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Hey, so I have good and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
What's the bad news?
Your current role has been eliminated.
Okay, what's the good news?
You're being reassigned!
This is an example of quiet cutting, a new workplace trend that's been dominating the headlines.
We've talked about quiet quitting. Now there's a new trend: quiet cutting.
A new trend is here - quiet cutting.
Some bosses have been trying out a new technique called quiet cutting.
Quiet cutting is restructuring and reassigning the roles and responsibilities for completely different things by not giving them layoff and portraying like,
"We have something for you, we'll take care of you. Here is the job - take it or leave it!"
まったく異なるものに対する責任だ。を与えないことによってレイオフし、あなたのために何かを持っているように見せかける。 お大事に。これが仕事だ!そして
And that basically is avoiding layoff and certain scenario by the employer to employee.
For the past few years, we have seen quiet quitting, we've seen the great resignation.
And all of this was a sign of a strong economy, a strong labor market tight tight labor market.
Employees have had the upper hand.
Quiet cutting is a suggestion that the tables are starting to turn that employers are starting to have that upper hand now.
Quiet cutting is just a buzzword term, but reorg when a company B organizes their internal system and teams. It's not new, it's not a new concept.
And reorgs have historically either been made to benefit the company but have historically always frustrated employees.
It is being highlighted as a different aspect of the mass layoffs and changes in the fields of work that we're seeing.
従業員。とは異なるものとして注目されている。大量解雇と労働分野の変化の側面 私たちが見ているもの
This is Matt Conrad. He has been reassigned twice at IBM.
He ended up with a job he loves but the reassignment process took a toll.
Yeah, so I was actually reassigned I think twice in 366 days.
And unfortunately, I live with mental health disabilities and major depression complex, PTSD and anxiety disorder, and all three kind of kicked in simultaneously.
And I started having panic attacks on really a twice-a-day basis and ended up taking short-term disability to make sure I protected my mental health.
この3つが同時に始まったんだ。そして私はパニック発作は本当に1日に2回くらい起きていて、しまいには 自分のメンタルを守るために、短期障害になった。 健康だ。
IBM isn't alone in having employees reassigned to new roles.
Big name companies like Adidas, Adobe and Salesforce have been enforcing large scale reassignments.
Also LinkedIn research published in May found that hiring has continued to slow in many countries, but internal mobility is trending upwards in several industries.
は大規模な配置転換を実施している。また、リンクトイン5月に発表された調査によると、雇用は引き続き増加している。 多くの国で動きは鈍いが、国内移動は増加傾向にある。
Some economists say that despite the overall US job market, remaining strong companies are fearful of what lies ahead, so they're resorting to the quiet cutting tactic.
いくつかの産業で上昇した。エコノミストの中には米国の雇用市場全体では、好調な企業が残っている。 先が思いやられる。だから、彼らは静かな カット戦術。
You know, quiet cutting is happening because companies are fearful of what's coming down the pipe, they're fearful that the economy will go into recession,
or that they will run into economic headwinds.
And they are concerned that they're going to have to cut down the line.
And so this is a little bit of insurance for them.
The other thing it does is potentially saves employers money.
Because if you have to do a major layoff, then you have to pay severance, there's all sorts of other financial issues that come into play that will cost you money.
は雇用主のコスト削減につながる可能性がある。なぜなら大規模なレイオフになれば、退職金を支払わなければならない。 このほかにも、財政的な問題が絡んでくる。
So this is sort of a way to have some savings and hopefully get rid of some employees.
It's really unfortunate, it does not reflect well on the companies, and it really is very harmful to employee morale.
うまくいけば、何人かの従業員を解雇できるかもしれない。それは本当に残念なことだが、これは企業にとって良い結果をもたらさない。そして これは従業員の士気を著しく低下させる。
So one of the things that typically happens during business cycles is this process that economists refer to as creative destruction.
So as we figure out what the next step is, when you see demand slowing down, what's the new product you're going to release, you want to create.
But then in order to create, you need to cut costs, and that's part of the destruction.
So really, businesses are trying to optimize for the future.
And that results in these things that we call reorganizations that are often being referred to it's quiet cutting.
将来のために最適化する。その結果、以下のようなことが起こる私たちが再編成と呼ぶものは、しばしばこう呼ばれる。 静かなカッティングだ。
Quiet cutting done right is a great way for employers to have that employee engagement, employee satisfaction.
But if the quiet cutting is done the wrong way it impacts the mental health.
It impacts the employee engagement. It impacts the reputations for employers as well.
So they really have to think through if the quiet cutting is the right approach to go by right now, or maybe layoff it is because they really have to think it off if it's the right approach.
雇用者の評判も上がる。だから、彼らは本当に静かなカッティングが正しいアプローチなのか、よく考えてほしい。 今すぐレイオフするか、あるいはレイオフするのは、彼らが本当に持っているからだろう。 を考える。それが正しいアプローチならね
For me, what I learned is you have to go through the process of grieving of being angry of loss, and then see what doors will open up see what windows will open up.
I never would have thought I would have ended up on this team.
I never would have thought I'd worked for a manager who really has my back and supports me.
And now both those statements are true. I love what I do and I and I love who I work for.
I would encourage all employers to consider the pros and cons and if anything else can or should be done, perhaps, you know giving an employee an option between two roles, if that's a possibility,
私はそうしているし、私は私が働いている会社を愛している。私はすべての雇用主は、長所と短所を検討し、他に何かあれば、それを検討する。 おそらくは、従業員に対して、次のようなことをすることができる。 もし可能であれば、2つの役割の間のオプション、あるいは
or even saying, "Hey, would you like a severance package of some sort? Or would you like to be reassigned?"
Just giving employees some say in the process, I think would make them feel more comfortable about the whole thing.
それとも配置転換をご希望ですか?ただそのプロセスにおいて、従業員が何らかの発言権を持つようになれば、私は彼らを次のようにすると思う。 全体的に安心できる。