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What is defensive driving?
- 防衛運転とは何か?
Is it that I'm a good driver because most drivers would agree with that statement regardless of where they live in the world, religion or politics.
私が運転がうまいから?なぜなら、ほとんどのドライバーがその意見に同意するからだ 世界のどこに住んでいるかに関係なく、 宗教や政治。
Stick around, we're going to give you five defensive driving techniques that will make you a safer, smarter driver.
待っててね。5つの防衛運転テクニック より安全でスマートなドライバーになるために。 (アップビート・ミュージック)
The most important element of defensive driving is space management.
You need to manage space around your vehicle, to the sides, to the rear, and to the front.
And you can always, always manage space in front of your vehicle.
And I know there's drivers out there that will say to me, "Oh, if I leave space in front, drivers will cut in."
Yes, they will, but if they're cutting in, they're going faster than you, and they will only be there for a couple of seconds and then you can reclaim your space.
でも、もし彼らがカットインしてきたらね、彼らはあなたより速く走っている、 そして、彼らがそこにいるのは数秒間だけだ そうすれば、自分のスペースを取り戻すことができる。
Always, always manage space in front of your vehicle,have your two to three-second following distance behind other traffic.
常に、常に、車の前のスペースを管理すること、2~3秒の追従距離を保つ 他のトラフィックの後ろに。
And when you're stopped in traffic, always stop so you can see the tires making clear contact with the pavement.
渋滞で止まっているときもね、常にタイヤが見えるように止まる 舗装と明確に接触している。
And when you're moving slowly in a queue, again, also never get closer to the vehicle in front of you so that, at all times, you can see the tires of the vehicle in front of you making clear contact with the pavement.
そして、行列の中でゆっくり進んでいるとき、また、決して前の車に近づいてはいけない いつでもタイヤが見えるように 前方車両との明確な接触 舗装と一緒に。
If you manage space well, you are rarely going to get into trouble when you're driving.
It is the most critical skill that you can have as a defensive driver, because the speed is going to take care of itself.
それは、あなたが持つことのできる最も重要なスキルである。ディフェンシブ・ドライバーとして、 なぜなら、スピードは自分で何とかするからだ。
It's like right now, I have a two to three-second following distance in front of me behind this truck, and I'm simply doing 50 kilometers an hour which is the posted speed limit, or 30 miles an hour for those of you in the States.
今みたいな感じだ、2~3秒の追従距離を保っている このトラックの後ろにいる私の前に、 私は単に時速50キロで走っているだけだ これは公示制限速度である、 アメリカでは時速30マイルだ。
The Smith Space Cushion System developed and founded in the 1940s by Harold Smith, indicated that if you manage space, you have a place to drive out of if you get into an emergency situation,
スミス・スペース・クッション・システム1940年代にハロルド・スミスによって開発、設立された、 というのは、もしあなたがスペースを管理するならば、である、 車で出かける場所がある 緊急事態に陥った場合、どちらが正しいか? 緊急事態から脱するには、クルマを走らせたほうが早いからだ
which is correct because it's faster to drive out of an emergency situation than it is to brake.
However, roads are much, much busier than they were in the 1940s when Smith founded that system.
So it's now more important that you manage space in front of your vehicle so that you can come to a stop and not get into trouble in case something happens in front of you.
だから今、より重要なのは車の前のスペースを管理すること トラブルに巻き込まれずに止まることができるように 目の前で何かが起こったときのために。
The definition of defensive driving is is that you are making allowances, you have skills and strategies in place that are compensating for the errors of other drivers.
防衛運転の定義は以下の通りである。それは、あなたが手当をしているということだ、 スキルと戦略を備えている 他のドライバーのミスを補っている。
And also for when you make mistakes because we all make mistakes when we're driving, we lose attention,
そして、ミスをしたときのために運転中は誰でもミスを犯すからだ、 私たちは注意を失う、
we get distracted by something on the side of the road or we're looking at something or whatnot.
That's why it is so important to manage space around your vehicle, to allow for the mistakes of other people and for your own mistakes that you may make when you're driving.
