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  • What is Service Design? Let's start with an example:

  • Think of the last time you went to the DMV- If your experience was like most people's

  • it was frustrating, took way too long, and you probably didn't leave feeling great.

  • While waiting, you may have wondered, "Why isn't this service more satisfying?"

  • and started imagining ways to improve your experience.

  • Service design is the practice of making services, just like the DMV, better

  • through research, developing ideas, and testing experiences.

  • Because you can't see them, you probably don't think about services too often,

  • but they are everywhere, and you're interacting with dozens, if not hundreds of them every day.

  • Services range from product-based to intangible;

  • and from simple, such as online videos, car mechanics, and in-store shopping

  • to complicated: staying at a hotel, mortgages, and public transit

  • to highly complex: education, healthcare, and government services.

  • As you can see, services affect most areas of our lives.

  • Actually, Services are so prolific that they now account for a majority of the world's GDP.

  • So, what do service designers do?

  • Every service is different, so there's no one procedure set in stone.

  • However, service designers usually collaborate with many other disciplines while following these basic steps:

  • We begin by talking to everyone involved with, or affected by the service - collectively called stakeholders -

  • to deeply understand their ideas on what an ideal experience would look like.

  • Compiling this research gives us a complete, bird's-eye view of the current service

  • and what's required to satisfy the needs and motivations of each group.

  • Based on these findings, we then work with the stakeholders to create a variety of ideas that we believe will improve the service.

  • Next, we test our most appealing ideas with real people using 'service prototypes' -

  • which are mock-ups of an idea that allow someone to experience how it feels to interact directly with new aspects of a service.

  • For example, a small team of designers can quickly test different kinds of appointments and express lanes

  • to see how these changes can best improve their waiting line experience.

  • Or, we might have employees at one DMV location provide customers with free coffee, wifi, and a comfortable lounge area

  • in order to test how these small changes can improve the overall experience.

  • Repeating these phases many times allows us to better understand the problem

  • while polishing our ideas and collecting them into a complete service solution.

  • At the end of the process we share the newly redesigned service with the relevant stakeholders

  • and provide them with a plan for implementing, sustaining, and evolving it in the future.

  • So, what are the results?

  • When service design is done well, it's like running a highly-constructive group therapy session,

  • in which stakeholders build symbiotic relationships and unify on the common goal of producing great service experiences.

  • This leads to services that are desirable, enjoyable, effective, and efficient

  • for providers, consumers, and society.

What is Service Design? Let's start with an example:


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サービスデザインとは? (What is Service Design?)

  • 345 40
    Tina に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日