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Hello guys, welcome back to my channel.
Today, we're going to talk about American slang words that you have to know.
You don't have to necessarily use them in your speech, but you have to know them because when you're gonna communicate with a native speaker, with an American, you wanna understand what he wants to say.
So if you're interested, please continue watching this video.
Before we transition to naming those words, I would like to remind you that one of the best things to do right now is to take your exercise book and write the words down because you're gonna be switching on different types of your memories.
So you're gonna be seeing me this visual, you're gonna be listening to me audio or comprehension memory.
And then when you're writing things down with your own hand, this is another type of memory.
So please write the words down and comment below if you've been doing that.
So, the word number one is bail and bail means leaving abruptly.
1番の単語は bail です。bail は突然去るという意味です。
So for example, you went to the cinema with your friends and then you realize your home work isn't done yet.
And you say, "Hey guys, I'm sorry, I'm gonna bail," which means you're gonna go home and just finish what you had to do.
To feel blue is a pretty common phrase, slang phrase in all English-speaking countries.
「To feel blue」は英語圏ではよく使われる俗語です。
And to feel blue means to feel sad.
「To feel blue」とは 「悲しくなる 」という意味です。
How does that feel blue?
A buck and a buck is American for a dollar.
「A buck」というのはアメリカの 1 ドルという意味です。
This costs 200 bucks, right?
$200 dollars.
Give me a buck, give me a dollar.
Give me a buck.
The next expression is by the skin of my teeth.
次の表現は「by the skin of my teeth」です。
So for example, you were playing something and you hurt yourself.
But then you say, "I hurt myself just by the skin of my teeth," which means yes, it hurt but not a lot. Just barely.
「I hurt myself just by the skin of my teeth」というのは 「痛かったけど大したことなかった」という意味です。
Seems you've passed by the skin of your teeth.
Oh, creep is a title that you give to a person who it's really creepy.
That's a great explanation, right?
It's a really weird, unpleasant and strange person who is acting in a weird way.
For example, you have a guy who's stalking you and stalker is another slang, somebody who's following you who is trying to get your attention.
And because he's around you all the time doing strange things so you can call him a creep.
いつもあなたのそばにいて変なことしてるから、その人を「 creep」と言えます。
You're a creep.
Couch potato should be one of my favorite ones because this is a person who sits on the sofa and does nothing all day.
「Couch potato」は私のお気に入りの一つです。ソファに座って一日中何もしない人を指します。
Everybody has this friend who you call all the time and he's like, "Oh, I'm sorry, I won't be able to join you today. I wanna spend some time at home."
And you can call him couch potato because he doesn't want to go out. He just wants to sit at home and do nothing.
彼は外に出たがらない。家にいて何もしたくないんだから「couch potato」と呼んでもいいですね。
A couch potato for a while.
To crash, which means to fall asleep abruptly.
And this happens to me every single day when I'm tired, I go to bed and I just crash, which means go to sleep really fast.
Recording. Yes.
Down to earth is actually an adjective and you can call a person down to earth when he's really simple, he doesn't try to show off.
「Down to earth」というのは形容詞で、地味で目立とうとしない人を「Down to earth」と呼ぶんです。
He's this normal guy. He's really down to earth.
Funny, down to earth.
Another expression that Americans like is for real.
アメリカ人が好きなもう一つの表現は「for real」です。
For example, you tell somebody that you're going to Europe and he's like, "Oh, for real, are you going to Europe?
And this means honestly.
So instead of saying honestly, you can say for real.
だから、「honestly」に言う代わりに、「for real」を言うんです。
For real, for real.
Another slang phrase is the cold shoulder.
もう一つの俗語が 「cold shoulder」です。
If you give somebody a cold shoulder means you are ignoring them on purpose.
誰かに「cold shoulder」をするとは 、「わざと無視する 」という意味です。
So somebody is trying to reach out to you and you give them a cold shoulder, which means you don't want to communicate with them.
You're giving me the cold shoulder.
Another slang words typically American and I've been watching this movie called Miss Sloan.
This movie is all about this slang phrase and this is the phrase plead the fifth.
この映画はこの俗語フレーズについてで、そのフレーズは「plead the fifth」です。
This is very political thing.
So there is the fifth amendment to the American Constitution which allows you to not testify against yourself.
So for example, imagine there's the squad and there is this guy who's accused of a crime and somebody's asking him, "Did you commit this crime?"
例えば、ある犯罪の嫌疑をかけられた男がいて、誰かが 「この犯罪はお前がやったのか?」と聞いて、
The guy pleads the fifth, which means he says according to the fifth amendment of the constitution, I would not testify against myself.
その男は「plead the fifth」をします。つまり憲法修正第5条に従って、自分に不利な証言はしないと言うんです。
So he won't tell anything because this information can be used against him.
So this is plead the fifth.
「plead the fifth」ってことです。
Now let's go down to something a little easier.
And I think I've mentioned this phrase in one of my videos.
By the way, I have a lot of videos about American phrases.
I have a video about 50 common phrases in English video, a videp about 100 common words in English.
