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  • Seoul.


  • It's an economic powerhouse, and renowned for its food, culture, and NewJeans.


  • But we're not here to talk about Seoul, we're here to talk about Sejong City: the new guy replacing Seoul as South Korea's administrative capital.


  • Like Seoul, Sejong has an economy, and I'm sure at least some of their jeans are new.


  • But if you've never heard of it before, it's probably because it was just a bunch of peach farms until the South Korean government whipped it up into a capital city about a decade ago.

    しかし、もしあなたがその名前を聞いたことがないとしたら、それはおそらく、それが単なる集団だったからだろう。を首都にするまでは、桃畑が広がっていた。 10年前のことだ。

  • But how did they do that? And why?


  • Our journey begins on the presidential campaign trail in 2002.


  • At this point, things have been going pretty well in South Korea for a while: they've hosted the Olympics, they got into the UN, and the GDP's as high as it's ever been.


  • And as such, people are starting to think less about making the country richer, and more about making sure everyone gets a slice of the national money pie.


  • Because, the money pie is very much in Seoul.


  • The Seoul Capital Areacomprising the city itself, plus Incheon and the Gyeonggi Provincehas just under half of the whole country's population on under 12% of its land, and the income gap between there and everywhere else is widening.

    ソウル首都圏は、ソウル市と仁川市、京畿道からなる。国土の12%弱に全人口の半分弱が住んでおり、所得格差も大きい。 そことそれ以外の場所との差はますます広がっている。

  • So out on the campaign trail, candidate Roh Moo-hyun floats a big idea: take a bunch of the people and jobs in Seoul, and push them somewhere else.


  • Because, come on, Seoul has enough going on without the government kicking around.


  • Sharing is caring, right?


  • So when Roh gets elected, he sets his big move-the-government plan in motion.


  • But not everyone's into it.


  • It'll disrupt a lot of people's lives, plus there are certain operational conveniences that come from having the country's financial, cultural, and administrative capitals in the same place.

    多くの人々の生活に支障をきたすことになる。この国の金融、文化、行政の中心地が、この国にあることである。 同じ場所だ。

  • One not-into-it party, namely the oppositional Grand National Party, filed a complaint with the Korean Constitutional Court,


  • which ruled in 2004 that Seoul's capital status was so universally understood that it was part of the "unwritten and customary constitution."


  • And sure, an "unwritten and customary constitution" is, by definition, nothing, but turns out robe guys can say whatever.


  • So now the government has three options: get a written Constitutional amendment passed to call Sejong the capital, ditch Sejong entirely, or adjust their plans a bit.


  • So, they did the last one.


  • Under the new plan, Sejong would be the administrative capital, home to most of the government's ministries, while leaving a few back in Seoul, along with the presidential residence and the legislature.

    新しい計画では、世宗が行政首都となり、政府のほとんどの部署が置かれる。各省庁はソウルに数カ所残し、大統領官邸と 立法府である。

  • Roh's term ended in 2008, and South Korea got a new president, who happened to have been Seoul's mayor and very anti-Sejong.


  • He briefly tried to rally people around sending companies like Samsung to Sejong instead of the government,


  • but that was even less popular, so they kept going with the revised plan from Roh's administration, and work began in earnest in 2011.


  • The site chosen for Sejong was here, a rural spot in the central Chungcheong Province, conveniently located between Seoul, Busan, and Gwangju.


  • Before it got extreme home makeovered, it was called Yeongi and was home to just eighty thousand peopleabout as many as Parma, Ohio.


  • And if you're not familiar with Parma, Ohioexactly.


  • To develop Sejong, they flattened out the hills, laid down a grid system for the streets, stood up some shiny high-rise apartments, and built the office building that would draw everyone there:


  • the Government Complex Sejong, a roughly two-mile or 3.2-kilometer-long building snake covering more acreage than Disneyland.

    ピカピカの高層マンションが建ち、オフィスビルが建設された。全長約3.2キロメートルの建物である。 ディズニーランドよりも広大な面積を持つスネーク。

  • By the time the government started moving ministries there in 2012, the new city had restaurants, schools, and a grocery store,


  • as well as high-tech amenities like automatic trash collection, zero-waste food disposal, EV charging, CCTV security, and more.


  • And if that makes you think "Wow, they thought of everything!"

    そして、もしあなたが "ワオ、彼らは何もかも考えている!"と思うのであれば。

  • Well, not quite.


  • Because young Sejong was missing some stuff people like, such as a movie theater, and a museum, and a hospital.


  • The transit system was also pretty badthe nearest high speed rail station is a 25 minute drive away, and Sejong City doesn't have its own subway or tram.


  • It does have bus rapid transit, but it's not greatthe routes have never been good enough, nor the buses frequent enough, to meaningfully pull people away from cars.


  • Which is just baffling to me, because as far as I'm concerned, the whole point of building a city from scratch is the electric thrill of throwing down train lines willy-nilly before anyone stops you.

