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Consider the following sentence.
The same letter combination ough appears repeatedly throughout the sentence, but the sounds are different every time.
同じ文字の組み合わせの「 ough」 が文中に繰り返し出てきますが、発音は毎回異なります。
Though I coughed roughly and hiccuped throughout the lecture, I still thought I could plow through the rest of it.
This incredible inconsistency can make English really to master for non-native speakers.
But what if English were phonetically consistent?
Let's consider the letter A.
A という文字を考えてみましょう。
The letter A can represent a number of different sounds.
A は様々な音を表します。
Even ignoring its combined sounds like "ar" or "aw," you can get such diverse sounds as "father," "ape," and "apple."
Let's take the first of these: "ah" as in "father."
まず、「aw 」を使ってみましょう。「father」の「aw 」です。
Now, "A" is not alone in having different options for how it can be pronounced.
このように「aw 」だけでなく、発音には様々な選択肢があります。
Let's consider the vowel "E".
母音 「E 」について考えてみましょう。
Neglecting combination sounds like "er," we can still produce some strange, different pronunciations such as: "rewrite," "elk," and "one."
「er 」のような組み合わせの発音を無視しても、次のような奇妙で異なる発音ができます。 「rewrite」、「elk」、「one 」などです。
Let's take the first of these again: "E" as in rewrite.
最初のものをもう一度見てみましょう。「rewrite 」の「E」です。
Of course, this means that silent Es at the end of words will now also be vocalized.
Moving on, let's consider the vowel "I."
次に、母音の 「I 」について考えてみましょう。
Ignoring combination sounds like "ir" or "ing," this vowel can produce sounds: "like," "igloo," and "deviate."
「ir 」や 「ing」のような組み合わせの発音は無視して、この母音で音を出すことができます。 「like」、「igloo」、「deviate 」などです。
Again, taking the first of these, we'll pronounce "I" as in "like."
「like」のように 「I」を発音します。
Let's now turn our attention to the vowel "O."
母音の 「O」に注目してみましょう。
Without combination sounds, we can still get a few options: "pony," "on," and "one."
組み合わせ音なしでも、いくつかの選択肢があります。「pony」「 on」「one」。
Let's the select the first one of these: O as in "pony."
この中から最初のものを選びましょう。「pony」の 「O」です。
Having now made these selections, we are left with only one vowel "u."
こうして選択した結果、残るのは母音 「u 」ひとつだけです。
The vowel "U" can sound like this: "rule," "run," and "put".
母音 「U 」は次のように聞こえます。 「rule」、「run」、「put」。
While I will again remind the listener that this is somewhat arbitrary,
we will select the first of these: "oo" as in "rule."
Putting all these together, we can hear how English would sound if it were consistent in the pronunciation of vowels.
Let's consider a passage from a Shakespearian Soliloquy.
To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
それ以上ではない 眠ってしまえば、
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
心の痛みもこの身体がうける数限りない衝撃も 、
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
一切が終わりになる。これが敬虔なる者が渇望する 。
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
Thank you for listening.
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