字幕表 動画を再生する
I turn on the the TV and then I see Walter Scott.
A 50-something-year-old man, running away from a policeman, getting shot in the back.
Running away from the policeman and again, the media for some strange reason just seems to forget what the main purpose of the discussion is.
警官から逃げて背中を撃たれるそしてまた、奇妙な理由でメディアは 議論の主旨を忘れているようだ
Because on day one they go, "Unarmed man shot in the back."
初日に "非武装の男が背後から撃たれた "と報道されたからだ。
Day two they are like, "Who was Walter Scott? Lets find out about it. Apparently he had a charge of assault against him in 1987."
So he get's shot for it?
How hard did he punch the guy that he gets shot for it in 2015?
Did he punch the guy into the future and he came back to get him, is that what happened?
I mean it was the 80's. Everyone punched someone in the 80's. I don't understand why this is a big deal.
They were saying the craziest things, they where like, "Walter Scott, I mean everybody's talking about the police officer, let's talk about him. Why did he run? Why did he run?"
なぜこれが大騒ぎになるのか理解できない。ウォルター・スコット、つまりみんな警察官のことを話しているんだ。 なぜ彼は走ったのか、なぜ彼は走ったのか。
Because he didn't want to go to jail.
Are we really going to live in a world where police no longer want to chase criminals?
Is that what we are saying?
Is that what we are saying, police no longer want to chase criminals?
That's the whole point of the game, isn't it? We played it as kids, cops and robbers, yeah?
You've seen the movies, that's what makes it fun
"Freeze!" "You can't catch me, coper!"
「動くな!"捕まらないぞ コパー!"
And then you run!
That's what makes it fun.
Now police no longer want to chase criminals. We are gonna live in a world where police -- can you imagine what that's going to do to the movie industry?
It's going to be horrible.
We are going to be watching Bad Boys 5 with Marten Lawrence and Will Smith.
"Freeze!" "Okay."
End of movie, done. It's the worst movie ever!
This is the strangest thing. They ask all the weirdest questions questions that have nothing to do with a man being shot who is unarmed.
They come on and they go, "Also, noted is Walter Scott owed sixteen thousand dollars in child support."
To the cop?
No, I mean, like, to the?
Because that would be a different story. That would be like the mother of his children that shot him.
Then you know what? I may actually be on her side, you never know.
Yeah, I might have been there like, "You know what sister? you shoot him in the back, girl. That's right, you shoot him, thinking he ain't gonna pay after he play.
ええ、私はその場にいたかもしれません。後ろから撃て そうだ、おまえが撃て プレーした後は金を払わないと考えている
You shoot him in the back, thinking he's gonna run away from his responsibilities. Shoot him dead!"
後ろから撃つ責任から逃げるつもりなのだろう。 撃ち殺せ!」。
But this has nothing to do with it.
The police shoots an unarmed man. He's running away, and then they have the nerve, they have the crazy nerve to say, "This officer feared for his life, he was afraid."
警察が丸腰の男を射殺した。そして、彼らは神経が図太く、狂った神経でこう言うのだ。 "この警官は命の危険を感じ、恐れていた"
Afraid of what?
The man is running away.
There is nothing less frightening than someone running away from you
That is the definition of fear. He is running away.
The only thing he could have done to be less threatening is to cluck like a chicken as he ran.
There is nothing less frightening than a man running away from you, like what are you afraid of? You can't say he was running.
"I was afraid" Afraid of what?
「怖かった」 何を?
He's running away from you, that makes no sense.
You see him from behind. No one is threatening from behind.
They are running away, there's no one who's frightening like maybe Kim Kardasian but nobody else is frightening.
He's running away from you.
You shoot him in the back.
And he was like, "Yeah, I was afraid." Afraid of what?
Do you have abandonment issues? Why would you shoot a man?
"My dad left when I was five."
It makes no sense
So I don't know how not to die.
Here I am in my car, on the side of the road in a random street in Los Angeles, and the whole time I'm just like, "I don't want to die. I don't want to die, I don't want to die."
私は車の中にいる道端 ロサンゼルスの通り そしてずっと、死にたくないって思ってるんだ 死にたくない、死にたくない
And the policeman gets out of his car, and he starts walking towards me.
And his hand is by his side, and he's doing this.
And I have watched Westerns. I know what this means. This is never good.
私は西部劇を観てきたこれが何を意味するかは分かっている これは決して良いことではない
This never turns into friendship.
So now I am starting to stress, and I am looking at him in the side mirror of my car and I am panicking because objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.
