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  • (Who's KG)


  • (What is your name?) My name is KG.

    (名前は何ですか?) 私はKGです

  • (How old are you?) I am 16 years old.

    (何歳ですか?) 16歳です

  • (Where are you from?) I'm from Los Angeles, California.

    (出身はどこですか?) カリフォルニア州の ロサンゼルスです

  • (How are you feeling today?) I'm feeling good man, yeah, chilling.

    (今日の気分はいかがですか?) 余裕があって いい気分です

  • (Which city are you in & any favorite spot?) I'm from L.A., California.

    (今いる場所と好きな場所を 教えてください) 私はロサンゼルス出身なんですが

  • There is this place in Malibu that I found


  • which is like a tree on top of a hill,

    丘の頂上に木が立っている 場所なんですが

  • and I have to climb until I get to it.

    そこに行くには 丘を登らないといけません

  • Nobody knows about it, only me I think.

    そこは私しか知らないと 思っていますが

  • And I like to just sit up there and play music


  • and just relax and look at all the mountains.


  • (Describe yourself in three words)

    (自分を3つの単語で 表現してください)

  • I would say ambitious, loyal, and easygoing.

    覇気があって義理堅くて おおざっぱな性格です

  • (What's most important to you right now?) I would say what's most important to me right now is...

    (今 一番重要なものは 何ですか?) 今 私にとって重要なのは

  • working hard and being a good person

    努力することと 良い人になることです

  • so that I can...


  • I don't know how to say it.


  • So that I can like be a positive influence


  • so like the people around me


  • and also in my work in the music and everything that I do.

    ポジティブなエネルギーを あげることです

  • (First thing you do when you get up in the morning) The first thing I do is grab my phone

    (朝起きて一番最初に することは何ですか?) まずはスマホを持って

  • turn off my alarm


  • and look at my phone.


  • And I sit there for a little bit because I don't wanna get up right away.

    そして すぐに起きるのは大変なので

  • It's too much work.


  • (What is your bedside?)


  • My bedside... I don't have a nightstand.

    ベッドの横に… サイドテーブルがないので

  • So, I go for what's on my bed. It's my dogs.

    ベッドの上にあるものを答えると 飼っている犬たちがいます

  • If I'm home, I'm always with my dogs.


  • Or also by my bedside is my guitar


  • because it hangs on the wall.


  • (Favorite artist at the moment?)

    (今 一番好きな アーティストは誰ですか?)

  • My favorite artist is...


  • Oh it changes a lot because I like a lot of people.


  • But, Taylor Swift, yeah.

    今はTaylor Swiftです

  • (Favorite song right now?) My favorite song is...

    (一番好きな歌は何ですか?) 一番好きな歌は…

  • Oh, there's too many good ones.


  • It changes every day depending on my mood.


  • I'm listening to Love Story a lot by Taylor Swift.

    Taylor Swiftの 「Love Story」をよく聞きます

  • (Favorite movie?) My favorite movie is Titanic.

    (一番好きな映画は何ですか?) 一番好きな映画は「タイタニック」です

  • (Favorite color?) My favorite color is purple.

    (一番好きな色は何色ですか?) 一番好きな色は紫です

  • (Favorite food?) My favorite food is pancakes.

    (一番好きな食べ物は何ですか?) ホットケーキが一番好きです

  • (Favorite season?) I can't choose between summer and winter.

    (一番好きな季節は何ですか?) 夏と冬が同じくらい好きです

  • Summer, because I can do a lot of activities like swimming, basketball.

    夏は水泳とかバスケとか 体を動かせるから好きなんですが

  • But lately, I've been really liking the winter

    最近 冬が好きになって

  • and wanting snow and Christmas of course.


  • (What song gives you strength & energy?) Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande.

    (力や元気をくれる歌は何ですか?) Ariana Grandeの 「Dangerous Woman」です

  • It's just the sound and the... Yeah, it's just very powerful.

    サウンドが強烈なので 力がみなぎります

  • (Describe your style)

    (自分のスタイルを 説明してください)

  • My style?


  • I like to switch it up.


  • Like I don't stick to one thing like one day I could be feminine.


  • One day I could be more swaggy.

    自己主張の強い格好を する日もあって

  • So, sometimes it's like both of them put together.


  • Or it's like one or the other.


  • (Where do you spend the most of your time these days?)

    (最近 ほとんどの時間を 過ごすところはどこですか?)

  • These days, I spend the most of my time at JYP training for debut.

    最近はJYPでデビューの 準備をしています

  • (What do you do during your free time?) I do a lot of things during my free time.

    (休憩時間に何をしていますか?) 休憩時間には色々なことをします

  • If I'm not rehearsing or practicing, I...


