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  • - Hi, AD.

  • Welcome to our home.

  • [upbeat music]

  • So this is the entryway here.

  • We built this from the ground up.

  • So, it's the first time I've ever done anything like that.

  • It was quite an undertaking.

  • I think having spent so much time as an ex-pat in Europe

  • and really falling in love with Georgian proportions

  • and those kinds of details,

  • I really wanted the entryway

  • to feel like its own special room.

  • And so, with the architects,

  • we conceived of having a fireplace,

  • which is something you see a lot in Europe in an entryway,

  • and just gives this really nice feeling

  • of warmth and welcome as you come in.

  • The tiles reminds me of, as I said,

  • my time living in London,

  • and just a detail that's classic and traditional.

  • I really like the mix of having the things

  • that are sort of systemic to the house.

  • They're more traditional.

  • We have reclaimed fireplaces and old floors,

  • and then I think it gives sort of leeway

  • to have a more contemporary,

  • mixed experience with the furnishings and stuff like that.

  • [upbeat music]

  • This is one of my favorite little rooms of the house,

  • the powder room.

  • It's got all this hand-done antiqued mirror

  • and hand-painted wallpaper.

  • It's got a reclaimed sink.

  • It's got tons of different textures and metal finishes.

  • It's really pretty.

  • I love it.

  • It makes me feel very grown up when I pee in here.

  • [upbeat music]

  • So this is the dining room here.

  • I enlisted my friend Bridget to help me furnish the house.

  • She's been one of my best friends for 20 years.

  • And I was trying to do it by myself

  • and it was, I couldn't do it.

  • But some of the things I had ordered before we started,

  • like this beautiful table.

  • This came from France,

  • a beautiful furniture gallery called Cole Cose.

  • And then Bridget found

  • these really cool contemporary chairs.

  • And this chandelier, which I can't decide

  • if it looks like a grasshopper or lily pads or something.

  • It's a little futuristic for me.

  • Bridget and I, I wanna say we fought,

  • but we definitely, there was some friction,

  • and then we landed on it being pretty cool and fabulous.

  • That's what I love about it, is the pearls.

  • I think they're so beautiful and unique.

  • There's something also a bit Star Trek about it,

  • but I've grown to really love it.

  • [upbeat music]

  • And again, we have a reclaimed fireplace here

  • from Chateau Domingue,

  • and then this wallpaper is so amazing.

  • It's hand-painted by these artists in Los Angeles.

  • It's called MJ Atelier.

  • And they also made the powder room wallpaper.

  • They do these incredible 3D wallpapers

  • and all kinds of different textures and colors.

  • So I love that the wallpaper really grounds the room

  • in kind of a more traditional feel.

  • And then again, we have some super

  • contemporary items mixed in.

  • I entertain a lot.

  • I cook all the time and I wanted it to feel both welcoming,

  • but also that you could have like a formal dinner party.

  • And I think it strikes the right balance.

  • I mean, the kitchen's right there.

  • So we have our informal there,

  • but it's also nice to just kinda gather around here

  • with the kids and you can spill pasta and wine

  • and it just wipes right off.

  • [upbeat music]

  • So this is the kitchen.

  • I love it so much.

  • The heart of the home.

  • This was designed by the architects who did the house,

  • Roman and Williams.

  • They're amazing design firm in New York.

  • And they did all of the architecture,

  • and they had done my apartment in New York City,

  • which I don't have anymore.

  • They had done this kitchen there for me,

  • which I lived in this kitchen.

  • It was bright and airy and white.

  • And it had a lot of these similar details

  • like in the cabinetry.

  • So I wanted to pull in some elements from the kitchen

  • that they had done for us there, cabinetry being one,

  • and also having the range be in the middle of the room

  • because I cook so much and I spent so much of my time

  • facing the wall and my kids would be in the room.

  • So when it's like this,

  • you have the opportunity to cook and chat with people.

  • This is Portuguese tile.

  • It's reclaimed tile

  • that Robin from Roman and Williams found.

  • And I just like, look for those little elements

  • to kind of bring some texture and some homey feeling in.

  • We also put the fireplace in, which is such a luxury

  • to be able to have a wood-burning fireplace in your kitchen.

  • It does take me back to my days living in the UK.

  • I had two wood-burning fireplaces in the kitchen,

  • and it was just such an important element

  • of beating those cold, dark winters.

  • And I just got so used to having the fires on all the time.

  • So when Robin and Steven and I came to sit down

  • and design the house, I said, I'd love to have,

  • if it's possible,

  • I'd love to have a fireplace in the kitchen.

  • And then Bridget and I kind of came up with this

  • really cool treatment to make this fluting with plaster,

  • which I found on, something similar on Pinterest.

  • And then I was like,

  • I think this would be such a nice way

  • to finish the wall instead of just having some dry wall.

  • And then Bridget found these amazing lights

  • that are just so beautiful.

  • [upbeat music]

  • And then this, I love particularly.

  • This is like, my dream,

  • to have all my pots lined up.

  • These beautiful cast iron pots.

  • In the fall, I love to cook,

  • I love to braise things

  • and make soups and stews and warming things.

  • I always gravitate towards whatever produce is in season.

  • Then in spring,

  • is when you start to get this abundance in California

  • of all this amazing produce.

  • I mean, we get it all year round.

  • We're very spoiled, but I love really fresh just farmers.

  • I love going to the farmer's market

  • and planning the meal on the fly.

  • My son's favorite recipe that I make

  • is turkey meatballs or turkey ragu.

