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  • - When I got to graduate school, they thought that the mind

  • was an empty slate-

  • 'a tabula rasa.'

  • An environment just filled up the brain with who you were.

  • And as I sit there and listen to these various academics,

  • I thought: "That's not true."

  • I thought to myself: "If there's any part of human behavior

  • that has a biological origin,

  • it must be our patterns of love and marriage.

  • Because, as Darwin would've said, 'If you have children,

  • and I have no children, you live on, and I die out.'"

  • The game of love matters.

  • A lot of people think that sex drive, romantic love,

  • and feelings of attachment are phases.

  • They're not phases, they're brain systems.

  • I'm Helen Fisher.

  • I'm an anthropologist,

  • and I actually know where love is in the brain.

  • I really had a wonderful childhood.

  • I grew up in a modern house-a glass house-

  • and it was thrilling.

  • We had a lot of land.

  • We could see the deer and the foxes and the possums

  • all around the house all the time.

  • I have an identical twin sister,

  • so I always had somebody to play with.

  • My father and mother really believed

  • that sex was an important part of a partnership.

  • On Saturday afternoon, we were instructed to never walk

  • around that side of the house

  • 'cause it was a glass house, and you could see in.

  • We were never allowed to knock

  • on their bedroom door if it was shut.

  • So I knew from a small child that, when I grew up,

  • there were certain things in a partnership

  • that really should work properly, and one was

  • you should find your partner sexually attractive.

  • When I first began to study romantic love,

  • I wrote my very first academic paper.

  • It was on these three different brain systems

  • that I think evolved for mating and reproduction:

  • sex drive being one,

  • feelings of intense romantic love being the second,

  • and feelings of deep attachment being the third.

  • And I was maintaining in that article

  • that these all evolved for various reasons.

  • Sex drive evolved to get you out there

  • looking for a whole range of partners.

  • Romantic love evolved to enable you

  • to focus your mating energy on just one at a time.

  • And attachment evolved to enable you

  • to stick with this person, at least long enough

  • to raise a single child through infancy.

  • The peer reviews came back, and at least one

  • of the peer reviewers wrote back and said,

  • "You can't study this; it's part of the supernatural."

  • And I looked at that, and I thought to myself,

  • "Does this person think

  • that anger's part of the supernatural?

  • That fear is part of the supernatural?

  • That disgust or joy is part of the supernatural?"

  • Why would they think that romantic love,

  • a basic brain system, would be part of the supernatural?

  • I mean, all over the world, people everywhere fall in love.

  • They pine for love, they live for love,

  • they kill for love, and they die for love-

  • it's a powerful brain system.

  • And I thought maybe if I could put people

  • into a brain scanner, I could find the basic brain pathways,

  • the basic brain circuitry,

  • of these three basic brain systems.

  • So I assembled a team,

  • and began to put people in the scanner.

  • They would look at a picture of their sweetheart

  • that called forth the wonderful feelings of romantic love,

  • and they would also look at a photograph

  • of somebody who called forth no emotions;

  • no positive or negative emotions.

  • And when you put the neutral and the romantic love

  • on top of each other

  • and cancel out what they have in common,

  • you're left with what's going on in the brain

  • when you're madly in love.

  • I'll never forget the first moment

  • that I looked at our data.

  • What we saw was activity in a tiny little factory

  • near the base of the brain

  • called the 'ventral tegmental area.'

  • It's a brain region that actually makes dopamine,

  • a natural stimulant, and gives you that focus,

  • that motivation, the craving,

  • the elation of intense romantic love.

  • After we discovered this data,

  • a lot of people came and wanted to talk to me,

  • and I thought to myself at the time,

  • "You know, Helen, this really isn't very important.

  • You know, when you're madly in love with the right person,

  • there's no problem.

  • The real problem is when you've been rejected in love.

  • That's where I can make a contribution to humanity."

  • Sure enough, I was able to put 15 men and women

  • into the scanner who had just been dumped.

  • I was able to find activity in a lot of brain regions.

  • One brain region is that same basic ventral tegmental area,

  • the VTA, that pumps out the dopamine

  • that gives 'em the feeling of intense romantic love.

  • You don't stop loving somebody when they've dumped you.

  • I found activity in a brain region linked with pain.

  • This is a brain region that also becomes active

  • when you have a toothache.

  • But most important, I found activity

  • in three brain regions linked with craving and addiction:

  • Specifically, is activity in a brain region

  • called the 'nucleus accumbens.'

  • It's the basic brain region that becomes active

  • when you are addicted to cocaine, heroin,

  • alcohol, cigarettes, gambling.

  • And so, I was able to prove that romantic love,

  • when you are rejected, is an addiction.

  • I hope the world understands that this intense feeling

  • of romantic love came out of nature.

  • Everybody feels it, and we have to respect

  • the intense feelings of people

  • when they have been rejected in love,

  • when they're happily in love,

  • and when they're in love long-term.

  • My colleagues and I have put 17 people into the scanner

  • who were in love long-term.

  • These were people all in their fifties and sixties

  • who were happily married, in love an average of 21 years,

  • and sure enough, we found activity

  • in these same brain regions.

  • The ventral tegmental area pumps out the dopamine,

  • gives you feelings of intense romantic love.

  • A brain region in the hypothalamus

  • linked with the sex drive,

  • and brain regions linked with calm and security.

  • So in long-term love, you can remain in love,

  • but you gotta pick the right person.

  • And that's what sent me into wondering, "Why him? Why her?"

  • Why are we so naturally drawn

  • to one person rather than another?

  • I don't think it's just culture;

  • I think there's biology involved.

  • Sex drive, romantic love, and feelings of attachment:

  • If you want to maintain a long-term, happy partnership,

  • you wanna sustain all three of these brain systems.

  • You wanna have sex regularly.

  • That drives up the testosterone system,

  • so you want more sex.

  • Sex is very good for you,

  • if you like the person you're having sex with.

  • If you wanna sustain feelings of intense romantic love,

  • novelty, novelty, novelty!

  • And you don't have to swing from chandeliers;

  • just ride your bicycles going out to dinner.

  • Walk in a different part of town.

  • Go on a summer vacation to someplace else.

  • And if you want to sustain feelings

  • of deep attachment, stay in touch.

  • Any kind of holding hands, kissing, walking arm in arm,

  • sitting next to each other to watch television

  • instead of separate armchairs.

  • Any kind of continued pleasant touch

  • drives up the oxytocin system.

  • So, I think what I'm working towards here

  • is understanding these brain circuits enough

  • so that we can use the data to find the right person,

  • that's number one, understand who they are,

  • that's number two,

  • and sustain a long-term happy partnership.

  • Romantic love will be with us forever.

  • It's primordial, it's adaptable, and it's eternal.

  • It will survive as long as we survive as a species.

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  • from the world's biggest thinkers.

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- When I got to graduate school, they thought that the mind


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Our primordial drive for sex and love | Helen Fisher

  • 42 4
    Doris Lee に公開 2023 年 12 月 25 日