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  • The United States has 5,244 nuclear weaponsand a whole bunch of different ways to move them.


  • Some can be fired from the ground, others from submarines.


  • Some can be dropped from planesand others are just collecting dust.


  • But all of these systems for moving nuclear weapons are systems for deploying them; as in, that's how we move them from here, in Montana, to herewhere the bad people are.


  • But what about when we need to transport nuclear weapons without blowing them up?


  • Well, it turns out that moving a warhead from one part of the United States to another islike, a whole thing, so


  • You know the drill: we'll explain the thingand then we'll tell you to go buy something, and then about 2% of you will buy it, and then I will give my writer Ben some money to go buy more croissants, which he needs to live. Here we go


  • Nuclear warheads in the United States live here: in the 450-or-so missile silos in MontanaWyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and North Dakotawith a few spread out in other states.


  • Butthroughout their lives, these warheads also sometimes need to be here, here, here, herehere, here, or here.


  • And at this point, you probably have the same question that I did whenstarted writing this video: "Why, exactly, are we  moving nuclear warheads in the first place? It's not like we're using them. This must only happenlike, every few decades."


  • And you'd be rightif you just replaced "every few decades" with  "several times a week," which I guess means that  you weren't very right at all.


  • The US Department of Energy moves warheads all the time, and it is precisely because we aren't doing anything with them that they have to be moved so often.


  • You seethe delicious plutonium center of every nuclear warhead has an expiration date—a point past which it won't detonate reliablyand the problem is… we don't really know when that expiration date is.


  • So instead of rolling the dice on World War 3, the Department of Energy has started the process of recycling and replacing the plutonium in each  of these warheads,

    である。そこでエネルギー省は、第3次世界大戦にサイコロを振る代わりに、次のようなプロセスを開始した。これらの核弾頭のプルトニウムをリサイクルし、交換する。 分解、再組み立て、メンテナンス、テストのために、サイロからこれらの場所のいずれかに移動する。

  • and that means bringing them from their silos to one of these locations for disassembly, reassembly, maintenance, or testing

  • But the question is: how do you get a warhead from here to heresafelymultiple times a week?


  • Surelywe don't just bring a nuclear bomb onto a public interstate highway, andnowe do do thatdon't we?


  • Yes, in fact, here is a map of the interstates that the Department of  Energy uses to transport their warheads.

    そうだろう?実際、ここに高速道路省の地図がある。エネルギーは核弾頭の輸送に使うが、そう単純ではない。 核爆弾を高速道路に持ち込むには、入念に調整する必要がある。 この部局が、その事実以外はほとんど機密扱いである。 エネルギー省の核弾頭輸送訓練ビデオが、どういうわけかYouTubeにアップされた、

  • But it's not quite that simple because bringing a nuclear bomb onto a public interstate highway requires a carefully coordinated operation that is almost entirely classified.

  • Except for the fact that this Department of Energy nuclear warhead transportation training video ended up on YouTube somehowand now I can tell you exactly how it works.

  • The warhead itself is first loaded into one of these.


  • "I know about those," you might be saying. "That's called a truck."


  • But ohdear, simple viewer, you have once again been fooled by the US Department of Energy Office of Secure Transportation because that is no simple truck, that is a US Safeguards Transporter.


  • And this grainy picture is actually one of the only verified photos of one in existence.


  • While they're designed to look like a typical 18-wheelerwith no recognizable markings and a uniformed driverthey are anything but.


  • The entire truck is bulletproofwith 12-inch steel doors, invulnerable tiresand can sit directly in the middle of a fuel fire for up to 60 minutes without the cargo taking any damage.


  • The axles will explode if an attacker tries to tow it, and the entire trailer will fill itself with rapidly-expanding foam if the truck goes off-axis.


  • It's also equipped with various ways to kill you.


  • The details of which the  Department of Energy still refuses to disclose, though, independent journalists have found good  evidence for at least two:


  • it can electrocute you to death, and, by reading through the DOE's contract with an Australian arms manufacturer from 2005,


  • we're pretty sure that it has a robotic 40-millimeter turret that is designed to, "distribute large quantities of ammunition over a large area in an extremely short time frame."


  • So, no, it's not really a truck.


  • But even with its fancy foams and turretsthis truck-looking thing is only one part of moving the warhead.


  • Every safeguards transporter moves as part of a convoy, alongside two to three other unmarked and armored emergency response vehiclesone of which acts as the convoy's command centerand aerial support, which can conduct surveillance, or, like every other part of the convoy, kill you super dead.

    車列の一部として移動し、他の2~3台のノーマークの装甲を施した緊急対応車とともに移動する。そのうちの1台は護衛隊の司令塔として機能する。 監視を行うか、あるいは護衛隊の他のすべての部分と同じように、あなたを超死亡させる。それぞれの

  • Each one of   these vehicles is operated by armed OST agentswhich is a federal agency that you're probably not familiar with, but all you really need to know is that you probably shouldn't try to steal one of their cars.


