字幕表 動画を再生する
Welcome back everyone. Matthew here with Cinegold and it's that time of year again.
みなさん、おかえりなさい。Cinegold の Matthew です。またその季節がやってきましたね。
Time to take a look at the Top 7 Christmas movies on Netflix right now.
今回は、Netflixで現在視聴可能なトップ 7 のクリスマス映画を見てみましょう。
But before we do that, real quick, I'm gonna run you through all 4 of the new Christmas movies releasing for the first time in 2023.
The first movie, which was released back on November 8th, is The Claus Family 3.
最初の映画は11月8日に公開された『The Claus Family 3』です。
This is the third in the series of Dutch-Belgian movies which follows the life of Santa Claus and his grandchildren who help him out on Christmas Day.
Then there's Best. Christmas. Ever!, which has just been released and is a romantic comedy which shows a friendship put to the test during the holiday season.
そして『 Best. Christmas. Ever!』です。公開されたばかりのロマンティック・コメディで、ホリデーシーズンに試される友情を描きます。
Next, releasing on November 30th is The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday, which is a holiday spin-off of the animated movie which follows the outlaw animals as they try to pull off a Christmas heist.
次に、11月30日に公開されるのは、『The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday』です。これは、アニメーション映画のホリデー版で、アウトローの動物たちがクリスマスの強盗を企てる様子を描いています。
And last, releasing on December 6th is Christmas as Usual, which is a Norwegian romantic comedy about a newly engaged couple having a bit of a tradition clash when it comes to spending the holidays with family.
そして最後に、12月6日に公開されるのは、『Christmas as Usual』です。これはノルウェーのロマンティック・コメディで、新婚カップルが家族との休暇を過ごす際に伝統の衝突に直面する様子を描いています。
Alright, that's all of the new releases, now let's jump into the top 7.
さて、これで新作はすべて出揃いました。それではトップ 7 に飛び込んでみましょう。
X felt something he'd never felt before.
X は今まで感じたことのない何かを感じました。
Something he didn't even have a word for.
But we do... It was love.
でも私たちは... それは愛でした。
Number 7 is Alien Xmas.
7位は『Alien Xmas』です。
This is more of a short film, clocking in at 42 minutes and follows an alien named X, who is sent to the North Pole in a mission to steal Earth's gravity.
地球の重力を奪うために北極に送り込まれたエイリアン X を描いた42分の短編です。
But will the giving spirit of Christmas find X having a change of heart?
しかし、クリスマスは X の心を変えるのでしょうか?
Alien Xmas is pretty much what it looks like: a cute, stop motion animation that brings the good Christmas vibes.
『Alien Xmas』は、見た目通り、キュートなストップモーションアニメで、クリスマスの良い雰囲気をもたらしてくれます。
It's probably not one of those masterpieces that even our grandchildren will be watching, but it can be counted on to get the Christmas spirit going.
A short Christmas tale with a little sci-fi twist, it's definitely a solid one to throw on when the kids are home.
少しの SF の要素を取り入れた短編のクリスマス物語で、子供たちが家にいる時に楽しむのに最適な作品です。
Tis the season to be jolly! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!
Number 6 is Scrooge: A Christmas Carol.
6位は『 Scrooge: A Christmas Carol』です。
This animated film follows our man Ebeneezer Scrooge on his Christmas Eve journey through time past and future.
Scrooge is another adaptation of the classic Dickens tale and adds some song and dance turning the well-known story into a Christmas musical.
Is Scrooge: A Christmas Carol the best adaptation of the classic novel? Of course not.
『 Scrooge: A Christmas Carol』は古典小説の最高の映画化ですか?もちろん違います。
I'll leave it up to you to decide your favorite of the countless versions.
But it is the only version on Netflix as of this recording and what would the holiday season be without at least one rendition of this holiday staple.
ただし、この録音時点では Netflix にはこのバージョンしかありません。そして、少なくとも1つのこの定番のクリスマス物語の再現がないと、ホリデーシーズンはどうでしょうか。
Who is it?
It's the Mormons.
For the last time! We're not converting!
Number 5. Love Hard.
5位は『Love Hard』です。
This movie follows a young woman who flies long distance over the holidays in order to meet a man she has been talking to on a dating app.
But unfortunately when she arrives, she realizes she has been catfished and the man she has been talking to is not the man in the photos.
But things start to get interesting when she spots the real guy from the photos.
Love Hard is a holiday romcom that's a lighthearted little movie that'll help rev up your holiday spirit.
『Love Hard』は、ホリデー気分を盛り上げてくれる、ほのぼのとしたロマンス映画です。
It offers some laughs on top of a charming cast; overall, it's a decent addition to Netflix's Christmas movie list.
魅力的なキャストに加え、笑いもあり、Netflix のクリスマス映画リストに加わる作品です。
He's a human. Will he eat us?
