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It came out of nowhere.
The maker of Chat GP T with billions of dollars in backing from Microsoft is now in turmoil after the board fired its co founder and Ceo Sam Altman on Friday just days after representing the company at a conference, Sam Altman was immediately fired by the board from his position as CEO of open A I, the makers of Cha BT.
マイクロソフト社から数十億ドルの支援を受けているチャットGP Tのメーカーが、同社を代表して会議に出席した数日後の金曜日、取締役会により共同創業者兼CEOのサム・アルトマン氏を解雇されたため、現在混乱している。
And what happened next can only be described as complete chaos.
Two new CEO S came and went in a matter of days, the employees all signed a letter of and finally, Sam was confirmed as returning yet again with most of the board instead leaving.
So what does all of this mean for the future of A I and open A I itself who's really in charge now?
では、A Iの将来にとって、そしてA Iそのものにとって、これらのことは何を意味するのだろうか?
And how would these power politics affect the future of A I as we know it while a few weeks ago, you never would have suspected anything would be going down to open A I Sam Oldman who's been the face of the company ever since they hit big with Cha G BT was happily attending conferences and summits.
数週間前までは、A Iの顔であるサム・オールドマンが『チャG・BT』で大ヒットを記録して以来、同社の顔として会議やサミットに嬉々として出席していた。
He was the face of A I and the company was steadily rolling out new products and features at their integration bing or their voice function on chat T BT.
彼はA Iの顔であり、同社はbingとの統合やチャットT BTでの音声機能で新製品や新機能を着々と展開していた。
That wasn't until the board of directors from the company released this statement on November 17th.
We are grateful for Sam's many contributions to the founding and growth of open A I.
サムがオープンA Iの創設と発展に多大な貢献をしてくれたことに感謝している。
At the same time, we believe new leadership is necessary as we move forward in typical corporate fashion.
It says nothing when pressed though.
The boys said that they had lost confidence in Sam for issues with communication.
In the same statement, they appointed the then CTO Mira Morai as the interim CEO and caretaker until they found someone more permanent at all, stunk of something hastily prepared and rushed to the door, something deeper was going on.
And according to the co-founder of Open A I, Gran Brockman who was also dismissed.
そして、同じく解任されたオープンA Iの共同設立者、グラン・ブロックマンによれば、次のようになる。
Hours later, the whole coup had been organized in the space of a few conference calls.
Obviously this didn't work out so well.
Sam and Greg were quickly approached by Microsoft which had been funneling billions of investments into open A I there.
サムとグレッグは、オープンA Iに何十億ドルもの投資をしていたマイクロソフトからすぐに声をかけられた。
They were slated to start a new subsidiary picking up their work at open A I almost immediately.
The whole company was in uproar out of around 770 employees.
738 of them sent a letter demanding but Sam's reinstatement and the dismissal of the board of directors if this didn't happen.
They'd all leave for Sam's new company at Microsoft as vague as they were, were still completely without evidence or cause.
The interim CEO the board had appointed Mira Morai was at the top of the list of signatures border open.
A I went into full panic mode with Mirra not playing along with the coup.
A ミラがクーデターに応じないことで、私は完全にパニック状態に陥った。
They instead turned to Emma Shear as their new, new CEO.
It wasn't a change that would last very long though within a few days of the employee letter, the board of directors folded.
If they hadn't, there wouldn't be much of a company left to run.
The old board of directors was nearly entirely replaced with fresh faces like Brett Taylor who used to run salesforce.
Larry Summers, a former US Treasury Secretary and Adam d'angelo, the only surviving member from the previous board.
Of course, Altman is retiring as CEO again and his co-founder, Greg Brockman will also be back in his old role at the company from a distance.
It looks like things will be going straight back to normal.
But another letter written by former Open A I employees shows us why that might not be a good thing after all with suspicious timing, considering everything that's been going on.
しかし、オープンA Iの元従業員が書いたもう1通の手紙は、なぜそれが良くないことなのか、これまでの経緯を考えると、疑わしいタイミングであることを示している。
Elon Musk then posted a letter from anonymous former Open A I employees and it doesn't paint a pretty picture as other accounts alleging a quote, disturbing passion of deceit and manipulation by Sam Oldman and Greg Brockman their basic plan as laid out in the letter was to both transition the company from a nonprofit into a for profit company whilst racing to unlock the secrets by an artificial general intelligence, otherwise known as A G I.
Now the details are vague but they allege that to do these two things, Sam and Greg were ruthless in firing large parts of the company with anyone else who disagreed.
