♪ Begin between the lions ♪ ♪ Be here between the lions! ♪ LIONEL: I just don't get it. I'm doing what the directions say. ROBOT: Hop... hop... Hop... ( Lionel grumbles ) Oh, hey! It looks like it's not working, huh? Mmm. Shh! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, I must be doing something wrong. Can't get him to hop. You're absolutely right. You must be doing something wrong. Hmm? Yeah. ROBOT: Hop... Maybe it's supposed to do that, Lionel-- just kind of flop over like that. Leona, it says right here on the box: "Bobby the Hopping Robot." Not "Bobby the Flopping Robot"! Well, he's very good at flopping. LIONEL: Oh, man! Hey, sweetie. What's wrong, Lionel? It looks like you've got your whiskers in a knot. Oh, Dad, I've been trying to make this "Bobby the Hopping Robot" work and he just won't hop. See? ROBOT: Hop... Hmm. Maybe he's taking a nap, a little snooze. ( Leona and Theo laugh ) Okay, maybe not. Dad, here, you look at the box. He's jumping halfway to Mars just like it says in the commercial. Announcer: It's Bobby the Hopping Robot! So easy to assemble. ( announcer reading ) BOBBY: Hop, hop, hop! ( announcer reading ) He's... Oh, I don't know what's wrong. I followed the directions, step by step. Five times. Oh, I'm sure you did, Lionel but maybe you just left something out. Uh-uh, I didn't, Dad, I didn't. I read every single word! Yeah, I watched him every time. I'm his assistant. Oh. Well, why don't you just take it apart one more time, son? Oh... But this time, take it very slowly, huh? It just takes a little patience. You know, I'll tell you what. I'm going to put these books away and I'll be right back to help you. Yeah, okay. Oh, Lionel can I take him apart this time, huh? Can I, please? Well... okay. But hey, hey, hey. Uh-huh? Be careful. Oh, I will, I will. All right. WALTER: Hey, Clay, Lionel has a new hopping, uh... Uh, robot? Yeah, a new hopping robot. Hmm! By the looks of things he actually has a hopping robot... not. Okay, so he can't make it hop but he still has a... Hey... hope! Hey, Clay, did you see that? Whoa, that's so poetic! I love it when letters do, um... That? Yeah, hey, do it again, do it again. Yeah, yeah. BOTH: Uh... hop! Oh... oh, oh! BOTH: Hope! Oh, that gives me goose bumps. Yeah? Ooh...! Ooh...! Pigeons are so easily entertained. LEONA: Okay, one more part. Oh, hey, great job, Leona. Well done. So far, so good. All right, thanks, Leona. Let's see here. Hmm... "Step one..." ( Lionel reading ) There! Okay! Perfect! And now for step six, the final step. Yay! ( laughs ) Shh! Huh? Sorry. Sorry. Hmm! "Step six..." ( reading ) Great! Oh, you're done! Well, hey, turn him on. Let's see Bobby go hopping wild. Okay. ( both reading ) Okay. ( cranking ) Okay. Come on, Bobby. Yeah, Bobby, yeah, Bobby. Yeah, yeah... ( both gasp ) BOBBY: Hop... hop... hop... LIONS: Oh, no! PATRON: Shh! Oh! Uh... LIONS: Sorry! Now stand back and enjoy. This is it, Dad. This is as good as it gets. BOBBY: Hop, hop... ( sobbing ) Oh, poor Lionel. Poor Bobby. Oh, don't worry, son. Let me have a try, huh? I'll have Bobby up and hopping in no time. It just takes a little patience, that's all. Sure, Lionel. Aw, Dad can make anything work. Huh? Uh-oh. ( groans ) ANNOUNCER: Thanks for joining us back at the national Word Cup Finals. And it's a beautiful day for writing. Our young star, Tiger Words, is at the "t." He's got to write the word "top." It starts with a "tih" sound followed by the "ah," then "puh." "Tih," "ah," "puh"... top. This should be a piece of cake for Tiger. Let's sit back and enjoy. He takes a black pen. Tiger clearly feels confident about this one. If he makes it, he will win lots of tops. He's lining up the word. Now he steps up to the tee and... Wow! This kid is certainly feeling cocky. I don't think I've ever seen anyone write the letters "o" and "p" so quickly. Ooh, but perhaps a bit too quickly, I'm afraid. Tiger has written the word p-o-t, "pot"-- not the word t-o-p, "top." Sometimes, cocky is not the way to go and Tiger certainly knows that now. But it's in pen. What will he do? Let's watch. He's taking something out of his pencil case. And it's green paint! He's painting over his mistake. And now he's trying to write the word "top" again. There he goes, writing that "o" after the "t" followed by the final "p" making the word "top"-- t-o-p, "top." What an amazing young writer! Tiger Words has once again won the championship and lots of tops. ( applause ) ( gasps ) The Monkey Pop-Up Theater! ( crowd murmuring ) ( Celtic band playing high-energy