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Hey guys, welcome to Lingua Marina, a channel where you learn real English with an amazing teacher and where you learn cool facts about the English language and cool things that you can use in your language and sound more like a native speaker.
Lingua Marina へようこそ!このチャンネルでは、素晴らしい先生と一緒に本物の英語を学び、英語に関するクールな事実や、自分の言葉で使えるクールなことを学び、よりネイティブスピーカーのように発音することができます。
Today, we're gonna learn about different ways of saying goodbye.
Because goodbye is really boring.
goodbye だけじゃ本当につまらないからね。
Goodbye is something you learn during your first English class, this is something you've used thousands of times already.
goodbye なんて英語の最初の授業で習うもので、これはもう何千回も使ってることでしょう。
But if you talk to native speakers, you would realize there are actually a lot of different alternatives that they use to say goodbye.
So today, you're going to learn them and first, you're gonna understand what people mean by saying those phrases.
And second, you're gonna start using them yourself.
Before we dig into the topic, please hit the like button for the youtube algorithm and subscribe to this channel in order to not miss my next videos.
And now let's learn the alternatives to the word goodbye.
First of all, goodbye is something once said with a specific intonation like, goodbye.
まず、goodbye は、「goodbye」のように特定のイントネーションで一度言うものです。
(It) can mean that you're not really respecting the person and you really want them to leave and this is why there are so many alternatives.
And alternative number one is actually again, when you don't want to really see the person again or when you do not expect to see the person again.
This is like goodbye for years.
The word sounds like farewell.
farewell と似ています。
It comes from two words.
Fare means happen; well, good.
fareは「起こる」という意味で、well は「良い」という意味です。
So I wish that something good happens to you.
But this word is so, so formal.
You can either see it in English literature from 18th or 19th century.
I haven't really heard a lot of people use it in real life because farewell means I'll see you in ten years or something like that.
farewell は10年後に会いましょうとかそういう意味なので、実生活で使う人はあまり聞いたことがありません。
The word farewell has a bit more romantic and archaic meaning to it, compared to goodbye.
farewell という言葉には、goodbye に比べ、もう少しロマンチックで古風な意味があります。
Take care is an expression that is used to say goodbye to someone that you expect to see regularly.
Take care は、定期的に会う予定の人に別れを告げるときに使う表現です。
So for example, when I talk to my banker, when I talk to my doctor, when I talk to a colleague, in the end of the conversation, they would say, "Take care,"
例えば、銀行員と話すとき、医者と話すとき、同僚と話すとき、彼らは会話の最後に Take care と言うでしょう。
which is, again, a very warm form of saying goodbye because you are wishing all the best to that person.
You hope that he or she takes care of herself or himself and you just say, "Take care." That's it.
その人が自分のことを大事にしてくれることを願って、Take care とだけ言う、それだけです。
This is the way of saying goodbye.
Take care.
It was nice seeing you.
It was nice seeing you.(会えて良かった)
It's an expression that is used to say goodbye to a person that you've just met for the first time.
So for example, you were in a meeting, you met some new people.
In order to say goodbye to them, you will say, "It was nice seeing you," or "It was nice meeting you."
その人たちに別れを告げるために "It was nice seeing you." とか "It was nice meeting you." と言います。
This is the way of saying goodbye to a person you've just met.
It was nice meeting you.
I look forward to our next meeting is something that you can use when you expect the relationship to continue, and this is a formal relationship normally.
So for example, you finish the business meeting and you expect another business meeting to happen very soon.
So you say, "I look forward to our next meeting."
Have a nice day or have a good weekend.
Have a nice day.(良い1日を)または Have a good weekend.(良い週末を)
I think this is very, very American, this something that I hear every day in the US.
You know, I'm shopping, I'm doing my grocery shopping and I'm checking out at the cashier and the lady says, "Have a great day," or "Have a great weekend."
And by the way, people start wishing great weekend, even on Thursdays, even Friday is still a working day, but people are already looking forward to the weekend and they realize they wouldn't see you or talk to you on Friday.
So they wish you a great on Thursday already.
And this kind of creates this happier mood because the weekend is approaching.
So the expression have a good day is very, very common in all spheres of our lives.
だから、"have a good day" という表現は、私たちの生活のあらゆる場面でとてもとてもよく使われます。
Have a good day.
There are some more informal alternatives to saying goodbye.
