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  • (Who's KAYLEE)


  • (What is your name?) My name is Kaylee.

    (名前は何ですか?) 私はKayleeです

  • (How old are you?) I am 14 years old.

    (何歳ですか?) 14歳です

  • (Where are you from?) I am from Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

    (出身はどこですか?) ペンシルベニア州 フィラデルフィアです

  • (How are you feeling today?) I am feeling pretty good, yeah pretty happy.

    (今日の気分はいかがですか?) 今日はとてもいい気分で 幸せです

  • (Which city are you in & any favorite spot) I am currently in Jamsil in South Korea.

    (今いる都市と 好きな場所はどこですか?) 今は韓国の蚕室にいて

  • And my favorite spot is probably my bed.


  • (Describe yourself in three words)

    (自分を3つの単語で 表現してください)

  • I would like to say passionate,


  • hard-working, and perfectionist.


  • I think they are all on the same lines but...


  • (What's most important to you right now?)

    (今 一番重要なものは 何ですか?)

  • Right now, the most important thing to me is...

    今 私にとって一番重要なのは

  • my family and my morals.


  • I think because my family, I haven't seen in a while.


  • So I would like to see them again.


  • (First thing you do when you get up in the morning) First thing I do is...

    (朝起きて一番最初に することは何ですか?) 一番最初にすることは

  • I put on my contact lenses, and I wash my face

    コンタクトレンズを付けて 顔を洗うことです

  • because it refreshes me


  • and starts the day off in like a good way.


  • (What is by your bedside?) By my bedside is all my chargers and my phone

    (ベッドの横に何がありますか?) ベッドの横には色々な充電器と スマホがあります

  • because I need my phone for my alarm

    アラームのために スマホは必要ですし

  • and any important messages I get.

    重要なメッセージが 来るかもしれないからです

  • (Favorite movie?) Favorite movie is probably gonna be anything

    (一番好きな映画は何ですか?) 一番好きな映画は

  • from the Harry Potter franchise,


  • but I do like the Half-Blood Prince.

    その中でも一番好きなのは 「謎のプリンス」です

  • (Favorite color?) Favorite color is silver,

    (一番好きな色は何色ですか?) 一番好きな色は銀色です

  • but silver is like a metallic color so I like to go for gray.

    でも銀色は金属材質なので 灰色にします

  • (Favorite food?) Chocolate. When I'm craving,

    (一番好きな食べ物は何ですか?) チョコレートです 急に塩分が摂りたくなる時は

  • something like savory probably...


  • chicken or something.


  • But I would eat almost everything.


  • I enjoy all food,


  • just chocolate is something I probably won't get sick of.


  • (Favorite season?) Favorite season is going to be winter.

    (一番好きな季節は何ですか?) 一番好きな季節は冬です

  • Fall is a close second.


  • But winter has all the holidays and snow

    冬は休日もあるし 雪も降るので

  • so I love winter.


  • (Describe your style)

    (自分のスタイルを 説明してください)

  • I think I have two styles.


  • So one is on a day when I wanna feel like pretty


  • and I feel like I don't dress up,


  • I would probably wear a little more feminine like tight fitting.


  • I like skirts.


  • But on days where I'll go to training,


  • I like wearing sweatpants and hoodies.

    トレーニングパンツと フード付きのトレーナーを着ます

  • (Where do you spend the most of your time these days?)

    (最近 ほとんどの時間を 過ごすところはどこですか?)

  • I spend most of my days, training at JYP Entertainment.

    最近はJYPエンターテインメントで 練習しながら過ごしています

  • (What do you do during your free time?) During my free time, I'm either on my phone,

    (休憩時間に何をしていますか?) 休憩時間にはスマホを 見ることもありますが

  • but I also love to read and write,

    本を読んで文章を 書くことも好きですし

  • and I'm always gonna be listening to music.


  • (How do you relieve stress & guilty pleasure?) My AirPods in, and I'll be listening to music.

