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  • Do you know what is a butter board?  A butter board is a type of serving  

  • board or dish specifically designed  for presenting and serving butter.

  • Butter boards are typically made of wood, ceramic,  

  • glass, or other materials and can be found  in various shapes and sizes. They often come  

  • with a matching butter knife or spreader to  facilitate slicing and spreading the butter.

  • Butter boards may have features such  as a raised lip or indentation to hold  

  • the butter in place and prevent it  from sliding around on the surface.

  • Some butter boards also come  with a lid or cover to protect  

  • the butter from contaminants and keep it fresh.

  • Using a butter board adds an element of  elegance and presentation to your table  

  • setting, making it an attractive and practical  addition to your kitchen and dining accessories.

Do you know what is a butter board?  A butter board is a type of serving  


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What is a butter board?

  • 71 1
    Jay に公開 2023 年 05 月 17 日