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  • You know the feeling you get when you learn something new

  • about a health problem you've been trying to reverse?

  • Maybe high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.

  • Well, there's nothing I like better than bringing you the information

  • that will help you do just that.

  • Welcome to the Nutrition Facts Podcast.

  • I'm your host, Dr. Michael Greger.

  • Today we discover the mighty power of oatmeal.

  • Did you know that before there was insulin,

  • there was the 'oatmeal cure'?

  • The life of many diabetics was saved

  • or prolonged by Carl von Noorden's oatmeal diet,

  • which he apparently stumbled upon accidentally.

  • Some of his diabetic patients had gastrointestinal issues;

  • so, he put them on oatmeal,

  • and instead of the sugars spilling over into their urine

  • getting worse, they started getting better.

  • He published his findings in 1903, which was received

  • with a great deal of skepticism.

  • But the skeptics were overcome, however, in the following years

  • by the weight of the evidence.

  • A turning point came when a doctor

  • as notable as James B. Herrick gave it a try.

  • Dr. Herrick is acclaimed for his description of sickle cell anemia,

  • which was originally known as Herrick's syndrome.

  • When Dr. Herrick began to try out the oatmeal diet on his patients,

  • he was very skeptical, but was astonished by the results.

  • Intense skepticism was how Herrick put it.

  • His first experience in prescribing it

  • was far from encouraging.

  • After taking one or two meals, the patient said,

  • Doctor, I will die before I taste another spoonful of that oatmeal mush.”

  • And indeed, tragically, she did.

  • Other doctors echoed patient reticence

  • to tolerate so monotonous an equine diet.

  • But in general, Herrick said,

  • he went on to experience little difficulty

  • in putting patients on the oatmeal diet

  • and in keeping them there for a few weeks.

  • And nothing, he reported, was more surprising

  • or more gratifying than the salutary effects he witnessed

  • of the oatmeal diet in diabetes of the young,

  • leading to the 1909 proclamation that no case of juvenile

  • or adolescent diabetes should be deprived

  • of the benefits of the oatmeal cure.

  • The great Elliott Joslin, founder of the oldest

  • and largest diabetes clinic in the world,

  • described the effects of the oatmeal as sometimes magical,

  • describing the oatmeal cure as an unsolved mystery,

  • referred to back then as one

  • of the greatest puzzles in diabetes.

  • They did have some clues though.

  • They found that animal protein had to be strictly excluded,

  • as it annihilates the favorable action of oatmeal-type diets.

  • They used to use eggs with the oatmeal diet,

  • but they got better results without them.

  • And now we know, over a century later that indeed,

  • animal protein intake intensies insulin resistance,

  • which is the cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes,

  • whereas plant-based foods enhance insulin sensitivity,

  • which is the opposite.

  • Animal-protein intake is not just associated

  • with insulin resistance and a clear association

  • with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

  • (and this included animal protein from meat, dairy, andsh

  • higher insulin resistance and risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes).

  • But not just an association; you can put it to the test.

  • Swapping in beans for beef improves cardiometabolic risk factors.

  • And it doesn't take much.

  • Replace just two servings of red meat with lentils, chickpeas,

  • split peas, or beans a few days a week,

  • and you can significantly improve fasting blood sugars and insulin levels,

  • along with the improvements you'd expect,

  • like lowering of cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Based on over a dozen randomized controlled trials,

  • even just swapping like a third of protein

  • from animal to plant sources

  • can significantly improve blood sugar control.

  • What's the difference

  • between animal protein and plant protein?

  • We think it's the branched-chain amino acids

  • concentrated in animal protein.

  • How do we know branched-chain amino acids are playing a role?

  • Because if you give vegans branched-chain amino acid supplements,

  • you can make them as insulin resistant as meat eaters.

  • Their insulin sensitivity dropped to the level resembling omnivores

  • and only improved again after stopping the supplements.

  • But wait a second.

  • I thought insulin resistance stems from excess accumulation of fat

  • inside your muscle cells, particularly saturated fat.

  • Insulin resistance directly correlates

  • with increased saturated fat inside your muscles.

  • I've got tons of videos on this,

  • but basically you can show a substantial

  • and consistent impairment of insulin action,

  • substantial and consistent insulin resistance

  • after just a single day

  • consuming a diet high in saturated fat.

  • In fact, even a single meal rich in saturated fat

  • reduces insulin sensitivity.

  • A single dose of butter, for example,

  • impairs insulin sensitivity even in healthy subjects.

  • And over time, reducing cholesterol

  • and fat intake may even enhance the ability of your pancreas

  • to pump out insulin in the first place.

  • Now, the saturated fat getting lodged in your muscles

  • may come from the foods going into your mouth,

  • or if you have excess abdominal fat,

  • from previous meals spilling over into your blood stream.

  • But either way, what does animal protein have to do with it?

  • It turns out a branched-chain amino acid breakdown product

  • appears to stimulate fat uptake

  • and accumulation inside the muscle cells.

  • But oatmeal doesn't have any saturated animal fat or animal protein.

  • Okay, but neither does any plant food.