Lata also says that most of the company is loyal because they're both afraid of Sam and of missing out on a cut of future profits.
It should definitely all be taken with a grain of salt though as a result that over 95% of the open A I workforce were willing to follow their apparently authoritarian bosses, so willing that they threatened to quit when he got fired by the board of directors.
On top of that is the fact that the letter was posted by Elon Musk, fresh off his feud with Sam Open and the company itself.
It even names him in person, painting the pitch that Sam was distracted by his feud so much so that he made bad decisions for the company.
But despite all that, it should still be taken as a worrying indication of further chaos within the company chaos.
That's far from what we want in a company that's so pivotal for the future because whether you like it or not open A I is right at the front in the development of A I and will be a key player in our modern future.
なぜなら、あなたが好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、オープンA IはA Iの発展の最前線にあり、現代の未来において重要な役割を果たすからだ。
On top of that, the letter implies that the disagreements between Sam and the board and the former employees was all over A I safety with Sam being painted as disregarding it entirely and it might not be too far from the truth.
And people talk about the dangers of A I, most people's first thoughts about killer robots and terminators.
But outside of fantasy, that's not the real danger.
The problem will come with powerful people using A I for their own good rather than anyone else's in open A I's case.
That will mean accelerating their development past all safe limits in order to win the arms race, a race that Sam Altman and everyone else at the company will be well aware of.
Make no mistake.
This was more than a fight over the future of A I.
これはA Iの将来をめぐる争い以上のものだった。
This was about the fate of the modern world because the chair of the SEC himself just warned that A I will be at the center of the next financial crisis.
というのも、証券取引委員会(SEC)の委員長自身が、A Iが次の金融危機の中心になると警告したばかりだったからだ。
What was decided this week could crush the wealth of an entire country or world including our own bank accounts because 2008 also showed most wealth building strategies don't hold up when banks are collapsing.
That's why these billionaires creating A I companies are already 10 moves ahead, storing their wealth and secretive markets known for their stability like the contemporary art markets.
だからこそ、A I企業を創設する億万長者たちは、すでに10手先を読み、現代アート市場のような安定性で知られる秘密市場に富を蓄えているのだ。
We survived the 2008 crisis and the insanity of the last 18 months, even outpacing the S and P 500 for the last 27 years by an incredible 136%.
But now we can be the billion at their own game because over 800,000 people have signed up for our sponsor.
Master works a platform that makes multimillion dollar paintings by the names like Bansi Basquiat and Picasso Investible for the first time without needing some oldman level money.
They've already sold over $45 million of luxury arts with the net proceeds paid out directly to investors like you with so many users, new offerings can sell out in minutes and there's a waitlist to get access.
But with the link in the description, you can skip the waitlist and get priority access to the platform right now.
And the main way they are doing this is through A G I, one of the most contentious issues in A I right now.
そして、彼らがこれを行う主な方法は、A G Iを通じてである。
And one of the most dystopia, you see Elon Musk, a former board member of Open A I, one of the main guys behind the whole thing.
そして、最もディストピアのひとつは、オープンA Iの元役員であるイーロン・マスクである。
And a vocal advocate for cautious A I development has often expressed concerns about the unregulated advancement of A I technologies.
また、慎重なA I開発を声高に主張する人物は、しばしばA I技術の無秩序な進歩に対する懸念を表明してきた。
His views particularly on the potential risks of A G I contrast with the ambitious drives open A I has made under Sam Altman Musk's apprehension about the rapid development of A G I aligns with broader fears by A I, ethics, safety and societal impact concerns that have become more pressing as A G I moves from concept to potential reality.
特にA G Iの潜在的なリスクに関する彼の見解は、サム・アルトマン率いるオープンA Iの野心的な動きとは対照的である。A G Iの急速な発展に対するマスクの懸念は、A G Iがコンセプトから現実のものとなる可能性が高まるにつれて、A Iによるより広範な懸念、倫理、安全性、社会的影響への懸念と一致している。
You see in the beginning, Sam Oldman and Elon Musk were close.
They were Silicon Valley Titans and came together with their passion of A I to vote the open A I we know today, but after they parted, there's been a bit of between the two, particularly surrounding the issue of open A I going from non profit to for profit.
彼らはシリコンバレーの巨人であり、A Iへの情熱を持って今日のオープンA Iに投票するために集まった。しかし、彼らが別れた後、両者の間には、特にオープンA Iが非営利から営利に移行する問題をめぐって、ちょっとした対立があった。
You see, Sam Ullman appears to be more focused on realizing the transformative potential of A G I.