  • What do I do? I eat obviously.

    何をしてたかな? とりあえず食事をして

  • I mean for fun activities. I like to play basketball.

    色々な活動をしますが 特にバスケをするのが好きです

  • Everyone. A lot of people know that.


  • I like to play basketball.


  • I like to play video games and skateboarding.

    ビデオゲームや スケートボードも好きです

  • And...


  • I like to watch TV shows on Netflix


  • and just... yeah, chill.


  • (How do you relieve stress & guilty pleasure?) I eat a lot of candy.

    (ストレスの解消法や 密かな趣味はありますか?) キャンディーを食べることです

  • It's not a good thing but sometimes it is

    良いことではありませんが 気分がよくなるので

  • because it makes me happy.

    たまにはキャンディー を食べるのもいいと思います

  • And I like to go on walks at night and listen to music.

    あとは夜の散歩と 音楽を聞くことが好きです

  • And just like think while I walk.


  • And guitar too is another way.


  • Just like finger-picking or something.


  • (Describe your most ideal day)

    (最も理想的な1日を 説明してください)

  • My most ideal day would be just sleeping, of course.

    理想的な1日は もちろん1日中寝ることです

  • I hate getting up early.


  • I want to eat whatever I want.


  • No allergies, so chicken.

    アレルギーがないので チキンを食べたいですね

  • And I would want to do something fun


  • like an activity that I enjoy doing or maybe trying something new.

    好きな活動をしたり 新しいことに挑戦したり

  • Just, yeah.


  • (What is one thing you bring when you travel?) My AirPods. It's a must-have.

    (旅行に必ず持って行くものを 教えてください) AirPodsは必須です

  • I actually can't... I can't go without them.


  • It bothers me so much when they are not with me.


  • (One habit you want to fix) Habit, oh gosh.

    (直したい習慣は何ですか?) 習慣ですか…

  • One habit I would want to fix is getting more sleep


  • because I'm always practicing and I practice late.


  • And then I also stay up too late when I get home from practicing late.

    家に帰ってきたら 夜遅くまで起きているんです

  • So, it doesn't...


  • There's not enough time for me to get sleep.


  • (What do you want to get for the Holiday?) For holiday...

    (休暇の時に ほしいものは何ですか?) 休暇ですか?

  • I don't really care about gifts and all that


  • as long as I'm just having a good time with my family.

    家族と一緒にいられれば いいと思います

  • Yeah, and I do wanna get my dog a present though for Christmas so...

    あと 飼っている犬に クリスマスプレゼントをあげたいです

  • (What was the most memorable moment this year?)

    (今年一番 記憶に残っている瞬間は?)

  • The most memorable moment was winning A2K.

    A2Kの最終選考で 選抜された瞬間です

  • It was a long process and journey


  • and being able to win was really... it felt really good.

    最終メンバーに選ばれて とても気分が良かったです

  • (What is one of the memorable comments you got?) There's a lot of really nice comments and I appreciate all of the nice comments.

    (記憶に残っているコメントは?) とても良いコメントが多いので 全部ありがたく思っていますが

  • But what-- some that I really appreciate,


  • are the ones that notice my improvement through the journey

    私の成長に 気付いてくれるコメントです

  • because it definitely wasn't easy.


  • And so for someone to be able to notice that,


  • I hope like it inspires them in their lives as well.

    私もその方にインスピレーションを 与えられたらと思います

  • (One thing you want to accomplish in 2024)

    (2024年に達成したい ことは何ですか?)

  • One thing I want to accomplish is traveling more


  • because we don't know what's to come later in life.

    これから先 どんなことが 起こるかわからないので

  • So like while I can I want to experience the world,


  • and like more than one place.


  • (Advice to yourself one year ago)

    (1年前の自分にアドバイスを してください)

  • I would say...


  • to always stay positive no matter what comes forward your way.

    どんなことが起きても ポジティブに考えるように言います

  • You can overcome anything.


  • (Where do you picture yourself a year from now?) A year from now... How old would I be? 17?

    (1年後はどのような 姿だと思いますか?) 1年後なら… 17歳ですかね?

  • 17...


  • I want to see VCHA maybe on tour

    VCHAがツアーをしている 姿を見てみたいですし

  • and me being healthy and happy.


  • (One thing you want to say to yourself right now)

    (今の自分に 言いたいことは何ですか?)

  • I would say...


  • I would say...


  • keep going.


  • I don't know.


  • (Who am I?) Who am I?

    (私は誰?) 私が誰かって?

  • (I am KG) And that was KG.

    (私は KGです) 以上 KGでした

  • (I am KG)

    (私は KGです)

(Who's KG)



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