だからこそ、スペースを管理することが重要なのだあなたの車の周り、 他人の過ちを許す そして自分の過ちに対して 運転中にやってしまうかもしれないこと。
So the most important element of defensive driving is managing space around your vehicle.
Tip number two is situational awareness.
Where am I? What is it? Who is it? What's the weather outside doing?
What's the outside temperature?
Where am I at the intersection?
I have to do a little jig-jog here 'cause I can't see past the traffic, there we go.
So situational awareness, being aware of what's around you, being aware of intersections, pedestrians right here at the intersection, I was slowing down and backing off for them.
つまり、状況認識、周囲の状況を把握することだ、交差点を意識する 交差点の歩行者、 私は彼らのためにスピードを落とし、後ずさりしていた。
I've got somebody stopped here at an alleyway.
So there's a lot going on and you need to be aware of everything that's going on.
And of course this vehicle in front of me didn't have the signal on, but was waiting to turn into the alley, I didn't know that, but I stay back, I relax, I don't get too close.
そしてもちろん、私の前にいるこの車も信号は入っていなかった、 が、路地に入るのを待っていた、 知らなかったけど、私はここに残る、 私はリラックスし、近づきすぎない。
Again, even if that vehicle stopped mid-block, I still stop back so I can see the tires making clear contact with the payment.
たとえその車がブロックの途中で止まったとしてもだ、私はまだタイヤを見るために戻ってくる。 支払いに明確に接触すること。
That way I'm far enough away that I'm less likely to hit something.
So it's observation, but it's more than seeing, it's being aware of what's going on as you're moving through the intersections.
つまり、それは観察であり、見る以上のものなんだ、何が起こっているのかを意識することだ 交差点を通過するときに。
Tip number three is what I call MIT, mapping an intersection and tracking what's going on at the intersection.
ヒントその3は、私がMITと呼んでいるものだ、交差点のマッピングとトラッキング 交差点で何が起こっているのか。
This dovetails well with situational awareness.
So I'm tracking, I've mapped the intersection.
It's a complex intersection with left-hand turning lanes, advance lights, slip lanes, pedestrians, cyclists.
左折レーンのある複雑な交差点だ、進路灯、スリップレーン、 歩行者、自転車。
I got a cyclist over here, even in the wintertime we have cyclists riding around, so you have to be aware of that.
冬でもサイクリストがいる自転車が走り回っている、 だから、それを意識しなければならない。
The pedestrian's gone, way up the sidewalk.
Cross traffic is going through.
Traffic has stopped, there's nobody behind me.
So I'm watching traffic coming up behind me at the intersection.
Slip lane over there, I have a truck turning right, and I'm turning left.
So I'm watching and I'm tracking that truck.
The truck is gone.
I've got my advance green.
So checking here, there's nothing here, there's no pedestrians.
I'm tracking that car over there because it's turning right.
And of course the car is going to turn right in beside me.
So I was tracking that vehicle as I was coming around the corner through the intersection and making a left-hand turn.
だから、私はその車を追跡していた交差点の角を曲がったところで そして左折する。
Same thing here, I'm tracking the red car, moving up, the car's coming to a stop, pedestrian over here on my left, vehicles coming through, I'm stopping behind the stop line.
こちらも同じで、赤い車を追跡している、クルマが停車する、 左の歩行者 私は停止線の後ろで止まっている。
The pedestrian is gone.
Traffic is coming through.
I cannot see what's going on over there because there's a truck sitting beside me as you can see in the dash cam.
向こうで何が起こっているのか、私には見えない私の横にトラックが座っているから ダッシュカムを見ればわかるだろう。
Vehicle on the other side of the intersection, pedestrian coming through the intersection, I'm tracking that pedestrian to figure out where that pedestrian is going.
交差点の反対側の車両、交差点を通過する歩行者、 歩行者を追跡中 その歩行者がどこへ行こうとしているのかを把握する。
MIT, mapping the intersection and tracking the road users around at the different sections of the intersection.
Especially those that are crossing your path of travel as you're going to move left through the intersection.
So, clear, the pedestrian is gone.
The vehicle has come through.
