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Oh look, it’s another one of those Final Fantasy sequels. Time was when the thought
of a direct continuation of an FF title was looked upon simultaneously as long overdue
and an unacceptable blasphemy. But that was then. Since then, we’ve had an After Years,
a Revenant Wings, and all the crap that VII exploded into. So Final Fantasy XIII-2 shouldn’t
really be all that remarkable, should it? After all, it’s a continuation of the most
reviled and divisive entry in the series since... well, depending on who you ask, all of them.
The power to defy this backslide comes courtesy of a small word with a lot of potential.
Retcon. Retroactive continuity. He who controls the present controls the past, and he who
wrote the script controls everything. XIII struck many as a Final Fantasy devoid of...
well, for lack of a better term, Final Fantasy-ness. There were chocobos (countless hours deep
in the game), there were mobs with familiar names (even if they were rarely in a recognizable
form), there were crystals freakin’ everywhere, but it didn’t seem at all congruous to its
namesake. XIII-2 sets out to change that by its own example; this is XIII, remade as an
ACTUAL Final Fantasy. And it’s so much the better for it.
Serah, sister of XIII’s protagonist Lightning, has had a nagging feeling for the three years
since the events of the previous game: Something’s just not right. There’s an incongruity between
what she (and anyone who actually finished XIII) remembers, and what seems to be the
situation she’s currently experiencing. Turns out, that cataclysmic showdown blasted
a hole in the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff holding the world together, creating localized
paradoxes where anything can happen and usually does, and also huge freaking monsters. Fortunately,
you’re joined by Noel, who’s been charged by Lightning herself with delivering Sarah
to Valhalla. (‘Cuz she uses Odin. Get it?)
To do so... well, fire up your flux capacitor and put on some Huey Lewis, ‘cuz we’re
going back in time. The only way to get to Valhalla is to bounce through spacetime, solving
paradoxes and generally ironing out the wrinkles in time on their way to yet another climactic
showdown. Along the way, you run into plenty of familiar faces, a Casino at the End of
Time (take that, Douglas Adams), a massive number of sidequests, and the same young girl,
over and over and over again. I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve replayed Final
Fantasy VIII so recently, but these mechanics - and the motivations behind them - just feel
This is a game that seeks to correct the mistakes of its predecessor, and I feel it does an
admirable job. Your primary antagonist is not only sympathetic but believable. Your
protagonists are generally optimistic and likable, and when doubt or anger sets in,
they themselves understand the situation enough to call themselves out on it. The world shatters
the notion of the corridor-based hyper-linear FFXIIII style by making maps wider and making
the entire game more sandboxy. You can get to the endgame with only about a quarter of
the game’s 160 fragments, meaning there’s plenty of breadth to the game... even before
DLC gets involved. But that’s another matter entirely.
Mechanically, the experience is much like XIII in that the traditional Final Fantasy
“jobs” are replaced by “roles” organized into “paradigms.” There being only two
party members, though, means that the third position in each fight is filled by a monster
you’ve subjugated, and developed through a unique crystarium system using bits and
pieces dropped from other monsters. Or you can just make the monsters eat each other.
That works too. Each one has its own role just like your characters. Also, you may have
seen what look like quicktime events in certain cutscenes; these are actually rebranded as
“Cinematic events,” and while failure doesn’t actually change the outcome, success
can net you some shiny things to put on your monster.
This is the Final Fantasy that XIII could’ve been. But since our current paradigm cannot
alter the past (without stepping on Orwell’s toes), we needed to have an entirely new game,
one that attempts to undo the transgressions of its predecessor. It succeeds in most aspects,
but some are still debatable. Just listen to “Crazy Chocobo” if you need a new divisive
issue to argue. If Final Fantasy X-2 was the “Charlie’s Angels” of the series, XIII-2
is Square’s answer to Doctor Who. I’m sure Amano’s on board with the concept of
a scarf that epic.