だから今、私はストレスを感じ始めている私は車のサイドミラーに映る彼を見ている。 鏡に映っているものが見た目より近いので、パニックになっている。
So he's gonna get there at any moment.
And I don't know why, I don't know why I did this. As soon as he [approached], I panicked, I completely panicked.
I launched myself out the window. I took my body and I threw it out the window, and I fell onto the side of the car, just like (falling).
私は窓から身を投げ出し、体を起こした。窓から投げ捨てた 車の側面に落ちた。
And onto the side of the car.
I basically went back to nature. I thought of a predator. You don't make eye contact and you play dead.
That's all I did. I just played dead on the side of the car.
Shame, which freaked him out. He was completely, just like "What the, hey! Hey! Hey, what's going on?"
羞恥心に苛まれた。彼は完全に、まるで「何だよ、おい! おい、どうしたんだ?
I said, "I am sorry, officer. I am sorry."
He's like, "Sir, what are you sorry for?"
彼は "サー、何を謝るんですか?"って感じだよ。
I said, "Whatever it is that is going to make you shoot me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, officer."
私を撃たせるためなら何でもすると言ったんだ。申し訳ない 申し訳ありません。
He said, "Sir, get back in the car! Get back in the car!"
彼は "サー、車に戻れ! 車に戻れ!"と言った。
I said, "No! I don't want to die, please. I am not falling for that trick. Please, officer, I'm sorry. "
私はノーと言った!死にたくない。 その手には乗らない お巡りさん、申し訳ありません。
He's like, "Sir, I'm not going to kill you, just get back in the car, back in the car!"
彼は "私はあなたを殺すつもりはない、車に戻れ、車に戻れ!"と言ったんだ。
I don't mean shame. This guy was just as freaked out as I was. I am not gonna lie.
Because if I put myself in his shoes, what does he do?
Imagine you are standing on the side of the road, a guy jumps out of his own car, he can't even call for backup, what does he say?
"Ten-four, I need backup." "What do you need?"
「10 4 支援が必要だ」「何が必要なんだ?
"I got a black guy that killed himself."
"Ten-four, you got to make up something better than that, we will back you up, don't worry."
Like what do you say? Its just like weird.
The guy is freaking out, I am freaking out.
And I am laying there.
And this guy he approaches slowly, he approaches he finally gets to me and he lifts my arms like "Get back in the car sir, get back."
そして、この男はゆっくりと近づいてくる。彼はついに私のところまで来て、私の腕をこう持ち上げた。 「車に戻ってください。
And he stuffs me back into my window.
"Get back," and I am like, "I don't want to die, please. I don't want to die."
He's like, "Sir, calm down, calm down."
彼は "サー、落ち着いて落ち着いて "と言ったんだ。
I am like, "Okay, I am sorry."
He's like, "Sir, have you been drinking?"
彼は "お客さん、飲んでるんですか?"って言うんだ。
I said, "No, I haven't been drinking."
He said, "Okay, calm down. Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?"
I said, "Because I am black?"
And I wasn't being an ass, nor was I joking.
I've just been informed that as a black person in America, if you drive a really nice car, there's a good chance you are going to get pulled over by the police.
今、知らされたところだ。アメリカの黒人として、本当にいい車に乗っていれば 警察に止められる可能性が高い。
So in my world, he's doing his job as I have been told.
Yeah, I wasn't judging him.
In fact, I was a little flattered.
I was like, "Thank you very much, Mr. Officer for noticing this bad boy right here. That's right. 2015, baby."
ありがとうございました。この悪ガキがここに乗っていることに気づいたからだ。 2015年の赤ちゃん"
I was really excited. He was more freaked out, though, because I said to him it's because I'm black.
And then he did this thing that I have come to learn is the reaction of white people in America who when they hear information they can't process fast enough have this thing where they smile on the outside, but on the inside it's almost as if they are short-circuiting.
そして、彼はこんなことをした。私が学んだのは、アメリカの白人の反応である。 処理しきれないほどの情報を耳にしたとき 外では笑っていても、内心は......。 まるでショートしているかのようだ。
He looks at me and he goes, "I am sorry, what?"
I said, "Because I'm black, that's why you pulled me over."
He goes, "Hey, no, no, we, no. That is not why no, hey, no, I don't, that is not, uh, it's, it (short-circuiting)"
彼は、「おい、違う、違うんだ。いや、いや、いや、それは違うんだ。 (ショート)
I felt so bad for him.
I think we both learned a lot that day, the two of us.
Grew from that experience.
I was speeding, that's why he pulled me over, but he let me go.