    (ストレスの解消法や 密かな趣味はありますか?) AirPodsで音楽を聞いて

  • And I will be reading a book that I like,


  • and if I could have some snacks beside me, I will.


  • (Describe your most ideal day)

    (最も理想的な1日を 説明してください)

  • My most ideal day is gonna be


  • when I sleep in as late as I want to.


  • And when I can bake and just relax the whole day

    ベーキングをして ゆっくりと過ごしながら

  • and eat yummy food.


  • (What is one thing you must bring when you travel?) I must bring my contacts because my eyesight is not that good.

    (旅行に必ず持って行くものを 教えてください) 目が悪いのでコンタクトレンズです

  • So if I don't have my contacts, I won't be able to function.

    コンタクトレンズがなければ 何もできません

  • (One habit you want to fix) One habit I have... like kind of have two.

    (直したい習慣は何ですか?) 2つくらいあって

  • But one is when I make a mistake, I hit my head.


  • I stopped doing that for a while.


  • And another thing is I tend to like pick at my lips a lot


  • so that causes it to bleed and that's not good.


  • (What do you want to get for the Holiday?) For me, it will probably be like books.

    (休暇の時に ほしいものは何ですか?) 本がいいと思います

  • I really want...


  • I'm not sure if this is the right title or not,


  • but Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale.

    ハンス・クリスチャン・ アンデルセンの童話です

  • I think it's like a big novel, but I wanna read that.

    分厚い小説みたいな本で 一度読んでみたいです

  • (What was the most memorable moment this year?)

    (今年一番 記憶に残っている瞬間は?)

  • I can't pick out a year because a whole year is just a big year for me.

    私にとって大きな意味のある 1年だったので1つを選べませんが

  • But probably when my name was called


  • for the debut group for VCHA.

    VCHAのデビューメンバーとして 名前を呼ばれた時です

  • (What is one of the memorable comments you got?) I think...

    (記憶に残っている コメントは何ですか?) 私が思うに…

  • like in-person comments would be from J.Y.Park.

    直接聞いたコメントだと J.Y.Parkさんのコメントです

  • And when he said that I was born to be an idol.

    私はアイドルになるために 生まれたという言葉です

  • And from a comment online is when...


  • I forget the exact wording, but it was somewhere along the lines

    性格な表現は思い出せませんが 大まかに言うと

  • that "Does anyone know her TikTok or SNS?"

    '誰かこの子のSNSを 知りませんか?'

  • "I wanna tell her that she is doing a great job."


  • That really...


  • I still remember that comment.


  • (One thing you want to accomplish in 2024)

    (2024年に達成したい ことは何ですか?)

  • 2024, I obviously want to have debuted.

    2024年にはもちろん デビューして

  • And if possible, I would like to have done a concert


  • or tour or anything


  • in that sort of area with VCHA.

    VCHAのメンバーと 一緒にしたいです

  • (Advice to yourself one year ago) My advice would be don't give up.

    (1年前の自分にアドバイスを してください) 諦めないように言いたいです

  • If you work for something,


  • you are gonna have an outcome, no matter what.

    いつかは実を結ぶ ということを言いたいです

  • (Where do you picture yourself from now?) In a year, probably on stage, I would hope for like a world tour.

    (1年後はどのような姿だと思いますか?) 1年後にはワールドツアーを やりたいです

  • But, we'll see.


  • (One thing you want to say to yourself right now)

    (今の自分に 言いたいことは何ですか?)

  • Probably...


  • It's okay to be sad, just remember to get back up

    '落ち込んでも大丈夫 でもまた立ち上がって'

  • and keep working hard.


  • (Who am I?) Who am I?

    (私は誰?) 私が誰かって?

  • (I am KAYLEE) That was Kaylee.

    (私は KAYLEEです) 以上 Kayleeでした

  • (I am KAYLEE)

    (私は KAYLEEです)

(Who's KAYLEE)



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