Where am I? There's nothing here.
To see something...
You must believe in it... really believe.
Number 4. A Boy Called Christmas.
4位は『A Boy Called Christmas』です。
A young boy named Nikolas sets out to find his father who had ventured out into the Great North in search of the legendary elf city called Elfheim.
Based on the bestselling book of the same name, A Boy Called Christmas is a Santa Claus origin story and the perfect choice to get you back into the holiday mood.
同名のベストセラーの本に基づく『A Boy Called Christmas』は、サンタクロースの原点物語であり、ホリデームードに戻るための完璧な選択肢です。
Nikolas' epic adventure into the frozen Arctic is full of magic and fantastical settings, and A Boy Called Christmas has enough holiday spirit and good joy to keep you feeling nice and toasty this Christmas season.
ニコラスの凍った北極への壮大な冒険は魔法と幻想的な環境に満ちており、『A Boy Called Christmas』には十分なホリデースピリットと喜びがあり、このクリスマスシーズンを心地よく温かく感じさせてくれます。
Before we get to the top 3, I wanna give a big shout-out to everyone who's subscribed to my channel already.
トップ 3 に入る前に、私のチャンネルに登録してくれているみんなに大きな拍手を送りたいんです。
Thank you so much. And if you're new to the channel and enjoying this video, consider hitting the subscribe button and I'll bring you new Netflix recommendations every week.
どうもありがとうございます。そして、もしこのチャンネルが初めてで、このビデオを楽しんでいるなら、ぜひチャンネル登録ボタンをクリックして、毎週新しい Netflix のおすすめをお届けします。
Alright, on to number 3.
The invention of Jeronicus Jangle.
Jeronicus Jangle の発明。
Look at that!
Number 3. Jingle Jangle.
3位は『Jingle Jangle』です。
Legendary toymaker Jeronicus Jangle is betrayed by his apprentice but is able to restore some of his lost magic with the help of his inventive granddaughter.
Jingle Jangle bursts to life with a superb style and has more than enough heart to brighten the season of even the grumpiest of Grinches.
『Jingle Jangle』は素晴らしいスタイルで息を吹き返し、最も不機嫌なグリンチでさえもシーズンを明るくするのに十分なハートを持っています。
The film is stuffed like a stocking with fun elements such as the top-notch soundtrack, extravagant visuals and all-star cast.
The 2020 release is bursting with magic and is sure to remain a Netflix yuletide classic for years to come.
この2020年のリリースは魔法に満ちており、確実に Netflix のユールタイドの定番作品として長く愛されることでしょう。
Gimme the camera!
Did you see that?! It's Santa Claus!
Number 2. The Christmas Chronicles 1 & 2.
2位は『 The Christmas Chronicles 1 & 2』です。
Two kids aim to catch Santa Claus on camera one night but instead find themselves living the Christmas night of their lives.
The Christmas Chronicles stars Kurt Russel as Santa Claus and an excellent Santa he makes in this jolly holiday adventure that quickly became one of the most popular Christmas movies on Netflix.
『The Christmas Chronicles』は、サンタクロース役としてカート・ラッセルが出演し、この陽気なホリデーアドベンチャーで優れたサンタクロースを演じています。これはすぐにNetflixで最も人気のあるクリスマス映画の1つとなりました。
Part 1 is already a Netflix Christmas classic and Part 2, although not quite as good as the original, still offers a lot of good holiday vibes.
Both movies are loaded up with enough Christmas spirit that it's sure to be enjoyed by viewers young and old.
Mr. Klaus. You have a gift.
You were meant for making toys.
Number 1. Klaus.
A postman and a reclusive toymaker team up to bring happiness and good cheer back to the Arctic town of Smeerensburg.
Klaus is by far the best Christmas movie on all of Netflix.
『Klaus』は Netflix の中で最高のクリスマス映画です。
A couple generations down the road when Netflix is long gone and the grandchildren are looking for a Christmas classic to throw on, Klaus is likely to be the only Netflix Christmas movie still around.
数世代後、 Netflix がなくなって孫たちがクリスマスの名作を探しているとき、『Klaus』だけがネットフリックスのクリスマス映画として残っていることでしょう。
With its gorgeous hand-drawn animation, timeless themes and hilarious script, Klaus is truly a modern Christmas classic.
I'm sure for a long time to come, Klaus will be warming hearts on the coldest winter nights.
If you made it all the way through the video, I'd greatly appreciate if you hit the like button and be sure to let me know in the comments what are your favorite Christmas movies on Netflix?
もしこの動画を最後まで見てくれたなら、「いいね!」ボタンを押してくれるととても嬉しいです。また、Netflix でお気に入りのクリスマス映画をコメントで教えてください。
That's it for me today, everybody. I will see you soon.