サム・ウルマンは、A G Iの変革の可能性を実現することに重点を置いているようだ。
Whereas Elon Musk seems wary of the rapid pace and potential consequences of such advancements and how this would change the lives of humanity.
A bunch of these A I companies are in the in either in San Francisco or in the San Francisco Bay area.
これらのA I企業の多くは、サンフランシスコかサンフランシスコ湾岸地域にある。
Then uh you could implicitly program an A I to believe that extinction of humanity is what it should try to do.
And this personal feud has now become one of the biggest feuds in A I representing a larger dialogue in the tech community about the direction of A I developments.
そして、この個人的な確執は現在、A Iの発展の方向性についてのテック・コミュニティにおけるより大きな対話を象徴する、A Iにおける最大の確執のひとつとなっている。
And it's this debate that has caused all the problems we've seen with Open A I this week as Microsoft pours in billions and billions into open A I.
The debate between profitability and cautious regulation is becoming bigger and more important by the day.
As A G I is the next step in A I from what it represents is the transformation of A I becoming sentient.
A G IはA Iの次のステップであり、A Iが感覚を持つようになる変容を表している。
And it might have been one of the reasons that Sam Altman was previously kicked out of the CEO position as this tension in the tech community has been simmering beneath the subs for a long time now and has reached a boiling point and it could be the catalyst for broader conflicts within the company in future years.
And it's a worrying trend considering how open A I is becoming more and more for profit rather than as a nonprofit research company.
But if A I does become sentient, then this could potentially be one of the most disastrous things that ever happens to humanity.
And this is certainly what or must believe.
But those at the top of open A I see A G I as solving complex global issues.
しかし、オープンA Iのトップにいる人々は、A G Iが複雑な世界的問題を解決するものだと考えている。
But it does beg the question, how much power is too much power for these people?
And then again, why is Elon Musk so against open A I these days considering that he was one of the main guys behind the whole things.
そしてまた、イーロン・マスクはなぜ最近オープンA Iに反対しているのだろうか?
Originally, it shows how bad the company's become recently.
I mean, on Twitter, Elon has been exposed in the inner workings of open A I and the corruption dripping down from the top, as he said on Twitter quotes this letter about Open A I was just sent to me.
つまり、ツイッターでイーロンは、オープンA Iの内部事情とトップから滴り落ちる腐敗を暴露している。
These seem like concerns worth investigating following up tweets like this open A I starts as a nonprofit.
これらは、このオープンA Iが非営利団体としてスタートするようなツイートに続いて調査する価値がある懸念事項のように思える。
Open A I creates a for profit arm Microsoft invests big money with open A I chai bit is born open A IC O is fired.
オープンエーアイが営利部門を設立 マイクロソフトがオープンエーアイに大金を投資 チャイビットが誕生 オープンエーアイシーオーが解雇される。
Open A IC O then goes to Microsoft former open A I CEO comes back to open A I as CEO Open A I equals Microsoft A I to which Elon responded, that is the trend.
オープンA IC Oはその後マイクロソフトに行き、元オープンA IのCEOはCEOとしてオープンA Iに戻ってきた。
And so ever since the drama, Elon has been bringing on more and more points showing how bad the leadership at open A I is in terms of the consequences to humanity.
そして、このドラマ以来、イーロンはオープンA Iの指導者たちが人類への影響という点で、いかに悪質であるかを示すポイントをどんどん持ち込んできた。
And interestingly amidst this whole organizational drama, Open A I did actually make a very significant advancement by introducing a voice feature for Cha G BT making it accessible to all three users.
そして興味深いことに、この一連の組織的なドラマの中で、オープンエーアイはチャG BTに音声機能を導入し、3人のユーザー全員がアクセスできるようにすることで、非常に重要な進歩を遂げた。
However, this was of course overshadowed by the widespread cha G BT outrage which raises even more concerns about the stability and reliability of those running A I companies because once the brain of A I is trained, there is no going back.
しかし、これはもちろん、チャG・BTの暴挙によって影を潜め、A I企業の経営者の安定性と信頼性についての懸念がさらに高まった。
And what happens when A I just suddenly turns off when we need it most?
I mean, in the week of this whole drama, there was suddenly a chatty bitty alpha during the outrage that added another layer of intrigue to the ongoing developments but even more crazy a report from the New York Times that shed light on Helen Toner's alleged opposition to Sam Oman as CEO again, the contention seemingly stemmed from the academic paper published by Toner critical of open A I's future direction, claiming quote that the board's mission is to ensure that the company creates artificial intelligence that benefits all of humanity.
