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This morning, a blockbuster shake up in the world of artificial intelligence.
Just days after he was ousted by the company he co-founded, former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is joining Microsoft and so is another OpenAI co-founder, Greg Brockman.
共同創業者である彼が会社から追放されたわずか数日後、元 OpenAI の CEO である Sam Altman は Microsoft に加わり、さらに別のOpenAI の共同創業者である Greg Brockman も同様に加わっています。
The two men who helped bring ChatGPT to the world will lead Microsoft's new advanced AI research team.
ChatGPT を世に送り出すことに貢献した二人が、 Microsoft の新しい先進 AI 研究チームを率いることになります。
So there's been a lot going on.
That's why I got CNN's Vanessa Jurkovich.
だから CNN の Vanessa Jurkovich を呼んだんです。
She's here with us now.
All right, Vanessa look, there are ongoing negotiations for Altman to return as OpenAI CEO, then he goes to Microsoft.
そうですね、Vanessa、Altman が OpenAI の CEO に戻るための交渉が進行中です。その後、彼は Microsoft に移る予定です。
What's been happening here?
I don't think that ChatGPT could have written this drama.
ChatGPT がこのドラマを書けたとは思えませんね。
This has been a lot in 72 hours.
So the breaking news that we have now is that 500 employees from OpenAI have sent this letter to the board, which ousted Sam Altman,
現在の最新ニュースは、OpenAI の 500 人の従業員がこの手紙を Sam Altman を排除した取締役会に送ったことです。
saying that if you do not resign, if you do not bring back Sam Altman, we will quit and we will join Sam Altman at Microsoft.
もしあなたが辞任しないなら、もし Sam Altman を連れ戻さないなら、私たちは辞め、Microsoft にいる Sam Altman のチームに加わります。
500 employees, that's most of the company.
But this all goes down on Friday when OpenAI basically pushes Sam Altman out the board, saying that he's not equipped to lead the company right now.
しかし、金曜日に OpenAI は Sam Altman を取締役から追い出し、今の彼には会社を率いる能力がないと言っています。
He hasn't been very transparent.
Behind the scenes, though, what we know is that there's a philosophical difference between Altman wanting to push AI forward and the board who wants to kind of dial the progress of AI back.
しかし、その裏では、AI を推し進めようとする Altman と、AI の進歩を後退させようとする理事会との間に、哲学的な違いがあることが分かっています。
But what we know is that many employees have already followed Altman, including his co-founder Greg Brockman.
しかし、 Altman の共同創業者である Greg Brockman をはじめ、多くの従業員が Altman についていきたいってことが分かっています。
Over the weekend, we saw a photo of Altman at OpenAI's offices, maybe talks of bringing him back again.
週末、OpenAI のオフィスに Altman の写真がありました。もしかしたら、再び Altman を呼び戻す話があるかもしれません。
That did not happen.
That's where you enter Microsoft.
そこで Microsoft に入ります。
They have invested $13 billion into OpenAI.
彼らは OpenAI に 130 億ドルを投資しています。
They own 49% of the company.
Just this morning, we're hearing that they have hired Altman to now run artificial intelligence at Microsoft.
今朝、 Altman が Microsoft の人工知能部門に採用されたそうです。
And just moments ago, we heard from one of the board members who was part of that four person board that fired Altman.
そしてたった今、私たちは Altman を解雇した4人の役員のうちの一人から話を聞きました。
And he says he actually regrets the fact that he's created all this chaos at OpenAI.
この OpenAI の混乱を招いたことを後悔しているそうです。
He's also one of the more than 500 people who has signed this open letter, calling for the board to resign, which means including himself.
彼はまた、この公開書簡に署名した 500 人以上のうちの一人であり、理事会の辞任を要求しています。
This all matters because artificial intelligence is here.
It is the future.
There are serious conversations about whether or not it's moving too fast.
Can it be weaponized?
What does it mean for all of us?
There are so many businesses that rely on ChatGPT every single day.
ChatGPT を利用している企業は毎日たくさんあります。
I just want to read a quick quote from an analyst, Dan Ivers, who puts this perfectly.
分析家である Dan Ivers の素晴らしいコメントを読んでみようと思います。
I think he says, in a nutshell, "The J.V. four-person board at OpenAI was at the kids poker table and they thought they won until Nadella and Microsoft took this all over in a World Series game of poker move for the ages with the Valley and Wall Street watching.
要するに、彼は言っていることは、「OpenAI の J.V. 4 人組の役員は子供用のポーカーテーブルに座っていて、彼らは勝ったと思っていたが、それが Nadella と Microsoft によってバレーとウォール街が見ている中、歴史的なワールドシリーズのポーカーゲームの一手として完全に制御されてしまった。」
This is going to continue to unfold over today, but just so much in 72 hours, changing the game of A.I.
So much has happened and I'm sure so much more.
Vanessa Jurkovich, thank you so much.