So when you know, when you're gonna see the person next time, you can say until Saturday, if you expect to see them on Saturday or until Sunday or until next week.
Til next time. -Till next time.
またね。- またね。
If you don't want to abrupt your conversation just like that. "Oh, bye." That's it.
このまま会話を打ち切られたくなければ "Oh, bye." それだけです。
Or "Farewell, "or "See you on Sunday."
または "Farewell" もしくは "See you on Sunday"
And you really want to introduce your intention of stopping the conversation and leaving, you can say, "I've got to get going," "I must be going," and then explain the reason.
Well, I gotta get going.
I read this book by Robert Cialdini called Influence, I think.
So basically he says that if you provide a reason to a person, there is like 80% more chance that they would appreciate your decision, even if this reason means "I have to get going because I'm late for another meeting."
Just because you're providing a reason why you have to get going, people become more understanding.
So if you feel uncomfortable about finishing a meeting, if you feel that the person still wants to talk to you, but you really have to go,
You can say, "I've gotta get going," "You know, I haven't seen my kids since morning and she misses me and this is it, goodbye."
I'm off is very informal.
"I'm off" はとてもカジュアルな表現です。
But again, it just describes your intention to leave.
So for example, you're at a party, everybody's watching a movie.
And what I like about American gatherings in America parties, nobody would really beg you to stay because people understand you have things to do.
And when you say, "I'm off," people like, "OK, of course."
You know, because I come from a culture where if you're at a party and it's like going on and you say, "I'd rather get going or I have to get going," people be like, "No, no, no stay. We still have the cake, we still have the tea. Why are you leaving?"
In America, you say, "I'm off," and people are like, "Oh, of course, yeah, see you next time."
So this is very easy and you can use this phrase to say that you're leaving.
I'm off.
Take it easy is another way to say goodbye.
Take it easy(気楽にね)というのも別れを告げる言葉の1つです。
It's kind of similar to the phrase "have a great day."
それは "have a great day."(良い1日を)というフレーズに似ています。
You can say, "Take it easy."
"Take it easy." と言います。
But please pay attention to your intonation and the way you say it.
Because if you say, "Hey, hey, take it easy," this means that you don't like somebody acting in the way they act and you're asking them to stop it.
So instead of saying, "Hey, take it easy," you just say, "Take it easy."
That's it. That means goodbye.
Take it easy.
Bye bye.
This is what Emily says.
Well, kind of says she understands bye bye.
So she waves her hand.
This is a very childish thing.
This is something that we all learn and this is something you can use with friends.
Bye bye over the baby.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
There are also slang alternatives that I want you to know: "Later." That's it.
That means see you later, very short, very informal later.
Catch you later is again something that you would use only with your friends or with people you know well.
Catch you later (後でね)は、やはり友人や気心の知れた相手だけに使うものです。
The meaning is very simple. It means see you later.
Catch you later.
Peace out is a phrase that is widely used in hip hop or street slang.
Peace out はヒップホップやストリートスラングで広く使われるフレーズです。
Again, intonation is really important.
Peace out is like take it easy.
Peace out は take it easy(気楽にね)と似ています。
But if you say, "Peace out, see ya," this means goodbye.
しかし、"Peace out, see ya," と言われたら、これは別れを意味します。
Yo, peace out.
Another slang phrase is I got a jet.
I got a jet(私はジェット機を手に入れた)というスラングもあります。
So if you know jet is this private airplane.
If we try to explain this phrase verbatim, that means you have a scheduled flight on a jet, of course, bro, you don't, I got a jet just means goodbye or I gotta go.
このフレーズをそのまま説明しようとすると、ジェット機の定期便があるということになり、 もちろん、そんなことはありません。I got a jet は、さようならとか、行かなくちゃという意味です。
That's by six o'clock. I got a jet.
I gotta roll is another slang phrase and another slang way of saying goodbye.
I gotta roll もスラングの1つで、別れを告げるスラングの1つです。
So roll basically relates to something with wheels.
roll は基本的に車輪のあるものに関係します。
Maybe you're skateboarding away or riding your bike away.
But it also means the process of movement.
You don't have to necessarily roll away, you're just gonna go away.
But you can use this phrase "I gotta roll," and this would mean goodbye, see you later, I gotta go.
でも、"I gotta roll" というフレーズを使えば、「さよなら」「またね」「行かなくちゃ」という意味になります。
You gotta roll, Meo.
Thank you guys so much for watching this video.