dance tune ) ( feet stomping ) ( singing ) ( feet stomping, sticks clopping, drums throbbing ) ( dancers whooping, audience cheering ) ( laughing ) And now, Arty Smartypants will read without any assistance whatsoever four words with the short "o"-- "aw"-- sound in them. Thank you! May I have a "build-the- excitement" drum roll, please? ( drum roll ) Thank you! ( clears his throat ) Hop! AUDIENCE: Hop! Hopping! AUDIENCE: Hopping! Hopped! AUDIENCE: Hopped! Hopper! AUDIENCE: Hopper! Hop... Hopping... Hopped... Hopper! ( audience cheering and whistling ) AUDIENCE: Oh! Wh... Grasshopper! Hop, grasshopper. Thank you! AUDIENCE ( chanting ): Arty! Arty! Arty! ( Theo growling ) THEO: I don't know! I followed the instructions step by step by step. Five times I pulled him apart. Five times I put him back together. And nothing. Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! PATRONS: Shh! He kind of looks like he's hopping if you put your head on the table and look at him this way. Leona? Huh? If he was supposed to do that they would have called him "the-Bobbie-that- just-lie-there- on-the-table- and-twitch-its- little-legs robot!" ( sobs ) Excuse me, Mr. Library Lion, sir could you please sob a little bit more quietly? Hey, would you mind keeping a lid on it? ALL: Shh! What? What?! Shh! ALL: Sorry! Oh! Hey, what is going on here? We're getting complaints from the readers. Dad and I have been trying to put Bobbie the Hopping Robot together. We followed the directions but he won't work! He won't work! I'm telling you, it's either Bobby or me-- one of us is defective. ( moans ) Oh, Theo! Why? Why? Why? What's "defective" mean? LIONEL AND THEO: It means he's no good, broken. MONKEY: Hey, maybe he's broken. He's probably doing something wrong. Or he's doing something wrong! Shh! Shh! Sorry. Sorry. Oh, Theo, dear, don't worry. Look, let me see the directions. I'm sure we can figure this out. All it takes is a little patience. Oh, Mom, Mom, can I take him apart for you? I'm really good at it now. Oh, good, thank you, Leona. And I will have Bobby, your father and your brother up and hopping in no time. If you need any help, just shout! Sorry. ALL: Sorry. What? ( imitating snake charmer ) Oh... ( imitating squeaking on window ) ( making "p" sound ) ( making short "o" sound ) ( making "p" sound ) ( sounding out word ): Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. ( makes popping sound ) Pop. ( makes popping sound ) Pop. ( makes popping sound ) ( music begins playing ) ♪ "I'm hungry!" said Ollie the ox ♪ ♪ My lunch box was snatched by a fox ♪ ♪ But this story ends well, he replaced "f" with "l"... ♪ ♪ Now he's feasting on bagels and lox. ♪ ( music ends ) TROOPS ( chanting ): ♪ A, E, I, O, U ♪ ♪ Sometimes Y's a vowel, too ♪ ♪ Sound off-- A, E ♪ ♪ Sound off-- I, O, U ♪ ♪ Sound off-- A! E! I! O! U! ♪ ♪ Y, too! ♪ All right, lower-case letterheads! Move it! Move it! Move it! ( vowels blathering ) Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! This isn't Camp Hoppa-woppa-coppa-nope! This is Vowel Boot Camp! Now, sound off! A! E! I! O! U! ( weakly ): Y! Soldier! How many times have I told you: Pillows in the foot locker not in your mouth! Sorry, Sarge. Front and center, O! State your long and short sounds! "O" is my long sound, "aw" is my short sound, sir. The MPs come and escort you to the brig; you're leather- cuffed between an "n" and a "t." Sound? "Aw," sir. Word?! "Not," sir. You've got it. But T picks up another prisoner and leather-cuffs him to the right flank. It's an "e" who's not talking. What's the drill, soldiers? ( chanting ) Sound? "O," sir. Word? "Note," sir. Right! Make a note, Private O-- not bad. Now, let's go make some words. Forward... march! ( yelling ) Base, Base, this is Sergeant Mark of the Vowel Company. Over and out. ( groans ) TROOPS ( chanting ): ♪ A, E, I, O, U ♪ ♪ Sometimes Y's a vowel, too ♪ ♪ Sound off-- A, E ♪ ♪ Sound off-- I, O, U ♪ ♪ Sound off-- A! E! I! O! U! ♪ ♪ Y, too! ♪ ( Cleo growling ) Well, you've... you've done your best. ( growling louder ) Yeah, Mom, it's okay. You did your best-- you followed those directions step by step, what, um, uh... six, eight times? I think it was closer to nine, Lionel. ( growling ) If you ask me, she's definitely doing something wrong. Did she read the directions? Yeah, all you do is follow them directions. THEO: Yeah, I believe she did that, sir. Something's defective. I know, I know! Something's defective! Something is defective... LIONEL: Something's not going together right. THEO: Well, all the parts are