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  • (uplifting music)

  • - [Anchorman] Thousands of farmers in India

  • are blocking highways and holding massive protests.

  • (farmers chanting in foreign language)

  • Demonstrators clashed with police

  • as they try to reach the capitol of new Delhi.

  • This is the second major tussle between farmers

  • and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government

  • just months before national elections.

  • So here's what's behind the protests,

  • and what they reveal about the challenges

  • India faces to transform its economy.

  • - Farmers in Northern India began marching towards Delhi

  • on February 13th,

  • and they have a couple of different demands.

  • The biggest one, the most important one,

  • is that they want the government

  • to act as kind of a guarantee for more crops that they grow.

  • Right now in India, there is something called

  • a minimum support price.

  • That really helps farmers when prices crash,

  • and they know that the government will step in to buy,

  • at least for rice and wheat, some of their crop,

  • and that can help them cover their costs,

  • and is a protection for a lot of farmers.

  • But the problem is that other kinds of crops

  • don't get that same benefit.

  • So the farmers and the government

  • have been meeting several times

  • in attempt to get the farmers to go back home,

  • and right now they're camped out

  • around the borders of different states.

  • The government doesn't really want to extend

  • this legal guarantee to other kinds of crops,

  • and the reason being that it does actually

  • cost quite a bit of money to do that.

  • So they had come up with an offer to guarantee buying

  • for a few crops that the farmers were talking about,

  • and only to do it for maybe five years.

  • So basically they're offering more of a short term proposal,

  • and the farmers were not really happy with that.

  • They felt like it really wouldn't give them

  • the kind of security that they're looking for.

  • This is actually the second confrontation

  • between the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

  • and the farmers.

  • In late 2020, farmers protests

  • ended up lasting more than a year.

  • There is some interconnections between these farm protests

  • and the overall plans for the economy.

  • Some people say that there are unusually large number

  • of people in India still today very dependent on farming.

  • And usually when countries grow and develop,

  • many people come out of farming

  • and then they go into other kinds of jobs in cities.

  • And this happened in China, this happened in the US,

  • so we've seen that happen all over the world.

  • This is something that's really

  • important for the government.

  • They talk about it a lot.

  • They talk about jobs, and they talk about the challenge

  • of making India into a different kind of economy,

  • just a much bigger economy.

  • They want other kinds of jobs to take the place

  • so that people are not so dependent

  • on the vagaries of farming.

  • What some economists say

  • is that that is not happening fast enough.

  • We are seeing investments, and we are seeing factories,

  • but India would need to create millions and millions of jobs

  • 'cause it has so many young people.

  • India is expected to go to the polls in April and May,

  • and farmers probably felt that this would be a good time

  • to put some pressure on the government.

  • (farmers chanting in foreign language)

  • Farmers are possibly one of the most important

  • political forces in India.

  • There are some 260 million people

  • working as farm workers in India.

  • That's a very big number of people that depend on this.

  • I think that the government would be worried

  • from that perspective.

  • They wouldn't want it to become snowballed into something.

  • And I think from what we saw from the last time,

  • nobody expected those protests to go on for a year.

  • So I'm sure that the government is very keen

  • to try to find a compromise

  • and work their way out of this with the farmers.

  • They would be really keen to show

  • that they indeed are trying to work with them.

  • (tranquil music)

(uplifting music)


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India Unrest: Why Farmers Are Protesting Ahead of Election | WSJ(India Unrest: Why Farmers Are Protesting Ahead of Election | WSJ)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2024 年 02 月 28 日