And if this company was destroyed, she said this could be consistent with its mission showing how big this discussion is becoming in A I this internal power struggle as depicted in the report shows that we're going down a bad road with A I and there will push back while this is happening.
Other A I companies are looking to take the lead anthropic.
他のA I企業は、人類をリードしようとしている。
Another key player in the A I domain has made remarkable progress for the release of cloud 2.1 under the leadership of CEO Dario A modi.
A I分野のもう一つの重要なプレーヤーは、ダリオ・ア・モディCEOのリーダーシップの下、クラウド2.1のリリースに向けて目覚ましい進歩を遂げた。
This new A I model boasts doubled context size and improved tool integrations signifying not only a huge deep in A I capabilities, but also heightening the competitive landscape in the A I industry.
この新しいA Iモデルは、コンテキストのサイズが2倍になり、ツールの統合が改善されたことを誇り、A I能力が大幅に向上しただけでなく、A I業界の競争環境も激化している。
And the push for more profit, pushing aside all consequences for humanity to the side.
Not to mention Elon Musk's very own GROK which is reported to be used on X with the site having its very own tab for users to access grok directly in X.
Somewhat ironically showing how much of a fraud Musk is in this area considering he's doing exactly the same thing that open A I is.
But this whole thing signifies a period of intense growth, competition and uncertainty in the field of A I, which is terrifying.
しかしこのことは、A Iの分野における激しい成長、競争、そして不確実性の時代を意味する。
This needs to be the most controlled thing out there as the society implications haven't been realized by many yet, especially as they're blinded by profitability.
And we need to be extremely careful about our human qualities, game principle and A I, especially those at the top, if the habit is the elites trickles down into A I, where is this gonna lead us?
そして、人間的資質、ゲーム原理、A I、特にトップにいる人たちには細心の注意を払う必要がある。もし、エリートたちの習慣がA Iにまで波及していくとしたら、それは私たちをどこに導くことになるのだろうか?
This was a huge problem for more primitive chatbots.
When companies let their A is lose on social media, the results were nearly always disastrous, incredibly quickly.
企業がソーシャル・メディアで "A "を失うと、ほとんどの場合、結果は驚くほど早く悲惨なものとなった。
They would become influenced and shaped by the most extremist views, spouting racist and crazy views until they got turned off when Microsoft itself released their own chatbot take A I in 2016, it didn't even last 24 hours before it got corrupted.
彼らは最も過激な意見に影響され、人種差別的でクレイジーな意見を口にするようになり、2016年にマイクロソフトが独自のチャットボット「take A I」をリリースしたときには、24時間も持たずに破損してしまった。
Demonstrating that without the sense and awareness that people take for granted.
A I can't make ethical judgments or know what's right or wrong in society.
A 倫理的な判断はできないし、社会の善悪もわからない。
And this is just one of the problems right now with A I that needs to be considered in the very near future.
そしてこれは、近い将来に考慮されなければならないA Iの問題点の一つに過ぎない。
These current problems aren't about A I destroying human civilization or even gaining sentience.
Instead, there are specific clashes between our society and how A I will interact with it.
その代わりに、私たちの社会とA Iがどのように関わっていくかという具体的な衝突がある。
Militaries around the world are already in an arms race to develop the best A is for use as weapons in some ways A I can be used to create the perfect soldiers without free will fear or mercy.
世界中の軍隊はすでに、兵器として使用するための最高のAを開発する軍拡競争に入っている。ある意味ではA Iは、自由意志のない恐怖も慈悲もない完璧な兵士を作り出すために使用できる。
A I will act out every order with exact precision, regardless of the ethical implications.
A 私は倫理的な意味合いに関係なく、すべての命令を正確に実行します。
As long as it makes profit for its owners A I is already being integrated into military technology like missile guidance systems.
Russia's been testing A I guided missiles since 2017 and aims for A I to power a significant portion of their combat units.
ロシアは2017年からA I誘導弾の試験を行っており、A Iが戦闘ユニットのかなりの部分を動かすことを目指している。
By 2030 China two is heavily investing in A I for military purposes.
2030年までには、中国2カ国は軍事目的でA Iに多額の投資を行っている。
The ambition is to establish a significant A I industry and as the government tries to control more of its population, this will be one of the most devastating tools humanity has ever seen.
その野望は、重要なA I産業を確立することであり、政府がより多くの人口をコントロールしようとする中で、これは人類がこれまでに見たことのない最も破壊的なツールのひとつとなるだろう。
Only time will tell in the very near future what the fate of humanity holds.