there, right? ( growling ) Excuse me, I have a question. ALL: What?! Shh.... Wait a minute, who are we disturbing? Everyone's here. ( everyone agreeing ) Click, would you mind coming with me, please? I would love to accompany you, Leona as quickly as possible. Yeah. Before this crowd turns ugly. ANNOUNCER: And now, Fun with Chicken Jane. Today, "Chicken Jane and the Pond." ( music begins playing ) WOMAN ( singing ): ( squawks ) SCOT: BOTH: ( clucking excitedly ) DOT: SCOT ( pronouncing letters ): St...op. "Stop." BOTH: ( squawks sadly ) ( music begins playing ) WOMAN: ( squawks sadly ) ANNOUNCER: And now Tammy Lionette and Jasmine Guy are "Hung Up on H." ♪ I am hung up on "h" ♪ ♪ And the hard-to-learn "hih" sound it makes. ♪ ♪ Every time I hear "hih," I lose hope ♪ ♪ And my heavy heart aches. ♪ ♪ I am hassled and fed up... ♪ ♪ Can't hold my head up ♪ ♪ 'Cause "h" makes me howl like a hound... ♪ ( howling ) ♪ I am hung up on "h" ♪ ♪ Can't handle that "hih"-"hih"-"hih" sound! ♪ ♪ "Hih"-"hih"-"hih" sound ♪ ♪ Now, the sounds of most letters ♪ ♪ Are found in their name. ♪ ♪ "T" goes "tih" ♪ ♪ "J" goes "jih" ♪ ♪ "K" goes "kih" ♪ ♪ But "h" doesn't play ♪ ♪ By the rules of that game. ♪ ♪ Why doesn't "aitch" go "ay" or "chuh"? ♪ ♪ Why a letter called "h" makes a "hih" sound ♪ ♪ I'm hard pressed to see ♪ ♪ Hard pressed to see. ♪ ♪ "Hih"-"hih," "hih"-"hih," "hih"-"hih" ♪ ♪ "H" sounds like it's laughing at me! ♪ ( sobs ) ♪ I'm harassed by its cackles ♪ ♪ "H" raises my hackles. ♪ ♪ Its "hih-hih" has me in a huff ♪ ♪ Yes, I'm hung up on "h" ♪ ♪ Hih-hih-hih-hih... hih, I've had enough! ♪ ♪ Yes, I'm hung up on "h" ♪ ♪ Hih-hih-hih-hih... hih, I've had enough! ♪ ♪ They've had enough! ♪ ( howling ) ( applause ) "Op"... "Hopping." I can't figure it out. It's crazy, that's what it is, it's crazy. We've read the directions we put his head on backwards... And forwards. Right, right... ( clucking ) What is going on here? Nobody's taking care of this library. There's no one on the phones there's no one on the front desk. What are you doing? Shh... Well... I never. Hey, we got a problem here! You said a mouthful, Lionel. ( everyone agreeing ) CLICK: Um, your attention, please. You guys, excuse me. ALL: Yes? Um, do you remember that word, "defective?" ALL: Yes. Well, Click helped me to call the number I saw here on Bobby's box and the company that makes Bobby says... ALL: Yes? He's not defective. ( cheering and exclaiming ) The company says... ALL: Yes? Step six of the directions is incorrect-- defective. We're not defective! ( cheering ) ♪ We're not defective, we're not defective. ♪ Okay, what does it say? It says, "Step six"... ALL: That direction is incorrect. Right, right, you don't spin the tip of Bobby's prop, you... What, what... well, look, see I wrote it down here. Click, help me. You... t-a-p... ( sounding out the word ): T... ap. "Tap." "Tap the... "the" is a little word-- I already know that one. T-o-p. ( sounding out the word ): T... op. You tap the top. ALL: Oh... You tap the top! Right. ALL: Now stand back and enjoy. Come on, Bobby, come on, Bobby. Come on, Bobby, come on, please. That's it, I'm calling my lawyer! ( cheering ) I always knew we could do it, Mom! Yeah... THEO: This is great! ( crash ) Anybody know how to turn him off? ( yelling ) CLEO: Oh, no, not the lamp! Retrieve that robot! Um, Click, maybe we'd better go make another phone call. Another excellent idea, Leona. Yeah, we'd better go. This is standing back and enjoying?! ( yells ) Don't worry, Dad his power pack has got to run out soon! Oh... duck! You want a duck? ( yells ) Pigeons ( chanting ): Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop... I guess this is what you'd call a "hoppy ending." ( laughs ) Get it?! "Hoppy ending!" Ahh, I should have been a writer. WOMAN: ♪ Be here between the lions. ♪ There are games and stories at the Between the Lions Web site: pbskids.org, or America Online keyword: PBS Kids. Hi, Baja Men. BAJA MEN: Hi, Leona. Can you guys be my designated readers? BAJA MEN: Sure, Leona. I have a book about a dog. So do I. So do I. Yo, who took the dog books out? ( all laughing ) ( music begins playing ) [Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation] CHORUS: ♪ Between the lions... ♪ ♪ Between the lions... ♪ WOMAN: ♪ Come in between the lions ♪ ♪ Begin between the lions ♪ ♪ Be here between the lions! ♪ CLEO: Between the Lions is funded in part by...
B2 中上級 米 Between The Lions: Bobby The Hopping Robot 7 0 WarriorsCatFan2007 に公開 2024 年 03 月 05 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語