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Is it safe to release water from the Fukushima nuclear plant?
The UN says yes.
This is News Review from BBC Learning English.
BBC Learning English の News Review です。
I'm Neil.
And I'm Beth.
Make sure you watch to the end to learn vocabulary you need to talk about this story.
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Now, the story.
Fukushima. It was the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl back in the 1980s.
Now, the UN says it's safe for Japan to start releasing waste water from the plant into the ocean.
A tsunami flooded the Fukushima nuclear plant in 2011, causing a radiation leak.
China and South Korea have opposed the plan.
You've been looking at headlines, Beth.
What's the vocabulary?
We have watchdog, greenlighting and refute.
「watchdog (監視機関)」、「greenlight (許可)」、「refute (反論する)」があります。
This is News Review from BBC Learning English.
BBC Learning English のニュースレビューです。
Let's have a look at our first headline.
This is from the BBC:
Fukushima nuclear disaster: UN watchdog approves plan for water release
福島原発事故: 国連監視団が放水計画を承認。
So, this headline explains that a part of the UN has decided that it's now safe to start releasing water from the site of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.
The word that we are going to look at is 'watchdog'.
注目する単語は 「watchdog (監視機関/監視員)」 です。
Can you break that down, please?
Yes. So 'watchdog' has two parts that you recognize, 'watch' and 'dog'.
「watchdog (監視機関/監視員)」には 「watch (見る)」 と 「dog (犬)」 の2つの部分があります。
Now in its literal meaning, a watchdog is a specially trained dog that watches over something.
It's like a guard.
OK. That's a clear explanation of the word.
But why is 'watchdog' being used here in this story?
しかし、なぜこの話で「watchdog (番犬)」が使われているのでしょうか?
It's not about animals.
It's not.
But the word 'watchdog' is very often used in a non-literal way, although it does carry a similar sense to the original meaning.
しかし、「watchdog 」という言葉は、本来の意味と似たような意味を持ちながらも、文字通りの意味ではない使われ方をすることが非常に多いです。
So, a watchdog is an organisation that makes sure other organisations are behaving properly.
つまり、「watchdog 」とは、他の組織が適切に行動しているかどうかを確認する組織のことです。
Yeah. So this UN watchdog is there to make sure that nuclear safety standards are met.
そうです。この国連の「watchdog (監視機関)」は、原子力の安全基準が満たされていることを確認するために存在するわけです。この「watchdog (監視機関)」という言葉は、金融にもよく使われます。
And we see this word 'watchdog' used often in connection to finance as well. A financial watchdog is there to make sure that banks behave properly.
金融の「watchdog (監視機関)」というのは、銀行が適切な行動をとるようにするために存在するんです。
Let's look at that again.
Let's have our next headline.
This is from The Korea Herald:
IAEA chief to visit Korea after greenlighting Japan wastewater discharge
IAEA 総長、日本の排水処理に賛成し訪韓へ。
So, the IAEA, that's the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is a watchdog,
IAEAとは国際原子力機関(International Atomic Energy Agency)のことで、監視機関です、
is going to visit Korea now that this decision about the Fukushima nuclear plant releasing water has been made.
The vocabulary that we are interested in from this headline, though, is greenlighting.
この見出しで気になるのは、「greenlighting (許可)」という単語です。
Now, Beth, you like driving, don't you?
ベス、 運転が好きでしたよね?
I do, and I especially like it when the roads are clear.
There is nothing to stop me so I prefer green lights to red lights because green lights mean 'go'.
And that is key to understanding 'greenlighting', isn't it?
それが 「greenlighting 」を理解する鍵なんですよね?
Yes, so, 'greenlighting' is the metaphorical act of showing someone, or something, a green light, meaning that it is allowed to happen.
つまり、「greenlighting 」とは、誰かや何かに青信号を灯すという比喩的な行為であり、それが起こることを許可するという意味なんです。
Just like when you're driving your car, you see the green light, it means you are allowed to go.
And in the headline we have 'greenlighting', but you can also 'give something the green light',
また、見出しでは「greenlighting(許可)」となっていますが、「give something the green light (許可する)」という言い方もあり、
and this is often used when asking for official permission to do something.
Yeah. So, for example, you might want to do some home improvements, but you need permission from the local council.
You have to wait for them to give your plans the green light, or to green light your plans.
Let's look at that again.
Let's have our next headline.
This is from The Japan News:
Japan Must Use Scientific Evidence to Refute Disinformation
The headline says that Japan must use scientific evidence to stop people suggesting that this decision about water and Fukushima is dangerous.
They describe it as disinformation, which means false information, often spread for a particular reason.
The word we're interested in though, is the verb 'refute'.
私たちが興味があるのは、「refute (反論する)」という動詞です。
Yes. And it's clear from the context of this headline that refute is connected to proving that something is wrong.
If you refute something, you strongly say that a person or an opinion is not right - it's wrong.
But 'refute', this is quite a formal word, isn't it, Neil?
でも、「refute (反論する)」って、かなり堅苦しい言葉ですよね、ニール?
It is, yes.
We often hear 'refute' in official contexts, legal language, academic writing and debate.
「refute (反論する)」は公式の場、法律用語、学術的な文章、討論などでよく耳にします。
If we wanted to talk about something less official, less formal, we probably wouldn't use the word 'refute'.
もしもっとカジュアルに話したかったら、おそらく「refute (反論する)」という言葉は使わないでしょう。
For example, if you said to me, "Harry Styles is the greatest singer of all time," I don't agree, but I don't use the word 'refute' there.
例えば、ハリー・スタイルズが史上最高の歌手だと言われたら、僕はそうは思わないでずが、そこで「refute (反論する)」という言葉は使いません。
No, that kind of conversation is definitely too informal for the word 'refute'.
いや、そういう会話は確かに「refute (反論する)」という言葉を使うにはカジュアルすぎますね。
You'd probably just say 'that's rubbish' or 'you're talking nonsense'.
「that's rubbish (そんなのくだらない)」とか「you're talking nonsense (馬鹿馬鹿しい)」とか言うだけでしょう。
Although Harry Styles is quite good.
Yeah, he is quite good. Let's look at that again.
We've had watchdog – group that makes sure another organisation acts correctly.
紹介した単語は、「wathdog (監視機関)」ー 他の機関がきちんと行動しているのか確認する機関、
Greenlighting – giving permission.
「greenlighting (許可)」ー 許可を与えること、
And refute – say something is wrong.
「refute (反論する)」ー 何かが間違っていると言うことです。
Now to learn more about nuclear power and to find out just how green it is, click here for an episode of 6-Minute English.
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