And I have a video about 25 idioms in English.
The links will be below and please watch them after watching this video.
Next phrase is screw up and screw up means make a mistake.
次のフレーズは「 screw up 」で、「 screw up 」 はミスをするという意味です。
I'm sorry, I screwed up. I made a mistake.
Screwed up? - Yeah.
やってしまった? - そう。
Instead of saying nice and wow and beautiful all the time, you can say, "Oh, that's sweet," which means that's nice.
「nice」とか「wow」とか「beautiful」とかの代わりに、「Oh, that's sweet.」を使いましょう。「いいね」という意味です。
But making your speech diverse using different words is actually really helpful for your vocabulary and really helpful for other people because you don't sound the same all over again.
So write this down.
Sweet means nice.
Tight. This word can be used when you're talking about competition.
So tight competition means there is a really small gap between two competitors and the competition becomes really tight.
So it's really intense and they have to work really hard to surpass each other. Tight.
The next word is to trash.
次のフレーズは「to trash」です。
You probably know the noun trash and trash is the same as rubbish.
名詞の trash は知っていると思いますが、trash は rubbish と同じです。
Rubbish is British; trash is American.
This means all of the things that you throw away.
But to trash means to destroy something.
しかし、「to trash」は何かを破壊することです。
So for example, he trashed his car means he destroyed his car; maybe he had an accident and now he has to get a new one.
So he trashed his car.
Wrap up is a word that I hear every day and wrap up means to finish something.
「Wrap up」は毎日耳にする言葉ですが、「終わらせる」という意味です。
Ok, guys, let's wrap up, let's finish.
To hang out. This is a word that you can use when you're relating to your friends.
「To hang out」。友達と関わる時に使える言葉です。
You're inviting them to come over and you say, "Come over to my place," which means come to my place and "let's hang out, let's do something together."
You can also use the word to hang out to describe that you're actually not busy with anything.
「hang out 」は「ぶらぶらする」という意味でも使えます。
So for example, you sit at home and your friend calls you and asks, "What are you up to?" which means what are you doing right now?
例えば、家にいる時に友達から電話がかかってきて、「What are you up to? (何をしているの?)」と聞かれたとしましょう。
And you're like, "Nothing, just hanging out."
So you're just spending your time at home.
Maybe you're watching youtube videos.
So nothing serious.
I'm just hanging out.
「hanging out(ぶらぶらしてる)」だけ。
Just to hang out.
Another word that I love and that I hear a lot is wheels and you know, wheels, which means, you know, something that is rolling in your car.
But you can also use the word wheels instead of using the word car.
So "I have my own wheels today," which means today you're driving, you're not taking an Uber or a taxi.
つまり、「I have my own wheels today(今日は自分で運転する)」ということで、Uberやタクシーには乗らないということですね。
And this way you can use the word wheels in the meaning of a car.
The next one you've probably heard thousands of times and the word is babe and I would not recommend using this word, but you need to understand.
So somebody if you're a female, and somebody is calling you babe, this is not really polite, but this means that the person who's calling you babe finds you attractive and really hot.
Babe, babe, babe, no, babe.
To bust somebody. To get busted means to be caught for doing something illegal, something you were not supposed to do.
誰かを「 bust 」する。「 bust 」というのは 「違法行為で捕まる」という意味です。
For example, police busts burglars every day in the streets of San Francisco.
例えば、警察はサンフランシスコの路上で毎日強盗を「 bust 」(逮捕)」しています。
Police is everywhere.
They catch burglars or they catch people who are disregarding the rules.
So to get busted means to get arrested to be caught.
「 bust 」(逮捕)」されるってことは、捕まるってことですね。
If you had a really good time watching this video, you can tell your friends that you had a blast and have a blast means to be really entertained, to have really good time, to really enjoy doing something.
このビデオを見て本当に楽しかったなら、友達に「have a blast」と言えばいいでしょう。「have a blast」は「本当に楽しませる」「本当に楽しい時間を過ごす」「何かをすることを本当に楽しむ」という意味です。
So if you enjoyed watching this video, you can like it and you can come and be like, "Oh my God, Marina, I had a blast. This is a really cool video."
I'm a blast.
And the last word that I wanted to share with you today is epic fail.
最後の言葉は「epic fail」です。
And epic fail means complete disaster. Awful.
「epic fail」とは大失敗、ひどいというような意味です。
I'm laughing because it is used in the memes all the time.
In a formal meeting, you won't really use the word epic fail.
正式な会議では、「epic fail」なんて言葉は使いません。
But I don't know, if your friend tried to hit up on a girl, try to flirt with a girl and the girl just told that she's married.
Then that guy had an epic fail.
その人は「epic fail」しましたね。
That was a pretty epic fail.
These were the slang words that I wanted to share with you today.
Thank you so much for watching this video.
There are three more videos that I suggest you to watch and the first is 100 common words in English.
The second is 50 common phrases in English and the third is 25 idioms in English that you should know to sound more American.
The links will be below.
Please let me know if you enjoyed watching this video and I will see you in the next vlogs.
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See you soon.