  • He loves pasta and he loves turkey sauce.

  • I would say that's his favorite.

  • And my daughter loves when I make, they're pasta lovers.

  • I think her favorite is either this lemon Parmesan pasta

  • that I make her or a spicy marinara.

  • Very easy.

  • This also was a dream come true for me

  • to have these particular blue plates on a wall.

  • And I think it just, if you get plates

  • that have a beautiful pattern, you wanna see them.

  • And usually, they're just stacked in the cupboard.

  • So we did this plate wall

  • and it brings a pop of color to the house.

  • And then Steven, the architect,

  • he insisted on us realizing his rolling ladder,

  • which I love.

  • And I'm so glad because there was a fight between Matt,

  • the contractor and Steven

  • about whether this would be actually usable and workable.

  • This is something that I learned from the woman

  • that I bought my house from in Los Angeles,

  • Windsor Smith, another designer.

  • I loved how in different rooms,

  • she completely changes floors.

  • And I think it's such a nice way

  • to offer a distinct personality to a room.

  • And so, I'm not afraid of changing floors,

  • as you'll see as we go through.

  • [upbeat music]

  • So this is the living room.

  • It's kind of bonkers in the best way, I think.

  • I really wanted it to be a bit of a showstopper.

  • And there were certain elements

  • that I really knew that I wanted.

  • I had this swing in a different house,

  • and the original swing we lost in the fire,

  • but I really had a vision of having this swing there,

  • which I lie in it all the time.

  • I mean, I go there and I read

  • or talk on the phone or whatever,

  • and it's become one of my favorite spots.

  • The lights, I'm friendly with Lindsey Adelman,

  • who's an amazing lighting designer as I'm sure you know,

  • and I kinda just sent her drawings of the room

  • and I said, "Just do whatever."

  • And so, she came back with this insanely beautiful.

  • This is, I think, from her Paradise collection,

  • I think it's Paradise City.

  • I think it's somehow inspired by Guns N' Roses.

  • It's just so cool.

  • And it was so nice to give

  • such an amazing artist like Lindsey

  • license to just do whatever she wanted.

  • Like, we made no edits.

  • I just said, "Do it."

  • It's like the jewelry for the living room.

  • [upbeat music]

  • This bar is I, again, I found this,

  • I found the inspiration on the internet,

  • this beautiful kind of jade bar somewhere.

  • It was very modern.

  • And so, I asked Steven and Robin

  • if there was a way that we could kind of take the idea,

  • but make it different and unique,

  • and also slightly more traditional

  • to fit in with those more traditional elements of the house.

  • And so, they drew this beautiful thing.

  • And then Bridget and I went to the stone yard

  • and we were kind of like wandering around.

  • We didn't know what material we were gonna choose.

  • And we were looking at some quartzes

  • and some different marbles.

  • And then we both came from different directions

  • and saw this and fell in love with it at the same time.

  • I don't even know what kind of marble it is,

  • but it's so pretty.

  • I usually have some Japanese whiskey

  • is usually my favorite thing to have.

  • Unfortunately, I'm not drinking very much this year.

  • So I'm having mostly Seedlip cocktails,

  • which is like mocktail or sparkling water.

  • But when the time comes, I will heavily utilize her.

  • This couch, I don't remember

  • where I first saw this couch,

  • but I knew that I wanted it for this house when I saw it.

  • I ordered it, and then I was like, Bridget, help me.

  • And then she kind of modified the size a little bit.

  • I just love that it's already in a U-shape

  • so that people feel like they can pile in.

  • There's something almost like 70s about that,

  • which I love.

  • And we actually use this all the time,

  • even though we just kind of moved in.

  • We're in this room a lot

  • and it's a really nice place to sit and be together.

  • [upbeat music]

  • Okay, this is kind of the most incredible

  • thing of the house.

  • [upbeat music]

  • It's a bit of a spa moment happening.

  • Understatement.

  • Understatement.

  • You know, I'm into wellness,

  • so I feel like it's justified, right?

  • I mean, yeah,

  • well, maybe I can write it off as a business expense.

  • I think when we were conceiving of the house,

  • we were trying to think of just like

  • a forever, forever home and what would be the few things

  • that are just so special

  • and that you could use when you're much older.

  • And so, we were kind of thinking it would be amazing

  • to have a real spa.

  • And there's one in Paris called Bain de la Marais

  • and it sort of mimics that in its own way.

  • Robin and Steven found these amazing tiles.

  • They're handmade.

  • And I love all the details

  • that they had done and the color.

  • And it's very calming in here as well.

  • And there's a cold plunge, excellent for circulation.

  • A hot tub.

  • And then there's a steam and a sauna.

  • These are beautiful.

  • Roman and Williams designed these for Waterworks.

  • It's part of their Atlas collection.

  • And it's beautiful.

  • It's like this kind of industrial design

  • and the unlacquered brass that we have as a theme

  • kind of running throughout the house, which I love,

  • which gives some, it gives everything such a great hand.

  • I come in here every day.

  • I use it all the time, and whenever I'm in here,

  • I'm like, pinch me.

  • I cannot believe that this is our house,

  • that we live here.

  • It's so fun.

  • [upbeat music]

  • Well, AD, thank you so much for stopping by.

  • It was a real pleasure to have you,

  • and I have to go make some meatballs.

  • So see you later.

  • [upbeat music]

- Hi, AD.


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Inside Gwyneth Paltrow's Tranquil Family Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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    林冠誼 に公開 2023 年 05 月 15 日