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  • Hey guys! It's Ariannita la Gringa and welcome  back to my YouTube channel.


  • If you guys don't know anything about me, I am a native English  teacher from the United States, teaching you guys English at different places.


  • Can you guys  guess where I'm at today just by looking at the beautiful buildings around me?


  • I am in downtown  New York City but specifically Manhattan.


  • And in  today's video I am going to teach all of you  downtown vocabulary.


  • And New York City is the   best city (the city that never sleeps) to  teach you guys downtown vocab.


  • But before   starting this video and teaching you guys some  downtown vocab, what does the word downtown mean?  


  • Downtown is a part of a city or a town where  there are a lot of tall buildings, stores,   and offices or it's just the center of the city


  • Now let's learn some English vocab in New York.  

    の中心地である。 では、ニューヨークの英単語を覚えよう。

  • One of the main characteristics ofdowntown area are the tall buildings   like the ones behind me.


  • But what is a very tall  building called like the one right next to me?


  • This very tall building located in  the center of downtown New York is   called One World Trade Center.


  • This  building is called a skyscraper,   skyscraper.


  • And why is it called skyscraper

    摩天楼。なぜ摩天楼と呼ばれるのか? 摩天楼と呼ばれるのは

  • Well, it's called skyscraper because the   building is scraping the sky. And this  skyscraper has many levels or floors.


  • This skyscraper is so tall that I couldn't even  fit it in this video.


  • This skyscraper is the   tallest building in the entire United States of  America at 1,776 feet (541 meters).


  • Now what do   you think is inside of a huge skyscraper? Are  there apartments, hotels, offices, businesses?  


  • Actually, there's everything! Some skyscrapers  have hotels, apartments, offices, businessesand more things.


  • Overall, a skyscraper can be  used in a variety of ways and produce a lot of   money with the businesses they have inside.


  • Go  ahead and tell me what is the tallest building   or skyscraper in your city where you are from


  • When you exit a building like this one, the first   thing you see is this right here this is called  a sidewalk.

    このようなビルを降りると、まず最初に、このような高層ビルが目に飛び込んでくる。 このようなビルから出るとき、最初の

  • And you walk on the sidewalk.


  • Also,   this sidewalk is huge because we are in New  York City and there are over 8.8 million people   living in New York.


  • Can you believe it? It's  population is huge.


  • This right here that I'm   tapping my toe on is called the curb.


  • This is  the curb and it separates the sidewalk from the   street.


  • Another important part of a city are the  streets. This is a street and as I said before,   New York City has a large population and a bunch  of tourists.

  • As you guys can see behind me there   are so many people walking around and tourists.


  • These streets are where cars will drive on to  get to places like going to work, traveling, or  running errands.

    多くの人が歩いているし、観光客も多い。 これらの通りは、自動車が

  • You may think that New York City   is full of skyscrapers and tall buildings because  its nickname is the concrete jungle.


  • Well, that's  all true, but they also have a plaza right behind  me full of trees, grass, and green areas.


  • A plaza   is a public square where people can walk around  and enjoy the city and they can get a breath  of fresh air from working all day;


  • they can walk  their dogs, and hang out with their family.


  • This   plaza is called the 9/11 Memorial.


  • And as you can  see behind me it was constructed in memory of the   victims from 9/11 and the events of that. But this  Memorial has a fountain inside of it.


  • Normally   plazas can have fountains or they can have public  figures like statues in the middle of the plaza.  


  • This is a squirrel. Rhe squirrel is climbing  a tree in the plaza. These are two pigeons.  


  • The pigeons are walking on the sidewalk.


  • Some  downtowns like the one in New York have a lane  just for bicyclists. So this is called a bicycle  lane.


  • Right next to me is the sidewalk and on the other side, this is the street.


  • So the bicyclists  can easily ride their bikes in this lane without trying to ride their bike on the street or in  between people walking on the sidewalk.


  • Let   me know down below if you guys have a bike.


  • After  visiting a big city like New York, you realize how   big the world really is.


  • And how important it  is to speak different languages to communicate  properly with others.