Vanessa Jurkovich、どうもありがとうございます。
That is Stewart joins me from London.
Stewart がロンドンからお送りします。
Honestly, I mean, the fallout from the board decision could not be more consequential.
Some 500 of the 700 employees threatening to quit the company.
Just explain what's going on here and why this weekend's news was so significant.
どういうことなのか説明してくれませんか。なぜ週末のニュースが そんなに重要なのかでしょうか。
It is hard to keep up with what has been one of the most spectacular corporate fallouts.
I think I can remember really in terms of a board firing a CEO very suddenly, seeing the fallout from investors, but also within the company, and this is just the latest.
理事会が CEO を非常に突然解雇し、投資家や会社内での影響を見るという点で、私はこれまでにもっともっとも驚くようなことを覚えていると思います。そして、これはそれに続く最新の出来事です。
This is a letter to the board of directors of OpenAI.
これはO penAI の取締役会に宛てた手紙です。
As you mentioned, over 500 employees have agreed to this.
おっしゃる通り、500 人以上の従業員がこれに同意しています。
And when I say it's the letter to the board of directors, Becky, there were six directors as of last week.
One was fired, Sam Altman.
1人は解雇された Sam Altman。
The other co-founder, Greg Brockman, actually resigned on the basis of this news.
もう1人の共同創設者、 Greg Brockman は、このニュースを受けて辞任しました。
And a third is actually signing this letter.
そして 3 人目がこの手紙に署名しています。
So it was almost a letter to themselves at this stage, which means there are three directors are being very much targeted by this letter.
And I'll just highlight a few bits that we've had in the last hour.
この 1 時間での出来事をいくつか紹介しましょう。
It says they believe the board is incapable of overseeing OpenAI.
理事会は OpenAI を監督する能力がないと考えていると書かれています。
They say they may choose to resign and join Microsoft with Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, join that new entity. They be in a show. They have positions.
彼らは辞職し、Sam Altman と Greg Brockman と共に Microsoft に参加し、その新しい組織に参加することを選ぶかもしれないと言っています。彼らはショーに出ますし、姿勢を持っています。
And these are their terms.
They say they will take the step imminently unless all current board members resign.
That's the three I mentioned.
And the board appoints two new lead independent directors.
そして、取締役会は新たに 2 名の主席独立取締役を任命します。
They mentioned a couple and reinstate Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.
彼らは2人を挙げ、Sam AltmanとGreg Brockmanを復職させることを述べました。
So that is the most extraordinary laying down of the law from over 500 employees.
The CTO and a board member on that as well.
CTO と役員もそうです。
So now you have to wonder, is the Microsoft move going to happen or are we going to see a complete rejig again at the top?
ですから今、あなたは疑問に思わざるを得ません。Microsoft の動きは実現するのか、それともトップで完全な再編が再び見られるのかって。
And are we going to see Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, going back to open?
Sam Altman や Greg Brockman が open に戻のですか?
Just a reminder for those who you know, for those you are in the kind of, you know, in the weeds of AI, they may not know who he is.
This guy is a very, very, very significant player, not just in business, but in US and global politics these days as well.
He's become the biggest voice, really, when we talk about artificial intelligence.
He's the loudest voice at least.
They're all just a handful of companies really running the AI debate I guess, in terms of a few companies that lead the way.
AI の議論を実際に進めているのはほんの一握りの企業だけで、いくつかの先頭を走る企業がある、というのが私の見解です。
There's Google DeepMind with Demis Hassabis and the Sam Altman with OpenAI.
Demis Hassabis を擁する Google DeepMind や、OpenAI を擁するSam Altman。
He is the biggest voice.
He's one of the co-founders of the company.
There are quite a few co-founders there, but he's become very vocal and very eloquent, particularly, as you mentioned, at Senate committee hearings and the political level.
You see him on the international stage, and he's very vocal on Twitter.
And one of the big questions for all of us, right on Friday was why has he been fired from the board?
And there's lots of speculation about this from the company.
We actually didn't get very much.
There was something about a lack of communication with the board, but no more detail.
Other people wonder whether his popularity had eclipsed the board, and therefore, frankly, they lost control of what some of them wanted to do with the company,
or whether his part in terms of trying to commercialize the profit part of OpenAI, because it is a nonprofit entity generally, whether they felt that was undermining or risking AI safety.
あるいは、OpenAI の利益部分を商業化しようとする彼の行動が、AI の安全性を損なったり、危険にさらしたりしているのではと感じたのでしょうか。
Where's he going?
Well, he signed up for Microsoft, but as of the last hour, this letter from over 500 employees demanding he goes back to OpenAI.
まあ、彼は Microsoft にサインアップしましたが、直近の1時間で500人以上の従業員からの手紙があり、彼が OpenAI に戻るよう要求しています。
You have to wonder, Becky. Check back next hour.
Good stuff. Thanks.