字幕表 動画を再生する
Welcome to another speak English with me video.
Most of you guys already know how this works.
But for the new people here, I'll explain.
But first of all, thank you for joining us.
So you will basically speak English with me.
We will have a dialogue where one line will be mine and the next one will be yours.
I'm going to say my line and then you will read your line from the screen out loud as if you were answering me, and then vice versa.
By performing this dialogue, I'm going to teach you, men, how to meet a girl and ask her on a date in a very, very smart and charming manner so that she doesn't even notice.
I'm just kidding.
But you know, you can use this as a trick, just saying, but not putting ideas in your head.
So first let's listen to and watch (the) full dialogue and then we'll practice it.
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?
すみません。お忙しいところ申し訳ありませんが、道に迷ってしまったみたいです。 メインストリートがどっちにあるか知ってますか?
Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.
もちろん、問題ないです。あなたは実際、ある方向に向かっています。 メインストリートはその数ブロック先にあります。 よかったら見せてあげましょうか?
That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way. I appreciate your help.
それは助かります。ありがとう。僕はマークです。 ところで、助けてくれてありがとうございます。
Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Sarah. No problem at allm happy to help. So, what brings you to this part of town?
はじめまして、マーク。私はサラです。どういたしまして。 喜んでお手伝いします。 それで、どうしてこの町に来たんですか?
Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.
How about you? Do you live around here?
Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.
ええ、そうです。ここに住んで数年になります。 小さなカフェやショップがたくさんある素敵な場所です。
Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.
Of course. Tthere's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."
もちろんです。コーヒーが好きな人のために言っておくと、実は近くに素晴らしいコーヒーを出す居心地の良い小さなカフェがあります。その名も "The Brew Spot "です。
Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now, if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.
Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.
Perfect. After you.
All right. It's time to practice. I'll go first.
よし。練習の時間です。 私が先です。
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?
すみません。お忙しいところ申し訳ありませんが、道に迷ってしまったみたいです。 メインストリートがどっちにあるか知ってますか?
Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.
もちろん、問題ないです。あなたは実際、ある方向に向かっています。 メインストリートはその数ブロック先にあります。 よかったら見せてあげましょうか?
That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way, I appreciate your help.
それは助かります。ありがとう。僕はマークです。 ところで、助けてくれてありがとうございます。
Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Sarah. No problem at allm happy to help. So, what brings you to this part of town?
Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit, I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.
まあ、ちょっと探検していたら、この地域の魅力にとりつかれてしまったんだ。正直に言うと、この界隈にはあまり詳しくないんだ。 あなたはどうですか?
How about you? Do you live around here?
Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.
ええ、そうです。ここに住んで数年になります。 小さなカフェやショップがたくさんある素敵な場所です。
Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.
Of course. There's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."
Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.
Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.
Perfect, after you.
Great job, you guys. Now we switch, now you go first.
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?
すみません。お忙しいところ申し訳ありませんが、道に迷ってしまったみたいです。 メインストリートがどっちにあるか知ってますか?
Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.
もちろん、問題ないです。あなたは実際、ある方向に向かっています。 メインストリートはその数ブロック先にあります。 よかったら見せてあげましょうか?
That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way. I appreciate your help.
それは助かります。ありがとう。僕はマークです。 ところで、助けてくれてありがとうございます。
Nice to meet you, Mark, I'm Sarah. No problem at all, happy to help. So what brings you to this part of town?
はじめまして、マーク。私はサラです。どういたしまして。 喜んでお手伝いします。 それで、どうしてこの町に来たんですか?
Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.
Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.
ええ、そうです。ここに住んで数年になります。 小さなカフェやショップがたくさんある素敵な場所です。
Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.
Of course. There's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."
Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now, if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.
Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.
OK. I hope you enjoyed practicing your speaking skills with me and I hope it was useful for you.
We actually do have a lot more video dialogues on the channel, in case you want to practice some more.
You can check them out in this playlist and I'll also put the link in the description.
And as usual, I'll see you in the next one. Bye.