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  • Another special fungus is A.oryzae, which has been used in Japan for centuries to make

  • traditional drinks, sauces, and condiments.

  • A. oryzae is really good at producing proteins and is used a lot in modern biotechnology

  • to make enzymes.

  • This fungus plays a key role in breaking down proteins and starch during fermentation, which

  • helps create the color, flavor, and smell of fermented foods.

  • A. oryzae also turns starch into simple sugars, which is important for the fermentation process.

  • A. oryzae is safe to use in food because when handled properly, it doesn't produce dangerous

  • toxins.

  • It is closely related to another fungus called A. flavus, and they both have genes that help

  • them break down many different compounds during fermentation.

  • A. oryzae has gone through a process called domestication, where humans have selected

  • it for specific traits over time.

  • This has led to changes in the genes that play a role in breaking down proteins and

  • carbohydrates, giving food products a unique flavor.

Another special fungus is A.oryzae, which has been used in Japan for centuries to make


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Why Aspergillus Oryzae (A.oryzae) is used in Japanese Food ? #foodscience #fungi #fermentation

  • 16 1
    Shao Chieh Lo に公開 2023 年 07 月 09 日