  • And the best tool to learnnew language is from the sponsor of today's videoPreply.

  • I've been studying Spanish with Preply  and have felt so comfortable talking with Native  


  • Spanish speakers. You can do the same thing and  learn over 50 languages with Preply. You will have  


  • access to over 32,000 expert tutors to help you  achieve fluency in a language. And the cool thing  


  • about this is you can choose a native teacher from  any part of the world. For example, I can take a  


  • one-on-one class with a native Spanish teacher  from Mexico, Peru, or Argentina and I can learn  


  • the way that they speak and learn new vocabularyIf you want to learn English or a new language,  

    新しいボキャブラリーを学ぶ。 英語や新しい言語を学びたいなら、

  • take advantage and use my code ARIANNITA50 for  a 50% discount on your first trial. Thanks to  


  • Preply for sponsoring this part of my video! Now  let's get back to learning more downtown vocab.  


  • Moving on from talking about skyscrapers, plazasthis huge building right behind me is a shopping  


  • mall or it's called a mall. Usually a downtown  area will have a mall but some may not. Also,  


  • this is one of my favorite shopping malls in New  York City because it's huge and below it is a  


  • subway station. Let's go find out and see what the  shopping mall has to offer for their customers.  


  • Now you can see why it's one of my favorite malls  in this city because this small is huge. And,  


  • it's a very touristic part of the city. There are  stores inside on the first level. Also, below the  


  • shopping mall is the subway station. Now let's  move to another part of downtown New York but  


  • one of the fastest ways to get there is using the  subway which there's one behind me. We're going to  


  • use this crosswalk. I'm a pedestrian so I'm going  to walk across the crosswalk and enter the subway.  


  • Let's take the subway! I'm walking down the stairs  and when you enter the subway you first need a  


  • metro card. This is the card that will let you  enter the subway. You can buy a card right here  


  • at this MetroCard vending machine. And this costs  around three dollars. You can enter the Subway  


  • by paying with Apple pay, but I already havemetro card so I'm just going to swipe through.  


  • Right now I'm on the subway platform and  I'm waiting for my train to arrive because  


  • I am going to take you guys to a special  place. Now I'm going to enter the train.


  • I'm exiting the train. I just made it to my stopNow, let's go upstairs and go to the street.  

    電車を降りる。ちょうど停車駅に着いたところです。 さあ、2階に上がって通りに出ましょう。

  • I am finally on the street and the subway  is definitely one of the fastest ways to  


  • move around New York City. Let me know  if you guys have a Subway in your city  


  • and let me know where you're from. Can  you guys guess where the subway took me?  


  • Right now I'm in the middle of Times SquareThere are so many billboards and huge screens  

    今、私はタイムズ・スクエアのど真ん中にいる。 たくさんのビルボードと巨大なスクリーンがある。

  • that are displaying ads of different companies  and businesses. Almost every downtown has a coffee  


  • shop. Behind me is a Starbucks coffee shop. If  you're a coffee lover, a coffee shop is something  


  • you cannot miss if you're downtown or in the cityAlso, if you want to learn how to order coffee at  

    ダウンタウンや市内にいるなら見逃せない。 また、コーヒーの注文の仕方を学びたいなら

  • a coffee shop, I just recorded a brand new video  ordering coffee and teaching you guys English on  


  • how to order coffee at the coffee shop. I just  got to the final part of this video. Right now,  


  • I am in Central Park. This park is in the  middle of downtown New York City. Behind me,  


  • you can see the skyline of the beautiful  skyscrapers. Also, I just got my hot dog  


  • and this hot dog costs four dollars and fifty  cents. Normally where I'm from (Cincinnati,  


  • Ohio) these hot dogs would normally cost on the  street around two dollars and fifty cents. This  


  • is the hot dog bun. I have the hot dog and ketchup  and mustard. If you guys made it to the end of  


  • this video thank you for following along! I'm  really hungry so I'm gonna finish eating my hot  


  • dog. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and give  me a super thanks if you enjoy my videos! Bye!


Hey guys! It's Ariannita la Gringa and welcome  back to my YouTube channel.


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