  • Every single one of these agents hasclearancethe highest level of clearance that the Department of Energy can issueand they also have  the authority to directly enforce 28 federal lawsmost of which allow them to, you guessed it, kill you.


  • These agents can alsoin the event of an emergencycreate what's called a "National  Security Area," which essentially allows them to put any non-federal land in the United States  under the control of the Department of Energyregardless of who owns it

    そのほとんどは、ご想像の通り、あなたを殺すことができる。これらのエージェントは、万が一緊急事態が発生した場合、「国家安全保障地域」と呼ばれる地域が設定される。 米国内の連邦政府以外の土地をエネルギー省の管理下に置く、

  • So these agentsempowered to kill you and steal your houseescort the safeguards transporter along a classified, predetermined routewhich is monitored at all times by the Emergency  Control Center in Albuquerque.

    誰が所有しているかに関係なく。つまり、これらのエージェントは、あなたを殺し、盗む権限を与えられているのだ。あなたの家では、セーフガード・トランスポーターが、あらかじめ決められたルートで、分類された護衛をします、 このセンターはアルバカーキの緊急コントロールセンターによって常時監視されている。

  • This center is responsible for contacting all of the local law enforcement departments along the route to give them a sort ofvague message about a "special mission" that they're not allowed to know about and definitely shouldn't mess with.

    ルート上のすべての地元警察署と連絡を取り、次のことを伝える責任がある。漠然とした "特別な任務 "についてのメッセージだ。

  • In the event that local police do encounter the convoytensions might be a little high, given that both  parties have guns and one of them has a nuclear  bomb, so the Emergency Control Center can give  both parties what's called a "sign-countersign,"

    については、絶対に手を出すべきではない。万が一、地元警察が車列に遭遇した場合、両党が銃を持ち、一方が核を持っていることを考えると、緊張は少し高いかもしれない。 そのため、緊急指令センターは両者にいわゆる "サイン・カウンターサイン "を出すことができる。

  • where the police state a codeword and the OST agents respond with another codeword.


  • And all of these elements and procedures need to come together flawlessly in order to get the cargo from point A to point B, so it's a good thing  that our nuclear warheads are in the hands of an agency that truly does not mess around.

    貨物を輸送するためには、これらの要素や手順が完璧に組み合わされる必要がある。A地点からB地点まで、核弾頭を手にするのは良いことだ。 "仕事中に酒を飲むこと "を "弄ぶこと "と考えない限りは、

  • Unless you consider "drinking on the job" messing around,  or "threatening to kill each other" messing around, or "being severely understaffed and not having the money for weapons training anymore" messing around.


  • But they sure don't seem so, and I'm not in the business of disagreeing with people who, again, can legally kill me and take my house


  • Anyway, it would seem that I have once again written a video that probably would not be possible if I were not using NordVPN.


  • And it's not just because Nord encrypted and anonymized  my internet connection when I was googling "how to transport nuclear bomb" and "how to hijack Department of Energy emergency response vehicle,"


  • but also because it enabled me to do a lot of research on sites that I might have not otherwise had access to.


  • Lately, for my other channel, I've been traveling in Europe, and back in 2018, the EU rolled out a whole new set of internet regulations to protect European citizens' data

    そうしなければアクセスできなかったかもしれないサイトをリサーチする。最近では、私の別のチャンネルで私はヨーロッパを旅しているが、2018年にEUはまったく新しいインターネットを導入した。 欧州市民のデータを保護するための規制を遵守する代わりに、その規制を遵守していない、

  • but instead of complying with those regulations,  a lot of American websites just take the easy route and block all of Europe instead.


  • Normallythere would be no way for me to use those sites  until I got back to the US, but with Nord, I was just one click away from changing my location to the US and browsing with ease.


  • And better yet, Nord ensured that  all of my research was completely safe and protectedwhen you're traveling and using  public wifi, you're taking a dangerous gambleit's easy to connect to the wrong network  and lose your data, your files, or even your  identity.

    楽でした。さらに、ノルドは私の研究が完全に安全であることを保証してくれた。旅行中に公衆無線LANを使うのは危険な賭けだ; 間違ったネットワークに接続し、データ、ファイル、さらにはあなたの

  • So if you use the internet while you  travel, or even anywhere outside of your home,  I can't recommend NordVPN enough.


  • By signing  up with my link, you'll get a huge discount,  and you'll also get 4 extra months free with  a 2 year subscriptionand hey, if you end up  not finding any use for it, it's no problem.


  • Nord offers a 30 day money back guarantee.  


  • Just click the button on screen or follow the  link in the description and try Nord today.


The United States has 5,244 nuclear weaponsand a whole bunch of different ways to move them.


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