    私には不可解だ。ゼロから都市を作り上げるというのは、鉄道路線を無造作に敷設するスリルを味わうことである。 誰もがあなたを止める。

  • Today, Sejong's bus system only provides seven percent of the city's transportation, less than half the average for a metropolitan city in South Korea.


  • So that's not great.


  • As the government moved itself to Sejong, it didn't exactly siphon population away from Seoul the way they'd hoped.


  • In fact, many workers just commuted there from Seoul, even though a weekday rush hour commute from, let's say, the presidential residence in Seoul to the Government Complex Sejong takes over two hours.

    実際、平日のラッシュアワーにもかかわらず、多くの労働者がソウルから通勤している。例えば、ソウルの大統領官邸から政府総合庁舎への通勤。 世宗は2時間以上かかる。

  • But to many government workers, it's worth it to stay in Seoul rather than move somewhere that's kind of, well


  • Seoul-less.


  • In fact, as Sejong's grown, it's pulled a lot of its population from around its own province, rather than from Seoul itself.


  • Think about it this way: if your banger house party's getting a little crowded and running out of snacks, you don't just start a second, worse party at another house in hopes people will leave.

    このように考えてみよう:もし、あなたのバンガー・ハウス・パーティーが少し混雑して運営されている場合スナック菓子がなくなったからと言って、別の家でもっとひどいパーティーを始める必要はない。 は去るだろう。

  • You order a pizza, open up some bedrooms, and move the furniture to make space.


  • Because the truth is, nobody wants to leave a good partythey just hope other people will.


  • And look, it's not a perfect metaphor for the Seoul/Sejong situation, but in fairness, I don't get invited to a lot of parties, and in both the party situation and the city one, the solution is more housing.

    ソウルと世宗の状況を完璧に比喩しているわけではない、私はあまりパーティーに招待されないし、パーティーの状況も街の状況も違う。 解決策は住宅を増やすことだ。

  • But despite all the controversies and bad-vibes accusations, South Korea is still moving forward on making Sejong their administrative capital, and it's not even going that badly.


  • They've opened up libraries, a stadium, a nice park, and more shopping.


  • In 2020, they hit their two hundred thousand-person population target, and are heading towards a goal of five hundred thousand by 2030.


  • It's also made itself a great place to raise kids, with daycare centers in each apartment complex, cash rewards worth over a thousand dollars for each kid you have, and highly subsidized caregiver support for new parents.

    また、各マンションに託児所があるなど、子育てにも最適な場所となっている。複雑で、子供1人につき1,000ドル以上の現金報酬が得られる。 新米両親のための介護者支援助成金。

  • And they're making the bus free, so that's nice.


  • In all, Sejong is walking in the footsteps of other purpose-built capital cities before it:

    結局のところ、世宗は以前に建設された他の首都の足跡をたどっている。オーストラリアのキャンベラ、ブラジルのブラジリアと並んで、"世界遺産に登録された場所 "のリストに加わったのだ。

  • joining Canberra, Australia and Brasilia, Brazil on the list of "places where the most interesting thing about them is that they're the capital instead of somewhere more interesting."


  • Well that, in the fact that it was built to move people away from Seoul, and yet both cities have added tons of people since this whole twenty billion dollar project started.


  • Oh well! The daycare thing is cool!

    まあいい!デイケアの件はクールだ! だから、もしこのビデオを最後まで見たなら、私はあなたについて2つの仮定をするつもりだ。 ひとつは、あなたのセンスが素晴らしいということ。 そして2つ目は、私の声で適当なことを説明するのが好きか、少なくとも許容できるかということだ。 そして、もしそのどちらかが当てはまるなら、ネビュラに参加するべきだ。 ご存じない方のために説明すると、ネビュラは独立系の教育ストリーミング・サービスです。 クリエイターの友人たちと始めたものだ。 私たちは、大きく、エキサイティングで、リスキーなものを開発し、共有できる場所を求めていた。 YouTubeではうまくいかないようなプロジェクトもある。 時差ぼけ』のインキュベーターだった:のインキュベーターであり、独占パイロット・シーズンを開発した。 をYouTubeで公開する前に、『Crime Spree』でそのコンセプトをテストした。 また、このサイトでは、私の長い情熱的なプロジェクトを発表している。 セントヘレナの僻地空港や、ロジスティクスに関する新番組などだ。 商業漁業または捜索救助。 また、「リアル・エンジニアリング」、「ノット・オブ・ザ・イヤー」、「ノット・オブ・ザ・イヤー」、「ノット・オブ・ザ・イヤー」、「ノット・オブ・ザ・イヤー」のようなクリエイターが急速に増えている。 ジャストバイクス、フィロソフィーチューブ、ジョニー・ハリス、いずれも独自のスレートを展開している。 ネビュラだけのための素晴らしいオリジナルコンテンツ。 Nebulaに登録すると、この膨大なコンテンツにアクセスできるだけでなく、以下のようなメリットもある。 また、私やスクロールしている他のすべての人々のようなインディペンデント・クリエイターをサポートする素晴らしい方法でもある。にアクセスするだけで、年間プランが40%割引になります。 これにより、月々のコストは3ドル以下となった。



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