  • Why might oatmeal work particularly well?

  • That's the question I explore next.

  • It is now widely accepted that diets high in animal fat

  • and processed foods are an important risk factor

  • for development of type 2 diabetes.

  • And it's not just animal fat, but animal protein intake

  • intensies insulin resistance,

  • which predisposes people to type 2 diabetes.

  • No wonder studies have shown that elevated consumption

  • of animal products and low intake of unprocessed plant foods

  • increases the risk of not only cardiovascular disease but diabetes.

  • But of all the whole plant foods to pick, why choose oatmeal

  • to treat diabetes, which, as I discussed in my last video,

  • was used for the treatment of diabetes before insulin was discovered.

  • We've long known that higher consumption of whole grains, including oats,

  • is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, but you don't know...

  • until you put it to the test.

  • There have been over a dozen randomized controlled trials

  • looking at the metabolic effects

  • of oats intake in patients with type 2 diabetes,

  • and oats were found to significantly improve

  • both short-term blood sugar control and long-term blood sugar control

  • in addition to lowering cholesterol levels.

  • We think the benefits arise from a fermentableber in oats

  • called beta glucan, because you can get cholesterol-lowering

  • even if you just give the oat fiber straight,

  • as well as an improvement in blood sugar control

  • and insulin sensitivity in both type 2 diabetics,

  • as well as type 1 diabetics.

  • How exactly does the fiber do that?

  • Well, we know one of the underlying cholesterol-lowering mechanisms

  • of oatmeal consumption might be its microbiome-manipulating ability,

  • in other words, having a beneficial effect

  • on our intestinal bacteria.

  • The anti-inflammatory effects of the short-chain fatty acids

  • that our good gut flora make from fiber.

  • There are dozens of randomized controlled trials

  • showing the types of fiber found in oats

  • and beans can improve long-term blood sugar control in diabetics

  • in fact, nearly double the FDA threshold

  • required for new blood sugar- lowering drugs. Why?

  • Because the gut bacteria selectively promoted by dietary fiber intake

  • can help alleviate type 2 diabetes.

  • In fact, on the basis of 50 distinct bacterial markers of the feces,

  • you can tell who does and does not have diabetes.

  • But change your diet, and you can change

  • your gut flora within one day.

  • We feed them with fiber, and in return,

  • they feed us right back with these short-chain fatty acids

  • like butyrate that have all these wonderful effects.

  • Put people on a diet packed with oats, beans, fruits, vegetables, and nuts,

  • and the number of fiber-feeders

  • churning out the beneficial short- chain fatty acids shoots up,

  • and fasting diabetic blood sugars drop about 25 percent within one month.

  • And the more fiber- feeders they fostered,

  • the better their blood sugar control.

  • When the fiber-promoted short-chain fatty acid producers

  • were present in greater diversity and abundance,

  • participants had better improvement in their hemoglobin A1c levels

  • (which is a measure of longer-term blood sugar control).

  • Then, before and after fecal transplant studies

  • helped nail down cause and effect.

  • The oat fiber itself has been shown to act as a prebiotic,

  • boosting the growth of beneficial bacteria

  • like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.

  • So, between the lack of animal protein,

  • lack of animal fat,

  • and bursting at the seams with prebiotic fiber,

  • it's no wonder that oatmeal diets grew to become

  • part of the clinical routine in the treatment of diabetics.

  • However, over time, this practice

  • has later become increasingly forgotten,

  • a disappearance that's been compared to the fate

  • of unpopular theories in successive editions

  • of Soviet encyclopedias.

  • Despite advances in therapy, we still have many people

  • with poorly controlled diabetes.

  • Thankfully this forgotten tool is back.

  • I'll review all the new oatmeal diet studies next.

  • Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, diabetes was described

  • as a “too great emptying of urineor, more poetically,

  • as beinglike the River Nile between the thighs.”

  • The recommended remedy, ironically, was a diet

  • consisting of wheat grains, grapes, honey, and berries.

  • The guy who coined the termdiabetesabout 500 years later

  • also prescribed a high-carbohydrate diet.

  • Then, right up until we had insulin,

  • doctors were saving the lives of diabetics with an oatmeal diet.

  • This wouldn't make any sense until Sir Harold Himsworth arrived

  • on the scene, the first to separate out type 1 diabetes

  • from type 2 diabetes and define this concept of insulin resistance.

  • After just a few days on a high-fat diet,

  • you can get twice the blood sugar spike in response

  • to drinking sugar water,

  • compared to after eating a high-carb diet.

  • Now that type 2 diabetes is like the Black Death of the 21st century

  • in terms of devastating health impacts,

  • what about revisiting the almost forgotten,

  • short-term dietary oatmeal intervention as an economical,

  • yetspoiler alerthighly effective tool to achieve

  • better blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes?

  • Basically, patients are offered up to about

  • two and a half cups of oatmeal three times a day

  • as their meals with nothing but some herbs

  • and maybe small amounts of raw vegetables just to mix things up.

  • For how long? Just a couple of days.

