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It's no secret that OpenAI is not open based on the English translation of the word.
OpenAI が英語訳ではオープンでないことは周知の事実です。
Most of their tech is not open source and not open to the public.
In fact, to use their AI, the only thing that opens is your wallet.
実際、彼らの AI を使うには、開くのは財布だけです。
I don't think Elon Musk would disagree when I say there's nothing wrong with making money.
But when he formed OpenAI with Sam Altman, Greg Brockman and others back in 2015, it wasn't supposed to be this way.
しかし、2015年にサム・アルトマン・グレッグ・ブロックマンらと OpenAI を結成したときは、こんなはずではありませんでした。
Its mission as a nonprofit was to make AI freely available for the benefit of humanity.
非営利団体としての使命は、人類の利益のために AI を自由に利用できるようにすることでした。
But according to Elon and his lawyers, their partnership with Microsoft is mad sus and straight up whack.
They ain't even cap it when they say OpenAI is giving out some straight up "nope vibes" and filed a bombshell lawsuit yesterday, alleging that this ain't it fam.
彼らは OpenAI が "Nope vibes" を出していると言っていますが、それは本当なのでしょうか?そして昨日、「これは違う」と主張する爆弾訴訟を起こしました。
It is March 2nd, 2024, and you're watching the Code Report.
You might know Elon Musk as the second richest man in the world and the guy behind the second fastest production car in the world.
But Elon was also a founding member of OpenAI when the charter stated that resulting technology will benefit the public and the corporation is not organized for the private gain of any person.
しかし、イーロンは OpenAI の創設メンバーでもあり、その設立趣意書には、結果として得られるテクノロジーは公共の利益となり、企業はいかなる個人の私利私欲のためにも組織されないと記されていました。
But in 2019, after they realized how much motherfucking money they could make from this thing, they tweaked the corporate structure of it.
OpenAI, Inc is still a nonprofit, but it wholly owns and controls an LLC.
OpenAI, Inc.は現在も非営利団体ですが、LLC を完全に所有・管理しています。
That LLC controls a holding company which is a majority owner in OpenAI global LLC, a capped profit company.
そのLLCは、オープンA IグローバルLLCの過半数所有者である持株会社を支配している。
And that entity has received a massive investment from Microsoft and all this is overseen by a highly diverse board which currently has three members, Brett Taylor from Salesforce, Adam Dangelo from Facebook and Larry Summers from Washington.
It may not diverse in color or gender identity but people from Facebook, Salesforce and the US government tend to be extremely trustworthy, said no one ever.
肌の色や性自認は多様ではないかもしれませんが、Facebook のセールスフォースやアメリカ政府の人々は非常に信頼できる傾向があります。
But the structure change was effective.
Now in 2024, OpenAI is the world's most valuable AI startup with a valuation that currently sits at 86 billion.
今は2024年です。OpenAI は、世界で最も価値のある AI スタートアップであり、現在の評価額は860億円です。
It seems like Sam Altman and Elon Musk are friends like Sam recently shamed Tesla haters.
So why is Elon doing them dirty like this?
It's almost as bad as what Lil Rod's doing to Diddy right now.
It's unfortunate this isn't a hip-hop channel because the stuff in that lawsuit is off the charts insane.
In Elon's lawsuit, though, it talks about how OpenAI has been transformed into a closed-source subsidiary of Microsoft and says the new board is refining an AGI to maximize profits from Microsoft, not the benefit of humanity.
イーロンの訴訟では、OpenAI がいかにマイクロソフトのクローズドソース子会社に変貌したかについて述べられており、新しい取締役会は人類の利益ではなく、マイクロソフトの利益を最大化するために AGI を改良していると述べています。
It says, "This was a stark betrayal of the founding agreement."
And to be honest, he's got a pretty good point there.
Elon left the board back in 2018 and he was actually offered a stake in the for-profit arm and to his credit, he refused to accept it.
And this actually sets him up for a very nice hero art in this iteration of the simulation.
Elon has donated over $44 million to OpenAI since 2016.
イーロンは2016年以来、OpenAI の開設に4400万ドル以上を寄付しています。
And because they broke the sacred oath, he now has a valid reason to file this lawsuit and seek out some kind of remedy.
The idea that OpenAI and Microsoft are one and the same requires some really strong copium to deny.
OpenAI とマイクロソフトが同じであるという考えを否定するには、本当に強いコピウムが必要です。
Saudi Nutella (Satya Nadella), CEO of Microsoft, recently said this, "If OpenAI disappeared tomorrow, we have all the IP rights and all the capability.
We have the people, we have the compute, we have the data, we have everything. We are below them, above them around them."
Even though Microsoft technically doesn't control OpenAI, they clearly have an overwhelming amount of influence.
マイクロソフトは技術的には OpenAI をコントロールしていないとはいえ、圧倒的な影響力を持っていることは明らかだ。
Now, another interesting thing in Elon's lawsuit is that it says models like GPT-4 constitute Artificial General Intelligence and says OpenAI is developing something called Q star that has an even stronger claim to AGI.
さて、イーロンの訴訟でもうひとつ興味深いのは、GPT-4 のようなモデルが人工知能(Artificial General Intelligence)にあたるとし、OpenAI が AGI をさらに強く主張するQ starと呼ばれるものを開発していると述べていることです。
Elon is known for making wild predictions about space and technology that are almost always wrong.
But one thing's for sure, the discovery in this lawsuit will be epic.
Ultimately, a lawsuit like this could be a great thing for humanity but realistically and I'm no lawyer, its probability of actually working seems extremely low.
As some random guy on the internet, I base that legal opinion on absolutely nothing but Musk has taken some pretty big legal L's recently, like when Delaware took away his $55 billion pay package.
But Elon is right. OpenAI should be open and Microsoft the world's most valuable company by a wide margin now doesn't need any more power.
しかし、イーロンは正しいです。OpenAI はオープンであるべきだし、マイクロソフトは世界で最も価値のある企業です。
But as the great Jon Bon Jovi once said, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
しかし、偉大なるジョン・ボン・ジョヴィがかつて言ったように "物事は変われば変わるほど、変わらない"。
This has been the Code Report.
Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one.