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  • Ohh OK, this is a bull riding in

  • the passenger seat sedan right?

  • When I saw it, I'm like, is this real?

  • Yeah, it looks like an inflatable.

  • Look at this. Police in Nebraska

  • pull this guy over for traffic citations.

  • Now what's the ticket say?

  • Rabbit Boom. By the

  • horns Bull. OK, after they

  • received a call about this unusual

  • side. Turns out the bull

  • who's named Howdy Doody Yep,

  • has been riding around in this custom

  • made car with his owner for years

  • and they have never been stopped

  • before you guys, But of course

  • someone ratted them out, right?

  • Major business. OK, you know

  • what it is. Miss. I mean, maybe

  • some distracted driving there.

  • They're looking like nothing. I

  • want away. Why is he in

  • the car, though? Like, I

  • mean, that's quite attractive.

  • My boys gotta get around.

  • He's, he's being pretty good,

  • you know? Yeah, Mess with

  • the bull, you get the horns.

Ohh OK, this is a bull riding in


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B1 中級

Bull calls shotgun in Nebraska

  • 51 0
    Ken Antares に公開 2023 年 09 月 09 日