I'm clear to go, shoulder check, and proceed through on the left-hand turn.
Vehicles coming through, there's no road users at the intersection so I'm clear to go.
車が通る、交差点に道路利用者がいない だから、もう大丈夫だ。
I don't have to slow down, I just have to map and track the intersect.
Remember, it's important to locate the intersection, map the intersection, and track the road users that are at the intersection, especially those road users that are going to cross your path of travel because 40% of crashes occur at intersections.
覚えておいてほしいのは、交差点の位置を特定することが重要だということだ、交差点の地図 と交差点にいる道路利用者を追跡する、 特に道路利用者 あなたの旅路を横切るもの 事故の40%は交差点で発生しているからだ。
Tip number four, parking lots.
If you can find a space which you can drive through into the next space so that you can drive out when you're leaving the parking lot, that is ideal.
スペースがあれば次のスペースにドライブできる 車で出かけられるように 駐車場から出るときは、それが理想的です。
In parking lots, be sure that you go slowbecause there's lots of activity going on, especially this time of year with the holiday season and whatnot, track pedestrians, figure out where pedestrians are.
駐車場では徐行することなぜなら、たくさんの活動が行われているからだ、 特にこの時期 ホリデー・シーズンもあるしね、 歩行者を追跡し、歩行者がどこにいるかを把握する。
If you're the least bit unsure, simply stop and wait for them to pass your vehicle.
When backing out in a parking lot, be sure that you look first out the rear window before you move the vehicle, check your mirrors, check your backup camera if you have one,
駐車場でバックするとき、リヤウインドウの外をまず見ること 車両を動かす前に、ミラーを確認してください、 バックアップカメラがあればチェックする、
but make sure that you're looking out the back window before you put the vehicle in motion.
Most bingles, smashes and bashes happen in parking lots because people put the vehicle in motion and then they look, and by then it's too late.
駐車場での転倒や衝突のほとんどは、駐車場で起きている。人が車を動かすから でも、そのときはもう手遅れなんだ。
Tip number five, and probably the most important tip, check yourself before you wreck yourself.
You have to have an attitude of defensive driving that, "I'm just going to let them go and have their crash somewhere else." because people are going to cut you off.
守りの運転を心がけること私は彼らを行かせるだけだ。 墜落事故は別の場所で起きている。 なぜなら、人々はあなたを切り捨てようとするからだ。
There's going to be drunk drivers, there's going to be poor drivers, there's going to be bad weather.
All of these things are going to happen when you're driving.
They're not unpredictable.
They are as predictable as that tomorrow we are going to get weather.
(笑) 予測可能なことだ。明日は天候に恵まれる。
Because the top two reasons for traffic crashes are failing to yield and following too close.
Those two driving actions, failing to yield, failing to give way, and following too close, are simply attitudes about driving, it's your attitude towards driving.
この2つのドライブアクションだ、道を譲らなかった、 そして、あまりに接近しすぎた、 は単に運転に対する姿勢である、 それは運転に対する姿勢だ。
And if you want to see the perfect film about Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Walker, a Disney character in the 1950s,
完璧な映画を見たいならウィーラー氏とウォーカー氏について、 1950年代のディズニーキャラクター、
that was about the very nature of the Jekyll and Hyde character that we become when we drive, have a look at that up in the corner,
の本質に関わるものだった。ジキルとハイドのような性格になるのだ、 隅のほうを見てください、
I'll put a card up there for you.
They become this crazy creature, which is crazy, they follow too close, they fail to give the right of way and they believe that they have the right to go.
クレイジーな生き物になるんだ、後を追いすぎ、道を譲らない。 そして、彼らには行く権利があると信じている。
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And remember, pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.
Have a great day, bye now.
Mr. Walker owns a motor car and considers himself good driver.
- ウォーカー氏は自動車を所有している自分ではいいドライバーだと思っている。 (ウォーカー氏のうめき声)
But once behind the wheel, a strange phenomenon takes place.
Mr. Walker is charged with an overwhelming sense of power.
His whole personality changes.
Abruptly he becomes an uncontrollable monster, a demon driver.
Mr. Walker is now Mr. Wheeler.