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  • Ancient ruins, dazzling beaches, and incredible cuisinejust a few of the things that

  • come to mind when thinking about Mexico.

  • Officially, the 'United Mexican States', commonly known as 'Mexico', is the 10th

  • most populated country in the world with around 129 million people.

  • Bordered famously with the USA to the north (despite attempts tobuild that wall”)

  • and with Guatemala and Belize to the South, Mexico has the Pacific Ocean to the west and

  • the Gulf of Mexico/Carribean Sea to the east.

  • Due to its location just below the USA, most people mistake Mexico as being part of South

  • America, but it is actually in North America and is also the world's 13th largest country.

  • Mexico City is the capital and also the largest and most populated city.

  • With a rich history and culture that dates back thousands of years, Mexico is a land

  • of extremes with its geographical qualities, diverse economy, and the gap between rich

  • and poor.

  • High mountains and deep canyons dominate central Mexico with rainforests to the south and east

  • and deserts to the north.

  • Mexico is rich in natural resources such as oil, silver, and copper, but the economy is

  • mostly held up by the financial sector and tourism.

  • While the long-standing stereotype of all Mexicans being local farmers stands, agriculture

  • accounts for only 4% of the economy.

  • Times are changing and Mexico is rolling with them, realizing the importance of finance,

  • tourism, and technology to boost the economy.

  • Ironically, Mexican cuisine is much loved in the US and all over the worldtacos are

  • a given in every household on Tuesdays, and burritos, tortillas, tamales, enchiladas,

  • and quesadillas fill up the menu nicelydon't forget that side of guacamole too!

  • It's no secret that Mexican citizens make up the largest proportion of the United States'

  • foreign-born population.

  • Interestingly US citizens, on the other hand, constitute the largest immigrant group in

  • Mexico.

  • Want to get away

  • I think so!

  • Mexico's history is rich with the Mayans settling there first, before the Aztec Empire

  • based itself in the southern area during the 1300's, building some of the famous pyramids

  • and temples we can see around the area today.

  • The Aztecs were overthrown by the Spanish in 1521 who then reigned for around 300 years,

  • until Mexico fought for and gained independence in the early 19th century.

  • Chichen Itza, a sacred city of temples and pyramids, is one of the most famous tourist

  • spots in the country today.

  • Located on the Yucatan Peninsula (East Mexico), it is one of the most visited archaeological

  • sites in the world with Kukulcan Pyramid dominating the site's center; Declared World Heritage

  • by UNESCO in 1988 and listed as one of the new seven wonders of the world since 2007.

  • In fact, Mexico has 35 sites on the World Heritage list, so is definitely a country

  • worth visiting.

  • Cinco de Mayo, celebrated annually on May 5th, is not actually Mexico's independence

  • day, but the anniversary of the victory against Imperial France at the Battle of Puebla in

  • 1862.

  • Nowadays it is viewed more as a time to honor Mexican culture and heritage.

  • Meanwhile, Independence Day is observed on September 16th every year with street parties,

  • fireworks, music, and a taco or two!

  • Arriba, arriba….andale….

  • See you next time!

  • Adios!

Ancient ruins, dazzling beaches, and incredible cuisinejust a few of the things that


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メキシコの文化 |メキシコに関する面白い事実(Mexico Culture | Fun Facts About Mexico)

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    面梟 に公開 2023 年 07 月 24 日