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  • Let's stay in the Middle East because the boss of McDonald's has said that the fast food giant is seeing a meaningful hit to its business,


  • because customers in the region and elsewhere have been boycotting the chain for its perceived support of Israel.

  • With more, here's the BBC's Michelle Fleury in New York.


  • Some major Western brands have found themselves hit by grassroots, often unplanned boycotts because of their stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict.


  • And this includes McDonald's.


  • The burger chain became a target after photos and videos on social media showed franchise stores in Israel giving away thousands of free meals to the members of the Israeli military.


  • And this led to calls for boycotts of the brand by those angered by Israel's military response in Gaza.


  • Owners in Muslim-majority countries such as Kuwait, Malaysia, and Pakistan, well, they put out statements distancing themselves.


  • In a message on LinkedIn, McDonald's CEO Chris Kempinski wrote that the burger chain is experiencing a meaningful business impact due to the war and associated misinformation;

  • all of this in the Middle East and beyond because of the war in Gaza.

  • He added, "This is disheartening and ill founded," pointing out that many of the restaurants are operated by local owners.


  • What he didn't do is elaborate on the scale of the impact.


  • But McDonald's has around 2000 restaurants in the region.


  • And McDonald's isn't the only global brand to face controversy over its response.

  • Others include Starbucks and Unilever, showing how tough it is for companies to navigate such a politically-charged conflict.


Let's stay in the Middle East because the boss of McDonald's has said that the fast food giant is seeing a meaningful hit to its business,


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