  • Note that's only like a thousand calories;

  • so, the result is a hypocaloric, plant-based dietary intervention

  • that is low in fatin fact, no added fatno salt,

  • and excludes animal protein.

  • Is a few days of oatmeal really going

  • to make much of a difference?

  • Check out this case report of an oatmeal intervention

  • for severe insulin resistance in the ICU.

  • Within 48 hours of admission, the patient developed

  • such severe insulin resistance she required

  • more than 200 units of insulin per day.

  • Up until then, the patient received standard diabetic tube feeds,

  • which obviously were not working.

  • So instead, they dropped oatmeal and vegetables down the tube instead,

  • presumably using a really good blender.

  • And lo and behold, it worked.

  • But you've got to see the numbers.

  • Yeah, her first blood sugars of the day dropped

  • from up around 250 down to about 100 five days later.

  • But that near-normal blood sugar was on 160 fewer units of insulin,

  • down from over 200 units a day.

  • Lower blood sugars on 160 fewer units of insulin!

  • Okay, I can see how if you're trying to save a life in the ICU,

  • an oatmeal diet can be near-miraculous.

  • But just in regular diabetics,

  • what good is eating oatmeal for a few days

  • if you just go back to your regular diet?

  • Several studies have suggested that the beneficial effects

  • could last like a month after the few days of oatmeal.

  • For example, in this randomized controlled crossover trial

  • not only did insulin needs drop about 40 percent in just two days

  • compared to just restricting calories alone

  • with a hypocaloric diabetic diet,

  • but also a measure long-term blood sugar control

  • taken four weeks later reflected the benefit.

  • So, we're talking a highly significant reduction

  • of required daily insulin doses

  • with beneficial effects shown weeks later.

  • Who cares if you have to take huge doses of insulin though?

  • Because insulin causes weight gain,

  • which just makes the underlying insulin resistance worse.

  • So, it's like this vicious cycle.

  • But instead, with the oatmeal you're actually treating the cause,

  • not to mention the incidence of cancer and overall mortality

  • associated with having such high levels of insulin

  • in your body all the time.

  • Other new studies have shown the same thing.

  • Two days of oatmeal significantly reducing the required amount

  • of insulin and improved blood sugar levels

  • with beneficial effects noted for up to four weeks.

  • For example, here.

  • Patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes,

  • with the two-day oatmeal diet

  • leading to a 40 percent reduction of insulin dose,

  • accompanied with almost normalization of average blood sugars.

  • Although the intervention only lasted for two days,

  • they observed a lasting significant reduction of insulin dosage

  • and ameliorated mean blood sugars for weeks

  • after they were dismissed from the study.

  • And this was after they resumed their regular diets.

  • Look at this. A massive drop in insulin needs

  • after the oatmeal for two days, but look, a month later

  • they were still needing like 40 percent less insulin.

  • Wait a second. How could this short intervention lead

  • to such dramatic results that somehow continue on for weeks?

  • Although short-term dietary oatmeal interventions

  • cannot be compared to whole food, plant-based diets

  • in terms of maximizing the intake of protective foods

  • I mean that's ideally what people should try to eat

  • to reverse their type 2 diabetes completely

  • but they both strictly exclude the animal-based foods

  • that seem to increase the risk of developing diabetes.

  • So, even cutting out saturated fat for like two days

  • may so reduce insulin resistance you can free ride

  • on that for at least a few weeks, even if you go back to eating crap.

  • WARNING, though. If you try this oatmeal diet,

  • your physician has to be ready to rapidly deprescribe

  • your blood sugar drugs else you become dangerously overmedicated.

  • Imagine if this woman was still getting 200 units of insulin.

  • Her sugars would crash so low she'd be dead.

  • So, oatmeal interventions should not be performed

  • in patients that might have difficulties

  • in reporting symptoms of low blood sugars,

  • who you can't closely monitor.

  • So, the downside of trying oatmeal days

  • is that it may work a little too well;

  • so, it must be done under close medical supervision.

  • We would love it if you could share with us your stories

  • about reinventing your health through evidence-based nutrition.

  • Go to

  • We may share it on our social media to help inspire others.

  • To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, or studies mentioned here,

  • please go to the Nutrition Facts Podcast landing page.

  • There you'll find all the detailed information you need

  • plus, links to all of the sources we cite for each of these topics.

  • My last two books areHow to Survive a Pandemic

  • and theHow Not to Diet Cookbook”.

  • Stay tuned for December 5, 2023

  • for the launch of my new one, How Not to Age.

  • And, of course, all the proceeds I receive from the sales

  • of all my books goes directly to charity.

  • is a nonprofit, science-based public service,

  • where you can sign up for free daily updates

  • on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos and articles.

  • Everything on the website is free.

  • There's no ads, no corporate sponsorship,

  • no kickbacks.

  • It's strictly non-commercial. I'm not selling anything.

  • I just put it up as a public service, as a labor of love,

  • as a tribute to my grandmother,

  • whose own life was saved with evidence-based nutrition.

You know the feeling you get when you learn something new


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Podcast: The Oatmeal Cure(Podcast: The Oatmeal Cure)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2023 年 07 月 20 日