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For Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, several high profile directors such as Steven Spielberg were under consideration to direct the film.
『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』では、Steven Spielberg など著名な監督数名が監督候補に挙がっていました。
However, many of them didn't get the job due to creative differences they had with J.K. Rowling.
しかし、その多くは J.K. Rowling との創作上の意見の相違により、この仕事を得られなかったのです。
For example, Spielberg wanted Haley Joel Osment to play Harry and also wanted to condense some of the books together.
例えば、Spielberg は Haley Joel Osment にハリー役を演じさせたかったし、本の一部を凝縮して作りたかったです。
But in the end, Chris Columbus of Home Alone fame was the one chosen to direct because according to him, J.K. Rowling said he understood the books the best and wanted most of all to be faithful to her work.
しかし結局、『ホーム・アローン』で有名な Chris Columbus が監督に抜擢されました。彼によると、J.K. Rowling は、彼が一番本を理解しており、彼女の作品に忠実であることを一番望んでいると言ったからだという。
"You're a wizard, Harry."
The filmmakers auditioned over 1,000 young boys for the role of Harry, but they still didn't have anyone for the part with only a few months before filming.
However, one day the producer David Hayman went to see a theater production and he saw Daniel Radcliffe sitting behind him, was inspired by the way he looked, and knew he had to be the one to play Harry Potter.
しかしある日、プロデューサーの David Hayman が舞台を観に行ったとき、後ろに座っていた Daniel Radcliffe を見て、その姿に感銘を受け、ハリー・ポッターを演じるのは彼でなければならないと思ったそうです。
Chris Columbus also came across Radcliffe when he saw him in BBC's "David Copperfield" and knew then that he wanted the young actor to play Harry.
Chris Columbus もBBCの「David Copperfield」でラドクリフに出会い、この若い俳優にハリーを演じさせたいと思ったそうです。
It is often said of Harry Potter that he has his mother's eyes,
but in the films, they don't share the same eye color because reportedly Daniel Radcliffe was allergic to his green contacts and, as a result, had to film without them.
しかし、Daniel Radcliffe はグリーンコンタクトにアレルギーがあり、その結果、コンタクトなしで撮影しなければならなかったと言われています。
Rupert Grint desperately wanted to play Ron because he was Rupert's favorite character.
Rupert Grint がどうしてもロンを演じたかったのは、Rupert が一番好きなキャラクターでしたから。
The young actor submitted a video of himself dressed up as his drama teacher and did a rap about how much he wanted to be Ron to try to get the filmmakers' attention.
Amazingly, it worked!
So after having only done school plays, he got a lead role in a major movie franchise.
Emma Watson went through at least seven auditions before getting the role of Hermione Granger, and she admitted to Katie Couric in an interview that she's nothing like Hermione in real life.
エマ・ワトソンは、Hermione Granger 役を得るまでに少なくとも7回のオーディションを受けました。
For example, her character counter-part is a book worm, and wears nerdy clothes, whereas Emma Watson at the time didn't like to read, and was obsessed with fashion.
例えば、Hermione の相手役は本の虫で、オタクっぽい服を着ているが、当時のエマ・ワトソンは読書が好きではなく、ファッションに夢中でした。
"And... you are?"
Emma Watson also had fake buck teeth to make her character more faithful to her book counter-part, but they were left out of the movie because she wasn't able to deliver her lines clearly while wearing them.
"You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood."
One of the main challenges of working with child actors is the limited amount of time they can work each day.
At the time, England's labor laws permitted the three young actors to work for 9.5 hours,
but daily school tutoring sessions, mandatory 20 minute breaks every hour, and an hour lunch break left them with only about 4 hours of filming time each day.
J.K. Rowling already had many actors in mind who she wanted to play the adult roles; however, that didn't stop other actors from trying to change her mind.
J.K. Rowling は、大人の役を演じさせたい俳優をすでにたくさん考えていました。しかし、他の俳優が彼女の考えを変えようとするのを止めることはできなかったです。
For example, Robin Williams reportedly wanted to play the role of Hagrid so badly that he was willing to do the movie for free, but because of the strict "No Americans" casting rule, his wish wasn't granted.
例えば、Robin Williams は Hagrid 役を熱望し、タダでもやると言ったそうだが、「アメリカ人お断り」という厳しいキャスティング・ルールのため、その願いは叶わなかったんです。
"Well, I feel sheepish."
Along with that, Verne Troyer from Austin Powers fame was cast as Griphook, but his voice was provided by British actor Warwick Davis to keep the authenticity of the characters to be non-American.
それに伴い、Griphook 役には『Austin Powers 』の Verne Troyer が起用されたが、彼の声はイギリス人俳優のワーウィック・デイヴィスが担当し、アメリカ人ではないキャラクターの信憑性を保ちました。
"Key, please!"
Richard Harris, who played Dumbledore was one of the actors who actually rejected his role at first because he didn't like choosing parts that would commit himself to multiple films.
Dumbledore 役の Richard Harris は、何作も出演する役を選ぶのが嫌で、最初は出演を断った俳優の一人です。
But when his granddaughter found out that he turned down the role, she called him up and said if he didn't say "yes," she would never speak to him again, so he changed his mind.
Harry Potter movies are filled with amazing amounts of detail,
and one of these Easter eggs is that the Leaky Cauldron sign is blank until Hagrid and Harry approach in order to ward off muggles unless a wizard is nearby to reveal it.
There's a subtle hint about Snape's connection to Harry's mother Lily when he asks the young wizard a question about asphodel.
Snape が若い魔法使いに asphodel について質問するとき、ハリーの母リリーとのつながりについて微妙なヒントがあります。
"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
「教えてくれ、 asphodel の根の粉末をヨモギの煎じ汁に加えたら何になる?」
In Victorian Flower language, Asphodel is a type of lily and is symbolic for 'regret' and 'remembrance beyond the grave', and wormwood can symbolize 'bitter sorrow'.
So in a way Snape is really giving Harry a coded message about his "bitter regret for Lily's death that he'll remember beyond the grave."
つまり、Snape はハリーに、「リリーの死に対する苦い後悔を、墓の向こうでも忘れないように」という暗号のようなメッセージを送っているのです。
Pretty cool connection, huh?
The Canterbury Cathedral was first considered to be the location of Hogwarts, but at the time the clergy disapproved of the books' pagan imagery, so the offer was declined.
The Great Hall was designed after the dining hall of the Christ Church College in Oxford, using the same physical dimensions and York stone flooring in its design.
"Let the feast... begin."
They used real food for the banquet in the Great Hall, but after a few hours under the hot lights, the food began to smell pretty bad,
so for future films, the food was made from molds to maintain its tasty appearance without the bad smell and the mess.
According to Chris Columbus, 80% of the owls delivering mail were real.
Chris Columbus によると、郵便を配達するフクロウの80%は本物でした。
However, they only used a few trained owls at a time to avoid any mid-air collisions and then compiled all the shots together, and filled in the rest with CG owls.
しかし、空中衝突を避けるため、訓練されたフクロウを数羽ずつしか使わず、すべてのショットを編集し、残りを CG のフクロウで埋めています。
Fantasy movies require a lot of special effects, and this film was no different with more than 700 visual effect shots.
However, the wizard's chessboard was a real set, and Chris Columbus often went in to check on its progress because he was so excited to film that scene.
Ron's sacrifice in the full-size wizard's chess game is foreshadowed early on in the film when he and Harry are playing in the Great Hall,
and the way Harry loses mirrors the way Ron sacrifices himself to save his friends.
J.K. Rowling was considered to play Lily Potter inside the Mirror of Erised, but she declined the offer to avoid messing up the movie in any way.
J.K. Rowling は、エリシードの鏡の中のリリー・ポッターを演じることが検討されたが、映画の混乱を避けるためにオファーを断りました。
The late James Horner was first considered to write the score for Harry Potter, but he turned down the offer because he reportedly was more interested in art films than commercial ones.
故 James Horner は最初、ハリー・ポッターの音楽を担当することが検討されたが、商業映画よりも芸術映画に興味があると言われていたため、オファーを断りました。
So instead, we got stuck with second-string John Williams, who has composed some of the most forgettable themes of all time.
そのため、2番手の John Williams が起用されることになりました。彼は歴代のテーマ曲の中でも最も忘れ去られやすいものをいくつか作曲しています。
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